♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
xiaoxiao brought 2 bags of items to my dad stall yesterday. thanks xiaoxiao! (: jus to rant. ever since i got preggy till nw, whenever i eat abit of junk food, cold drinks or when my frens wan to buy somethin for their kid and i tell them i wun ever buy this ting, i wun let my kids haf that ting tat often blah blah. dey start to cristise me. i hate it when ppl sae 'i ke lian ur baby leh. dun haf this to play' or 'i ke lian ur baby leh. eat so much junk food and cold drinks' or 'ur baby will be freezing when u are drinking cold water! still drink!' i veri much wan to tell them, it's my baby not urs. wadever im doing is for the own gd. and if drinkin cold water will make them freeze, why dun u tell me drinkin hot drinks will scald them? fcuking stupid logic. tell that to ang moh and they will tell u u are crazy. hot days cannt drink cold water? cannt eat junk food? all bull shit. i find those pantang also abit stupid. dey sae, cannt eat this cannt drink tat. BUT they will tell u, if u crave for somethin, u mus get it else baby will drool. so even if tat food is junk food, even if that drink is liang drink, u all haf to let us eat it right? so duh. when i sae i wun b gifing baby darius so much pacificer in the future, ppl sae i ke lian ur kids. ke lian wad? why i dun gif baby darius so much is ive seen too mani kids with their mouth forever sucking on that pacificer and even without, dey will unknowingly do that sucking pose. it's a veri bad habit and hard to get rid off. do u wan to slap ur baby mouth whenever he/she do that in the future so that dey can kick the habit away? when i tell my frens, im not gonna get sarong, dey sae i ke lian ur kids. even sarong also dun haf. ke lian wad? if i gif them sarong nw, in the future will u all ke lian me when im out wif my kids and my kids need to be shake to be asleep and ive to be that 'sarong'? will u all share that burden wif me? NO. and i hate it when ppl tell me, i ke lian ur kids, this also cannot, that cannot, this dun haf that dun haf, everiting also dun haf. fcuk u lar. u wan to pamper ur kids, wan to shut ur kids up, wan ur kids not to disturb u is ur problem. pacificer to mani is jus a tool where dey can shut their baby up when dey cry, isnt it? so dun come and tell me all this tings lor. i dun respond each time bcos i treat all of u as fren and REN. but i tink my limit is reaching when im alreadi going to 8 months preggy. no more nonesense. else dun blame me for being sarcastic and rebuke back. http://myzaak.com/shoutt/user/register?r=d7a63bf3f7fa666
 tummy @ 30 week 4 days i woke up at 8am again todae. and then i went back to sleep at about 10am and had a dream. i dreamt of a person who commit sucide. hmm. not veri gross. jus that the guy drank something and died. and i also dreamt that hubby's dad call me. saying that this saturdae, which means todae, he can bring me to go see hubby ask me whether i can go or not. super happy and just say yes yes to him. but then, i woke up and it's jus a dream >.<
4 confirmed H1N1 case. and everibodi is cursing and swearing at the lady who is the 1st confirm case in SG. for wad? that's why i sae, singaporean are all kiasi. u scare, then might as well migrate to a nobody island huh. all along ive said, it's jus a matter of time before somebodi get hits. and i find this lady veri responsible to seek treatment immediately. the other 3 confirm cases actualli did not seek medical attention immediately. they drag like 1 or 2 days before going to see a doctor and then confirm that it is a H1N1 case. ppl jus aint understanding enuff in SG. everiting that happen dey also wanna sae, wanna comment, wanna point fingers. why dun dey jus look at themselves and comment hw bad they are? irritating. been feeling tired even thou i sleep at 10pm at night. so, last night i decide to sleep at around 7pm! sweet dream :D i manage to sleep throu the night and onli woke up in the morning. wonder hw i realli can sleep. and i didnt even wake up to pee. LOL. am still tinkin whether i should go and see the MP again on next mondae. bcos i feel it's quite a waste of time since im jus SEEING the MP and the MP is not realli gonna do aniting except to edit the letter and sign on the letter. while the listening part and writing of the letter is done by the representives. maybe i should jus write directly to the minister of home affairs? ive alreadi draft a letter. it's 1.5page long. need someone to edit for me before i can send it out. aniwae, watched angel and demons on mondae. super nice show! i totally love it. the big twist is there at the end of the movie. so wadever we haf been guessing all along are wrong! and it onli prove us wrong at the ending -.- am tinkin of gettin that book and sending to hubby. but scare that cannt b approved lehs. wondering wondering. nothin much to blog abt. boring!
