♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
my sister gimmie $200! :D okies. bcos she see me keep squeezing into my old clothing and alwaes eatin junk food. so she gimmie $200 and ask me to get some new clothin and get better food. $200 is not alot that i can do wif if i get some new clothin and to get gd food. but it's better then nothing and it's jus her precious thoughts of her lil sis :) sweet of her. im glad ive her as a sis. thou she alwaes veri fierce but i know she is tryin to do her role as a elder sis. jus tat when u are kids, u hate it. but when u haf grow up, u will see the effort ^^ haf not been feeling baby movement much since yesterdae. if i do feel, it is veri veri veri minor movement. even the kicks doesn seems to haf ani power. not sure wad's wrong. im worried but tryin to claim myself down. dun wan to end up go A&E for nothin. sigh. wad should i do? and worst is, my baby darius doesn react to shakin of tummy. i shake, poke, beat for the whole night yesterdae but no movement. finally i fell asleep. not sure isit dream. but i felt baby darius kicking. but morning til nw, i dun feel aniting again. wad should i do? ive a savings of 888bucks for baby darius! $780 shall go to the hospital deposit. then the rest haf to continue savings. lalala~ im happi tat ive saved 888bucks. PLS GIMMIE A INCREAMENT AND BIG BONUS IN JULY CAN? i still need alot of money lehs. sigh.
 tummy @ 23weeks, 4 days my tummy doesn seems to grow from last week. LOL random pictures: 
i deposited a total of $90 worth of coins todae! so happi. hees. i alwaes dong all my coins in my piggy bank. and then im totally broke go and deposit. and i got money! but then, all this money is to be put in baby's account. so, not gonna touch. LOL. jus borrowed $300 from 'somewhere' bcos ive no more money liaos. im spending like $100/week lehs! realli need to cut down nw. duno why i nw spend so much. tsk tsk. so this $300 is to last me for 3 weeks + kkh bill. shouldn't b a problem i guess. no ATM card for me in the future. else alwaes withdraw withdraw withdraw. $10 a day is the max i gif myself! aniwae jus nw went to see doctor damn funni. below is our conversation from the moment i stepped into the room: doctor: yiling? me: yuppie doctor: ur name again? me: yiling doctor: hw old are u ah? me: 21 doctor: u preggy? me: yupp9ies doctor: oh, i thought dey gimmie wrong card when i see u preggy bcos u so young! me: hahas! doctor: where u not feeling well? me: blah blah doctor: why so young wan to get married? me: accident happen lor doctor: -laugh- nevermind lar. gd also wad. next time can retire earli me: haha! yea lar! doctor: den stayin wif parents? me: yuppies doctor: they supportive can liaos. else veri hard me: ya lor. if i stay alone sure die doctor: okie, i gif u 2 daes mc, u go rest ok me: okie, thank you! muahhahas! i damn long never see this doctor alreadi. the moment went in he see my tummy he ask alot of qns. but he didnt ask in a offensive wae. instead in a veri cute wae. so cute tat i duno wad to sae and keep laughin and smiling. LOL. accident happen lor. true wad! 2 daes MC! slack slack. time to pack my room AGAIN. it's messy AGAIN. LOL
tomorrow shall take MC~ realli cannt take it liaos. work from mondae to saturdae. and saturade after work still haf to stay back for course till 8pm! and for the whole week im hafing flu. and fridae and yesterdae my flu realli driving me mad. my nose is so painful in aircon envoironment. but can onli tahan bcos i need to work. so, tomorrow i mus take MC! need to realli rest. and todae i woke myself up at 830am. for wad sia. body clock ask me to wake up. sigh. and nw im hafing a headache. feeling hot all over! missing charlene's full months' celebration bcos supposed to go visit my mum in the morning but they change it to afternoon for fear that it will be jammed as my mum there is near to lim chu kang, alot of cemetery lar! i guess i will hate qing ming in the future not bcos i dun wan to visit my mum. is bcos of the jam. my dad even more cute. last night sae why not in the middle of the night go pray =x tell him got open meh. so he call and ask and dey sae onli opened at 6am. lucky ahs. else surely in the middle of the night need to wake up go pray lor. den nw i cannt go charlene's full months' celebration bcos of all the timing to go, dey decide to change it to 3pm. middle of the dae. meaning that if i go to charlene's celebration at 1pm come back, too rush. if i go later after tat, too late. selling awae my SE phone liaos! hees. going to change to LG viewty KU990 or Samsung F480. why? bcos dey haf haf pink color! and mosimptly dey haf 5megapixel camera lor. so next time i can jus use my hp to take pictures of baby darius! hees. and i check out the price for this 2 phones. LG is definitely abit cheaper. and after selling off my SE phone, mayb need to top up jus few 10buck and i can get a 2nd hand viewty. but samsung may haf to top up abt $100. shall see hw lor. i dun need 1st hand lar. 2nd hand i also happi. for wad use 1st hand. as long as 2nd hand got warranty and in gd condition can liaos :D dad asked wad will happen to baby darius after i need to go back to work? told him get babysitter to look after lor. den he sae might as well get maid if like tat. much cheaper. salary onli abt 300+ and levy 100+. make me so tempted lor. but i told him i dun trust maid lehs. bcos nobodi will b home mar. hw to know whether maid got ill treat my baby darius or whether my maid got leave my baby darius alone at home and run out or not. so i tell him, i dun wan. then dhe sae u gif baby sitter look also almost same price. and tat we are all brought up by maid. my brother is bring 100% taken of by maid since 4 months old. but now de maid and last time de maid all different wad. hw can compare like tat. sigh. and i tell him tink abt it first lor. and once i hang up the phone i thought of a problem! where is my maid gonna stay? then my colleague sae can sleep in the living room but mus write in the contract lar. but my bro sometimes also fall asleep in the living room. then jiu cannt liaos. sigh. wad should i do man. i jus did my calculation. i onli left wif 100bucks for this month including baby darius's check up fees. LOL. so i guess i need to take out from somewhere again and gif back next month =p
been feeling rather restless lately. cant b bothered to do anything. i used to be active in forum, posting, chattin. go on MSN and chat for hrs, blogging etc. but nw, i cant b bothered to do aniting. i jus read and close. open and close my lappie. not knowing wad i should do. life is bcoming so boring for me. WHY?! and nw i dun feel like going out animore. sigh. i feel like locking myself up in my room everi single dae after work. but i drag myself out and then end up veri tired. random thoughts and post. so confirm bo link! pardon me for that huh. my SE phone spoil again! actualli spoil veri long time ago. at first i go service bcos i tink warranty finishin in june09, so jus go service also bcos sometimes the stupid phone no reception when it is actualli full bar. and find out not starhub fault is the phone fault bcos i change phone can use change back cannt again. so i service lor. come back 3 days, spoil! and is the keypad spoil. sometimes i can use the key '3'. sometimes cannt. siao siao 1. make me so pek chek. so ask my sis for spare phone. happily using her spare phone nw. jus send for servicing again yesterdae bcos wenyu going ask her suan bian help me :) should faster sell awae the phone liaos. stupid SE phone. tomorrow i need to b in the office for 12hrs! 8am - 8pm bcos i got stupid course. wad course isit? i duno lehs. morning haf to come to work. 8am-1230pm. then course start at 1pm-8pm. if 1 dae not enuff. next saturdae also the same. jus tat i dun need to work in the morning. so i onli need to go between 1pm-8pm. hw u expect me to sit down there? my back is damn bad lor. cannt sit too long cannt stand too long. if i move around, also funni right? stupid stupid de. sigh. this 2 weeks seems to haf so much tings to do, so much events for me to go to. but im super lazy and my brain is nt working. nothin seems to interest me animore. jus trying to pretend im interested and enthu abt certain tings but after tat jus cross tat idea out. am feeling rather stupid lor! i also dun talk to baby darius animore. why? bcos i duno wad i should tell him. BABY DARIUS, UR MUMMY CANNT SEE DADDY LAR. zzzz i tink im abit crazy
