♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
after i get pregnant ive lots of pimples on my face & back! hate it lots. and now thou there isn't much pimples on my face, my back is alot worst! i jus nw take a veri gd look at my full back while ive undress for bathing and realise tat if, not bcos they onli grow on my back, but everiwhere. i would mistaken them for chickenpox! it is realli tat horrible. and they are not the kind where it is hard. or the kind where it can be squeeze wif the pus. it is jus red and red and red! it is the kind where if u squeeze, it burst and leave scar. so all i can do is jus leave them alone while feeling irritated. can someone help me! finally received hubby's 2nd letter. dated 6jan09 and i onli received it todae! can u imagine the slowness of it? when singpost send out the letters within 1 working daes, people sae it is snail mail. how abt this! worst then snail! having headache veri frequently nowadaes. not sure why. and feeling giddy & tired. seems like no matter how much i sleep it isnt enuff. everidae finish work, no lesson then go home, got lesson then lesson & home, i will feel like going to sleep immediately. cant even stae awake and wait the show on channel 8. weather is also veri bad. and feelin damn humid recently. and it is gonna get worst as my tummy grows bigger. sigh. sis jus knew abt my pregnancy toade. dad onli told her todae! and she like sms me sae this & tat. argue awhile & cried to myself. jus cant stop crying after i start. finally cool down liaos then sms her nicely. told her i alreadi haf plan all the wae till confinement. as for after maternity, how is the baby gonna b like still lookin into it. it's gonna b another 8 months at least before my maternity leave finish. i can research but cant fix aniting nw right? asked abt my plan from nw till maternity. told her tat ive some savings. and i will use it all. wun try to ask money from them. since she sae the 'situation at home is bad'. so i guess other then askin them to help wif the hospital bill, bcos my medisave not enuff, so haf to deduct from them, i will try to cover the rest myself. dad wan me to go to KKH instead. research and research. asked here & there. talk to devi, lily & some other people. they also advise KKH bcos if require ani special care, dey all haf it. if go private end up dey dun haf the facilities also haf to transfer to KKH. haf booked an appt at KKH. also as private patient. bcos of the mean testing for the subsidise etc, u cant realli sae how much is the hospital bill at the end. and if private, at least i know the service im gonna get & also the charges. cost less around $2k for the whole ting and abt $1.8k can be deduct from cpf. so it should b okie i guess? now lookin around for a gd doctor. as when i book the appt i duno which doctor is gd. so they jus anihow gimmie 1. but hor, search around, dun haf ani info on the doctor. -.-
CNY is bored~ nothing much. thought that this yr no ang bao for me liaos. bcos it means no more ang bao until long long time! but on the first dae of CNY the realise tat is can receive ang bao. but cannot gif out ang bao. so daddy didnt gif out ani angbao. but still, ang bao shrink liaos. LOL. onli got less then half of wad i get last yr. mayb bcos daddy didnt gif ang bao bahs. cos he normally gif big big ang bao to us mar. but CNY eve he did gimmie money. sae is for me to learn car and also for CNY clothin de. bcos i didnt wan to buy, but my bro did bought, so he gimmie the money instead. jus nice, can save for baby :) mondae is a rush for us. woke up around 9am. wash up, make up & then went off. visit mummy first. then go to grandma house in kallang area. gamble awhile. not realli in the mood to gamble. but bcos i wanna watch tv, jiu suan bian. but lose money -.- never put my heart into gambling. lose or win money i also duno until dey keep calling me. LOL. after tat later in the noon off to malaysia. stupid jam & the stupid custom. jam all the wae. somemore still haf to go thru the old custom then can reach the new custom, why dey wan so stupid huh? haf dinner there & went home again after watchin the little nonya CNY greeting show. damn funni. reach home jiu drop dead & sleep. damn tired. 2nd dae woke up plae computer & then went to lot1 to sell off my N78. 280bucks. save up again. in case i need it for future use or for learnin driving again. damn broke. total on tat dae i bank in 630bucks. hees. save save save. missin hubby damn lots. still tinkin whether i should know tat wad is baby gender. excited excited. how how? should i know not?
1 more dae to CNY. dun feel ani CNY atmosphere this yr. except for so many people doing the last min shopping bcos dey haf yet to buy their clothing, food etc. everiwhere is so crowded and i hate it. my tummy is not big, i dun look like pregnant woman so i dun haf ani problem walkin around, even if it's crowded. but i jus hate it! last time i hate it bcos some ppl jus walk damn slow & even stopped suddenly. but this time i hate it jus bcos it's crowded! i should haf realli stae home! so went to library again jus nw, alreadi finished 4 books within 3 daes & nw on my 5th books. as nw library dey allow us to borrow twice the amt we usually can, so ive borrowed 8 books the other time. but i tink tat i onli left wif 4 books, so why nt go return the 4 and borrow another 4 new books. but ended up, i jus cant let go of all the chinese novels tat i see and so decide to upgrade my membership so that usually i can borrow 8 books, i nw can borrow twice! at the cost of 21bucks onli. kill my boredoom. so i carried all the 15books back wif me. so damn heavy -.- doubt this month i can save ani money either since i need to go for my driving lesson once everi 2 - 3 daes. even tml i also haf lesson in the morning, after tat meetin my cousin, luan, to go to do manicure & pedicure. met up wif her yesterdae at lot1 also :) been rottin too much at home. been 4 weeks. but ive yet to receive ur 2nd letter. why?
