♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
 i bought my cot yesterdae (: meet qi at sembawang to chit chat while waiting for the seller to be home. we wanted to view the cot first as she mentioned that there's a chipped off at the leg area. scared that it will be shaky. but wad we saw in the pictures, we like it. so more or less decided on that. waited till around 830pm and she message to say that she's home alreadi so we walked over. also SMS alfred bcos he's helping me to bring the items to my home. went up and look and ask some qns then decide to buy. qi paid for it because she said it's a gift from her and winnie. thanks girls (: aniwae everiting is pink, jus like wad u see in the pictures. muahahhas. brought the items outside and waited for alfred to arrive. load everything onto his truck and then went to yew tee. drop qi off bcos she need to go and run some errands so left me, alfred, cindy & the 2 babies. so went to yew tee point and sit sit talk talk. left around 11pm i guess, didnt realli look at the time. went home and watch show awhile and sleep. realise tat my tummy is so big nw that it seems like my breast is super small, or sometimes it jus seems to totally cover up that ive breast. LOL. ive taken picture of it as evidence okies(fully clothe lar). post up again next time as in office, no uploading allowed =x and baby darius seems to b hafing alot of fun inside. sometimes earthquake happens! and i wonder hw big is baby darius. bcos i can feel movement from the hip bone all the wae up to the area jus below my breast. it's a super big distance. baby darius maybe big built like his daddy. entering 27weeks tomorrow. and 92 more days to baby darius arrival!
 tummy @ 26 weeks 3 days todae everibodi haf been commenting that my tummys looks huge. but i dun tink so lehs. it's not 1 person commenting. it seems like everibodi is commenting. so decide to do a measurement when i reached home. and it's 39inch + abit more lar. not veri big also wad. i went to see 1.5inch isn't alot lor. bcos the last time i measure it is 37.5inch. nw onli additional 1.5inch wad -.- aniwae went out wif family yesterdae. bcos dey wanto bring my grandma out and im around. so definitely need to tell her im pregnant. else hw u wan her to react when she see im wif a big tummy yet nobodi tell her? so my sis went back to her place while we all wait in the car. duno wad dey talk abt lar. super long. 30mins. after my grandma come out, can see that she tries veri hard not to ask. but she cannt tahan for long. abt 15mins later she ask "你有喜了啊?" tell u her that sentence super ancient and i duno wad she talking. i even huh. then she sae "你有喜了啊?有baby了啊?" finally i understand and tell her yea. LOL. okies. aniwae she keep asking when getting married, why, how, wad is his family reaction blah blah. sigh. aniwae i know i cannot escape this lor. so i haf to ans and ans. and the worst ting is she dun ask in front of my sis and dad. she jus ask when we're alone. ive no helper! aniwae i haf to leave wif it. alreadi know this dae will come. jus tat my dad sae he will tell. end up he never tell aniting and ive to handle everiting. stupid. sigh.
 6pcs of big towel - $16 12pcs small hankie - $3 12pcs medium size hankie - $4.80  6pcs shorts for day wear - $8  6pcs long pants for night wear - $9 uncle left out 1 pcs so i onli get 5 pcs :(  6pcs long selvee top - $12  6pcs short selvee kimono - $10 went to guan yin temple there yesterdae as sylvia sae tat there's a wholesales baby shop. but the problem is haf to buy in bulk. meaning 6pcs of the same design lor. but nevermind. it's homewear. who cares right? =p spent a total of 62bucks there. thereafter her husband sent us back and rested for awhile before leaving again to meet winnie and qi at clementi. went back to the clementi hse to check on the items but found out that everiting is gone. so ive to look for a baby cot nw. went back to winnie's hse to get a aprica stroller. thanks winnie :)
i think there's some problem wif cbox. they banned me also. i went to check my banlist but it doesn haf me lor. aniwae it happens to quite a few ppl alreadi. so shall repli tag in my post.