 tummy @ 21weeks, 4days 3 more days to 22 weeks! yippie :)
decide tat i should blog bcos i cannt everitime around 7pm jiu sleep! realli lazy me lar. and suddenly decide to change abit of my skin also bcos i thought of opening another blog jus for hubby, typing in the thoughts and such. BUT it is rather stupid for me to do so, bcos i can alwaes write my thoughts and feelins for him in letter OR i can post it on my blog. so wad for i open another blog. then wad will happen to this blog? bcos this is my personal blog also right. duh. so i find myself rather stupid. LOL jus plae around wif the pictures and moving the textbox for my blog. the rest remain. cant b bothered to do much abt it. but nw my blog looks more complete wif our pictures. our = me, hubby and our baby darius! been feelin depressed bcos i cant visit hubby. but tryin to cheer myself up by telling myself not to pin hope animore. not not to pin hope on being together wif him after he is released, but not to pin hope that i can visit him animore. but, im still deciding wad i should do. the most i will try and see whether i can appeal for his case. sigh. ive looked googled online and it saes that should he wan to appeal against his sentence, he haf to do so within 10days. everywhere i read is the same. BUT there's 1 clause which saes tat unless there are special case. TA-DAH mayb my hope is here. sometimes cant help but see my situation fron an outsiders' angel. i seems rather pathetic huh? for 2yrs plus im wif this guy whose mother doesn like me right from the start without a reason and as we process thru the whole relationship, the mother jus start to pick on the everi single ting. saeing tat she dun like me bcos i smoke, dun like me bcos ive tattoos. BUT she onli know i smoke 1 dae after seein me for the first time, yet she alreadi chase me out of the hse after i greated her. so, tryin to sae she hate me bcos she smokes is stupid excused. bcos u didnt even know i smoke when u chase me out of ur house. duh. and i always hide my tattoos from them hence the reason why dey onli know ive tattoos abt 2yrs into the relationship. i respect them. never smoke nor show my tattoos in front of them. alwaes hiding here and there. and even sit at the stairwaes for almost 2yrs, tryin to let her accept me. but instead of accepting me, she took it for granted tat im very gd to be bullied. finally burst somewhere around 2yrs into the relationship and scolded her CCB right in her face. LOL. her stun look, will never forget. for 2yrs plus, not being able to b accepted in the family and alwaes hafing to hide from her is alreadi pathetic enuff. and then later on hubby kanna case. and im the one being pointed at again. saeing tat it is bcos of ME tat's why hubby alwaes never go home. and hence, let him haf the chance to haf another case. but the fact is, after he got his license and bike, i hardly see him. bcos he will sae he go malaysia wif his frens and onli come back in the morning. ive to work, how do i even tag along? but, im being pointed at saein tat im the one who lead him astray. if it is not pathetic enuff, my mum pass awae just 2 weeks before he is supposed to be sentenced. and we quarrelled and fight jus 1 week before he is supposed to be sentneced. and i haf to be pregnant at that point of time. hafin to find out onli 3 daes before he is to be sentenced. and if not pathetic enuff, his mum after knowing tat in pregnant still dun wan to let me visit him and nw the prison department also say cannt. and im left all alone! pathetic enuff not. sigh. but seein another wae, i got pregnant at the wrong time, but baby darius gave me the strength to carry on. should i not haf baby darius, i believe, i mayb alreadi admitted to IMH liaos. LOL. should i not haf baby darius, i duno in hw a bad state i would bcome, how many news scars would i haf, hw i would cry everi single dae. and if not for baby darius, mayb he and i would realli leave this relationship there and then, 1 week before he's to be sentenced. bcos he wrote to me saeing tat he feel tat i should leave. 18months is a long time. many tings will change. and definitely im gonna meet someone better then him, quite true also if u wan to compare in reality. LOL. but as he mention, it is fate that brought us together this time. bcos we have baby darius nw. it's different. when he truly wanted to cut it between the 2 of us, baby darius came along. it's god's will. it's fate that why of all time, ive to get pregnant this time? i cherish everi single ting tat is given to me. i cherish everi single stuff tat happen to me. i dun haf much regrets, except for my mum. bcos i believe tat, everiting tat happened in the past, whether isit sad or unpleasent stuff tat still pisses me off nw, it happened for a reason. and mayb if jus 1 part of it is missin, i wun b who im nw. i onli regret tat im not fillial enuff when my mum is around. and tat nw i can do nothin to make it up, bcos she haf alreadi left the world. sometimes i still misses my mum. and jus talk to the air, as if im talking to her, as if she is still by my side. sometimes i still see the image of her frail, thin and hollow face in my mind and i start to tear. 20yrs, she is in my life. hut hw many yrs of memories do i haf of her. when i look at my hse nw, i cant help but feel that she is a great mummy. despite her illness, despite being so weak, she never fail to clean the hse. and after she is gone, it doesn even look like a hse animore. i didnt miss her bcos nobodi is here to do the hsework. i miss her bcos she's not able to see ani of her children get married and haf children. i miss her bcos, she's no longer here. bcos she will forever b my dearest mum. todae i receive a call from her. it's surprised. bcos i do not haf her no. and i duno who called. the no. look familiar. but too busy to recall and cant recall. when i called her i still cannt recognised. after sometimes then i realised tat it is her who called me. she called me bcos she saw my post on tat im unable to visit hubby and she happened to saw her fren who might know hw i can try to visit hubby and hence she is calling me to tell me the stuff. i never thought we would b in contact animore. esp after my feb post. and also after wad she had post in her blog after tat. but nevertheless, im thankful for her help and also appreciate wad she had done for me. mayb somehow somewhere in our heart, we still care.