 edited the photo yesterdae bcos im too bored. it's the last picture which we took. and it's like abt 3 months before we broke up? jus realise tat we didnt actualli take much picture. and the last image of him is the dae when he rode to my blk, wantin to see me but i refused. and i saw him rode past me, and he didnt see me at all. and his last image of me? crying at AH. if onli both of us weren't so stubborn then, tings would turn out another wae. if u sae 'i wan to b wif u', i will step forward & go wif u if u sae 'i love u', i will love u wif my whole heart & try to put the past behind us if u sae 'i wan to marry u', i will tell u, i wanna b ur wife im willing to start all over again, but will it even b possible? aniwae, tat bastard still continue to email me this and that. sick and tired of seeing his email. and this email makes me tink that thou he is older then me by alot in person, but his mentally is lower then mine. guess is around those 17 yo teenager's tinkin? even my colleagues tink so lehs. extract of his email, the part where i tink he's damn immature: "don’t compare cos u will lose no matter what. At least I am happy in my life, can’t say the same for you. Bf in jail, mother 6 ft below ground…tsk tsk! What’s next? Stillborn? No…probably autism. But u don’t know what that is right?"
can u see tat? woah. cursing me and insultin me nt enuff. wan to curse my unborn child. and also my late-mum?! i onli curse that he will die a terrible death, torturing him a long long time before he finally dies, hope he live in a 'i wish to die, but i cant' state everidae. and finally when he died, nobodi even bother to cry for him nor hold a funeral & everibodi will jus forget abt him, as if he never exist before. and mayb, everibodi will b even happier that he is gone! :D immature 30+++YO guy saeing a young going-to 21YO girl immature. look, who is saeing who? duh.
he is jus so damn irritating. he sent another email to me: Haha i am not worked up at all. If u dare, post yur replies too and let the audience be the judge. I guess u r just too stupid or choose not to understand my words. Just because i say i dum give a shit doesn't mean i don't care bout them. U can do both, but i guess u r just too low IQ to understand. Or maybe EQ. Haha. pls kindly leave the comments & i shall screenshot to him & see how ppl tink of him. fcuking bastard. cant he jus let me haf peace? my 1st repli to him: fcuk off will u? whatever mention is referring to YOU. not ME. and u are a big loser. bcos u cant even accept ur flaws. 2nd repli: stop all ur bull shit. u were the one who is so self centered by getting rid of anything and everything to just get whatever you wan. and i should have waste ur money by not turning up. at least i will be happier. and MIND YOU, i did tried to make this holiday a success by KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT. AND U ARE the one who WANTED ME TO OPEN MY MOUTH TO SHUT U UP. u jus cant afford to stand to lose out. so forget abt it. u will be the one who will wreck other people's life. and im not full of myself. for if i do, i wouldn't even wanted to put up with your ARROGANT SELF. pissed me off to tink back. i can tell other ppl abt wad u sae and ppl will sae u are a bastard. hahahhas. tink abt it yea? oh, and i hope i dun ever BUMP into the street wif u and my fren. because i tink my fren cant stand that this kind of ppl exist. jus like me. WHAT DOES A BASTARD WHO ONLI KNOW HOW TO PUSH THE BLAME TO OTHER PEOPLE CAN SAY ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE? WHAT DOES A PERSON WHO ONLY BLAME HIS PARENTS FOR GIVING BIRTH TO HIM AND LETTING HIM INTO THE LIFE WITHOUT EVEN TINKING THAT MAYBE HIS PARENTS DOESN EVEN WANT HIM AT ALL? HUH HUH. shall not waste anymore time on this bastard who thought that he is everything and he have evrything. but the fact is, he doesnt really have TRUE FRENS because he wants everybody to think the same as him. HE DOESNT KNOW what is call LOVE because he only LOVE himself. so he will never get true love. next time when i see the email from HAN SOLO or AH007@SOMETHING SOMETHING i should jus post onto my blog and let ppl have a big laugh. =p 3rd replied alreadi posted in the earlier post. ive post fcuker! wad can u do? dare me?
