♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
last post on this topic and shall carry on being the sweet innocent me. muahahas. names not mention. but if u are guilty, yes it is you den. frenship? people who realli cherish, ppl who realli care, ppl who realli bother are then fit to talk abt frenship. let me ask some qns. 1. if this person is impt to you, do u make the effort to communicate? 2. if this person is impt to do u never admit ur mistake almost 90% of times, either when is totally ur wrong or both parties haf wrong, and wait for the other party to take the 1st step and talk again? 3. if this person is impt to u, do u tell urself my pride is more impt and i can dun need to take the 1st step since she will alwaes take the first step. or at most, i lost her as a fren lor? 4. if this person is impt to u, do u after quarrelling, started saeing 'i haf my family members enuff liaos, no one else.' when previously u will sae 'i haf HER/HIM and my family members is enuff liaos'? then when patch up again, then use back the later sentence? 5. if this person is impt to u, do u jus remove from frenster featured fren after a quarrel. then when patch up liaos, put it back and tell the whole world that SHE/HIM is impt? the truth is, onli know how to use mouth sae, but no actions. LOL. mouth telling the whole world how impt how impt. actions is bo chap. i can onli remb that SHE come look for me 2 times, mayb bcos i pregnant liaos memory poor lar. or mayb before this 2 times, the time she come lookin for me is damn long ago. 1 time when my mum pass awae and 1 time when i got bleedin during pregnancy and she send me to my house mrt station. the rest? me go town look for her. me go her place look for her. me go meet her somemore near her place. me go her workplace wait for her finish work. i alwaes believe in this frenship of ours. i believe that she is the true fren that ive alwaes been searchin for. but, finally after 2yrs++ i found out that, it isnt so. bcos thou she sae so from her mouth, i dun feel so in my heart. mayb after 2yrs++ of trying, i decide im tired. i gaf up even bfore i gaf up hubby lehs! muahahahas. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x baby fair from yesterdae till tomorrow at expo hall 6B, but im not going. im going to the taka fair on the 12mar09 since onli doing my detail scan on the 12mar :D and i duno wad's wrong wif baby. last night he's like plaeing around in my tummy. keep touching my organs -.- i never put on weight. best is baby gain all the weight, i dun gain aniting! below is wad ive written to hubby: if baby is a girl, i wish that she will: -haf my eyes (bcos ur eyes small) -ur skin (bcos u white white) -my height + ur height (girl dun wan too tall or to short like me) if baby is a boy, i wish that he will: -haf my eyes -ur skin + my skin (cannt too white like u but dun too black like me else ppl tot is malay =x) -ur height
stupid right? hahahas. and i forget to write, i wish baby will haf his eye sight. his is perfect eye sight. unlike me. so best is haf daddy's eye sight ok? then my baby will be perfect. of cuz, didnt mean that my eyes, then copy and past bcome baby's 1. when my eyes, i mean bigger eyes, not like daddy 1 small small =p
i actualli took up the offer to meet the counsellors from the family service centre under mcys leh. LOL. i mus b out of my mind. aniwae, no harm bcos dey sae dey can help me. so i see how much dey can help me. gimmie subsides for diapers? NTUC vouchers? =p i wish. but duno lor. see how it goes. but they seems nice ppl and dun realli push u to ans wad dey wan to know. dey jus see wad u would like to sae. i write a 2 full page long of letter to hubby! my 1st time writtin to him so long lor. wahahhas. and almost going to a page is abt money and his future stuff. almost all the stuff that hubby haf is i bought for him, or he also did chuck in money to get he stuff, but not much lar. but when we sort of 'break up' i didnt ask him back for aniting. bike, psp and 2 phones. i didnt ask bcos i feel tat ive given him. take back for wad? he wan do wad then do wad wif it lor. he wan sell and keep the money, i also lanlan. is i buy and willingly part wif the money for those stuffs. he didnt sell ani of the stuffs bcos he sae got memories. like for his bike, we both realli eat cup noodles. psp is bought as a couple when he's in tekong and my monthsary cum anniversary present to him. phones dun realli haf much memories lar. but aniwae, he jus didnt sell. however i feel he is stupid. should sell mar! put there and rust? 18months later u come out alreadi cannt use liaos lar. so aniwae, 1 dae i receive his letter saein tat his bro ask him to sell his bike, bcos nw no use, next time come out liaos can still buy new 1. he sae he dun wan to sell bcos of our memories. but his bro sae de ting also is true, machiam i bullshit at that time alwaes dun wan to listen to wad i sae, other ppl sae to him then he happi one. so i tell him, they wan sell, can. everiting dey also can sell, but ASK THEM FOR THE MONEY or ask them to bank into ur acc. I PAY FOR IT LEH and ur family so money minded. can u imagine that when he is 17yo, he's gettin 10bucks per dae. and when i fork out money for his extra dollars, his mum told him 'den i dun need to gif u money liao. ur gf rich wad' and my tinkin is FCUK U. U ARE HIS MUM, IM HIS GF HOR NOT HIS MUM WHY SHOULD I DO WAD A MUM SHOULD DO? so after tat i know dey veri money minded onli care abt themselves. and then when my bf is caught and the bail is 15k, they jus tell my bf, no money bail u. when i call, dey sae jus find 5k cash the balance 10k jus declare can liaos. so i go around asking my frens for money to lend me for his bail. i found 5k finally. called his dad and sae i wan bail him, ask him gimmie passport. keep sae this sae tat sae dun wan bail him, scare he run awae. YOUR OWN SON U DUN TRUST? HE IS ONLI MY BF AND I TRUST HIM LEH. so i tell him 'u scare u gimmie his passport. i bail, dun need u bail' so he LL and sae okie lor, he come wif me to bail. then mayb is bcos he paiseh tat need to use GF money, so he sae 5k he haf. and when my bf sae wan to employ lawyer, his first reaction is 'U WAN EMPLOY U OWNSELF PAY HOR. WE WUN PAY FOR U' and so the journey starts again saving 2k for his lawyer fees. so since, that is the way dey treated us and brought him up. and those tings are not bought by them but by me, I CHOOSE not to take back bcos is for him. but if they SELL and then keep the money for THEMSELVES and when my bf come out, haf to slog and save den can buy back all those stuffs that dey sell, wad is this?! i tell my bf, when u come out still need taggin. and still got 1.5yrs of NS to serve. u tink money so easi? i never expect him to pay for all me and baby's expenses after he come out. but at least, able to pay for his own meals, transport and allowance. and not askin us for money animore. i even tell him the future blah blah. i even tell him IF they say they duno how his acc no. or ma fan or wad, i dun mind MA FAN abit go down collect money from them and bank into his acc. i jus cant trust tat gambler mother. 