IM NOT ALLOWED TO VISIT HUBBY WITHOUT HIS PARENTS reason? bcos family have the prority. dey are onli gifen 2 times to see the inmates every month. and since im nobody to him and just a girlfriend, dey cannt let me see him and deprieve his family members of the visitation. fcuk it. they gimmie hope. and nw they take awae. saeing it is their policy. no matter hw dey cannt bend the rules. so that means nw even i go ask MP also no use. i can onli ask president? tell them i need to discuss baby darius stuff. 1 time also cannt? sae write letter. FCUKER U KNOW UR LETTER ALWAYS TAKE HOW LONG NT? FROM 24NOV08 TILL NW I ONLY RECEIVE 3 LETTERS. still dare to say 1 month write 2 times. so wad write 2 times? u all take freaking long time to settle the letters. cannt see before baby born nevermind. i asked, if baby born, BC got his name, also cannt visit? he replied 'WE CAN TRY TO ARRANGE A 1 TIME PRIVILLGE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILD TO VISIT HIM, ONCE AND FOR ALL' and the reason? bcos thou is his son, im not his wife. they cannt gimmie the visit pass jus bcos his son is my son. wad kind of reason is this?! den u mean father and son cannt see each other for ONE WHOLE YR and come out he still haf to accept the fact tat he is a father of a ONE YR OLD BOY and suddenly the boy's father pop out from nowhere? u go ask all the guy, who can accept? if realli like tat, dun even need to talk abt future. there's no more future. im going crazy nw.
EDITED i receive miss call from the prison department. call them back and this is the conversation me: hello, im lynn. i receive a miss call him: do u haf ani frens working in prison department? me: er, dun haf. but i did send in a request. and the guy say he have already send the request to the in charge him: oh, i tink dun haf lar me: huh? or do u haf a eugene over there? he was the one who communicate wif me previously him: dun haf dun haf. u got send in ani request not? me: yuppies. i request to see my bf without his parents around him: oh. dun tink haf. er, i tink the in charge of ur case not around. u call later ^(^&*$&^$((&()&) this guy is retard or wad? alreadi sae i got miss call, keep sae dun haf?! then hw u knw the in charge not around. u got even ask meh. u never even ask lor. make me happi for nothin. sigh. learn my lesson liaos. bring my phone everiwhere i go. even if it means going out for lunch next door! call them back again at 3pm. and they pass the phone to one person then pass to another person again. and finally the guy ask me 'may i know wad isit regarding ah?' fcuk lor. i wan to ask u u call me for wad. then u ask me i call u for wad. worst ting is, they not willing to listen to wad i wan to sae, thou dey ask. then i abit pek chek so didnt talk veri nicely to them. dun care. is they cock up.
im tired of waiting. waiting for a letter which i dun even know whether will it come. bcos i wun ever know whether isit being approved to be sent to me. im tired.
i had a super bad dream tat woke me up in a fright. i dreamt that hubby mother silently let me into the house, never say much, never scold me or anything. but when hubby ask her for money to marry me, his mother start to say 'u can ask ur gf for money wad. why ask me? ur gf so rich mar, she can gif u money. aiya, dun need ask from me. ask for ur gf, she super rich' then i angry and scolded her back. then end up quarrel quarrel and hubby wan to chase after me. i alreadi at the door then the mother shouted 'u will get ur karma treat ur daughter de grandma so badly!' and at that point i alreadi crazy liaos and so i shouted back and laughing at them 'is a SON ok, not daughter. it's ur family 1st great grandson. my son will never acknowledge any of you. NEVER! muhahahas' then when i turn to leave the brother duno threaten duno me wif wad and i actualli go crazy and wan to snatch somethin and then hubby run over to his brother and my side also and tried snatchin from the bro also. and suddenly i jus grab a penknife and keep cutting myself and blood stain the whole floor. the whole family open the mouth big big and i turn and run while hubby chase after me. woke up after tat and am scared. look at my hand to make sure everiting is alright. i dun wish to go back to that kind of life. dun wish to go siao. dun wish to cry and laugh for no reason. dun wish. i jus wan to b normal. lead a normal life. can i?