my last entry is so damn long~ LOL. okies. updates abt other stuff. as mentioned in earlier post, i haf actualli write a letter and place it in my dad's drawer before i left for my trip. the letter is quite long. 2 pages in chinese. talk abt how i feel & why i wan to cherish this child, that life is precious & i didnt wan to regret in the future abt tings tat ive done & hope he understand and support me. so i came back feeling scared and later my phone was damn low batt so i didnt even call or SMS him that im alreadi back in SG. he called when im reaching home askin me to take gd care of myself & tat if hungry go and eat etc. he sound veri cheerful. so im not realli tat worried. later that night he came back but didn't sae much. guess is bcos he haven let my sis & bro know abt that. this mornin he knock on my door and sae there's porridge. and talk to me awhile bcos he is rushin to go to work also. jus ask me whose child isit. and i look at him d sae of cuz is johnny de lar! duh. then he asked whether he knew abt it and i lied, saeing that he doesn. bcos if i sae he knows then he will ask alot of qns like wad did he sae etc. dun wanna face those qns yet. so he jus tell me to talk to johnny and see wad he sae abt our future. and his last sentence, 'u wan to keep & gif birth then gif birth lor'. wahahhas. make me worriew for nothing. haf also spoke to jackson on thurs and he mention that will break the news to my colleagues on mondae when im not around. i didnt wan to sae it out at first. telling him tat dey will know the moment my tummy grows bigger. but he doubt otherwise saeing that dey might even gossip & is better to tell them that. but i duno how to break the news so tell jackson to tell on behalf of me :) so he haf alreadi told them bcos jacq came to msn me yesterdae when i reach home & show me her support. asked abt the reaction of everione. she sae dey all kept quiet & didnt sae aniting. and even some of them thought that me & him is still together! =x well. the rest of my decision will b till his next letter comes bahs. :)
i realli shouldnt even turn up at the airport on that dae. regret regret. i should make him hate me bcos i fly his aeroplane instead of arguing wif him & still he hates me & i hates him & make myself unhappy. was late on the dae morning. and my hp no batt. and u know the funniest ting he did? because hp no batt so he's unable to contact me. he actualli email me. content of the email? 'hey, are you alreadi on the way?' funni lehs. if i on the wae, how do i reach ur email? i saw tat onli after ive reach vietnam and tried to go online using his lappie while he's awae. the whole trip jus sucks. the reason why i didnt wan to turn up for the trip is bcos i dun wish to spend time wif him. bcos he's such a arrogant & selfish person. he makes himself sounds so perfect, sounds so he-is-the-best and doesn admit ani mistake, if ani, that ppl haf pointed out. few tings tat pissed me off: 1. resort if beautiful, no objection. but then resort is 20-30mins awae from 'town' where their will den haf restaurant. if u jus decide to walk out of the resort, there's nothin. onli those houses lor. 2. he's laughing at everi single ting. eg. when im watchin the tv, he will go 'oh, this is the wad show huh' den he shut up awhile. and he will sae 'yea, this is the who(actor name) right' and finally he will sae 'yes, the night in museum!' and he wun shut up. throughout the show, everi 2-3mins he will go ha-ha-ha for nothing particular that funni. he jus cant keep his mouth shut? 3. haf alreadi told him tat my leg and back is hafing some problem so i cant keep on walking. and he sae okie. there wun b so much walk. and after this he actualli brought me to walk around for 3hrs bcos inside the town there's no cab, u haf to walk, or take their motor bike. idiot. and when i finally complain after 3hrs 'how long more do we haf to walk? my leg is feeling painful liaos' and his repli? it's gd for pregnant lady to exercise! fcuking hell 4. finally after more then 3hrs of walking, he decide to head back. and im happi bcos town is nothin much. in fact there's onli tailor and he's happily lookin for tailor to make pants and jackets for him. while i jus wait and wait. so when we head back to the carpark where der's taxi, he asked 'how much?' and when the person say 17USD, he argued. '15USD' it's onli 2USD lehs! he cannt afford i pae lar. fcuking idiotic. my leg is painful and my back is painful too. so after 10nins of 17-15-17-15. finally dey sae okie. 15USD-share. and he dun understand wad dey talking. happily tinkin that he is so gd at bargaining. -oh yea, he doesn understand wad dey mean. like when dey ask buffet or ala cart? walking onli. all this kind of stuff in english. jus tat their's is kinda broken. he dun understand but pretend to understand! and he even tell me, oh i can understand their english. in the end i alwaes haf to tell them wad he mean. - and den the taxi driver (7seater taxi) pull down the seats and wan us to get to the back back seats. and he's like 'no no, we take the front can alreadi' and i told him, u wan 15USD, it is sharing. and he's like SHARE?! u wan to save 2USD and end up it's a torturing journey back via sitting at the back lor. 5. finally reached resort & he asked whether