♥Etrini-: my tummy nw big so big butterfly nice mar. when my tummy small, small butterfly nicer =p i nt angry lar. i jus making fun nia :D Xiao Xiao: thanks for the offer. mayb u can pass to other mummies. i still haf a can of the mummy milk and also some sample pack :) Adeline: actualli i feel that all hospital, whether government or private, haf the right to increase price if sae realli their expenses go up lor. but then it's abit too much to jump 500bucks when dey haf no valid reason. sigh. how come u till nw haven pay deposit? dey asked us to pae deposit to secure a bed and also so tat when we admit for delivery, dun need to rush here rush there to do tat much of admin proceedure :) jess: ya lor. july coming. sibei shag. hahas! of cuz i would love to see baby darius. but tinkin of $$ makes me go haywire.
i cant believe that im being hit by the stupid pregnancy blues. other then at the start of my pregnancy where i miss hubby and cry and such. i totally stopped at that when i was abt to enter my 2nd trimester. and even if i do cry, it's onli for awhile jus for a stupid show. but this 2days ive been crying like hell jus for 1 small lil ting. im going crazy lar~ sigh. onli 98 more days to go and baby darius will be out. and anitime from 71 more days onwards, baby darius is ready to come out and see this world. it's super fast. i used to tink that im fortunate. thou i dun haf a husband or bf by my side. thou nobodi will be able to accompany into the labour ward, thou nobodi is there to share the burden financially, i thought i would b fine. at least i dun haf a husband or bf whom ive to tink of everiting that i do, thou i may be nice if i can ask opinion from hubby whether this is gd, that is gd and shopping together. but there is bond to be conflicts, which i dun tink i can handle if im preggy. at least i know that there're alot of friends who will help me and teach me the right way to handle a baby and look after me thou i dun haf a mother. thou nobodi is there to share the burden financially, as long as i planned and scrimp, im able to go thru it all. but suddenly i feel otherwise. sigh. i feel that if onli hubby is here wif me. at least when im hit wif the pregnancy blues, i haf someone to talk to. ive someone there to listen to my ranting and then tell me 'aiyas, dun cry liaos lar.' and sayang me. sigh aniwae another news regarding hubby. was told that my MP letter was being rejected! okies. should be rather sad, but then, was also told that their head is actualli looking into this case. see if they can make exceptional for this case. *cross my finger* else was told that mayb i can jus write to the prison head. evil him even say, i can CC to the newspaper. wahahhas! okies. i dun tink i wan to b that bad bcos u are shaming and also sort of forcing the head to agree. scarly everibodi also learn from me then i bcome bad examples of SG liaos. den dun wan. but shall see hw it goes. all for baby darius.
 25 weeks and 6 days 99 more days to go till baby darius' arrival! but anitime from 37weeks he is ready to arrive in this world. excited to see him and hold him in my arms :)
tried to amend the html code so that it wun look so messy but who knows there's a stupid problem and i dun haf the patience to do all that nw. stupid stupid. i tried not onli once. i tried total 5 times! still end up wif the same problem or wif a even worst problem. gif up! shall do when ive the time to again. aniwae, when i complain abt KKH fees. im complaining on the suddenly increase of $500 for nothing. especially when i did asked but they have no answer to that qns. of cuz everything haf the right to increase their charges. but a jump of $500? isnt it abit too much. and shouldnt u haf an answer to it? it's $500 not 500cents leh. and it's half of my pay. so those who love to comments on this issue. mayb u would like to relook at my post and look at wad im actualli complaining abt before commenting bcos u are the 1 who is lookin stupid while tryin to make me seems stupid. LOL.
ticker is going down. left 2 more daes and im down with 2-digit - 99 days to baby darius's arrival. however as i was thinking of some stuff that we chatted over wif sharon and etrini wif regards tot the deposit needed at KKH before delivering. i decide tat i should email KKH and asked them abt their delivery package. and yes, i got the answer that i expected but didnt wan to know. it's an increase of $500! previously they required a deposit of $780. and now dey require a deposit of $1208. and i went thru the list of the stuff. everiting is the same. even doctor charges also never increase. onli the package itself increase from $920 - $968. it's onli a increase of freaking $48 but why are they asking for an extra $500 more for deposit? it is a government hospital isnt it? and when i asked, they just tell me 'it differs for each and every patient' i do know that! but, u haven answer my qns lor! fcukin bitch. pissed off. they thought that everybody can afford that extra $500? im still happi previously that ive managed to save $780 for the deposit and i can proceed to spend on baby's item such as steriliser and even buy an airport flask so that i can warm the BM if i need to. and mayb change some parts of the breast pump that im gonna get from devi. but now everiting is dash. i not onli haf to save and scrimp. i even haf to gif up my confinement food. i can jus save and scrimp and get both deposit and confinement food. but now? i can onli jus manage for the deposit. fcuking expensive. i feel so lost now.