met shan for dinner last night. she treated me to shin toyoko. the food is so-so but the queuee is damn long. bcos it's the 1st jap restaurant in yew tee. duh. next time dun need to go to lot1 animore. we got yew tee square~ LOL meetin winnie and qi later at night for supper. email to hdb asking them abt my case whether can still apply for their 2 room hdb not. hopefully can bahs. never tell anibodi yet tat i intend to move out. but well, i duno whether confirm or not mar. so currently jus keep quiet first. when everiting confirm then sae bahs :)
this few daes, time is passing by very very very slowly. not sure why also. i wish i can b busier abit. jus abit. not too much. else veri sian. how to pass time faster? it was raining veri heavily in the middle of the night yesterday. and my window was open, so it kept blowing and blowing and shake my whole door. irritated. wanted to ignore it BUT baby darius keep poking me to wake up! at first i thought i imagine it. so i dun care. then continue and so i place my hand over the place i feel the poking. poke once, twice and up i get, close window shut sleep. morning alarm ring at 610am bcos i wanted to go bath purposely set earlier so tat i will wake up after draggin. ring once, i snooze it. twice, snooze it. until the 4th time baby darius start poking again! -.- ignore again and put my hand over the area where i feel the poking and again. start poke and poke and poke. finally i wake up at 650am. LOL. he can be my alarm clock liaos. i wan to go to the prenatal class where they teach abt how to handle new born. care for their qi dai, bathing them, caring for them, breastfeed etc. but everywhere also dun haf! i mean they haf, but together wif those other stupid talks like wad u should eat during pregnancy, labour pain relief, types of relief available etc. im alreadi pregnant, do i still need to know wad i need to eat during pregnancy? type of relief i go online search haf liaos -.- is more like, those topics im not interested in, i can easily get them from my workplace. so i dun need tat mar. i jus worried how to bath baby? my dad ask me the same qns. tell him i duno. zzzzzz can somebodi come over to my hse when i deliver to teach me? sad lehs. sian. KKH they haf this service where they will go ur house for 3 times 2hrs each to teach u those tings. if they onli come 2 days after i deliver then 2daes baby dun need to bath =x headache. seeing the counsellor later :) im tinkin of inducing baby out on the 24th july lehs. LOL. bcos my birthdae is on the 13th feb and hubby's birthdae is on the 11th may together jus nice is 24th june. so i wish! if not exp. then i wan induce out on that day. jus 1 week earlier mar :D
 20weeks 5 days
yeah, i know is sharp. bcos im hafing a boy wad! sharp tummy is normal ok. and yes, it's small. todae alice watt asked, how much u gain in total? i sae 5kg. she asked, ur 5kg gain until where? breast ahs? =x i dun look like i gain means gd! baby is the 1 gaining. muahahhaas.
i cannt believe wad tat kuku prison department did. they called up the family centre, they update him my case. and he asked them to tell me to send in my request to visit hubby via email as he cannt do it with a verbal request. the kuku ting is, I SENT IN MY REQUEST VIA EMAIL ON THE 5TH FEBRUARY ALREADY. tat is when he contacted me the 2nd time and ask me to speak to the family centre. and nw he asked the social worker to ask me to send in my request via email. fcuk lor. then i tell the social worker, i did sent in alreadi. but i cannt blame the social worker bcos she didnt know aniting. blah blah. tomorrow meetin another social worker from the fei yue family centre. they say they have pass my details and also the guy's no. to the person in charge of my ase at fei yue. shall talk to her tomorrow and see how. seriously, i feel by the time it's approval, i might haf delivery liaos. kuku ppl.
baby darius is always hiccuping after my meals. after having my meals, gif him abt 15-20mins and u can start to feel him hiccuping. hahas! is damn cute lor. at first i ignore it. bcos i thought is baby kicking or moving. and slowly i start to feel it more often and more obvious. yesterday after i finish my meal, i sit down on the chair and look at my belly. and baby hiccups started. my whole tummy is shaking whenever darius hiccup. LOL. this, i dare to look at my tummy. guess i still need sometimes to see my tummy protuding out whenever baby kicks =p anyway darius seems very high up sometimes, above my belly button. is he supposed to be so high? i thought for nw, the water bag jus reach my belly button onli? or at least tats wad the book sae. funni funni. im startin to count the money. i need $780 for hospital deposit. and another $1.2k for the confinement food. total, $2k! OMG how am i going t haf that $2k huh? $2k = 2 months of my pay after cpf lehs. sian sia. and i need both of them to be ready by june. and tat left me with april & may to save more money and to buy baby's stuff. i wan my july bonus lar! else really poor liaos. nw i onli haf $700. next pay at most save $100. then my hospital deposit is done. but still got another $1.2k to save for the confinement food. and still need to buy baby's stuff! money pls drop from the sky! im touched by my whole office. dey are very supportive. alice was on leave yesterdae and she called up the office to look for me. ask me whether wan maternity clothes not. bcos i always try to squeeze into my old clothing =x told her dun gimmie old fashion one hor. thought that she is going pass down maternity clothing mar. end up when she come in todae, is BN and she bought it for me. 2 tops at $15 each, offer :) and another pants which is a pass down. and she continue to ask me my size, bcos she bought S and M size each and wan me to try bcos she wan to buy more! she is damn gd lor. i offer to pay her she sae dun wan. gift to you, she said. then whenever i help any of them buy tings, they will not ask for change for me and tell me nevermind nevermind! sometimes the change can be as lil as $1 but can be as much as $4. i tink will save half of my may's pay and half of my june's pay for the $1.2k confinement food. sigh. everything is so exp lor. gimmie a big big bonus in july can?