im tired. i told him clearly, yes im tired & i need alot of rest. he even asked, i guess at this stage nw u need alot of rest right? yes, i told him yes! but damn. after tat he continue to talk despite me nw answering him. and im alreadi lying on my bed trying to sleep while he blah awae. 6. i tried to reach my books wif veri lil lights on bcos i thought i may jus fall asleep so dun need so mani lights and he sae it's not gd, why stae in so lil light places. ended up for the 1st night, we haf dinner in the hotel. and he decide to haf a poolside dinner restaurant. and when ppl gif him a well lit place, he wanted to b in the dark dark place. where i can barely see aniting. and i told him, why u wan to stae in such dark place? how to eat? and he tell me 'oh, i thought that table is closer to the pool.' why dun u jus jump into the pool den? idiot. im not used to their food and am alreadi nt feeling well. dreadin to go home soon. 2nd dae is the dae when we went for our 1 day tour. before we depart he actualli did emailed me the itinerary and asked me how isit. isit ok for that 1 day tour. the content jus state that what isit included, price & the places we're going to visit. that's all. so i told him okie, no problem. onli on that dae then i realise that we need to take 3hrs to the location & 3hrs back. and it's raining somemore! throughout the whole journey im feelin damn unwell. i wanted to vomit, but i know i can bcos there's no plastic bag and dey cant jus let me off the car to vomit. damn terrible. and all the while i kept my mouth shut. and he did know that im not talking to him, but he take it as ive attitude problem for not talking and not bcos im not feeling well! idiot. after the tour he even asked whether i wan to go to town, which means another 20mins journey to town? told him to go ahead & he's like, u realli dun wan to go? cant u see im alreadi so sick? and the moment i reach my room i jus went to the toilet & puke. and he da bao stuff back for me. and when i saw the food i went to puke again. took a few mouthful & decide i cant take it animore else i will puke again. serious headache and went to sleep at around 8pm. 3rd dae is the worst. for no reason he set his alarm at 8am in the morning and im a light sleeper, i woke up by it even before he wakes up to switch it off. and he asked me to wake up. go to town, he said. town again?! 1st dae alreadi walk finish liaos. town got wad ting? small & haf to walk around. no thanks. then he asked me to go for breakfast. headache bcomes migraine. told him to go ahead. and he started to lecture me saeing that 'u are carrying a baby. u dun wan to eat ur baby also haf to eat ok' fcuking idiot. i ask u to go ahead doesn mean i wun eat later. i ask u to go ahead bcos i duno u haf wad plans and doesn wan to spoilt it. and yet u turn around and lecture me? for 3 daes, it's the first time i told u to go ahead bcos im feeling unwell. and u are lecturing me. u should b the one at fault. i shut my mouth & didnt ans and all the while he's ranting this and that, saeing i shouldnt do this that i duno how to take care of myself, torturing my baby blah blah blah. finally decide i cant take it and shouted back at him 'if u tink i like myself to b like this then go ahead. even if i feel like vomiting after every meals i still eat ok and this is the first time' so he shut up, finally i thought, and then go one again askin wan da bao back or not etc. pissed. finally he left me alone & sae he will go to town, back in afternoon. so when afternoon he came back, i still choose not to talk to him, answering his qns wif ok,yes,no. and when night times came, he haf to choose to talk again. he started by asking can he talk. yes, he can talk, but i dun wanna talk. so i sae ok. and he go on and on and on and on and on. for duno more then 30mins? he jus talk and suddenly stop. 10mins later, he continue talking again. and all the while me shutting up bcos i dun wish to argue wif him. i wished in my heart he can jus stop & leave me alone to rest bcos im still nt feeling well & i dun wish to quarrel wif him bcos it's not going to be a nice ting to happen. but he kept forcing me by talking and talking. finally i told him that i dun wish to talk abt it. that's my ans. but he talk it as nothin and still continue ranting. enuff of him & i decide to leave. and he shouted 'leave all u. u can leave nw. leave!' so i pack all my stuff asked me to return me my passport bcos it's in the safe & i duno the password. and he asked 'where are u going' fcuker asked me where im going where he asked me to leave? told him none of his business & he can jus gimmie back my passport since he alreadi mention that i can leave. and he decide to change his mind by saeing 'ok, stae nw okie. u dun haf to leave' im not ur dog, not ur gf, nt afraid of u. why should i listen to wadever u sae? listen to all ur commands, and do wad u order me to? so i demand back my passport & he sae he will stop talkin if i stae. and i told him this 'after 1 whole dae of nonesense then u are telling me this?' and he actualli shouted veri loudly at me 'this is not nonesense!' veri well, he decide not to gimmie back my passport, and so i left the room, barefooted, with nothing wif me. jus walk out of the room. and behind me he's still ordering me 'come back i tell u. come back nw. where are u going. come back!' fcuk off . and i sit by a dark corner by the pool. and sitted there for a long time & then he came lookin for me and he found me. ignored him & he start his nonesense again. and i kept repeatin i dun wish to talk dun wish to talk, dun wan to talk. and u know wad he said? he said, 'i dun care how mani fcukin times u said u dun wish to talk. i jus wan to know wad's wrong!' okie. and wif that i walk awae bcos he's unreasonable. he still manage to trace me down no matter hw. i thought the resort quite big -.