1 dae i shall report police lor! aniwae, many ppl keep tinkin why hor i keep tink so far far awae. reason being is, ive to plan bcos im not like somebody(not referring to any mummies tat i know thru blog, but someone whom i know personally in the past) who keep saeing tat she will gif her child the best and wan to compare me and her. but u know wad? dun ever compare me wif urself. it's a disgrace to be put on the same group as u bcos im not like u. i dun haf my mother to support me, unlike u. ive stop taking allowance from my family since i start working, unlike u. i pay every single stuff that im gonna spend for my baby myself, unlike u who still takes money from daddy. im able to tink further awae and tinkin of the worst scenorio, unlike u, who tinks tat everiting is gonna b perfect in ur life. i know my wrongs and change, i haf regrets and admit my regrets, unlike u who sae tat wun do aniting tat will regret in the whole life but did and when i aim on tat topic still wanna act like der's no wrong. and so, overall, IM NOT LIKE U - IMMATURE, THOUGHT THAT YOU'RE THE BEST, THOUGHT THAT MONEY IS EVERYTHING. i believe that true happiness occur even in poor. but u, sadly, tinks tat true happiness occur onli when u can buy stuff that ur child wan and not deprive ur child of wadever he/she wants bcos u are poor and cant afford. baby is well behave and listen to mummy. something which im veri happi tat my child is so ting hua. previously after i complain that baby is kickin me from morning till night, the kicking stop. and for abt 2 days i dun feel much from baby. so worried that i shake my tummy, but still dun feel aniting. and slowly i realise tat baby is moving jus tat bcos baby is moving so gently, i feel nothing unless i realli sit down put my hand on my tummy and focus, then i can feel baby. everibodi in the office is treatin me veri well and taking veri gd care of me. most likely bcos im single, youngest and haf that innocent face. muahahahs. and todae when im alone, i touch tummy and tell baby 'u see, so mani ppl care abt mummy. u mus b smart like mummy. in front of ppl act guai, act innocent. behind anihow curse and swear dun let them knw. ppl will care and dote on u like how ppl care and dote on me! u can kick mummy, but dun kick so hard else mumy will pain pain. jus kick sometimes once in awhile to let mummy know u are well ok?' and ta-dah~ baby have been kicking everi few hrs. LOL. im loving baby to nuts. have shortlist a few baby girl and boy names. boy i short list a few, but hor, i tink onli 1 is nice. for baby girl: -ashlyn (which ive been tinkin abt it since 2nd or 3rd month) -shanelle (pronouced almost the same as channel - sha neel) for baby boy onli this: -darius (proouced as day-ree-us) shall confirm the name when baby's gender is confirm and check wif hubby :D
 see how big my tummy haf bcome within 4 days? i took this picture when im 17 weeks and 5 days pregnant. and compare it wif my 17 weeks 1 day pic. is big lor. 5 days it grow so big leh. and ppl are started to notice my tummy. wahahhas. todae when i took the train from yew tee to cck, got 1 uncle turn his head saw my tummy look at my face & ask me wan sit not. i sae dun need, alighting next stop. when we all thought tat those uncles & aunties are the worst, i meet this nice uncle! detail scanning in another 2 weeks time.. excited excited. but the funniest ting is.. i jus got my pae yesterdae and nw ive none left. LOL~ wonder how i spent? i went for waxing and took up the package without tinkin abt the total amt after GST + the products. and it cost me few hundred, more then half of my pae. and i know ive onli 400+ left, i still got pae my bills of 400+. im smart right? nevermind. nw i haf to go and withdraw from diners again. haha! last week im startin to tink tat my pimples are getting better. i dun feel the bumps animore tat much, or mayb bcos i stop touching them tat much as they sae our hand dirty so will cause more pimples. and yesterdae when i shower, i touch my back & there's damn lots of it again! picture to prove how disgusting it looks. like pimples lor. baby, u got hear mummy sae wad not? mummy not mei mei bcos of u liao leh! next time haf to b gd to mummy ok? :D
some stuff which i will cannot and never ever will forget - to him wif him 1. the 1st time i saw him - walking bside/wif jess toh outside my classroom while i walk pass and look at him. the wae he look at me. 2. proposing to me on our 1st monthsary wif our 1st couple ring outside PS, the previous mac. thou previous bf got mention that wan to marry etc, but none haf ever kneel down in front of me and propsed. thou he's abit kanna force. but is somethin i will never forget 3. dumping me alone in the middle of the crowd at jurong point basement and me lookin everiwhere for him when he purposely dump me there to get roses for me as monthsary surprise 4. slapping me till i cut my lips 5. ride bike halfwae and stop bcos he wan to gimmie his jacket as he's afraid tat i will be cold 6. rubbing my hands and legs when it is raining, afraid tat i will be cold and pain wif the rain hittin on me while on the bike thou he's even more cold & pain then me. 7. brought me to supermarket and ask wad veggie i like, bought lots of veggies and carrots. but instead of turning right to go my house, turn left to go another estate. and actualli he bought the veggies and carrots to feed the rabbit at the senior citizen corners' as our monthsary surprise bcos he know i love small animals. and i duno i should b angry or happi bcos why he ask wad veggie i like and buy lots of it when is supposed to feed rabbit? =x 8. see my hands got bitten by mosqiute veri badly after my mum's funeral & when we went out insist that we go to waston and i dun wish to, thought he wan jalan jalan. end up is to buy wu bi gao for me :) 9. alwaes nag at me to take care of my leg and applying mositurer for me. 10. slapped me and injured my ears 11. alwaes accussing me when he is the 1 who do wrong tings bitter sweet love. but afterall, i still love him this much.