my stupid office's server is down from yesterday till nw. make us headache and not knowing wad to do. no sense of direction lor. and everiting is being so cock up. sigh. should haf jus taken MC. wahahahs. yesterday OT after work and slowly slowly do my stuff bcos am meetin winnie and qi onli around 645pm while i usually finish work at 430. so took my time and manage to clear my stuff onli at 6pm. so took bus to west mall. walk around and meet winnie first for dinner and qi join us around 30mins later bcos she also busy at work. watched the handsome suit! super duper cute! all the while we thought that since there's handsome suit, den that lady should b also wearing a pretty suit. who knows ended up it bcomes a off-suit, meaning a suit to make u look ugly -.- kinda lame. but aniwae, i dun tink the guy transform to a veri handsome guy also. jus normal lor. it's the female model that's realli beautiful. looks so perfect, no flaws. aniwae it's super lame lar. hahas! had a great time catchin up wif winnie and qi also. esp qi bcos we had not meet up for sometimes alreadi. now gotta head back to work~
the quality of a woman's eggs deteriorates with age and this is something science can do nothing about. Women are born with a certain number of 'eggs' or oocytes and their quality starts declining rapidly after the woman turns 35. There's nothing that medical science can do to halt the deterioration of these eggs. The age of the female - and the male as well - remains critical when it comes to having babies. And women the world over are delaying maternity for their careers, or for other reasons which is giving rise to infertility. At least 10 to 15 per cent of couples worldwide (or about 70 million) are infertile. There is an estimated 15 to 20 per cent of couples in Singapore who are infertile, with only half of these couples seeking medical advice for their situation. There are still too many variables when it comes to assisted reproductive techniques. It can depend on the patient - her response to stimulation, genetics and infertility profile; the doctor's diagnosis, experience and treatment applied; the drugs and devices for controlled ovarian stimulation (COS); the retrieval process of the egg; the embryologist's experience; the laboratory facilities and technologies utilised; the transfer technique and so on.
time passed so fast! 3 more weeks and im stepping into trimester. 6 more days my baby ticker will be 2-digit! i suddenly feel tat i can no longer remember hw my slim waist look like. and when i look thru the pictures, it's a damn big difference!  im suddenly missin my slim slim tummy. LOL. bcos my big tummy is startin to gif problem. it is not realli big. but is alreadi 37.5inch when i measure 1st thing in the morning - because ur tummy gets bigger at the end of the day due to air intake(when u talk) and food intake. so the measure done 1st ting in the morning is the most accurate. im super busy this whole week hence also not much update. been so tired lor. and sylvia gimmie a webbie to view those drama and yesterday when i went in, i jus cant stop =x so ended up watchin and watchin till i tell myself, i realli should sleep! it's 1am and im super tired. but jus wan to watch the show. kill me man. then this morning wake up 15mins later then usual. but never late bcos im alwaes earli. hahas. i wan to plae mahjong! short of 1 kakis lor. and im super broke. onli left 50bucks till my payday, which is next saturdae. pls pls gimmie money! :( yuling jus gimmie 2 pairs of baby shoes! damn cute lor! pictures will uploaded agin :)
 tummy at 24 weeks, 6days
bought many stuff for baby darius again~ total damage is $64! realli need to save until my next payday liaos! pictures pictures!  blankets - 5pcs  duck duck rompers 3 pcs suit  cute lil jacket!  i realli love this~
jus back from seeing the MP! super long q. smsed shann to ask her to accompany me to go bcos i veri scare. 1st time mar. duno hw others will look at me also. so she said okies and we meet up around 745pm at her void deck. walk there and by the time we reached, alreadi q no. given out. got q no.35 and waiting time is around 45mins or more. super long~ finally our turn. told the representive my problem. then he duno how hw should write or whether he can write so he went to ask around. finally dey sae okie and he write the letter for me. tell me wait outside to see MP. waited another 30mins or so then finally see our MP! i pity and admire him lar. bcos his hand is actualli injured. but imagine him sitting there since mayb around 745pm or so? and he have to go thru so many letters and haf to write and such. but aniwae, he go thru the letter and tell me that he will send the appeal letter for me. and will inform us again via letter. im no longer hoping to visit hubby. aniwae, i haf alreadi make it clear tat i dun mind not able to visit him. but gif my baby darius a chance and hubby a chance to see each other. hw can u bear to seperate a father and son from birth and not gifing them to see each other for 1 whole yr? tat's all i request. im not greedy. im not asking for my son to be able to see the father every month. but at least once every 2 months. at least hubby can see baby darius and know tat he is a