- and he tell me 'it's not funni animore. come back.' and i replied 'i didnt tink it's funni. u wan to go back to the room go ahead. i will go back when i wan to. i dun need anibodi to order me around' and he go pls, come back to the room. and then he realise wadever he sae im nt going back. so he follow me around to the beach. told him at the beach, i hate him bcos he's arrogant & so full of himself. sorriew but to sae the truth, i didnt even wan to turn up for the trip for fear of nt being able to actualli tolerate all the nonesense. and i alreadi know wad kind of person he is long before. he's full of himself. alwaes picturing himself to b a perfect guy. hiding all the failures & ugliness underneath him. never admit defeat & hence, why should i even tell him wad's wrong? bcos he will find means and waes to argue wif him that, no, he's not wrong. the whole trip is ruined bcos of me, not bcos of somethin he said. and he gaf me a veri ridiculous ans 'let me b the judge. i will judge whether im wrong or right' and i told him this 'so a murderer is his own judge and he will never ever tinks that he kill this person is wrong bcos in his view, he kill because he feel that the guy should leave. so the murderer can jus go to court & set himself free, right?' and he can even tell me right. dun even know how much is his IQ man. maybe 0 bahs. tell him that i kept my mouth shut bcos i dun wish to quarrel. from wad happen earlier on & wad happen in the morning, it shows that the moment i open my mouth we will definitely quarerl. so wad makes he tinks that it will solve the problem? he doesn wan to acknowledge this point, and continue to sae that he dun care, he jus wan to know wad's the problem. and my replied 'u kept saeing that no matter wad i sae u onli wad to know wad's wrong. and ive alreadi told u mani times that i dun wish to talk. and that is my ans to u. and my ans is no, i dun wish to talk. but u dun fcuking care because u dun take no for an ans. but the truth is, ive gifen u an ans and that is i dun wish to talk. u feel that i didnt get ur point bcos u onli wan to know wad's the prob. but the problem is, i get ur point & i replied u saeing i dun wish to talk, but u dun get my point bcos u dun take no for an ans!' finally he shut up for a long long time. and i decide, well time to head back. on the wae he continue blahing. fcuking hell. and i sae ok, if u wan to talk then i shall nt go back. and then he sae okok, i stopped, let's go back. and then once again when we're reaching the lift he go on again. and this time i jus turn and walk awae. after sometimes i went back to the room & knock on the door. and he opened the door and jus slammed it behind me. fcuking idiot! he jus cant afford to lose out to me right? he's damn stupid to quarrel wif me in the first place. bcos i dare to walk out jus like that with nth on me. dun dare me. and furthermore, im pregnant. and if aniting where to happen to me, he know he will be responsible. so why still wan to pick a fight wif me? stupid idiot. aniwae, for the 4th dae, we didnt talk at all. and jus went to airport tog, fly off. im glad that we dun sit together whether we went or came back from vietnam. hahas. and this morning i saw his email. he is damn irritatin lor. i didnt even bother to come and bother u animore, u this loser, still wan to come and irritate me? his emails: 1st- Thanks for the 'wonderful' holiday. You are obviously a self centered person who doesn't give a shit abt others and think whatever u do is right. Sure i always go all out to 'win' and i know my weaknesses, do u? there is nothing wrong abt having a gd job, at least i don't have to worry abt one thing, unlike yur criminal bf. Face it this world is full of winners and losers. 2nd- I have accepted my flaws a long time ago and have come to terms with them. I just don’t like to talk about them unless its to my inner circle of friends, people who I know many years and have seen me evolve.You have wasted my time, efforts and $$$, with my only objective to make life a little happier for you. Yes I failed to see that you were so full of yourself that you refuse to even make an effort to make this holiday a success. What does a lazy person like you know about hard work? Go ahead be lazy in life and wreck your kid’s life.You know nothing about responsibility – it is for your own selfish reason that you are bringing an unwanted child into this world. Everything is about YOU YOU YOU what if YOU can’t have kids next time blah blah blah. Nothing about the child. Sometimes you have to kill one to save a hundred. Life is full of hard choices. Deal with it. 3rd- Go ahead, you think people will take your blog