i wan to plae mahjong leh. anibodi? sis sae cannt buy mahjong table at home. meaning cannt plae at home. so haf to find someone's place who can plae. i wan plae mahjong lar~ :(
I HATE THIS STUPID AUNTIE AT MY WORK PLACE okie, there's alot of aunties at my work place. but they are all nice ppl. the type of aunties that i like. onli this 1. wah lao. i cannt stand her since the 1st dae she join the company. TYPICAL AUNTIE CAN? talk loud loud. walk fast fast. talk fast fast. everything also die liao die liao. everiting also sibei jialiat. I HAVE ALWAYS HATE THIS AUNTIE AND TRY TO AVOID HER. this morning i took the same bus as her. im sittin jus 1 sit awae from the door. and when it reach out stop, i saw myself standin up earlier then her and standing in Q to get down the bus. and you know what she do? SHE FCUKING PUSH ME AND RUSH DOWN THE BUS. she is obviously standing 2 person behind me. i let 1 person go first, i go next then she go last. she duno wad is call turn by turn meh? the bus will run away when she haven alight? and then we took the same lift also. and a few of my colleagues inside. and she tell my colleagues 'I HAVE TO STAND INSIDE ABIT SO THAT I CAN LET OTHER PEOPLE IN AND NOT BLOCK THE WAY' it's damn funni can?! after she push me to get down the bus, when she know i am 17weeks+ pregnant, she push me, get down, in the lift say stand inside abit so dun block other people? fcuk u lar. I CURSE HER LOR. bcos she is FCUKING AUNTIE AND RUDE and still wan to pretend nice. ruin my day!
I HATE THIS STUPID AUNTIE AT MY WORK PLACE okie, there's alot of aunties at my work place. but they are all nice ppl. the type of aunties that i like. onli this 1. wah lao. i cannt stand her since the 1st dae she join the company. TYPICAL AUNTIE CAN? talk loud loud. walk fast fast. talk fast fast. everything also die liao die liao. everiting also sibei jialiat. I HAVE ALWAYS HATE THIS AUNTIE AND TRY TO AVOID HER. this morning i took the same bus as her. im sittin jus 1 sit awae from the door. and when it reach out stop, i saw myself standin up earlier then her and standing in Q to get down the bus. and you know what she do? SHE FCUKING PUSH ME AND RUSH DOWN THE BUS. she is obviously standing 2 person behind me. i let 1 person go first, i go next then she go last. she duno wad is call turn by turn meh? the bus will run away when she haven alight? and then we took the same lift also. and a few of my colleagues inside. and she tell my colleagues 'I HAVE TO STAND INSIDE ABIT SO THAT I CAN LET OTHER PEOPLE IN AND NOT BLOCK THE WAY' it's damn funni can?! after she push me to get down the bus, when she know i am 17weeks+ pregnant, she push me, get down, in the lift say stand inside abit so dun block other people? fcuk u lar. I CURSE HER LOR. bcos she is FCUKING AUNTIE AND RUDE and still wan to pretend nice. ruin my day!
sometimes i cant help but wonder.. if me and hubby have learn to love together.. and not1 of us learning and growing up in the love world, but both of us work hand in hand, learn and grow together, will everiting b different? when we first started, he was the 1 who is so crazy over me. wadever i sae, wadever i wan, he will try to gif it to me. and i took him for granted. i took advantage of it and get angry for everi lil tings tat i hate and dun wish for him to do. i dun allow him to meet his fren bcos i find his fren childish. i critised everi single 1 of his stuff and frens. inside my heart, i know tat im not doing aniting wrong. bcos wadever i do, wadever restrictions that ive made, it's for his own gd. but i never bother to explain, and argue wif him tat im doing the best for him, never make it a point for him to see wad i see. and finally, i realise tat wad i did was wrong. i should learn the correct wae to love. so i grow, i gif and take - no longer jus taking. but he haf given up, no longer there to try and understand animore, bcos ive deprive him of understanding in the past. and so.. it bcomes me who is crazy in love wif him.. and him drifting awae, further and further awae. during this 2yrs+ relationship, we have fight, quarrel and break up mani times. but it is funni how we alwaes mange to get back together. but still.. the ending is such.. if, we have both learn and grow together at that time.. will we both be anticapting this baby at the same time? will be both be working together to build a happy small family? i wish, during this 18 months, he will b able to mature, able to tink thru. i wish, we will build a family in the future. even if it meant 1yr after the baby is born. i dun mind. for i still love him. i hope that when 18months end, i will b able to see the other side of him which ive alwaes be yearning for. on the lighter side, some stupid thoughts tat ive been tinking and making ppl laugh abt it =x bcos baby haf been kickin me more and more frequents, yesterdae & todae is totally from morning to the time i sleep. so i was tinking, in the womb, black black, no tv, no game, nothing. den wad dey do huh? eat, sleep and poo? if tat's the case, then why is baby kickin me all dae long huh?! then i ask them, dey laugh and sae baby will haf their own activities dun need to care abt them -.- and everi single week when i see the baby's growth calender where dey will sae how big is the baby nw. i will take a ruler, measure the CM or inch that they have mention, and put it on my tummy tinkin got so big meh? my tummy not so big lehs =x okie, im being idiot. LOL
my room seriously need to be packed & clear to make room for baby. but im alwaes slackin and delaying it. damn lazy to do so. but if i dun do it nw, the longer i drag, the harder it will b as my tummy will bcome bigger and bigger. finally clear 1 column of my tray tat is right under the aircon, that will make wae and next up would be my drawer that need to be shift next to my computer table. aniwae my room is in a total mess now. LOL. asked my dad to move the tray out of my room bcos i cant anihow move funiture and i cannt b there. he sae can leave it wad so i can put clothes on it, i guess he meant baby's clothing? leave it how to put baby's cot and stuff in the future?! my current room looks like this  looks big in the picture. but actualli damn small onli. i enlarge mar. LOL. the space tat u saw in between my bed & the cupboard is actualli abt 2 and 1/4 tiles onli. i intend to clear my room and shift my stuff till like this  looks better and haf more space right? if not baby cot put where? cannt b under the aircon mar. not veri gd. next to me, jus nice leh :) aniwae, i went back to look at my tummy pictures. and realise tat 14 weeks and 17 weeks look almost the same  left: 14 weeks right: 17 weeks i tink the onli difference is the waist length. can see is so much thicker =x