i finally received hubby's letter dated in march and april! total 3 of them. super happy. at first when i open the letter box i onli saw the 1st one on top. and as i take out, 1 more appear and when i take out, another appear! super duper happi i tell u! realli cant stop smiling at myself. and kanchiong tear open the joint part to find out which is the oldest letter and start to read. his first letter's first sentence make me laugh! 'to my dearest wifey, your letter now always sign off as lynn le hor?' wahahhas. it's machiam like saeing 'ehs, u not happi wif me isit, dun wan b my wifey liaos wanna b lynn huh' and i jus cant stop laughin. at first when i receive the first few letters from him, i would cry once i finish. but now, i find that im alwaes smiling after reading each letters. he's trying to make me feel better. trying to joke and crap around in the letter. tryin hard to make me feel better. i know it all. he's telling me life inside is veri healthy. he use the word healthy. no smoke, no drink. duh. and he told me that he have requested to switch to vegetarian food from now onwards. uh, such a big big change for me. if he come out being a vegetarian, wad am i and baby darius supposed to b? tempt him to eat meat? whahahas. bad bad mummy. okies, and he even tell me 'i remember people saying when 2 people jus get tog they call each other baby, then when dey get married dey call each other hubby and wifey, when dey haf a child den dey call each other daddy and mummy. when the child grows up dey call each other 'ooi'. so when darius is born you will 'upgrade' so i call you mummy. but dun worriew. cause i'll never call you the last one. i know u love darius lots lots. but i love darius more than u love him lor. not i dun wan faster come out, is i cannot. so if u dare to love darius more than u love me, then i will love darius more then i love you =p im smart right?' okies, he's trying to be cheeky but i love it! :D love him to bits.
next month is gonna b a nightmare for me. alot of ppl are gonna start passing their stuffs to me. ive alreadi finish all my baby stuff le lehs. kept and organised liaos. and next month dey are gonna start passing me more baby clothings = more washing to do. going crazy >.< at first i still thought 4june go expo motherhood fair. then after tat 8 june my doc appt, by then im alreadi 32 weeks. and after tat weekend im going for my photoshot and im done wif everiting. can slowly start to pack my bag and nua till baby darius come. but nw cannt liaos. bcos next month den dey will pass me everiting. so it means ive to wash everiting next month. sob. auntie call me again to inform me about the CL. she said that the CL have informed her that she need to go overseas on the 28august and so she can onli help me till 25august. need sometimes to get back the energy and haf enuff rest mar. so she asked whether im okie wif it or not. i tell her no problem. better den i sae cannt then her this CL ask another CL which my auntie duno de and come stay wif me right? i den dun wan. aniwae, jus a few daes short. i calculated if i deliver on my edd, 28 days from that day means tat she will jus go back 3 daes earlier. im okie wif tat. hees. last few daes when she's not here is havoc! =p auntie sae tat wad i wan her to do, can jus nego. mayb she find me super cute, adorable or pretty and dun mind helping me to do? =p and she told me that daddy wanna get a maid. sigh. i machiam like no choice like tat. dun wan CL he force me to haf CL. dun wan maid, he force me to haf maid. then everiting also haf to gif wae. wad choice do i haf? scarly in the future wad my son wan to study he also wan to interfere. which sch to go to he also wan to interfere. i dun care liaos. i tinkin mayb everi morning send the maid and baby darius to my fren or relative hse so that somebodi can monitor the maid. rather den leaving the maid at home jus like tat. my boy is onli 3 months old when i go back to work. and the maid is jus someone i know for 2 months (dad is gonna get a maid onli after CL go back). and i hate strangers sleeping in the same room as me. no privarcy. ive been sleeping alone for yrs. and suddenly u all wan me to accept a stranger sleeping in the same room as me. hate it lots i tell u. super irritating. wanna chase her out of the hse.