seriously? Besides you are just showing your childishness by posting on your blog to spite.Did I ever say I blame my parents for giving birth to me? Poor girl, get your facts and English correct, all I said is we do not choose our parents, and the reverse is true. It’s a statement of fact.I don’t need people to think the same as me – I welcome diversity but am prepared to fight hard for what I believe in. So if you have an opinion, I welcome it, but be prepared to have a healthy debate with me if I disagree. And we can always agree to disagree – nothing wrong with that.You don’t even know me well enough to make judgments like that – and you never will. Go live in your simplistic world where life revolves around you and you only, and ask yourself what have you done for your parents. At least I make them happy and comfortable for the days ahead.Come and talk to me about love 10 years later, maybe you will have more experience then. I have been thru it several times, and there is not one definition of it. One of the best definitions I have come across is when someone else’s happiness means more than your own – that’s when you know. A pity a little girl like you will never know, and you will be bringing yet another unwanted child into this world. I pity you, and you should just have not turn up and save me some $$$. my last repli: well, ive alreadi posted all ur emails. 1st to the 3rd. shall see the response of my readers. dey can judge from themselves how a loser still contact me after losing out on an argument in vietnam and doesn feel gd abt it so wanted to continue it in SG again. LOL. if i didnt remb wrongly, u mentioned 'i dun gif a shit abt hw my paretns & frens tink of wad i do for my life in the past 30 over yrs' so ur parents mus haf gone thru hell wif the wae that u bcame & disappointed i guess. bcos u mention 'u dun gif a shit' so it means ur parents do opposed huh? and nw gifing them a gd life? well well. oh. also if i didnt remb wrongly 'i alwaes tink abt how ppl around me feel. and make sure i dun hurt them when i make a decision' how does that goes along wif 'i dun gif a shit abt hw my parents & frens tink of wad i do for my lfie in the past 30 over years'. hmm. worst tinking abt. aniwae, bye~ this will b the last email. ive a fun time, seeing tat u are kinda work up and angry when writting the email while im relaxin over here wif a lappie on my lap & sitting on the couch writting this email smiling. take care huh~ can see how much times he keep saeing $$$. no wonder 2USD he also wan to argue. somemore still can tell me go overseas mus buy something. if not stae in SG better. wah liew. duno his brain is wad kinda brain.
im flying off tomorrow~ not feelin excited or antiing. in fact i did tink of jus MIA for this trip. meaning dun turn up for the trip. but i feel bad lar. bcos is i say i wanna go for tis holidae. and im not forkin out a cent for it. so.. still haf to go for the trip liaos and it's an earli mornin flight. haf to wake up damn earli to bath & everiting and cab down. exp lehs. haf to cab down. didnt do aniting abt my trip till jus nw. drag myself to lot1 to change money. change total of 100SGD onli. 80bucks of USD and 20 vietnam dong. dun tink im gonna spend much except to get back some stuff for company. dey are gonna look out for me veri soon~ wahahhas. ahem. someting to officially announce. im alreadi 12 weeks pregnant. and no, my family doesn know yet. pls, if ani of my cousins or whoever is readin, dun let ur family members, my relatives know. bcos i duno how well my dad is gonna accept it. ive alreadi written a 2 page long letter in chinese for him. to let him know of my pregnancy. i found out my pregnancy onli after mami passed awae. after me and him haf broken up. hence im in a dilemia on how i should handle all this stuff. but im firm to gif birth to this child. not bcos it's his child. but bcos it's my child. a child i dun wish to lose. i dun wan to regret my decision. dun wish to b like the past animore. i will face up to everiting that's gonna happen, tat will happen in my life. i will put the letter for my daddy for him tomorrow before i left the home for the airport. guess giving him abt 4 daes to talk to my sister and tink thru in his mind before talking to me will be best. ive also told him my feelins and thoughts on this and i guess should alreadi let him know my decision is firm. i jus wish to haf his support. ive realli tink thru it this time. 7 weeks for me to realli tink thru before announcing it to my family members. this baby came at a wrong yet correct time. i knew tat if mami were to leave me & so do hubby, i will never b able to come to terms. i fear tat i will fall back into depression again. hence i kept on clinging. im afraid i will waste myself awae after losing both of them. yet this child came by and gaf me the energy to live my life again. it's not gonna b easi. it's gonne b tough. without him, without my mum. tis baby came at a wrong time bcos my mum jus pass awae and it's abit hard for me to tell them and let them accept me. it's like dey haf to dealt wif a blow after another. i know im disappointing my dad tis time more then the previous. bcos he thought tat ive learn my lesson. well.. we shall know when i come back on mondae..