 my tummy at 17 weeks 1 day :)  from samantha and bf  from 9th uncle & family  from my 1st, 4th - 7th uncle & family and gugu  from my grandma
had my belated birthdae bbq yesterday. bring a pair of shorts which ive not wear for 1 week. and when i wear it, i feel im fat liaos. when i first bought it when i found out im pregnant, i purposely bought XL size where it will realli jus drop, so i haf to put on a belt. slowly along the way belt is no longer needed but it will still b abit loose & jus comfortable. and yesterdae, it is jus too fitting. esp on my tigh area. im fat! but when i weigh myself, i onli gain 0.5kg or less, since my weighing scale alwaes abit prob 1, since my last check up on the 12 feb, den why suddenly bcome so jialiat! and i can no longer fit in all my shorts & pants tat aint rubber except this short, which is fitting and clinging. hate it lor. i seriously need to go shopping for clothings liaos. wait till next pae dae. damn broke liaos. bcos i got no choice but to wear abit tight pants since i dun haf ani except for 1 pair which i cant wear everidae, baby hates it alot. alwaes kicking the side where it is tight until i decide to move it lower or jus unbutton the pants till onli left wif the zip :( receive a few presents yesterdae. upload pictures again. i admit i realli left my 8 library books in the lift! how forgotful & pajiao can i b huh? and when i asked library, dey sae if i report lost will be 12bucks per book. 12 bucks lehs! when i can get each book sat 2bucks of less outside. wah lau. then i asked if ppl return how? then the staff sae like tat better dun report lose. wait few weeks or a month if still nobodi return then report and pae lor. else bo hua if pae liaos ppl return. bcos bcome machiam like donate to library. and after bbq yesterdae, brother told me library called up home and sae that somebodi found my books and went to the library to report lose~ i love that person lar. kind ppl still do exist :D
will be hafing a bbq on fri. wanted to invite few close frens onli. den tinkin if ive onli so lil closer frens, abt 10 or less, den why bother to haf bbq. so wanted to drop the idea. sis sae invite family lor. then i okies. end up nw ive abt 35 ppl excluding me, daddy, sis and bro. LOL. and i onli ordered 35pax volume of food. if not enuff, is okie. i dun mind eating mac =p baby is more and more active. usually when im working i can hardly feel. bcos im alwaes slouchin or leanin forward. when i did that, cant realli feel much of baby. mayb bcos i got too much fats =x onli when i reach home, lean back, put my leg on the chair then i can feel baby moving and punching, kicking me. love tat feeling. sometimes i will jus sit there jus to feel baby's movement. and todae, i lean back almost all the wae for my work. not much of kick and punches. but baby is moving around. sometimes i wonder, dey so lil space inside. how dey survive =x also wad can dey do inside huh? so black, no toy no tv. onli can hear wad we sae and feel wad im doing. tats all mar. they mus b damn bo liaos inside. eat sleep eat sleep. LOL. im abit crazy liaos. the irritating caller side should b quite funni if im not working in contact centre. but it's not funni when u work there lor -.- but i know it will b funni tats why i post. todae's caller also abit irritating. most irritating 1, or can i sae, make me feel most hopeless & duno whether i should laugh or get angry is the one below. caller: i wan to book an appt for zzzme: at which polyclinic? caller: xxx clinicme: the earliest appt ive for u is on the 2mar09 at 1440hrs caller: 2mar09 ah.. i cannt leh. got saturdae?me: if u wan saturdae then veri long leh. will b in june liao caller: wow! so far awae!me: ya, so if weekdae u can 2mar09 is the earliest caller: but i need to work on 2mar09 larme: den if u wan take satudae will be on 6june09 caller: wow! so far awae! *dun understand why need to repeat the same reaction and tone again =x*me: so do u wan the appt on 2mar09 or u wan 6june09? caller: ok lor.. 2mar09.. wad time?me: 1440hrs. i onli haf tat timing caller: no mornin ah?me: tat's the ONLI timing that ive caller: 1440hrs.. okie lor..me: ok. so i confirm ur appt is on 2mar09 1440hrs caller: no other time?me: i ONLI have that timing AT 1440HRS caller: evening?me: *why he still dun get it what is the meaning of ONLI ah?* ONLI 1440HRS if not next appt is in may. this 1 is people cancel 1. who u wan? caller: ok lorme: ur ic no. pls caller: S1234567Zme: can i haf ur name to verify caller: Ah Bengme: okie. so ur appt is confirm on 2mar09 1440hrs at zzz clinic caller: ok. so u know my name?me: yes caller: hw u know my name? my name is ah bengme: i know your name sir caller: hw u know?me: ive asked for ur IC, it is in my system & u haf ALREADI told me earlier on when i asked *irritated liaos* caller: haha! isit. ok. thank u thank u
irritating caller 1 caller: i want apptme: may i know wad is the appt for caller: see doctorme: are u a chronic patient? caller: wad? no. i onli wan to see doctor. i want apptme: *explain why cannt book appt* caller: *silence* i want apptme: *tried to explain again in another way* caller: *silence again* i cant afford to wait. i want an appt onli. is tat easi. dun waste my timeme: *inform nicely tat have repeat few times why cannt book appt* caller: *silence again* i want appt. tat's all. dun be a parrot & repeat urselfme: ive been repeatin myself bcos thou ive explained why i cant gif u appt, u still wan me to gif u an appt which i cant *hintin she is the parrot first =x* caller: *silence veri long* stop trying to be rude to me. i wan apptme: as mention many times before, i realli cannt gif u appt. mayb i transfer u to feedback department, and they will handle. isit ok? caller: i wan appt. i dun wan to go wad feedback department which will take 3 months for them to get back to me.me: it's a phone call. it won't take 3 months. i just have to call them, connect u over & u can speak to them directly, don't need to take 3 months, just few seconds *hintin how stupid she is* caller: *long long silence* i wan an ans nw, i dun wan to wait for them to get back to meme: it wun b long bcos it is a phone call & u can speak to them DIRECTLY once i connect over. any problem u can let them know, they can ans to u right there & then *sarcastic to her bcos she is stupid lar* caller: *silence again* ok. transfer me nw!irritating caller 2 caller: i wan change apptme: can i haf ur IC no.? caller: HUH? what ting?!me: IC no. caller: 61234567me: i wan ur IC no. mdm/sir caller: HUH?! not tel no. ahme: *wan ur phone no. for wad? =x* no, pls gimmie ur IC no. caller: S1234567Zme: you wan to change to when? caller: HUH?! can u repeat?me: *raise voice* u wan change to when? caller: oh! next weekme: ani day? caller: HUH?! can u repeat?me: *pissed* next week anyday isit? caller: aiya, u wait, i lower down the volume of my TVirritatin caller 3 caller: i wan to make appt for zzzme: at which clinic? caller: clinic larme: which clinic? here is the contact centre caller: this clinic lorme: *pissed* this is the contact centre serving 9 clinics, pls let me know which clinic caller: huh. this clinic lar. u duno meh?me: *irritated* u referring to which location? cck, jurong, woodlands blah blah caller: oh! yishun clinic. u not clinic ah?me: *faint* no. here is the CONTACT CENTRE caller: HUH?! wad centre?!irritating caller 4 caller: i wan change apptme: to which dae? caller: anidae u gimmie lorme: anidae u also can make it? ani preferred dae? caller: u let me know which dae u haf lar then gimmie. everidae i also canme: ive alot of daes. if u dun haf preferred dae then i choose for u? caller: ok lorme: can i schedule ur appt to xxfeb09 at 1500hrs? caller: tat dae cannt leh. another daeme: ok, how abt xxfeb09 at 1000hrs caller: also cannt. no other daes ah?me: why dun u jus gimmie a dae instead as 2 daes tat ive gifen u u cant make it caller: anidae lar, u jus let me know whenme: mdm/sir, pls gimmie a date as ive ALOT of date available & if i keep choose those dates tat u can't is wasting both of our time on this appt. caller: ohh. okie, then u gimmie this date.irritating caller 5 caller: i wan a apptme: earliest date i have is on xxapr09 at 0800hrs caller: so long?! so earlier date?me: this is the EARLIEST date ive *alreadi sae loudly and sharpest the word earliest* caller: realli no earlier date ah? how abt feb09?me: i realli dun haf caller: mar09 leh? also dun haf? realli cannt slot me in earlier?me: as mention this is the EARLIEST date. if ive, then i would haf given u. no point for me not to gif u then mayb u later curs eme right? *tryin to make it sound like a joke* caller: ohh. then okie lorthis is are irritatin callers tat i alwaes come across. fcuking irritatin!
EDITTED im super forgetful. i dun remember where i place my bag of library books & nw dey cant b found. and i spend a few mins, abt 30mins, mopping around my house lookin for that bag of books. it's missin lar! :( i jus got my new phone tat i bought from online! nice nice sweet lookin phone. love it! can feel baby movement more & more. and also can feel the kicks and punches. actualli the 1st time i feel it is baby's kicks & punch =x baby loves to kick and punch me whenever im sittin down not doin aniting and jus relaxing. and when i place my hand over the tummy it jus stops. and when i take awae my hand, it starts again -.- and i can see a small hump coming out when baby is kicking or punching. naughty baby.
fri after dinner wif sis dad called. saeing tat he's not feelin well & dun haf strength to move. rushed down wif sis to his place & saw him feelin weak & he fell down while trying to stand up when he's alone and hit his lips. it's swollen. went down to SGH and admit him to A&E. suspected stroke. but till nw nothin is confirm yet as doctor haven tel the report. but i guess the report will b out this mornin as yesterdae he was given aspirin for no reason. and i asked the nurse isit that the report is out, she sae yes and doctor will b seein dad & mayb tellin him his report on mondae. sis haf alreadi went down & will listen to wad the doctor sae. dad is a veri negative person. told him to jus rest. he's sit & well nw. no drip, no medicine until yesterday and no special remarks. jus stay there for observation & do some more scans & blood test. wish that he will recover soon. nothin serious. so didnt inform anibodi also. jus wan to keep it a low profile tingy. he will b well :) sat went to work and around 12pm i suddenly feel some bubble bubble in my tummy area! stop awhile & observe. it's baby movin lar! so damn happi. LOL. bcos im lookin thru the pregnancy book that yuling haf given me to read & went to read on the baby movement. dey sae that mostly can start to feel from 16 weeks onwards. however if 1st pregnancy then sometimes will delay till even 20weeks or later then can feel. and jus at that moment the baby move & i feel it. it's jus like somebodi is blowing bubble in your tummy. and it goes on for awhile before i dun feel aniting. and the feelin is so light that if u didnt realli notice it & feel it, u wun reallli know. yesterdae when ive finish my dinner, at the hospital. my baby jus keep moving & moving & moving -.- active lil baby. and i kept puttin my hand on the tummy to feel the movement also :) nw im happi. thou my tummy is still nt tat big, but it is getting big alreadi. and im enjoying the movement of my baby at 16weeks! tats enuff :D
for my birthdae i total received 4 'ang baos' call ang baos bcos dey are cash. not given in red packet except for eugene's & daddy's 1. and my sis gave the biggest ang bao! jus nice, all the 4 ang baos together can cover & still got some left, for my this months' check up. hees. jus came back from JP wif sis for dinner. is realli horrible there. there's no place for u to sit unless u wan to eat. so i walk & walk & walk. back achin. leg feels like cramping. finally 1.5hrs passed & time to meet sis. had swensens bcos it's not too crowded. after tat walk around. nothin much to purchase decided to head home. and while walkin in JP, i nearly fall bcos somebodi's ice cream drop on the floor. and it camoflauge wif the floor colour. 1 is pinkish-red, 1 is orange-red. i nearly fall leh! lucky my sis hold on to me the moment she see me slip. and from then, my tummy is hurtin a lil. but i guess if no bleedin everiting is fine. so nw, i will rest!