i realli cannt stand this auntie colleague sittin jus next to me lor -.- i know im bad, but i realli cannt stand lar. she's those typical auntie. yet she sae she is english educated. okies, if ur english is those veri smooth type, veri nice to hear type, im fine. but yet, her english is also those auntie auntie type. those 'u know ah' ' i.. i.. this cannot' all this stupid stupid english. okies, then her chinese even funnier. bcos she claim she duno hw to speak chinese bcos she is english educated. so her chinese is super super funni one also lor. hais. duno hw to sae. but i jus hate her. not bcos of her auntie attitude. is bcos of her whole character and the way she carry herself. and yes, she is the auntie who push me when gettin off the bus and yet claim that she haf to b polite to make ways in the life to not block ppl from entering. aniwae yesterdae went to amk to meet zhu. talk talk and walk walk then eat kfc. went to tpy afterwards to go their kiddy palace. also bought a big bag for hospital bag and hopefully can last me long enuff to use as diaper bag also. LOL. budget lehs. onli 15bucks for 2 bags. zhu got 1 for her mum also. and i got one. so 1 bag is onli 7.50bucks. zhu help me to call hubby's dad at amk. and the father super cute. bcos i dun haf the hp no. so haf to call the hse. and he duno my name, bcos he alwaes call me ah ger, so when zhu tell him that she is 'yiling de fren' the father jus blur. duno who is yiling. after telling that is his son de gf, then he sae wait ahs. and zhu ask me wad he doing? den i hear the door closing sound. meaning he go close his room door! super cute lar. so scare the wife ehs. after tat then he come back phone ask wad zhu wan. then zhu sae that she wan to ask for hubby's time of birth. he ask why then we sae bcos need to calculate bb's name and require the father's time of birth and date of birth. den he sae ohh.. then wad u wan nw? machiam like 1st qns we ask, he forget liaos. so zhu repeat again. end up i tink she got repeat at least 3 or 4 times. wahahhas. bcos after tat he get it that we wan to ask something. but he keep tinkin is date of birth. -.- i alreadi tog wif him 2yrs plus. if still duno date of birth, i can go bang wall. i even know his ic no. lor. jus duno the time of birth nia. so he sae haf to check then we call him back in 30mins later - at his hp! LOL. after finish walking around tpy kiddy palace den we go buy drink, go mac buy ice cream, nuggets and sit down den call his dad again ask for the time of birth. he did ask for my no. but never call me. but also gif him prepaid card no. bcos i dun wan gif line. line if i wan to change no. exp lehs. prepaid card no. at least still hai hao. no money i dun top up jiu can liaos =p then talk talk crap at tpy then go home liaos. super tired. and onli at the end of the dae, then i realise tat i never pee at all for the whole dae lor! and yet zhu went to toilet like duno hw mani times but i dun even haf the urge to go pee at all. so i force myself to go toilet at tpy before taking the train back. and i onli like need to pee for 1 sec, that's all i haf. make me feel so scare nw. i drink water, but yet dun pee. dun tell me water retention lor. super bad lehs. bcos is realli no pee! sigh. and my hand de water retention so bad. sometimes when i wake up and i will feel my plam and finger super pain and tight. water retention go awae! dun ever come again =x going for movie tonight wif winnie and group, not realli sure who will b going. lookin forward. after bb is out, duno cannt watch movie for hw long. LOL. but im sure i will b happi watchin baby darius everidae. he will be my movie! :D need to go MP again next monday bcos till now still no repli. sigh. waste my time. jus 10 more weeks and im due. and yet, nw have not yet repli me. stupid idiot. kuku them.
supposed to meet qi, winnie and elf yesterade at lot1 but everibodi was late except me and qi. so we went to 302 for our dinner since winnie and elf said dun need to wait for dem. had our dinner and waited for winnie and elf. winnie came but elf said he's still home -.- so we decide to go winnie hse got mahjong bcos winnie is itching for it and i tink tat after baby darius is out, i wun b able to plae mahjong animore lor. esp after last week plaeing wif winnie, joanne and ah ding. make me itch even more to wan to plae mahjong. so went to winnie hse and wait for elf to come. we're supposed to meet at 7pm but he onli came at 9pm+! idiot him lor. make us wait. meanwhile we kept disturbing manny. hahas! lose 4bucks in total to elf and my dad came to fetch me home. we took a long time to jus plae 1 round. we played till almost 1am. duh. bcos in between dey went to eat ice cream and beancurd while i drink milk. LOL. dey went for supper but i went home bcos dun wan my dad to stay up too late jus for me lar. slack the whole dae at home todae. super super sian lor. tomorrow going to amk to meet zhu bcos i need her to help me call hubby's father to get the time of birth of hubby. i actualli smsed his brother to ask him to help me, but den not even a repli. alreadi know right from the start that dey haf no heart to help me yet i still so stupid to ask and hope to get a repli or something. but i also humji to call the dad bcos i scare the dad will nag at me and ask me lots of qns. so no choice. haf to ask zhu to help me call. she asked me that dae, she haf to pretend to b me or jus sae that she is my fren? of cuz is sae she is my fren lor! else surely kanna nag and ask alot of qns. i confirm am gettin fat! bcos i kept wanting to eat. haf to physco myself not to eat tat much alreadi. i dun wanna b fat! and yeah, my leg is nw a mini elephant leg liaos. LOL. and i realise tat my hand also kanna water retention lor! stupid stupid. pray hard my shoe size dun go up hor. else i will realli faint bcos it means ive to buy new shoes. onli 10 more weeks to go! jiayou :D