when i go back to office todae everibodi was asking boy or girl? so excited lor! hahas. told them boy and a few of them sae, 1st one is boy den u will haf tink veri long whether wan to haf 2nd one or not. but so far, still haven thought of deleting the thoughts of hafing no. 2 when no.1 is abt 2yrs lehs =p but of cuz, also bcos no.1 haven come out mar. hahas! i showed them the scan of the baby's picture that i love sooooooo much! i realli love that pictures. nw even as my wall paper. cant resist. baby's cute! BUT all of them commented tat darius is huge, is fat, is chubby -.- so i go rub rub my tummy, tell darius, u are not fat ok! this is call cute! everibodi loves u lehs! then devi sae in her life, never see ani scan tat the baby position is like tat. mus b my baby wans to b a model. haven come out alreadi posing. LOL.  can u see?! is so cute! the leg is raise up, blowing bubble. cute cute cute. love my darius to bits! cant wait for him to come out so i can kiss him over and over again! muahhahas. and yeah, the nose aint flat lor. i thought the nose is quite flat during the scan. but when i look at this picture, it's not. my baby have a nose hor =p
EDITTED jus finish seeing doctor. i gain 3.6kg leh! is 3.6kg from my last check up 4 weeks ago. and doctor sae baby weigh abt 500g. heavier then all tat ive heard of. but also means im not gaining to much weight since most went to baby! :D everything is well and baby is well. guai baby. mummy love u even if u is boy boy ok? mummy jus kiddin wif auntie etrini yesterdae when she sae if i wan buy pink ting then cut off ur bird! muahahas. mummy realli joking lar. love love u ok? didnt sleep well the whole of last night. kept waking up! dun even know why. tummy is achin like hell yesterday. and it's like somebody gif u a punch in the tummy and u haf a blue black. when u press, it is fcuking painful. BUT it onli happens to just the left side of my belly button -.- and mayb bcos i walk the whole day, abt 5-10 and waited for cab till 11, my back is aching so much. and nw, the pain in my tummy is gone! wad is this lar =x as mentioned previously, if is a boy, the name shall be Darius Lee. but, waitin for hubby to confirm whether he tink the name is nice not. hees. so is TBC(to be confirm) again. aniwae when scanning scanning, then the sonographer was asking, u wan to know the gender? i replied yes! then she sae is a boy. i kept quiet and sae ok. bcos i kept dreaming is a boy lar! and i also scare later sala how? i buy blue later bcome girl girl. so when she scanning the tummy i ask again, isit confirm boy? she capture the imagine and show me the 3 thingy (balls & his private part), 90% confirm is boy! LOL. so cute lor. everyone in my office is wrong.. except hamidah! she is the onli 1 guessing it is a boy. hahas! so excited after knowing the baby's gender. i can start shopping liaos~ aniwae, jus realise hor, around me are almost all baby girls -.- not much baby boys lehs. so i guess ive to start shoppin and not rely too much on pass down clothing liaos. tat also means, my boy can get to choose his grlfriends! muhahahas!
im finding it so hard to concentrate lookin at tings. i know i need to do that ting or i need to look at that ting to focus. but i cant and my eyes will be like floating around and i cant concentrate but im tryin to! blink blink few times then got use. sigh. wad's happening huh? 1hr and 15mins more and im leaving work to go KKH for my appt for scanning. baby did u hear mummy? mummy realli realli realli WAN TO buy tings for u. but, u haf to let mummy know ur gender! if the car seat is a gd offer, then will buy todae. heard that got 1 gd car seat selling at $189! gd deal? shall go down and see :)
 my tummy @ 19 weeks and 5 days! my tummy is abit 'high' not like those normal pregnancy tummy where dey are bigger at the bottom. mine is bigger on the middle and top part lor. so weird. look more like bcos i fat when i wear clothing. so nt much ppl can realli see im pregnant except for the sudden protude out tummy right below my breast =x got a few doll dress and i wear them to work bcos dun need to buy pants, which can b rather expensive. and todae i wanted to wear 1 which i never wear before. after wearing and adjust, wah, is super low cut and lots of cleavage is shown! cannt cannt. if im not pregnant i dare to wear. nw mum-to-b liaos how can wear this kind of clothin? it's like seeing a pregnant women wif tummy big liaos still wear mini skirt, low cut -.- so i change, left another doll dress nia, wear on, V cut and show abit of the cleavage also. so decide better the the previous 1 so i keep pull up up up. LOL. at office everibodi sae me. sae nw pregnant liaos breast big liaos lar can show off liaos =x tell them no lar, i no money buy bra, ask them sponsor me! LOL. baby is moving alot! gd, but irritating bcos todae practically i can feel tat baby is at the veri veri low part of my body which makes me ganchiong. bcos i duno whether isit normal or not. why baby dun wan to go upper abit where baby alwaes is punching and kicking me? heard of mummies who haf contractions even from 2nd trismeter onwards and they are diluting! it's pre-term labour. so im so scare. and bcos baby is so low, which means plaeing around or pressin on my bladder, im going to the toilet practically everi 15-20mins which irritate me lor. i tell my colleagues jokingly, dey jackson jus built a toilet in the office? all of them stare at me in disbelief =x then later i tell them veri lei chye for me to go out and in out and in leh. dey sae gimmie potty lor. tomorrow is my scanning liaos! ganchiong ganchiong. after tat meetin a few mummies and mum-to-be at taka for the baby fair. baby mus cooperate tomrrow okie? so we can faster finish the scan and go shopping for ur tings! :D
i sold my barbie pink phone for $100 yesterdae bcos im too broke. actualli wanted to sell PSP bcos im no longer playing it and haf left it there for a long long time. but then.. duno why i jus cant bear to sell it. so i sell my phone instead. afterall, it's a spare phone. so nw ive $100 extra! happi :) im using 50bucks per week leh. can imagine? for my 3 meals a day, i spend abt 10bucks. is damn lots. using 50bucks per week ONLY bcos sat and sundae i dun eat out. mostly dad will cook something, or jus tabao one or 2 meal. i had a dream yesterday and i dreamt of hubby also! seriously, i tink im startin to forget how his voice sounds like, his stupid act cute expressions and how he alwaes love to mumble to me when i fall asleep. and tat stupid prison department still havent get back to me on whether i can visit him or not. im fcuking irritated by them alreadi lor. 31st dec i send 1 request, till nw no repli. 3 months liaos leh! then nevermind. around 9th feb i send another request nw still no repli! and so i call the MCYS counsellor tat he wish for me to speak to. i also speak liaos. then nw he sae wad cant get in touch wif the counsellor tat spoke to me. so, there's no wae they can process the case nw! fcuk fcuk fcuk. i tink can wait till my baby come out and they are still processing lor. and nw im wondering, do i need to start request for my baby to see the father? and do i need to start to request for those documents tat are require to put in his name into my baby's BC also. i need so mani documents from him lor! and also i wonder, how to tell him 1st hand news tat baby is born without waitin for me to write him letter when ive the strength to, then wait for them to screen the letter which takes fcuking 3-4 weeks then finally he receive the news when baby is more then 1 month old? damn stupid right? hate them lor. fcuking irritating -.-