father alreadi and hopefully he will b more mature. and also for baby darius to know he haf a father. and not just hafing a mother. he also needs time to get use to hafing a father. isn't it? thou by the time hubby is out, baby darius is onli 1yr. but in this 1yr, both of them will lose out alot of dey are unable to see each other. im jus fighting for the rights of baby darius and hubby. for me, it doesn matter animore. aniwae, haf been sleeping quite late recently bcos hook onto the chinese novels. imagine me reading finish 2.5books yesterdae! so i wanted to rush and finish 1 of the novels but until 1am+ i still cant finish and i gave up. switched off the lights and lie on the bed. and i suddenly hear a veri loud 'boom'! i wanted to get up. i opened my eyes. but i stopped myself from gettin up. i duno why. but in my heart i jus haf this thought that i shouldnt go and see. the suddenly i find myself telling myself tat somebodi might have commited sucide. i shouldnt go and see. and tadah~ todae when i went to work, wenyu told me somebodi jumped down from her blk. she's staeing jus 2 blks awae from me. crappy. and my brother said tat he did went to look after the loud bang but onli saw 2 police man and a van coming to bring the body back. eerie.
jus received hubby's letter dated 19 january. feelin abit funni bcos i thought dey will screen and post accordin to the date dey collect the letters? hw come i received 4february letter then after 1 month plus of receiving tat febraury letter, i received the 19 january letter? funni right? aniwae, wrote back to him wif regards to alot of unhappiness. he write to me the chinese name of the baby. he said tat if is boy call him 天恩 and if it is a girl call her 美恩 天恩 sounds okie to me. but 美恩 is abit weird right? hahas! and plus, i duno why he thought of those names wif the word 恩 but i shall wait for his reply and see why he wan to haf this name. i need to haf a reason right? and i also going to fortune teller to suan baby darius's chinese name. it's onli fair tat since i named baby as darius, then he name the chinese name. but i still wan to suan. rather believe then not :) i still love him
 SOMEONE whom ive totally no idea, is trying very hard to track down my blog. look at this - darius, pregnant, prison, blogspot? and to that SOMEONE u have successfuly found my blog. CONGRATS! just can't stand some people who like to gossips -.-
out wif the girls. all mummies! so many babies. too many to say the names + im abit lazy. LOL. haf some fun and it's tiring! not sure why thou. joke around and talk abt. thereafter left with sophia & etrini to AMK. walk around and home sweet home. tired tired!
booties & mittens i bought at kiddy palace sometimes ago
for the benefit of those who still cant get it, ive make a indication on the pictures :)  dun get it?  do u get it now? LOL
  went for check up todae after work. baby darius nw weigh about 800g! doctor so cute lor. purposely go and capture the private part of baby darius and say gimmie. and ive posted up the pictures. figure it out urself if u dun understand. hahas! 1st picture of the head and body wasnt too clear bcos he's move. but when taking the pictures of his private part he didnt move at all -.- after tat meet up wif winnie & group for movie. detroit metal city. not much of a story line to me. but it's funni! at first dey sae i shouldnt come. bcos dey heard tat dey haf sentence such as 'raped ur mother' and 'kill everybody' this kind of stuff. but it's in jap wad. baby darius wun understand. bcos i also dun understand =p tired tired. shall rest for the day
i was surfing forum and come across this girl who is seeing at TMC and is gifing birth at duno TMC or Mt A and when ppl say that they are thinking of going to KKH, she sae KKH is this this this, no good, blah blah blah. you thought you go TMC fcuking rich meh? in case you don't know, TMC transfer many case to KKH because dey cannot handle bcos dey are not specialist. i jus dun like ppl who sae KKH sucks jus bcos dey go TMC. jus like when i decide to go TMC previously i dun sae KKH sucks jus bcos i wan to go TMC. is bcos ive some bad experience there. but i still go there wad. and i will onli sae dey sucks at the subsidy clinic lor. and when i talk abt KKH, she is like saying KKH not gd, wait veri long. at least 2hrs blah blah. i dun think when i go to private suite need to wait 2hrs lehs. and i dun think tat private suite is as exp as ur TMC also lehs. but their service is gd. u duno then dun sae lor. bitch. im angry bcos my tooth is aching! i can tahan the pain. but it's irritating. the tooth is tryin to grow out, but it cant bcos there's no space. and part of the tooth is actualli jus at my jaw there. and tryin to push and push, affecting my root canal teeth also. bcos tryin to push forward, then my root canal teeth kanna push and the pain starts to come. behind push, in front pain. behind also pain! and bcos it's at the jaw there, the pain is nw going up to my ear area and my head. heacahe ahs! and the pain is not forever there, which is gd. it can go totally no pain. or can b veri irritating. wish that it will decide there's no space to grow and gif up soon! so i can enjoy my day while saving to extract it out! heehee.