im confirm getting a CL liaos >.< yesterdae my dad called and sae that he haf asked my auntie to find the CL and tell me immediately that i dun need to worriew abt the money. he will pae for everiting. i jus hao hao de take care of myself can liaos. the rest dun need worriew. he asked me to call my auntie bcos she wan to check whether ive got everiting for baby. so i call my auntie and asked her whether the CL is confirm alreadi. she sae she haf alreadi call the CL and the CL said that will confirm within 2 days as she need to check her schedule. if she cannt make it, she will recommend another gd CL for me. when i hear this i alreadi know LL i haf to take CL bcos she alreadi ask the CL liaos. even if her CL cannt do, confirm will recommend someone else. sigh. asked her hw much is the CL she said is about 1.8k, but she is not confirm yet as haf to ask the CL again. haf alreadi decide liaos. dun care the CL hw much, i confirm cannt afford. so i will jus take care of the angbao and the food. since food is to b given everidae to ask her to market and buy de mar. so food i will take care. angbao also wun b expensive till where. so that one i will take care. bcos in the 1st place if no CL i will b forking out 1.2k for the confinement cater. nw got CL, tat means that ive a balance of 1.2k. i can either save tat for baby darius's future nanny's fee or i can jus help to lighten daddy's load. but i tink i should help to lighten his load more imptly. bcos in the first place the 1.2k is to b gone de. nw this 1.2k i can save and pay for the food + angbao and still haf balance for the postnatal massage. so i should b happier right? -.- aniwae, auntie asked me after i go back work hw. who will take care of baby for me wor. tell her i duno. then she keep saeing dun put in infant care. super exp and not gd. blah blah. mus b my dad keep tell her we wan put in infant care -.- then i tell my auntie that dad wan to get a maid. then my auntie sae if wan to get a maid is okies. but maid and CL should come tog. so that maid can learn from CL. i tell her if like tat my hse super crowded sia! and maid and CL will both b sleeping wif me. i will die man! then she sae yeah lor. i tell her if is got experience 1 i dun mind. but dad dun wan wor. then she sae like tat den better dun get maid. put nanny better and she tell me her neighbour used to be a nanny but nw got work. duno whether she still wan to b nanny not. sae help me ask. asked me hw much is my pae. i tell her jus 1k after CPF. she sae hw to survive if i gif nany 550 out of that 1k. hopefully she will help me bargain wif her neighbour lor. hees. she sae she will help me ask the neighbour and i dun realli mind lar. bcos as she sae is her neighbour and i believe my auntie got time also will drop by the neighbour there and help me see lor. so i dun need to inspect the house and so on. hais. realli hope everiting will turn out well
 i saw this picture where someone posted in the forum. cute hor? but duno why the belly button like tat de. seems fake -.-  tummy @ 29weeks 4days  tummy @ 28weeks 6days   the stretch/scratch marks?
i miss my 2nd trimester :( 1st trimester wasnt that gd bcos ive bloated stomach which causes me to feel hungry forever, bcos im too bloated to eat much. and i will vomit if i keep eating. and i did vomit quite alot at that time. wahahhas. bcos im alwaes hack care and eat. eat liaos vomit onli lor. but as it onli happens when im abt 9 weeks preggy or so, it onli last till 16weeks, so 7 week of torture. still hai hao lor. thereafter im alreadi in the 2nd trimester and enjoying everi bit of it! 2nd trimester is wad dey call the honeymoon period. where u will gain alot. but the not gd ting is that ur tummy starts to get bigger during tat time also. so it's kinda uncomfy as ur tummy try to stretch and u alwaes feel the tightness and such. but i love 2nd trimester! bcos i can eat and enjoy. i can feel my baby's 1st movement. tummy aint too big too, so u haf not much of a restrictions. nw jus in my earli 3rd trimester and im alreadi complaining! *^&*%&*%()& is super duper irritating! dey usually sae wad happen in 1st trimester will usually come back in the 3rd trimester. so those who haf morning sickness may haf another go of their morning sickness at 3rd trimester. BUT i dun haf my bloated stomach animore! so should i b happi abt it? NO LOR! instead i got a very bad reflux. and throughout the day i will feel my throat burning and burning. not that bad, i drink lots of water to make it cool down abit. else i tink my throat would b burn by the time i deliver to baby darius -.- and everitime my tummy will feel super irritating. twisting everitime bcos of the extra extra acid in the tummy. and the worst happen yesterdae. i vomited out a whole lots of acid. and some of it went into my nose and it burn my nose also. fcuking irritating i tell u. and so, God is fair. i got no morning sickness, i got reflux and bloated stomach instead. i got no stretch marks (at least not at the moment) but i got lots of rashes instead :( super duper sad lar. i dun like. lucky baby darius is sayang mummy one. never make mummy pain pain. guai darius! mummy will dote on u de okies? dun bully mummy further!