was damn excited yesterdae for work to finish, to meet sandy, to see dr irene chua and most imptly, to see my baby! so i kept smiling when it's towards the end of the working hrs & dey are tinkin im siao. why smile for no reason. tell them i wan to see baby mar! =x finish work & there's more then 30mins more to sandy and her husband arriving so i jus slack around in office. hungry. so went out to buy some snacks & eat. after eatin sit down read my novels & then wait for them to arrive to pick me up :D our appt is so qiao~ 10mins apart, same dae, as doctor. hahas. reach liaos went to register. bcos sandy is follow up appt while mine is 1st visit, they need to register me again. so sandy went off first. she also seein doctor before me mar. at the counter after i fill everiting the auntie ask me 'u coming to see doctor for? gynae?' kkh not gynae then wad? skin problem? -.- then i tell her yes, for my antenatal check up. and guess her next repli? look at me up and down to my chest bcos i standin bhind the counter that is up to till my chest, and then sae 'oh, u single but u pregnant ah?' i smile & tell her yeah. i should haf tell her no, im not pregnant but i wan antenatal check up! LOL. went for my routine urine test etc. gain 0.6kg since 4 weeks ago. then went back to look for sandy and her husband bcos dey are still waitin. flip thru the free goodie bag that kkh haf given me. she also flip thru wif me. hahas. then is her turn and she went in. after she came out she sae she go off first. so sae byebye and wait for my turn. when it's my turn i went in and she's veri friendly. finally i sae out all the qns and my problem, except for the stupid magrine -.- she did the scan and she 1st scan from the feet upwards. and can see somethin protude out. then she sae 'mayb is a boy...' then she proceed to scan the rest of the body. at first baby is veri quiet. staying nicely in there. and suddenly jus kick and kick and kick and the hand also waving here & there. move so fast that the doctor sae 'look this is the finger.. eh! disappear liaos' LOL im glad tat i cannt feel baby's kickin yet else i will b complainin how come baby keep kicking me huh =x then after tat she go back to scan and wan to see the gender again. then she sae 'mayb not a boy... nw cannt see liao. next appt then we see again!' LOL. so the gender is still unfix. baby mus b plaein a trick wif dr lar =p and after tat went back to see doctor ask abt the neck skin as previous baby was said to have thick neck skin. she sae can no longer b accurate by lookin at the neck skin after the child is more then 12 weeks old. so haf to do the down syndrome test. asked how much isit, wsa told 60+. was tinkin wah, got so cheap? so went to do. wait for my turn to do the blood test & such then went out to make payment. and my bill came up to $317+! the down syndrome test is $105, not $60+ so big difference can. kkh service is okie. jus tat when it comes to pricing, it's alwaes this exp :( and then got so some swaps test, routine test, vitamins & some medication + blood test total is $317+. damn broke. alreadi broke liaos. nw even worst. LOL. the dr even funnier. she asked 'u come alone?' replied yes. 'u single?' replied yes again. and her next qns shock me! 'when u gettin married?' asking wif a smile -.- faint. and i tell her ehh, duno leh. LOL. they are lucky im suay bian & doesn realli mind lor. if meet wif ppl who mind guess dey will either get a scoldin on the spot or get complain. i still cant get the image of baby kickin and kickin out of my sigh =p ohya, kkh patient will haf this small booklet. when i get mine yesterday & open the front page i saw them writtin this - blood group -> O+ve then i ask the counter staff, this is my blood group? then she sae yea, u duno? ur IC dun haf? told her my bunch onwards all IC dun need blood group & i duno wad is my blood group. duno how dey get my blood group. mayb my last baby 2yrs ago they got test my blood group also! LOL. but i seems not to know till nw. im the same blood group wif my daddy :)
nobodi believe im going to b 4 months pregnant tomorrow :( everibodi is saeing tat my tummy looks flat, from the front. but side view, can see tat my tummy is big liao. why from front cannt see? dey sae it is hidden stomach. and my whole stomach jus grow together. not jus the part near to the pelvic 'swell' up like normal case. and bcos it's hidden tummy, it seems like im fat not pregnant! okies. nw i know why ppl haf been saeing im fat -.- no wonder i kept seein why i look so damn fat from the side view whenever i wan to take pictures. so fat tat i drop the idea & dun wish to take animore. realli so so so fat. BTH the thickness of my waist nw. going for my check up tonight~ excited excited. is baby gonna gimmie a birthdae present? hees. went to valerie's blog and she finally blogged abt her birth story. before readin her post i was asking my colleagues why c-section is awake? then how to operate? dey sae they numb ur lower part from the tummy there onwards. no wonder lar~ then i was saein 'damn disgustin leh if like tat. u can hear the sound, feel ever pull & press except no pain!' and then when i read her blog entry, she sae her hubby told her it's like cutting pork. LOL. aniwae, gifing birth, whether by c-section of by normal birth is a tough process! girls all 'ai mei' so dun wan another scar on them. but then scare of pain. so wad to do? tough choice right? mummy is the most wei da lar! my baby will sae tat to me in the future also. LOL~
im totally broke. 2weeks+ till my next pay day & im done wif my money~ OMG. i dun wan to touch my savings lar :( can u imagine i spent 400+ frm the 25th till my TP just for lessons & the TP test + license? i can save all this money for baby in the future from next month onwards~ nw is save save save. no more anihow spending of money next month. at most 400 + 60 for transport & 200 for check up? the rest i save! jialiat =x
was talking abt stroller & winnie sae dun need to buy. on baby's 1st month, they will kap money to buy for me. aniwae after tinkin i realli dun need it so earli. afterall i will b confine to home to do my confinement on the 1st month. onli mayb going to ICA to do baby's birth cert & some doctor's appt then need to bring baby out. can hand carry or wad right? but most imptly, i need to get a car seat! so decided, i need to save money to buy a car seat. winnie is also going to gimmie her near-new baby cott bcos manny onli used it for few times. so.. guess der's realli nothin much tat is needed to buy for now :) so far onli tat stupid eugene guess tat baby is boyboy. the rest of them all guess is girl bcos 1) i suddenly love pink lots lots~ 2) ive been growing lots & lots of acne on the back and face which they say is bcos baby 'ai mei' so gif mummy so mani pimples etc then they will 'mei mei' LOL 3) althou der's so mani pimples on my face, der's still this 'glow' on my face which makes me looks prettier :D *i wish i realli will b pretty~ LOL* hopefully on my check up on thurs, baby will gimmie a gd 21st birthdae present also? collected present from qi yesterdae. thanks qi for the present! is beautiful~ will upload pictures when i get them, bcos pictures are alwaes taken wif other people's camera. hahas~