i saw the first bump that baby created yesterday! so damn happy lor. actualli i tink can see long time ago. should b able to see once u can feel the kicking and everithing wif ur hand. jus tat i alwaes refused to see and cant b bothered to see. bcos whenever im waitin for baby to kick and move, baby jus dun wan to. and im also afraid how it would look like to see ur own skin and flesh to protude out when baby kick?! like so disgusting lor. so yesterday i was putting my hand on my tummy feeling baby's kicking and movement while reading newspaper. and i decide, mayb can try see see. so i straighten my dress to show the shape of my tummy and immediately got 1 bump! cute lar. hahas. 2 more days to my detail scanning! damn kanchiong. i wan to see baby! but at the same time also scare tat baby wun cooperate then will take a long long time. after tat i wan to go baby fair lar =x baby better cooperate okie? then can faster finish go baby fair see got wad ting buy for u! and if u wan me to buy ting for u, also need to know ur gender lar. so guai guai cooperate wif the sonographer and mummy okie?! :D my baby is so naughty, whenever i talk or sing to baby, there's jus no movement. stillness. fall asleep ah? -.- yesterday during lunch was telling them tat i dun care abt my cravings. i dun eat. jus bcos im lazy. since im not the type that if i dun eat wad i crave i will die. so i dun bother lor. den devi was saeing tat cannt. dey sae if got cravings i dun eat the ting i crave for, then next time baby come out will keep drooling. then i tell her i lazy lar, dun wan. so she asked me wad i crave for. i told her whipped potato hees. and she told me tat she buy for me todae if she remb. thought she jus sae sae nia. then jus nw before dey went out for lunch, jackson come and stand bside me. i thought wad ting i do wrong again. jus nice got 1 line come in. so he use his hand and also say out, u wan 'small whip, medium whip or big whip' then i still look at him blur. then i suddenly laugh and give him the big hand whip and he also laugh bcos i totally never hear wad my caller sae and i suddenly huh. LOL. stupid us. they all so gd to me, so sweet. mayb bcos they know im single, mum jus pass awae & being the youngest! prority all to me. wahhahas. auntie lily was asking the cot and pram tingy, i told her i duno how isit. i dun haf the money to buy also bcos if everiting add up surely need abt 1k. den she sae dun buy first. she go source around and look see whether anibodi got pass down cot and pram and in gd condition at least i can save some. love them all~
i was writing to hubby yesterday on how scary some things can bcome. how u can love someone so much and hate the same person that much next. it came as a surprise to me. i used to love her so much. tat i never gei gao all the tings tat ive done for her, till nw. and when i read her recent post on certain tings, i cant help but LOL. and then i stopped. bcos i realise tat if it's me in the past, i would haf wan to take my phone and send her a SMS to console her. but instead, nw i jus LOL -.- unbelievable right? muahhahas, shall not write so much on what isit abt. what i can sae is, u reap wad u sow. if u choose to push tat person awae, dun come whining nw saeing tat hw tat person commented on u. dun forget how u commented on tat person. or if u are trying to plae hard to catch previously, then too bad, u believe in retribution right? this is ur retribution.-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- sometimes i can feel baby moving within me. but then when i place my hand over my tummy i feel nothing, but within me, i can still feel baby moving. wondering where actualli is baby huh? hahas. was watching this taiwan show at 7pm yesterday. and the girl wanted to abort the baby. the boss told her, dun abort the baby bcos the wad the guy had done to u but think of whether do u love the baby. those girls who sae dey wan to abort the baby bcos the guy doesn wan to be responsible are jus finding excuses for themselves.
 beautiful earpiece selling @ $17 only! interested can email me ^^ http://www.pprincessbaobei-earpiece.blogspot.com decide to borrow money from my sis once she come back from malaysia. after i get my next pae return her. broke! still haf to pae diners abt 450bucks. so my pae come liaos -$450 onli left $630. siao liaos. no money again. sigh. tink need another month more then i can finally settle down. and by then realli haf to save hard! mayb by then haf to save abt 500 per month for baby's expenses and such. still haf to fork out around 780bucks for the hospital deposit. from nw onwards, no more buying of ani stuff unless i realli need it! oh ya, yew tee gonna haf KFC soon! yum yum. then i dun need to go all the wae to cck jus to get my whip potato. my cravings for whip potato is damn bad. and i jus wan tat onli. big 1 somemore! everi1 in the office is lookin at me in disbelief when i tell them my biggest craving is KFC's whip potato and i wan the big 1 and it's still not enuff. LOL. but, so far i onli get it once bcos KFC is too out of the way for me. mayb later can go and buy? =p
i duno whether i should touch my baby's savings of 950 to buy baby's stuff or to keep them for future use. so confused nw. bcos i tinkin, after baby come out, i definitely need some savings to dong, thou i will still haf 2 months of pae for maternity paid leave. but then if i keep dun wan touch the money, i nw so xinku, for wad? -.- i realli duno wad i should do. tink of baby de ting i jiu headache. sigh. auntie lily sae baby cot & pram she will help me to tink of it. if realli cannt find then they will share and buy for me. so touch. as darling side mayb got some difficulities, so mayb not able to get the cot from her liaos. shall see how. mayb for nw jus buy small small ting such as bottles, diapers, towels etc. the more expensive stuff jiu wait till 1 month before giving birth then buy if realli dun haf pass down items. if me and hubby get together, i definitely am planning for no.2 once we haf settle. for this baby, he's not by my side and thus not particapting and he haf miss out so much. naturally the bonding is also bad bcos onli when the baby is 1yr old then he will b out to bond wif the child. and i haf never intend to gif birth to 1 onli. if we can afford, i would like to haf 3 children :) tat would haf to plan again. i look at my tummy since im not pregnant to 19 weeks pregnant. realise tat my tummy got bigger lor. is realli big. jus tat bcos i fat. cannt see. LOL. lately keep hafing this tight tight feelin around my tummy. and it's making me feel very uncomfortable. finally at 19 weeks my tummy haf reach it max and need to expand liaos. so nw im feeling tight. cant wait for 20 weeks to see whether will balloon not. bcos many told me by 20 weeks is suddenly bcome big overnight! shall wait for the day ^^ i tink im quite bian tai bcos normally girls dun wan tummy too big but i wan it big big. so i can feel im pregnant! it's onli natural okie 5 more days to my detail scanning!