my phone is lyk rotting down there. bcos i dun even bother to check my phone for SMS or calls. who will SMS or call me in fact. nobodi. so i dun check & the battery can jus die flat all it wan. except that i used it everidae whenever i need to work bcos it's my alarm clock. TP is jus few weeks awae and suddenly i haf no confidence animore. stupid instructor. why dey haf to change instructor? previously all learn from 1 instructor then nw nearing to TP another 1 take over and everiting that dey sae is different. and telling me cock up stuff like 'he tell u bcos u are learning. im telling u another ting bcos u are going for test' so u mean to tell me that i should forget everiting i learn bcos it's wrong? and the worst ting is, both aint the same model of car. 1 is new, 1 is old. and im alreadi used to 1 car nw u ask me to drive wif another car. how can? even when u start the car also need to warm up engine, then i dun need to warm up to ur car? small ting then sae i this cannt that cannt. wad's wrong wif his brain? he duno tat i need time to get use to the car mehs? cant stand him and he's alwaes turning & looking in my face directly to talk which i hate to, bcos ive to look at the road! and it seems tat im road if i dun turn my head to even look at him. fcuking instructor! :( tats not wad i realli wan to blog in the first place. but ended up complaining. wanna ask if anibodi know why isit that sometimes i can login to my hotmail acc, go to inbox but when i click on the email, it jus wun load & reflect at all? isit the hotmail problem or my lappie problem huh? damn irritated by it.
went to find cindy at her place after work yesterdae. been a long time since we last met up so went down to find her. saw the 3 cute girl :) emma is getting so big and cute! she is alwaes smiling now. and the cutest ting abt her is, i was sitting down wif her in the pram when i suddenly hear this sound, not crying, but like the sound some baby will make before crying. so i asked cindy is she going to cry. and she told me 'engine on lar. wan ppl to carry lor' then it jus went on and on, never proceed to crying, till cindy carry her. so cute right?! i mean this is gd, at least she wun jus cry her lungs out each and everi time she wan something. minmin saw me jiu ask me carry. she is veri light considering her age. minmin keep crying for god-knows-wad reason. and then she will come lookin for me. xuan xuan also keep bullying her bcos dun let her plae as xuanxuan sae she doesn know how to plae. no wonder minmin keep crying. LOL. so im trying to pls all 3 kids yesterdae. after sometime then alfred reach home & then dey started quarrelling before i even sae hi to alfred. damn paiseh to talk bcos dey both are angry, how i sae hi even? so jus keep quiet and look after the kids lor. after sometime they both cool down jiu hao liaos. watch show till 9pm then drove to eat at bukit panjang. after eatin jiu go home bcos im not feeling well alreadi. happi to meet wif them and the kids are damn adorable! i once thought that alfred and cindy will live happily ever after bcos both of them dun ask for much in their lives. who knows in the end also like that. didnt mean they break up or wad. but i can see the difference. mayb it's jus honeymoon period over. hence all this surface. the once so loving, sticky couple. no longer is here animore. mayb in deir mindset, they wish dey can stae further awae from each other.
jus change new blogskin again~ love it. it's cute & at the same time meaning. love is sweet, yet the taste of it is ever bitter; so sour. being in love. hmmm.. i love someone, but im not in love. LOL. chim. mahjong mahjong~ itching to plae it. i cant even remb when was the last time i did it. i wanted to book a chalet from the hometeam NS bcos it's so damn near to me. but nobody i know haf the member card of hometeam, it's damn hard to get the member card bcos not everione haf it, like the safra and onli 1 person haf it. but he cant help me bcos he gotta b on duty that dae :( no such luck i guess. so mayb jus BBQ and then go check into a hotel & sleep? im leaving for vietnam soon. it's jus 1 week awae and i will b gone on the plane to vietnam. dun feel like going in fact. duno why. to sae the truth, the moment the air tix is confirm, i do not haf the urge to travel animore. feel like staein in SG and relax my daes awae. and also suddenly thought of going to batam for a 2D1N tour! heard from yulian the other time it cost about 100bucks to stay in a grand hotel room. tempted tempted. but i should save all the money ive now. so allow myself to chaneg 100bucks for this vietname trip. i even asked, 100bucks enuff? and the ans i get? all u go there and buy back is coffee powder! how much do u tink u will spend. tsk tsk. stupid me. ive never been there mar, how i know onli coffee powder? mayb can buy a beauty back? LOL. enuff of the stupid me. yesterday was on MC and went back to office todae and dey were like complaining that the staff fund will be increase from $2 to $5 and i was like, wad?! increased more then 1 time lehs. so i go around asking asking then reliease tat mani of them dun like the idea, then why was i told that majority of them is fine wif it? tat's alwaes the problem wif our company. so ended up after talkin and confirming that half of us are actualli not that comfortable wif the idea, not bcos we cant pae that $5. it's jus tat u increase so much, but not mani people know where the money is spent on and hw much is left. so end up i wrote a long email to jackson, sent to wenyu for auditing first. LOL. her 1st reaction when she open up the email is 'wah. so long!' and she tell me that im being calculative etc, bcos i counted each & everi single cents of the money that we are going to contribute etc. so, well, im being precise okie. after sending the email to jackson got a call from him to ask me to go to his office. and the first ting he did is, pull a chair ask me sit. and talk. and i guess, i got myself into trouble bcos ended up he wan me to do survey see wad is their reaction etc. he sae he merely suggest & bcos majority is fine wif it and netural so he thought is okie! so, he still dosen know the problem wif my company -.