todae is mummy's birthdae. so morning wake up le i went to get breakfast for everibodi, except for dad bcos he's not home & forgot tat sis told me he will b back in the morning =x so had my breakfast play game & dad is home but nobodi else is awake till 11++? i woke up 8+ 9am. so earli. been wakin up at this hr everi single rest dae. guess tat baby wans mummy to be a healthy right? =p after everibodi wake up and haf their breakfast went to visit mum & came back home. on the wae dad was saein tat should let me drive instead and my sis replied 'no license dun anihow drive lar.' and i told her i got my license alreadi. den she replied '1st time got ur license alreadi? nowadaes so easi pass?' why everibodi look down on me huh?! 0.o happily told my dad the other dae i onli spend 930+ for my driving lessons & am happi ive saved so much. but he replied 'tat means u learn veri lil, not experience enuff lor.' count count. yeah. i onli learnt 29hrs. but i pass leh! it prove tat im smart okie! -.- went home rest & then meet winnie, jerry, xiao kel, qi & luan at jurong point fish & co. all of them are late lor. im the earliest & on time also. they are all late -.- me, winnie & jerry ordered first bcos the rest aint here yet. after tat qi & xiao kel ordered followed by luan. but i finsih my food last =x realli no appetite to eat at all thou im realli realli hungry. and i find tat i cant finish the moment my food comes. in the morning i eat a few mouthful also stop eatin. no appetite thou im damn hungry. afternoon never eat. evening drink a small bowl of soup & some veggie bcos hungry and i vomit all of them out shortly. sigh. ive fun & did enjoyed myself during todae's gathering. joking & talking this & tat. jus fun! they also bought a cake for me. funniest ting is when dey come, dey sae 22nd birthdae 0.o so i sae not me! bcos im going for my 21st birthdae onli. ahhas! and dey wan me to stand on the chair bcos dey sae it is their 'culture' lar. but im wearing skirt & damn paiseh also. so keep saeing dun wan dun wan. LOL. end up i onli need to stand up tat's all. lots of photo takings. but ive none of them. need to get dem from luan & winnie =) they share to treat me to fish & co also. thanks everibodi! love ya all. realli wish to meet up again soon :D
today i drive! LOL. onli from my place to yew tee. my daddy's car so small. no front, no back. hai me feel funni funni. -.- but overall i guess i did ok. bcos daddy didnt sae aniting. wanted him to drive & drop me at yew tee bcos i wan to go pay my bill while he need to go to work. then he sae i drive lor. but in the car and drive halfwae, then realise tat never put p-plate -.- he sae duno he throw till where liaos. LOL. im bored todae~ sian sian.
i pass my TP!! so happi lar. everibodi is telling me that i wun pass. i will fail. bcos i onli went to circuit once. i surely fail. ask me to defer. make me ganchiong =x then in the end the night before i cant sleep well. and im worried abt my slope. so i kept dreaming that my car roll down the slope! idiot. and the next morning so ganchiong to go out for my lesson, my 2nd circuit! hahs. forgot to bring my phone. went for my lesson and right after tat is my TP. scared and went up there to sit and wait for name to be called. my tester is so so so stern. and the face is damn black. i haf mani mistakes in the ciruit and he kept scolding me. i not familiar wif circuit wad -.- how i know this no. on the left or right? never do wrong alreadi veri gd liaos! LOL. but once on road, everiting is gd! happi happi~ come back he tell me overall i pass! i pass lehs! and of cuz got jealous ppl lar =p the dae before i tink, was telling alfred tat i going for my TP lehs. then he sae aiyas, pass liao then tell him. bcos he also take 2 times to pass. he look down on me! when i reach home SMS some ppl and then call him. no answer. after tat he call back tell him i pass. and he still look down on me sae i bluff him. tell him to pae me money to MMS the picture over lor. wahahhas. then he believe and he keep saein cannt believe he lose to me. jackson also lar! after tat in the evening went to jackson's house for birthdae celebration & CNY celebration. when he know i pass wif the 1st try and onli went in circuit once onli. can see him face is, JEALOUS! wahahhas. guys are guys. keep saeing tat i either wear mini skirt or low cut. nver lor. i wear long top, long pants. LOL. and my tester keep scolding me lehs! u tink attracted to me mehs? then dey sae mus b i tell tester aiyo, my baby kick me. pain. so my tester pass me bcos scare aniting happen to me. but i never tell my tester i pregnant also lor. GUYS! look down on me! even my dad also. LOL. the dae before he also tell me, u onli go ciruit once. if can pass then is gd lor. got luck. never pass then nevermind. u onli went in once onli wad. fail is normal. &*^%#*$&(*&^ so when i pass he sae then need to celebrate liaos. but, i cannot drive. bcos my dad sae he need to supervise me lehs. sian. i purposely put my TP before my birthdae so tat i can drive on my birthdae. who knows, nw like tat. and it's onli a week to my birthdae. so i can stop dreaming of driving on my bdae liaos! sian. there's mani guess tat my baby will b a girl girl. hahs. what abt all of u? i never wish for it to b boy or girl. but jus feel tat it might b a girl bcos i suddenly love pink lots and lots and lots. almost couldnt resist to buy stuff that is cute & pink. and jus have the feel that it is a girl girl lor. most colleagues guessing is girl also. i tell them i take in their bet. LOL. then i b banker wad. then i will haf more money =p yesterdae went to weilun's house after jackson's house for gambling session. damn funni lar. plae and joke around. we plae blackjack wif 51cards onli. hahas. and the last 2 rounds, i cut the cards and alwaes 2 person sittin next to each other will banlak! first time is xiao kel & qi. 2nd time is winnie's bro & xiao kel. idiot. why my luck never come to me? baby dun like me to gamble huh? hai me keep lose liaos win back. happi happi win liaos then lose again :(
on mc todae because... i can't sleep last night. i guess i onli fall asleep around 2 or 3am. which is damn late. and it seems to b gettin later and later everi night. if this goes on, im dying. and i woke up in time to wash up everiting and go to work. but i didnt because im hafing this bad magrine + giddiness. sibei jialiat. then try to go back sleep awhile more, but cant! bcos of the throbbing pain, from morning till nw still throbbing awae. damn irritating lehs. and damn painful. went to see doctor & tat doctor stupid. ask me to turn my head around. then after tat i look at him sae 'veri giddy leh' then he look at me and sae 'after u turn u giddy ah?' bcos i onli turn my head machiam like exercise nia, 2 rounds and it bcome so giddy. LOL. and he pop the qns 'when is the first day of ur last menses?' then i like ehs, i thought i last time come got sae i pregnant? hahs. so told him im 14weeks pregnant le then his repli is 'wah, like tat u quite serious' =/ but in the end der's no medication tat he can gimie bcos he sae pregnant should try not to take medicine. so onli got 1 vitamins for blood circulation. tomorrow is my TP! how how. im so scare lehs. i scare the slope lor. sigh. i scare later at the slope i roll back hw? i no confidence at the slope. the rest im ok. onli the slope. pls pls, dun gimmie test route wif slope. im gettin forgetful nowadaes. some examples. in office working then suddenly tummy pain need to do big business. tell myself need to go toilet after tis call. call end, i go toilet BUT i never do big business bcos i forget & onli do small business, wash hand go back sit down & tummy pain again then suddenly remember i forget to do big business! wah lao. sibei jialiat. then went back to toilet again. -.- and i actualli got 1 more example de. but hor, like i mention, im forgetful. so i dun remb liaos. LOL! finding tat im stupid suddenly. hahas.