facebook's restaurant city jus wun load :( so damn sad that it cant load bcos ive got nothin to do in office nw! super sleepy also. yawn. took a short short nap jus nw in the office bcos it's not busy. and nw im quite awake thou abit feel like sleeping but i haf to work right. sigh. is der aniting else tat i can do while im at work to kill time? baby darius is getting more and more active nowadaes. and making me more and more painful also. he is alwaes on the right side and so i alwaes feel hard at the right and soft on the left. but he haf been moving and so nw he is more on my left. ppl alwaes complain saeing tat their bb is pressing on their pelvic born, dey baby is pressing on their spine, bladder blah blah. but for me. my baby darius is a good boy. he's not pressing on ani of them, but he is pushing himself out =x and sometimes he push himself out so much tat it's so painful. bcos my skin can onli stretch tat much wad -.- jus realise tat ive this marks on my tummy. was msn-ing wif zhu and tell her i duno isit stretch marks or scratch marks bcos ive been scratching so much. and her ans? it's nw scratch marks but veri soon will bcome stretch marks =x im veri confused bcos when i saw it wif my eyes, it's white in colour, skin colour in fact. but when u pull the skin and see is like duno hw to describe type. and when i took pictures it looks like stretch marks but it's shown in white colour! so zhu's conclusion is, mayb it is an old stretch marks which i never notice till my tummy is big again and bcome more obvious. LOL. okies. aniwae, to sae the truth, when dey sae tat stretch marks is in red and purple colour, im tinkin isit? bcos ive got lots of stretch marks on my tighs and legs. BUT i never remb seeing it in red and purple colour. instead it is white colour. which dey sae onli after mani mani yrs then it may fade to white colour. true or false? but im onli 21 this yr lehs. hw old can those stretch marks b. hahas! finally chiong finish my gem of life! it's taking super long jus to watch the last 4 episodes till i totally gif up and skip a few episodes. and nw u know why im super tired liaos. LOL. i watched till after 1am and finally sleep. :) i can hardly remb hw ur voice sounds like or hw u looks like when im faced without ur pictures.everiting is jus so far awae. this is worst then everiting. it jus seems like, u are dead, in another world, where i cant hold nor touch u. where i cant even see u. i miss u so much.
everiting went well yesterday except at almost the end of the day where my dad said something which made me abit pissed off. was hafing lunch together and was talking abt my deposit and also the confinement cater. told them abt my plans and everiting is okies. den dad mentioned that my aunties went to look for him at the stall and everibodi alreadi know tat im preggy and dey suggested that it is best we haf a maid so that the maid can look after the baby at night. im saeing there's no place for the maid to sleep, cannt b squeeze wif me in that tiny room wif baby cot. and dey sae move me to materbedroom after i deliver. so i haf nothin to comment animore. i jus kept quiet lor. thereafter went to lot1 to meet up wif winnie and slack around and went home bcos haf dinner at sakura at 7pm. but, my sis made a big mistake. it's supposed to be 6pm not 7pm. so at 6pm their phones kept ringing asking where we are blah blah. once we reach there, onli left wif 1 empty table, jus next to my no.4 auntie. wah lao, was tinkin why haf to sit beside this kpo auntie bcos she is bound to ask lots of qns. and before i even sit down she was saeing 'wah, yiling u like tat, when deliver.' i jus sae july lor then faster try to talk to my brother talk to my father. wahahahas. den she haf not much chance to ask me qns. aniwae, lie to them again that hubby is in NS hence did not turn up for the gathering and tat we're not gonna get married bcos of mani stuff. even told them that cert doesn means aniting and that dey agree. wahahhas. so i got awae wif that. intending to lie to them that hubby haf been sent for overseas training when bb is born. as for the rest shall see hw first. aniwae, during the dinner my dad talk to an auntie of mine. and that auntie suggested to dad to get a confinement lady instead of a maid and that maid should onli come in later. told my dad i dun wan a confinement lady bcos it's expensive and he kept saeing tat he will pae he will pae. am wondering hw he will pae? he dun haf that money lor. moreover, i thought everiting is alreadi fix when we talk this afternoon that i will order the confinement catering. so i told dad tat if like tat i get a dae time CL instead, and he was saeing tat he wanted to get me a CL so that somebodi can look after bb at night while i sleep and it's pointless to get a daytime one. sigh. actualli im more worried on being alone at home in the daytime then worried abt not gettin enuff sleep at night lor. if sae i realli cannt take it at night, i can alwaes bang on their door and somebodi is there. but if im all alone in the dae and i cant take it animore, i die also nobodi know lor. nevermind. talk again next sundae. sigh.