- so nw, ive to rush thru talkin to half the people in the company on the whole ting, ask feedback & submit by mondae. thank god, jackson is treating me rather well by asking alice to help me share the load :) no more MSN, no more youtube & no more surfing of net during office hour. i officially stopped all that except for going online maybe once in awhile to check my mail, which i guess is okie? reading time~
it's monday again~ busy day at work. didnt even haf time to finish my breakfast & haf to dump them awae. else i will be too full for my lunch later. enjoyed myself yesterdae with winnie, qi, joanne, xiao kel & manny :) on fridae suddenly haf a feeling of going prawning. so sms winnie & qi, asked them whether wanna go prawning. so everiting confirm & set on sundae 3pm. told them meet at 3pm in case late. who knows im the one who's late =p sundae woke up around 10am then nua in room to watch show. dad & bro all still sleeping. onli sis saw me going out to the toilet to wash up. stae in the room all the wae till 12pm and wen tout & dad was cooking sae i sleep till so late. told him when he's still snoring awae im alreadi awake. wahahhas. then he sae i never help him cook rice. how i know he wanna cook wor =x so nua till he finish cooking while i complaining im hungry at 1230pm. :D finally eat around 1pm & after eatin rest till around 245pm and went off. lately ATM damn long Q, so alwaes withdraw alot of money. but nw wallet onli left 10bucks after i withdraw 70bucks. dun even know how i spend the money. on the wae winnie called & sae she, joanne & manny haf reached lakeside. so meet them there, take cab. manny is a naughty boy. disturbing winnie & end up she only catch 1 prawn. LOL. yesterday is bad luck. we rent for 3hrs & when everibodi haf at least 1 prawn, i still haf none & feel like sleeping. but i catch up during the last hr! damn happy. from 0 to 2 prawns :D at the end of 3hrs, 4 rod = 9 prawns. 3 belongs to qi, 2 belongs to joanne, another 2 to me, 1 to xiao kel and last 1 to winnie :) all donated to qi. hahas. took cab home & on the wae drop winnie, joanne & manny at chinese garden. dey are supposed to take cab too & wanted to drop outside where it is more convenient to take cab, ended up, dey took train i guess since alreadi at MRT station -.- enjoyed my sundae. went home & brother kept irritate me by askin me got fever, got thermometer, see doc how much, where got doc, got bag not. idiot. and finally i went out to buy dinner & come back to find him gone. i dun need u. someone who kept claiming how much she care abt me, but yet doesensomeone who will never admit her mistake & blame it all on otherssomeone who is selfish & didnt dare admit i dun need someone who kick me aside whenever she like itand alwaes wantin to b the one to b given in toto sae the truth, right frm the start when i know how u are gonna teach ur childi alreadi told myself - my child will never plae wif urscruel? but true. im afraid of how a pamper child will snatch, scratch my child & never get scolded or beaten
bored~ at work doing nuts & feeling damn unwell. i guess ive got too much gas in my tummy. hence alwaes burping & it gifs ppl the look that im going to vomit. but fact is, i wan to burp =x either making myself busy this few daes or slacking around at home, watchin youtube, sleep. when it's xmas eve, i spend my time sleeping. when it's xmas, i spend my time sleeping almost the whole day, except for waking up to eat & watch youtube, and tat's sleepin again. when it's NY eve, i spend my time sleeping again, when it's NY, i spend my time rotting again by sleeping. yet people who spend xmas and NY are complaining how not wonderful these days are. that they had an argument wif their frens, gfs or bfs. pathetic. wad human really wans? all the while, since 17nov08, ive never realli been happi. i never show my pathetic look, never show people how ke lian im. never show people how weak im. instead, i make it seems that everithing jus seems to natural to me. that everiting happen for a reason & im ready to accept everiting that comes my wae. pretending tat everidae is a fresh new start. but fact is, i do feel im pathetic. but for wad? feeling that im pathetic doesn earn me ani money nor does it makes me not pathetic animore. and yet, someone tells me that im saeing that she is the one who is pathetic when i sae none of it. when someone is the one who tell me 'we see lor, u take care of urself can liaos, dun need to care abt me' first but accused me of saeing that someone is pathetic. ironic? crapping crapping. met eugene yesterdae. saw 3 bags that i want at far east. total cost 50bucks+ but didnt buy. is value for money, 3 bags = 50bucks+. but no, it seems too exp for me. thought go taka walk walk since ive a 50bucks voucher. end up? even worst -.- so didnt bought aniting. went kinokuniya and bought the judy picoult's set books. so now ive 3 books to read & it onli cost me $9.95 because ive a voucher from daphne for my christmas :D went to look for erica also, chat for awhile before going off. my back cannot support me for long :( was walking & window shopping from about 6pm+ to 10pm+ and my back is crushing. damn. i need help~ else few more months later, how i walk? =x