planning & searchin for more and more information everidae. it's jus abt 6 more months to me gifing birth. another 8-9 months before i will finish my maternity. so, why do i plan so earli? sigh. everibodi is alreadi asking me, 'who's gonna look after ur child?' or 'who's going to help u do ur confinement?' it's as if it is jus 1 week awae. so, im not the ganchiong one. everi1 around me is even more ganchiong. forcing me to research and research everidae. understand wad my sis sae. our situation isnt that gd. i also dun wish to rely on my daddy forever. im turning 21 soon! i also know tat my daddy is having a hard time to provide for my brother & his sch fees. sis is earning okie. but she doesn have much to spare. she also wish to haf her own savings right? and it's my own mistake. why should i ask other people to pae for it? jus bcos i choose to haf it, doesn mean that dey haf to share. as long as dey support me & dote on my baby, it's enuff alreadi. i can save & scrimp everithin tat i can, to put together for my child. tryin hard not to touch nor ask them for money. some mum-to-be, edd almost the same as me, asking me why i alreadi ask for delivery package, why decide this and that so fast? is bcos i need to plan my money mar. hees. so, planned & confirm. KKH for me. thou im going to b private suite patient = more exp. but still cheaper then my current gynae. plus minus abit lar. but the delivery is gonna b much cheaper & sis sae she can lend me hers or daddy's medisave, as mine is too lil. alreadi calculated, nt even enuff to cover my own $1.8k which is claimable thru medisave. so dey can lend me, which is gd! then i dun need to fork out cash. so i can save my cash. gonna do my own confinement. it's gonna b tough. bcos it's onli me & baby. gonna order confinement food. not cheap. but cheaper then to go thru the trouble of gettin someone to cook and buy the stuff or lookin for a confinement nanny which i may nt even trust & will worriew for handing my child over. it's gonna b tough. but to save abt 1k, it's worth it! :D money face lehs. ive 2 months paid maternity leave. i guess im gonna take an extra 1 month to spend more time wif baby then go back & work. and haf to leave baby wif nanny is realli cant find frens or relative to look after. cindy & alfred did offer to look after baby for me after birth. but the prob is dey are staeing at paya lebar lehs! how to pass to them? i also wish to see my child everidae. so, no chice. haf to find someone nearer :) it's gonna be a tough journey. but i will go thru it. i will tolerate. how painful also dun wan epidural! or pain killer injections! LOL. all bcos u baby. mummy love u
 1 february 2009 - 14 weeks, 2days 13 february 2009 - 16weeks, 0 days
21 february 2009 - 17 weeks, 1 day
25 february 2009 - 17 weeks, 5 days
3 march 2009 - 18 weeks, 4 days
10 march 2009 - 19 weeks, 5 days
18 march 2009 - 20 weeks, 5days
24 march 2009 - 21weeks, 4 days
31 march 2009 - 22 weeks, 4 days
6 april 2009 - 23 weeks, 3 days
16 april 2009 - 24weeks, 6days
23 april 2009 - 25 weeks, 6 days
27 april 2009 - 26 weeks, 3 days
8 may 2009 - 28 weeks, 0 day
14 may 09 - 28 weeks, 6 days
19 may 09 - 29 weeks, 4 days 
26 may 09 - 30 weeks, 4 days 
2 june 09 - 31 weeks, 4 days 
13 june 09 - 33 weeks, 1 day
4 december 2008 - 5 weeks size of pregnancy sac: 1.9cm length of baby: 0.4cm
 18 december 2008 - 8 weeks size of pregnancy sac: 4.0cm length of baby: 1.6cm weight gain: 0.4kg 13 january 2009 - 11 weeks weight gain: 0.4kg 12 february 2009 - 15 weeks, 6 days weight gain: 0.6kg   12 march 2009 - 19 weeks, 6 days (scanning) 13 march 2009 - 20 weeks, 0 days (consult) weight gain: 3.6kg est baby's weight: 500g   8 april 2009 - 23 weeks, 5 days weight gain: 2.9kg est baby's weight: 800g  13 may 2009 - 28 weeks, 5 days weight gain: 2.3kg est baby's weight: 1.6kg  8 june 2009 - 32 weeks, 3 days weight gain: 3.1kg est baby's weight: 2kg 26 june 2009 - 35weeks, 0 day weight gain: 3.5kg est baby's weight: 2.5kg