after much struggle, ive decide to go for the family dinner on this sundae. hw long more can i avoid aniwae? moreover some uncles and aunties alreadi saw me wif my big tummy and they might haf alreadi talk among themselves, or my dad might even tell them or my granny might haf alreadi told them. so, well, cross my fingers tat dey wun ask when im getting married blah blah all this qns and that dey are sensitive enuff to keep their mouth shut. it's alwaes hard to handle relatives. bcos hw are u gonna tell ur relatives tat ur bf aint around bcos he's serving his sentence? hw are dey gonna look at him in the future after his release if we are going to b tog then? i dun wan tat. and it's hubby's privarcy, he might not wan my relatives to know also. receive a sweet message from sophia this morning (: makes my day. esp when u woke up feeling lousy and wishing that u can sleep somemore but haf to drag urself up for work. LOL. brace myself thru this week and everiting will be better. meet up wif etrini, violin and sophia yesterdae was great. despite all those pathetic stuff tat im going thru, im actualli a happi girl. im alwaes glad tat valerie came taggin at my blog and asked to be linked up. and thereafter being exposed to the group of blogger mummy. dey haf been a great support to me. among them, i find ppl who are in worst situation in me. among them, i find comfort. among them, i found courage and support. we may haf onli met up wif a few for less then 5times. but dey are alwaes willing to lend u a listening ear, lend u a shoulder and b there for u. tat's hw great those girls are! love them all (:
check up yesterdae and everiting is fine. didnt realli see much of baby bcos i cannt understand. hahas! onli understand when the doctor take the picture and show me the private part of baby. so cute lar! she forever showing me the private part =p gain 2.3kg since last visit abt 5weeks ago. total weight gain so far is abt 10.2kg. wondering if i didnt fall sick last week, will i actualli gain even more? wahahhas. est of baby darius's weight is 1.6kg. which is super heavy! bcos last visit 5weeks ago, dr onli est baby darius's weight to be 800g. it's double lehs! aniwae, it's also gd. which means i dun haf much fats coming to me =p and meaning that baby will b on a healthy weight when he's out in the world. jus another 78days more to go! next check up in 4 weeks time. dr irene chua said her edd is in earli august. she say MOST LIKELY should haf no problem for her to deliver for me. unless her baby wanna come out earli or baby darius's too comfortable inside till dun wanna come out. LOL. me and etrini will be praying that her baby dun come out earli! baby's head is up, which means jus below my ribcage. my yang shui also sufficient and the placenta location is gd. so everiting is well except the baby's position. she say hopefully 4 weeks later baby head will be down, then can confirm for natural birth, else haf to pray harder liaos. ahem. im not too stressful abt that. baby darius's confirm guai guai one right? (: love love my baby darius.
sick for the past week. so didnt update blog also as too sick. once i got the time i would b resting at home. was given MC for todae and tomorrow. is gd also. bcos ive been sick for a whole week and hafing 2 daes of rest should b enuff i guess. am still sick and my voice is still veri irritating bcos of my flu. mondae i onli haf slight cough and sore throat. tues ive sore throat. wed is super bad sore throat + cough. thurs ive flu, sore throat getting better and cough. but after work for no reason i suddenly got fever. took panadol and it bcomes better. fri is full blown flu and cough. sat morning i had fever, flu & cough. took panadol again and it bcomes better. fever came back around 6 plus again. again, panadol and im fine again. sundae 1am+ suddenly fever again. cannt tahan. sundae night went to see doc. but still, saturdae i went out. bcos wanna go pray and also i dun wanna cope myself at home, which will make my flu even worst as my hse is veri dusty. i used so much tissue till my nose bcome red & painful and started to peel. till i dun feel aniting animore =x i dun wanna b sick lar! i wanna b well. doctor sae it mayb some kind of viral infection, which he never sae much animore. gaf me antibiotic and sae tat i should take it if my fever comes again, since my fever keep plaeing wif me. awhile come, awhile dun come -.- so for nw i onli haf 2 medicine, flu & cough. pray hard i will b well soon! todae is hubby's 20th birthdae. i hope, he will b a happi guy and will work hard for what he wan in the future. happi birthdae hubby (:
 tummy @ 28 weeks  i bought these 2 beanies online at $12 each. super cute!
super sick todae! yesterdae after work was feeling quite jelly in my leg. but meetin sylvia bcos she wanna get the box for her bb stuff at yew tee and she's not sure where isit. so met her at yew tee and haf my dinner. then went wif her to buy the stuff. her husband send me home and went to take my temp bcos suspec tat im going to haf fever or haf fever bcos im feeling veri jelly in the leg. and haf slight fever. so SMS my brother asked him to get panadols for me while i rested. he came home wif 2 panadols, bcos he dun haf enuff money to buy more -.