  tummy @ 23 weeks, 3 days my tummy look small on itself. but look, when taken wif my full body, is big lor! and my butterfly have expanded =x
  my wisdom tooth is realli killing me. should haf pluck it out tat time and not leave it there and listen to the stupid dentist. obviously there's no space for it to grow. jus tat bcos it no longer hurt the other times hence i thought can leave it. but it can stop hurting and it can continue to hurt too! nw my ke lian de gum is so red and swollen. and ke lian de me feel pain even without doing aniting. and more painful if i swollow my saliva. so can u imagine the pain when i eat? sigh. i tink part of my face is also swollen lor. few daes ago, bfore my wisdom tooth start aching, i was tinkin of cooking curry chicken. called my dad ask hw to cook ahs. then i tell him 'so ma fan, tink i ta bao suan liaos' then he sae yea lor, he cook on sundae for me lar. and he realli remembered and cook this afternoon. but too bad, my gum is aching. too painful for me to feel the pleasure of eatin. so nw, i hate to eat. in fact, i hate to even swollow saliva. sigh. cleared up my room finally! yippies! hopefully can last another 3 months + till baby darius's arrival =p im so well known to mess up my room in a veri short time. went for zavier's full month celebration todae :) after tat lynn's fil dropped me at lot1 and i went to kiddy palace. sign up as their member & bought the avent starter kit and travel teat container. cost me $49 after discount and rebate from my capitaland card :) nw i onli hope that my gum will stop aching soon! wisdom tooth pls dun grow! wait till baby darius's is out and everithing settled, then u see hw i will finish u off! muahahhaas!
my wisdom tooth is gifing me pain again~ fcuking irritating. i wanted to extract that tooth out last yr, but the stupid dentist tell me to extract the other 2 first bcos that tooth can be kept. but the fact is there's no space for that tooth to keep lar! it's half out alreadi and the half is errupting and forcing it's wae out. fcuking pain! and bcos nw ive baby darius i cannt go for the surgery. sob.
baby darius loves to wriggle inside me. wriggle wriggle but never kick. but sometimes wriggle so hard that i got a shock bcos it comes too sudden. but not painful at all. darius is a plaeful boy huh. alwaes wriggling. duno inside got wad ting for him to wriggle around. aniwae, let him wriggle around while he can. i tink next month onwards he will start to feel cramp, not much space. then cannt wriggle tat much. den mayb will start to kick and punch me liaos. bcos he BU SHUANG why need to be in such a small place. suddenly realise tat july is onli 3 months awae. but as my edd is at the end of the month. so i take it as 4 months awae. time is short! i need more money pls~ being more then a month since i last receive his letter. the last letter i received was dated 4feb09. going to be 2 months since that dae. and im gettin used to not receiving his letter animore. he may haf his reasons to not write to me animore. i dun blame him. he may realise tat all the while mayb he doesn even love me. i dun blame him. seperation makes everibodi tink. it seems like those times i spent wif him are jus dream. and i will believe even more tat it is a dream if baby darius is not here in my tummy. bcos if it is a dream, hw come im pregnant in reality! =x
i tink that bcos of my drowsy medicine baby darius is drowsy lar. tats why not moving much. hahas! bcos he start moving again from last night. i haf to admit. my memory is definitely failing. is super big FAILURE lor. i this morning put everything in my sling back. then realise that sling back looks veri weird wif wad im wearing todae. so decide to change to side bag and take out everiting to transfer into my another bag. and i duno hw and way, i never take my hp and my IB + thumbdrive. i mus b super super jialiat i tink. not the 1st time i never bring hp liao lehs. sigh.