kanna dua by my HR. fcuking pissed off. bcos devi tell me that tat time she gif birth can claim from company. but duno i can claim not since im not married ask me to ask the medical claim dep. so i email the girl and ask her wad is the conditions and stated veri clearly im single lor. then end up she copy and paste the policy. state nothin abt hafing to b married then can get the benefit. so i happi happi submit my application bcos can claim = can save money mar! and finally 1 week later receive the email. sae ask me to submit my marriage cert?! then i like shocked and ask jackson wad is this huh. den i replied asking tat time i alreadi tell u i single and ask u wad is the condition, u all never state must b married. so nw is mus marreid then can isit. then she repli yea and even cc to her boss to see. never even apologise for me tat she overlook! idiot. so nw make me look like a fool. then nevermind. i never show that im pissed. i jus email back the girl saeing tat sorriew, i duno tat bcos i ask also never sae ask her to void my application. since previous email she got cc her boss and i find that there's a need to cc my boss since she alreadi cc her boss. so i jus cc to both boss lor. and jus nw jackson come back, ask me tat thought he sae tat im not covered under ani medical benefit. i told him he onli tell me abt the maternity leave wad. then sae the claim side he nt sure then since not sure devi ask me to email and ask lor. so i did. but they themselves dun bother to read finish the whole email, see the 1st sentence is abt maternity 1 then jiu copy & paste gimmie. then turn 1 round trying to tell me that IT IS SHAMEFUL TO BE PREGNANT AND NOT MARRIED. then he tell me they send him a nasty email. now wad is their problem? i alreadi mention im single and pregnant in the 1st email. dey are the one who overlook. it is their fault. dey alreadi make me feel that im a shameful person for getting pregnant and not married and nw they still haf the cheek to come send a nasty email to my boss? they never apologise and still wan to turn around point fingers at us. if not bcos i need to work here, i tell u i immediately email back the whole HR department and fcuk them upside down lor. single so wad? u all wanna look down, look down lor. but the main problem is, u all thought u all HR fcuking high up ah? dun dare to admit ur fault and still wan to point finger sae is my department de fault. i fcuking curse u all married liaos, got kids liaos, husband run awae. jus bcos u all look down on me as a single mum. as least im brave to face it all, brave enuff to gif birth to this child, brave enuff to bo chap how u all tink and how other people tink, brave enuff then to run awae and admit my mistake. u all lehs? fcuking tink u all high education then can sae people? when i quit, i make sure i gif u all NEGATIVE feedbacks and will definitely scold u all. or mayb even go to the news and report sae how u all look down on single mum. damn pissed off. small small ting also not happi. yesterdae im taking a evening nap when sis keep bombing my phone. finally i ans the phone she ask me to go to her room and take her samsung phone downstairs to her. then i damn pissed. u downstair cannt come up and take? haf to keep bombing my phone meh? somemore by the time i ans ur call, u can actualli come up and take urself lor. so i slowly take my time take the phone and go downstairs. and still hearing her bombing the phone again bcos i damn slow. LOL. after she come back she gimmie 50bucks sae she sell her phone gimmie some money! hees. actualli she is dote on me lar. but then i jus piss. then when she hanging the clothes after washing, she ask me, those clothes u still can wear meh? actualli i can no longer fit in all my t-shirts animore. nw im wearing hubby de tee shirt. damn comfortable :D cant wait for my next scan on the 12mar!
everibodi in the office is nw commenting my tummy small small small. 19 weeks so small small small. i also wan tummy big big lor! too bad, tummy is small! and dey sae bcos my tummy is hiding and growing the the other way, meaning sideways lar, so cannt see it protudin out and thus confirm it is a girl =x okies, is old wives tale. but i wan tummy big lar! whether girl girl or boy boy, i love them the same. hate work! i jus went back todae and i mus meet wif trouble. sigh. sometimes i realli dun understand lehs. if u got hearing problem, then pls dun call and talk on the phone and irritate ppl can? keep huh huh huh. u not irritated i irritated. worst is when i ask for ic no. duno why people can hear till telephone no. it is veri big difference lehs! at first it onli happens to mandarin speaking. and later on i realise even english speaking also! if they are of smiliar soundings im fine. but the main problem is it is not! okies, sae ic no. and telphone no. where got same? then cut again, ic no. and phone no. where got same? still not the same! wonder they got dig their ear not. todae got 1 case even funnier. this clinic patient forget to bring letter wan us to fax over to the hospital. okie lor, we send the request to clinic. 1st time 3pm. no ans, no repli, nothin to the hospital. nevermind, hospital call back 4pm. again we send the request to clinic. still nothin! 415pm caller call back scold scold scold. then my colleague ask wad happen. bcos i onli ans the call 1st time. 2nd time onwards all are other people ans. and alwaes not same people somemore =x so everibodi kanna scolded for nothin dey know. LOL. so my colleague call clinic ask them, got this case, they never settle. u know wad the person ans? THE PERSON IN CHARGE OF THE LETTER 1 GO HOME ALREADY. my colleague duno she should laugh or cry. tat is ur problem but this case u should solve! then i tell her i tink tat charbo she talk to is new one leh. so she ask the girl, u new ah? the girl ans, yea, part time. faint. so my colleague request to speak to senior. then u know that charbo ask 1 auntie sae we wan speak to senior tat auntie tell her wad? SENIOR BUSY COUNTING MONEY LAR. faint again. is ur clinic wrong u still wan push everiting to us. so end up call their manager. i spoke to the manager bcos my colleague doing tracing for the case. so i tell the manager got tis case. then the manager ask, isit patient forget bring letter? i sae yea lor. then u know wad the manager sae? WAH LAO THIS KIND OF PATIENT. FORGET BRING STILL WAN COMPLAIN. wah. when i hear this i wan to slap her. patient is wrong bcos never bring but haf alreadi inform us and we send request to clinic. clinic supposed to get back and send the letter down to hospital within 1hr. 2hr plus pass ur clinic never do aniting means it ur fault liaos leh! sometimes realli dun understand. clinic people alwaes sae, we operators lar, easi job, look down on us. fact is, easi meh?! u all come lar! u all onli need to remb 1 clinic ting. we need to remb 9 clinic ting leh. do 1 small wrong kanna scold. u all do wrong ting point back sae out fault. when sae u all de fault, turn 1 round push here and there then close door settle. fcuking idiots. u all go wash toilet bowls lar! *&^(*&&)$#%$&*(
took MC todae. jus duno why dun feel like going to work and hafing a headache hence call and sae will b on MC. however didnt realli sleep after tat and was listenin to the noise at home and after tat my dad woke me up asked why didnt go work, wan go out wif him to see doc etc. i wake up fully at 10am and slack around online and decide to go out and see doctor around 11am. see doctor and went to OCBC, UOB & DBS to close my acc. left onli POSB acc and open a standard chartered esavers acc where it does not haf atm, bank book or aniting, except for internet banking. it's gd. but the ting is hor, i duno how to deposit money and forget to ask. do i haf to go to the bank or go to their deopsit machine? chim. previously ive set aside 1.3k for baby. and last month thou ive alot of money - CNY ang baos, birthdae ang baos - but i spend way too much and too over and ended up hafing to use part of the 1.3k and i used up $350 from there. now onli haf wif $950. calculated my money, scare not enuff for this month, hence onli deposit $700 into the acc first. sigh. im damn broke lor. need to faster top up back to 1.3k and more after ive enuff savings. went to SE after tat to collect my phone also. and the funni ting is, when i step out at the ground floor and plaeing wif my phone, this stupid guard come ask me 'eh u ride motor?' then i look at him and shake my head. the main ting is, im wearing a skirt above knee length. wad makes u tink i ride a bike?! OMG, damn no brain lor. finally ive finish settling all the banking issues. next up i seriously need to clear my room and also start to compare price of items. also need to check wif darling how big is the cot, the measurement and such as need to buy mattress, protector and such. time and money running out! next scanning on the 12th~ and it will be a detailed scanning. cant wait to see baby again. my tummy seems to haf shrink. why huh? jus happy tat my tummy is ballooning. suddenly shrink. wad's wrong wif my tummy or me?
my menses normally is 28 daes cycle. on the 28daes, at most 29 daes my menses surely come. and i alwaes mark when is the 1st dae of my menses so i can aga aga calculate and prepare. fight wif hubby on the 11nov09 and after tat jiu never contact animore. my menses supposed to come on the 20nov08, waited and waited. and even bring my pad around wif me everiwhere! never come. kanchiong liaos. then me and 'her' alwaes on the phone talking non stop. then i tell 'her' my menses never come todae how! then she sae aiyas, dun worriew, nothin one. if i worriew then i jus go buy 1 kit test. in my heart im tinkin wun so suay 1 lar. he going court liaos then i pregnant meh. so i sae nevermind, dun need test. waste my money. mayb tomorrow come. 'she' even tell me, is like tat 1. when u prepare for it to come alreadi it wun come. dun bring ur pad out tomorrow lar! sure come. LOL so next dae, i still bring my pad. cannt imagine the stain on my panties and still haf to work the whole dae =x so i bring and all morning i keep niam to 'her' menses never come never come never come. i tink 'she' also BTH so ask me to go and buy kit test lar. so lunch time i walk to guardian and went to the public toilet test, still talking on the phone wif her. after dipping the test kit and so on, i wait awhile, pick up the test kit and see. 1 line. heng i tell myself! and i tell 'her' 1 line leh. while laughing happily, i saw another line coming up. immediately start to curse and swear. the 2nd line i very very light but can be seen. 1st ting tat come to my mind is wad i should do. mum jus pass awae, hubby leave me and going to be sentenced. im all alone. how am i going to break the news to my family members. how are my family members going to tink. how am i going to cope. all the how how how. asking myself why so suay bcos for the 2yrs plus of our relationship, i realli wanted our child. but he sae he was not prepared. and this time, he left, he's goin to be sentenced but im pregnant! joke sia -.- alot of thoughts comes to my mind, but im quite sure im not going to abort the child. i jus dun wan it to happen and cant let it happen again. so in the end i kept everiting to myself and onli let a few of my frens and jackson know and start to plan how to let my family members know. finally break the news to my dad thru letter when i go for holidae and he never said much, jus tell me if i wan to gif birth, jus go ahead. and later on, few weeks later my dad told my sis. she's more concern on how im going to cope esp money wise. after ive told her my plan she's quite supportive also. colleagues also know abt my pregnancy bcos ask jackson to tell them, in fact, i find it quite hard to tell them as they all know hubby. but im glad everiting turn out well and now everione is being supportive, caring and gif gd advises. enjoying my pregnant~ counting down to the day i see u baby! :D
i dreamt that baby is a boy. LOL~ bcos before i went to sleep, i actualli write a letter to hubby saeing the names ive choosen. and i was repeating darius darius darius. bcos the name damn nice lor! but i was telling hamidah, the name is spelt as DArius, duno whether people will call it TA-rius instead of DAY-rius. hahas! daddy have been stuffing me wif food this few daes. esp when im home the whole dae like weekend. and everidae he will call & tell me fridge got this got tat, ask me to eat. when i dun, the next dae he will call again sae why never eat =x and then when i ask my sis wan eat not, she will sae 'papa still sae gif u eat put in the fridge u never eat'. zzz bcoming pig veri soon! and yesterdae i went to da bao fried rice, come home eat halfwae, he take chicken soup after tat when im finishing he cook fish balls again. still clearing my room. guess wun b able to buy aniting much for this month since im broke & also ive yet to clear my room. LOL. damn lazy to clear liaos. plus there's this big bag of books tat's blocking my way and definitely need to return them to the OWNER veri soon. need to see when meet alfred then pass to him :D miss emma so much lar~ wan to carry her again. CONGRATS TO SANDY on giving birth to phoelyn on the 28Feb09! too bad i cant go and visit her bcos pantang as im pregnant. shall wait when not so pantang animore. hahas!