- okies lar, better then nothin. took them and sleep around 6 plus. on and off i did wake up to drink water as im hafing a bad sore throat and also to check my temp. until 420am i couldn't sleep animore. and so decide to wake up to suck on a lozegenes. so i watched abit of show while finishing up my lozegenes. around 5 plus i hear a loud bang. okies, so i tell myself time to go and sleep =x didnt manage to sleep immediately bcos im not tired, after sleeping from 6plus till 420am, where will b tired animore? so i tossed and turn tryin to sleep. and suddenly i hear another loud bang. i wan jolt wide awake. i jumped. then i dun hear aniting, so i tell myself. mayb i hear it in my dream. so i tried going back to sleep again and another bang. again, i jumped and open my eyes. still no sign of any movement in my neighbourhood. so i continued sleeping and there is the 3rd bang. but, it sounds like coming somewhere near me and also sounds like the door banging. and i heard the alarm of my sis ringing. so i guess it's around 6am. woke up around 7am and prepare for work etc. and when i come out of the lift wanting to turn to the left to walk to MRT station, i saw the police ribbon. scare the hell out of me. i walk 1 big round, bcos i need to pass by there to go to the MRT lar. and i saw a tent wif 4 policeman and a big area being cornered off. and yeah, somebodi commit sucide and this time is from my blk! i duno isit suay or wad. it's alreadi the 2nd time that i HEAR someone commit sucide. 1st time i cant sleep and i heard it. 2nd time i suddenly woke up and cant go back to sleep and i hear it again. sigh. aniwae tomorrow am meetin zhu, alfred and cindy. zhu sae go guan ying temple pray. afterall, it's not realli gd for me to experience this ting. esp when it's 2 times in a row within weeks. aniwae i took my temp todae and it is normal. 37.3 degree so i reckon i haf no problem going to work. bcos need to pass the temp test before i can enter the office. but who knows come into office my temp is 37.7degree to 37.6degree. which means i fail by 0.1degree -0.2degree. finally till 815am, then my temp go down to 37.5degress =x my nose is nw super pain and red. but gettin better bcos i went to 'sun' myself in that hot sun jus nw. it feels damn gd. at least nw it is not that blocked nw and i can breathe better. thou it's more painful nw when i breathe. but better then hafin to rub that painful nose wif tissue right. LOL. need to make a list of stuff that i still need. else i confirm forget -.-
im hafing a bad cough + sore throat now. damn. mondae it was alreadi showing signs im getting sick. so i took MC see doctor but i didnt take the cough syrup. i onli took the lozegenes. and i continue to take it even yesterdae, bcos it's startin to make me cough even more and my throat is getting dry alreadi. and i went to bought strepils somemore yesterdae bcos it's super terrible. i also bought pi pa gao. but it's not getting better! ): okies, maybe bcos i still got ktv wif the group. LOL. yesterdae after work went to meet sylvia at lot1. left around 710pm to meet qi and winnie at JE. going ktv at chevron. walked around while waitin for chio to come. not sure wad time chio came but met tog and walked to chevron. meet lun at chevron bcos he's going there directly from his place. dun haf the intention to sing in the first place bcos im realli coughin and scare the next dae i dun haf voice and i still need to work. ended up still sing a few songs bcos we stayed there for 3hrs! i tink i onli sang total 3 or 4 songs and todae it's getting worst. sigh. but did enjoyed myself. reached home onli around 12midnight lor! super late. immediately lie on my bed and sleep. but i did not haf a gd night sleep. all the itchness caused by my rashes and also my throat. it's so dry that it bcome so painful and i kept waking up bcos of the pain. sigh. yesterdae winnie asked, wun i feel lonely nw without anibodi by my side. wun i feel that it's hard to adjust to life without hubby around me. esp when we haf been staeing together (living under the same roof) for such a long time. i did felt lonely. i did felt lost. but that's onli at the starting. im alreadi used to it within such a short time. and i feel rather carefree. in the past when hubby is around, i would devote most of my time wif him. afraid tat if i go out wif my frens, he would complain. if i go out wif my frens, im negelecting him. thou i still stae a large part of my time at home, at least i still meet up wif my frens for at least once to twice a week. althou i may b lonely. but im contented wif everiting ive.
not feeling well for the past few daes. at first on saturdae jus feel uncomfortable in the tummy area. sundae it bcome worst. feel that my chest is veri tight and at night when i lie down to sleep, i cant sleep. my throat seems to b burning and suffocating me. so i get up and lie down many many times. finally fall asleep. wake up on mondae and feel even worst. so called devi to inform her will b on MC and went to see doctor at 8am. clinic is super crowded lor. but then the doc also veri hardworking and veri fast. after seeing doc went home and watch show online. until around 12pm take a nap until 4pm! i duno hw come i can sleep so much. woke up and start to do abit of chores. haf been startin to wash baby darius's clothing since sat. washed 2nd part of baby darius's clothing and thereafter washed my blanket also. cant remb hw mani yrs never wash my blanket liaos -.- aniwae the weather is super hot these few daes, i dun need the blanket at night also. so jus wash lor. sweeped my room floor and clear abit of rubbish. may b moving into master bedroom after i deliver as my bro haf move out into the study room and the master bedroom is nw onli occupied by my father, who is not home everidae. so sis said tat mayb i can move into the master bedroom. more space for me and baby darius also (: but i cannt move nw also. may haf to wait till i deliver or wad. but i cannt imagine, i got so much ting! movin is like abit crazy, thou it's onli the room next to me. LOL ive cleared 3 out of my 4 drawer for baby darius. the clothing and towels will take 1 drawer each. and the top most drawer will be for the essential items such as wipes, diapers, cream etc. ive also bought a cot organiser, which is on the wae (bought from walmart overseas spree). and so most of the items will be placed at the cot organiser and extra wipes and diapers will then b stored in the drawer. more or less haf alreadi finish wif all the shoppin. jus need a portable warmer and steriliser. the rest is small small stuff, which is not exp. this 2 are more exp items. will buy again next month (:
super tired todae! thurs went home and sleep from around 6pm to 12am. didnt even haf my dinner before i went to sleep. so all the wae till 12am and i suddenly wake up. feel shag but jus cant go back to sleep hence wake up plae maple. LOL. noob at maple liaos, so damn long didnt plae and forgot all my password. hence remake 1 account and nw still slowly slowly learn hw to plae. it's super hard. -.- after plaeing maple for awhile feel super sian liaos so decide to go back and watch my show online. actualli went to plae maple bcos the show cannt watch! duno why the server down for the webbie so i haf to go plae maple to kill time. sylvia also home by then, so chatted wif her while watchin the show. it's around 3am in the morning if im not wrong. LOL. i tink i slept onli at 4am+ and i woke up the next morning at 11am bcos of 1 SMS -.- qi messaged to say going to expo. the day before i told her if she wan can go out. she wanted to go malaysia. i told her im fine wif it also. if the rest doesn wanna go malaysia, can go expo also. got metro and new mom fair there. so she text me on fri morning sae go to expo. 1st SMS she say 1pm. 2nd SMS she say 2pm. samantha also called me to meet bcos she's going for interview at yew tee so i see the timing by then is abt 12pm should b okies. jus hang around wif her for awhile and then i can go to meet qi and the rest. who knows when 2pm is approaching was told that it is onli then confirmed at 3pm -.- super sian alreadi. bcos there's nothin to do at yew tee lar. qi's fren, paul, came to yew tee to meet me to take cab to fetch qi to go winnie's hse bcos the car was being driven by weilun the dae before. so went to winnie hse and then paul drive us to expo. 1st stop is the new mom exhibition. the space is super big. but they occupy onli half of it and it's rather messy also. i tink manny enjoyed himself alot wif the toys and such. i went to so mani stall but didnt buy aniting except at the pureen stall. spent a total of $59+ at the pureen stall and qi sponsored $20. bought the following at the pureen stall: -2 packs of wipes (100pcs) x 2 $6 each -2 pack of wipes (30pcs) x1 $2 -8 pack of wipes (30pcs) x 1 $8 -3 bottles of liquid washer $15.50 -maternity pad $6 -changing mat $8.50 -washing powder $5.50 -nappy rash cream $2.80 thereafter went to the metro fair next door. the q is super long! but it's super fast also as there's a total of 26 counter (: thumbs up for their service. spent another $35+ at the metro. bought the following items: -4 nursing bras $9.90 for 2pcs -1 nightwear $12.90 the new mom exhibition is at expo hall 4A while the metro fair is at hall 5, they are just next to each other (: the fair will end on sunday. so if u wish to go, do go. heard that the harvey norman fair is jus next to metro. went to tampines afterwards and went to sushi tei for dinner. the q is long, but we're okie wif the waiting time. but wad disappoint us is the service. after taking our order for abt 10mins, paul's order came. another 10mins my order came and another 2-3 mins then qi's order came. so total we waited 25mins but onli got 3 items out of 5. so we thought dey are busy and we waited. but we find it rather funni that since me and huimei ordered the same ting, why isit that dey onli serve 1 quantity? so we tink nevermind. mayb later dey will serve. and bcos we thought dey are so busy, the take awae that huimei wanted to order will take long, so she placed ordered when qi's food came. and we waited another 10mins or so, nothin came. all of them were hungry and pissed. so we ask the waitress. the waitress was at our table and checking the order when the take awae food came! on the spot i ask the girl, we ordered this take awae 20mins AFTER we placed order for our food. and now the take awae order is here. FUNNI RIGHT?. tink she sense our unhappiness and she apologised and proceed to check. but winnie is super hungry i tink so she tell the staff if it's not ready, then cancel. and yeah, dey did cancel bcos it's not ready. waiting 30mins+ for somethin that dey didnt even prepared. for somethin that dey haf missed out. super disappointed. ended up qi and huimei went to the foodcourt downstairs for their dinner. after tat walk around and then went home. talk for alot at the void deck after sending winnie home. i suddenly realise tat im seeing the old me in qi. i duno wad to sae. but can onli hope tat she will not deceive herself animore jus like wad i did. dun wan her toe nd up like me before realising everiting. definitely, when u love someone, u cant let go jus like tat. u will feel the hurt. u will feel the pain. whether it's ur decision or his decision to end this relationship. dun pin hope, and u will not feel the pain. ive been pinning hope all the while. finding excuses for hubby. standing up for him. so blinded that i gif wadever i can in this r/s. i know wad kind of person he is. but i choose to stay on. and nw, this is the ending i get. after sperating since november. i still love him. i can still tell the whole world i stil love him alot. but, loving him doesn mean ive to get back to him. few months ago, ive this thought of waiting for him. few months ago, ive this thought of being wif him. but nw, i no longer tink much abt it. i love him. but we haf to be suitable, he haf to change before we're able to live happily ever after. it's nothin and never a happi ending should we jus b together jus bcos we love each other. we need alot more then tat. and, im waitin for him to show me tat. if u dun pin hope, there's no disappointment. if u dun pin hope and he does wad he always wish he will, it'll be a bonus (: