♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
singaporeans are kiasu and kiasi. but cant dey use their common sense? haf been gettin stupid calls. alot of them in fact and 1 of them even bcame a complain case todae. why? bcos she kiasi lor. call to rescheule the son's appt. tell her she wan can, but den ive to tell her if by this time this time she didnt bring the son come, den dun need to come animore bcos not necessary as this is jus a development test. if aftr this age, den no point bring in animore as he will definitely b able to do all the stuff even if the development is slow unless is super slow kind which u can see without doing the test. told her if that happen, den she jus haf to observe the son. aniting come back and see doc and not to do the test animore. den she like kanchiong wan bring the son come. but scare the h1n1. then keep asking hw can we assure her that everiting is well. that confirm wun kanna. where got such ting call CONFIRM? can u confirm u will onli die at age 40? can u confirm if u cross the road when u see green man u will definitely wun b hit by a car? fuckin brainless. why not wear a full gear - meaning the mask, glove, headgear and gown - when u go out so that u wun kanna the virus? or why dun u jus dun go out at all. not even to the market. lock urself at home, dun breathe in the air, buy an oxygen tank? it's all nonesense. ask those who kanna the h1n1 locally. did they kanna it bcos dey come to clinic? nope dey dun. dey go clubbing, go to work, go to sch, go camp and dey kanna. so even all those place can kanna, den wad makes u tink that other place is safe? pls use ur brain can? fcuking idiotics. been feeling movement in the pubic area. tink isit baby darius is engaged alreadi? todae colleagues also commented that my tummy seems lower then previously. not as high as before liaos. and dey est that i wun last till mid july. so im gonna gif birth veri veri soon. baby darius, pls dun kanchiong wanna come out earli and see daddy ok? let mummy see 1 last time first den happi happi let u come out and see daddy can? promise the next time mummy go and see daddy u will b able to hear daddy's voice ok? guai lar. sayang. ur clothes also haven ready yet. so wait ok? jus 1week plus more nia. guai guai. mummy sayang. my zhu ahyi no more also. she gonna go do her confinement in a close area. LOL. no access to internet and she is damn shag. so doubt she will realli check her phone. got time jiu sleep lor! where got time to sms and entertain me sia. will miss her alot! todae whole dae no see her online lor. end up i sleep at workplace. wake up see her online super happi. but alreadi 3plus liaos. chat chat awhile she tell me she going off and going to move into her mummy place for the time being. ask her to tell baby jovier guai guai and after tat didi darius will b out to plae wif him soon! :D
received email todae from the head on our bonus!! yeah yeah. i counted i will be getting total $720 worth of bonus this july! super happi can. bcos when dey anounced that civil servant wun b gettin mid yr bonus we were like oh no. dey dun haf, will our head find excuses not to gif us also? and we kept asking boss. and end up he tell us, u got aniting u can come and find me. but dun ask me abt bonus. bcos i also duno. i also waitin for email ok =x this $720 ive i will save most of it up into the baby account. hees. super happi. jus take a small part to pamper myself mayb after confinement. i seriously need to tink, wad do i wan to do wif my hair! and when i see my back todae, i find it super disgusting. it's super super disgusting. onli if u see it wif ur eyes den u will believe it. pictures still doesn look that disgustin lor. and my dad & sis is blaming all that on my dirtyness. saeing tat is bcos i didnt clean enuff. hw den dey will believe that it is the hormones that's doing all this dirty work? tsk tsk asked boss whether i can wear slippers to work not. feet cannt fit into the sandals lar. den he funnily ask me, cannt wear flats meh >.<>.< and to visit hubby. ive decided to let myself take a break :D MC for that day bcos i realli dun haf animore leave lar. i see my AL onli left 6 days, MC onli left 6 days. june never take MC. so i july take 1 lor :D last MC before i go for my maternity lehs. so gd right. hehes. last and not least... ive a veri disgusting picture of 1 side of my foot dented in. i love to sit cross legged. and in office i will alwaes sit wif 1 leg cross underneath, 1 leg jus normal dangling. and ive stopped doing that for sometime due to my water retention. but todae i still did it bcos baby darius is moving abit too much and making me uncomfortable. and after puttin 1 of my leg underneath for a long time, i decide it's enuff. scare will haf dent until veri disgusting. plus it's started to numb. so i slowly release my leg and i saw this big dent that look disgusting. muahahhas! so i decide to take a picture of it. for wad? to show hubby lor! he thought he can escape mehs? when he come out, i wan him to see all the tings tat i went thru during pregnancy. dun ask me for my tummy pictures animore. i wun b taking animore. bcos i cant fit into the screen animore =x i mean my tummy not me huh. my tummy is too big to fit into the screen. if it can fit, den it is jus nice tip to tip, which i haf to aim and will get pissed off. so no more tummy picture! enjoy my dented foot picture :D
  my swollen feets look like elephant!  when im abt 2 months old  hubby! so chubby right? :D so who will baby darius look like?
congrats to zhu on deliverying her baby jovier on 26june09! her baby is much heavier then expected. we thought it's gonna be 2. something somethin onli. but who knows it's actualli 3.255kg! aniwae, was sms-ing her throughout from the moment i wake up till.. she fall asleep. she mus b super li hai to tolerate the pain and fall alseep. she didnt use epidural okies. she said that the contractions is okies except the part where it's abt 8cm onwards where u feel the pushing and shittin feeling and the pain is when the baby is gonna come out that part. that's when she use the laughing gas >.< she's siao lar. but i alwaes tell myself, she can den i can lor! so i can go thru it without aniting except laughing gas :D went to KKH for appt yesterdae. no scan and i didnt bother to ask also bcos the Q was so long! by the time it's my turn to see it's alreadi more then 1hr after my appt and nearing lunch time. also dun wan to make dr irene wait for me to do finish scan bcos she also preggy and need to go for her lunch. so i jus went in, let her listen to the heartbeat. fcuking hell. i nearly gain total of 20kg liaos lehs! and she's so worried. she asked me to slow down my weight gain. but but. i didnt eat much! realli lor! 3 weeks i gained 3.5kg! i duno hw i did it when i eat lesser liaos lor >.< i even stop my fast food. eat cai fan wif less rice and 2 veggie onli everitime. why i still gain so much weight?! den dr irene sae hopefully it is baby who is gaining all the weight. everibodi is telling me that i dun look like i gain weight. my arms is not flabby. my face is not 'swollen'. the onli swollen tings are my feet. which is super swollen until i dun feel like dey are my feet animore. the onli body parts that did put on weight is definitely my tummy, my breast and my feet. other den that, realli cannt see where i put all those weight on lor! zhu even commented, from behind, i dun look pregnant. i look jus the same as im before. so where does this 20kg go to?! dr irene asked me to go back 2 weeks later and mentioned that if im seeing blurry tings den gotta change appt to earlier ones bcos i may haf hypertension. she sae that thou my blood pressure is ok but der may be some 'hidden' one which onli shows during blood test. told her that actualli my eyesight abit blurry liaos. i didnt mentioned bcos i asked winnie isit normal, she sae normal. i ask sylvia, she also sae normal! and i even see stars sometimes for nothin, jus reading or seeing tings den suddenly i see alot of stars stars =x when she heard that she asked me to go do blood test for hypertension jus in case. she also commented that my baby looks big. she look using her eye on my tummy and pressing my tummy to guage the size of baby. and from her own mouth she sae, may have to induce if too big. 2 weeks later before i go and see her, do my scan first and decide again. i dun wan induce lar! i wan natural normal birth can? zhu laugh and sae, my placenta is working too well and too hard gifing baby too much nutrients so baby is fat and big -.- baby darius ahs, dun gain so much weight liaos ok? we both slow down. let mummy lose some weight ok? u gain jiu hao, but dun gain too much hor. 3.2kg enuff liaos. max gif u 3.4kg okies? dun too big huh, later mummy pain pain. sayang sayang wor.
wake up at 8am todae. hubby's dad said will come and fetch me at 9am so i thought waking up 1hr earli to do my stuff is enuff. but ended up realising tat ive got so much time so nua abit and slowly slowly do my stuff. wash up, pack bag, make up, change and everiting. 9am. still no call. wanted to go get breakfast but see is alreadi 9am so decide not to go. jus tahan abit lor. eat after the visitation. waited and waited. dad woke up and asked why i didnt went to work. told him im visiting hubby todae and tat hubby's dad is comin at 9am to fetch me. he looked at the clock and sae alreadi after 9am wor. why haven come. i sae nevermind, jus wait lor. dun wan call yet bcos i dun wan to call him lar >.< waited and waited and waited. and gettin more and more hungry! finally eat 2 slices of bread. and until 920am still no sign and dad is naggin ask me to call him. so i called and u know wad hubby's dad sae? he sae, "im coming later. i nw hafing my breakfast. later i call u when im coming." and im super pissed! im here starving and onli ate 2 slices of bread while u are happily enjoying ur breakfast and cannt even inform me meh? make me wait like idiot and go hungry. fcuking hell. and make me even dun dare to go out animore bcos he saes he's coming soon. SMS-ing wif zhu and zhu was dulan also. and asked me to go out for breakfast. told her i do not haf money wif me and haf to go atm which is at mrt station, super far and dad is out, sis is out, bro is sleeping. so can onli tahan liaos this time. after sometimes the dad called saeing tat he's coming and asked me to wait for him downstairs. hack care him and plae my psp at home for sometimes until my dad called and asked me hw isit, whether dey are coming. i tink he scare tat dey dua me also. den i sae yeah yeah, dey jus nw call me sae coming liaos. den he asked am i out, so i told him, oh im going down nw. he told me not to tell them too much ting. wadever dey sae can jus orh, yes and no jiu do that, dun tell them too much. sae byebye and hang up. told zhu, "my dad tis kind of suay bian de person also dun like them!" after hanging up den take my bag, go down. when i reach downstairs phone ring. the dad called and asked where am i. saw the car and hang up walk over. of cuz i greet them lar! i got li mao one okies, not like them. on the wae der dey never ask aniting. happi happi! the brother is an impatient driver. keep chiong and chiong. and the dad like so scare, keep holding onto the handle. super funni! and funniest ting is the bro is chiong halfwae den suddenly see a TP, den he got shock and the car go abit out of track. muahhahas. finally reached. register and wait. super long process lor. 1st haf to take Q no. den wait to register. registration also includes screening of those reading materials that we are gifing him. after registration den haf to wait for the 'gantry' to open. it's batch by batch and i tink we're the last batch. so waiting for the 'gantry' and haf to put all items in the locker, onli can bring IC go in. 'gantry' open liaos den haf to scan IC again and scan thumbprint. after tat scan ur body see got aniting not. machiam like go custom like tat. and the walking process start. it's like 15mins walk! super long way. walk and walk and walk. up and down. stairs and life >.< after walkin for 15mins den we haf to go to a room where we will wait for them to bring the inmates into their individual 'rooms'. more like cubicle to me. it's different from those drama one. drama u see is 1 whole row den glass panel in between. for this is each haf their own room. den in the room total got 4 phones. 1 for him and 3 for the visitors bcos 3 visitors allowed each time. and a glass panel in between. no officer standing behind him. it's jus a room. at least got privarcy lar. but i didnt realli talk much bcos his dad and brother is jus behind me. wad u wan me to sae. he keep telling me that my eyes seems like i got tings to sae. but i keep quiet and didnt sae much. hw u wan me to sae lar! got ppl hearing lehs >.< so uncomfortable de feelins. crapped abit thou. hahas! he asked whether he got slim down not. i tell hm dun haf. fat liaos. den he sae i fat lor >.< den suan me sae he taller then me. he 75kg i last weight check is 72kg. so im fat. i tell hm after bb come out, i will b slim again. muahhahas. and his dad told him that he wanna scraped the bike. reason is bcos haf to renew COE. if no renew cannt keep. den sae stupid reason like, he not outside cannt renew bcos need his signature. but funniest ting is, wadever ting that need his signature can b done, jus that haf to pass thru the officer lor. and he did jus tat when he asked the officer to pass the form for the transfer of ownership to him to sign and also to endorse and state that he is indeed serving sentencing hence the father is doing on behalf. stupid reason. and when his dad told him this, he keep lookin at me, as if wantin me to open mouth and reject. i den not so stupid to open mouth and sae tings else dey confirm sae me later one lor. he sae tat he fight veri hard for me to visit him. and that most prolly is bcos he told him his that she haf her own children too and that when hubby is serving sentence, at least she can still come visit him. but the mother is deprieving him of hafing the rights to see his own son - baby darius. and if like that, den the mother also don't come and visit him as long as he don't get to see his son. so mayb, well that works. hahas! aniwae, he said that i can visit him next time since nw im a registered visitor alreadi. jus tat i can onli tele visit him and haf to take the visit card from his dad on everi tele visit. why i can onli tele visit is bcos, his dad saes that thou he is entittled to 2 visits per month, he can onli haf 1 face-to-face visit and 1 tele visit. and dey wan to face-to-face wif hm. aiyas, to me is the same. as long as can see im happi enuff (: not as if face-to-face i can touch him also. LOL> after tat dey dropped me off at tampines where i den took bus 22 to AMK, sit till super pain lor. bcos my knee is achin also liaos. old liaos old liaos. baby darius is taking too much calcium from me! reached amk den went to fish and co. wait for zhu to come. ordered my seafood platter. love it! i actualli finish it lor! and also had a total of 3 kola tonic. muahhahas. after eatin den went down banana there nua and slack awhile and went to tmc. bcos zhu last min decide to go gleneagles to deliver but haf alreadi pae deposit to tmc liaos. and her doc side help her get them to refund her cash on the spot so haf to go down and collect. jus to wait for 1 no. to jump to get he refund, waited for 45mins! their service fcuking gd hor? after collectin den went back to AMK. zhu wanna eat sumo. so went sumo. after sumo den walk around the whole of AMK. bcos she sae she wan to exercise and we got nth to do. so walk and walk den went popular. wanted to get books for hubby. but suddenly realise i dun even know wad he will read and wad he wun. after tinkin for abt 20mins den gif up. didnt buy aniting and went back banana there slack and nua again all the wae till 8pm den went off. took cab back bcos too tired liaos! zhu is gonna admit tomorrow morning - that is if her boy can wait till tomorrow morning huh. bcos her doc wanted her to admit tonight. but she decide not to waste time and confine herself so soon so decide to go onli tomorrow morning. she is alreadi hafing regular cramps liaos. but not veri veri intense nor short interval yet. so i guess still can wait. but from nw till 7am tomorrow there's still.. 9hrs! hahas! gd luck to her =p wish that she will haf a smooth deliver (: baby darius is playing in my tummy again. moving left right left right =x so fun hor. cant imagine. 2 more weeks and baby darius is ready to be out anitime. lookin forward to my check up tomorrow! :D
congrats to sylvia on giving birth to her baby boy yesterday! weighing at 3.16kg (: chubby lil boy she have! best thing abt her is, she did not sleep the day before she admit to hospital and she didnt sleep when she was in labour and didnt sleep even after gifing birth! if im her, confirm knock out after everything. LOL. everibodi around me is gifing birth alreadi lor! even the zhu ahyi also gonna gif birth soon lor! her edd is 30june09 but she is now still carrying her boy inside her. and yesterday night she tell she got a abit of spotting. which means that also soon liaos. den i will b super lonely by den. still tinkin of asking her to sms wif me on thurs to bluff the father and the brother. she asked me whether im excited abt seeing hubby on thurs not. i tell her im dreading the before and after more den looking forward to seeing hubby >.< hubby's dad called me last night saying that they will come pick me up from my place at 9am because we need to reach at 10am thou the visitation is at 11am. i haf to prepare to bring along my invisible ear plug to shut off from his naggin and wadever he sae. bcos i still haf to respect him *pui* told my dad that hubby write to me saying that his auntie said that i can visit him if i agree to their conditions. and my dad asked me what is condition that they want. i told him that hubby only mentioned 2. one is not smoke and two is they don't like who then i cannot contact who as my friend. and my dad tell me who are they to control me like that. my dad even say that it is between me and him. as long as hubby is happy with me, then it's enough. see, my dad is not like them. kuku nehneh. fcuk them. im super bored nw. whether isit at work or at home. im forever bored. blogging at a wordpad and later transfer into the blogger. jus bcos i cannt go online! >.< im super super super bored lor! can someone entertain me not?
my boss is a veri nice nice man. muhahahas. bcos if i transfer to normal clinic, it means that ive to go and see on everi fri morning, but my office can onli gif time off in the late afternoon. meaning if my appt is 3pm and after, dey can gimmie time off to go off for my appt without deducting ani of my pae or leave. so i check wif him yesterdae the moment he come in. at first he sae okies. but when i tell him my this fri appt is onli available at 1040am wor. den he sae why cannt earlier, i tell him not i dun wan is dun haf mar. den he sae like tat den take it as i owe him the hrs first. den once accumulate till 8hrs, den take it as 1 off dae. bcos was telling him 1040am, take half dae also not right bcos i confirm cannt b back by 1230. take full dae jiu waste my time bcos i onli going to clinic at 1040am and after tat nothin liaos. somemore i alreadi wasted my 1 dae leave for thurs to see hubby jus bcos the visiting time is at 11am mar. so i dun wish to waste animore leave. esp when i onli left 6 days of leave! he count count for me also sae not enuff for me to take if i continue taking till i deliver. so he sae, owe him. so morning i will come in work 1-2hrs den take cab chiong to kkh. den see doc liaos take cab chiong back to office. hees. cab would be 50bucks still got change bah i tink. sylvia inducing todae as she sae she alreadi dilate 2cm and her gynae going overseas on fri + her bb is alreadi 3.4kg and gynae tell her dun wait liaos. else later bb veri big or he alreadi overseas and not b the one to deliver for her. so nw she is in the hospital inducing labour. wish her a smooth labour! also belated congrats to nicole to gif birth to her baby boy on the 12june, also thru inducing labour. im still not veri excited abt my birth. i mean, no feel lor. still the same. come den come. LOL. i haven even pack my hospital pack. slowly slowly lar. bcos i find dumping everiting in the bag like so untidy. wanna find ziplock bag but house dun haf. so gotta go and buy, but haven go and buy. slowly lar. this fri den 35weeks. i still got alot of time :D counting down. after today, 1 more day and i can see hubby liaos! miss him lots. imagine from november never see him till nw. i still can survive sia. shall post up pictures of me and hubby de baby days. den guess baby darius will look more like who =p i update liaos hor, zhu ah yi. dun bored bored jiu keep niam me sae i never update >.<
yesterdae wake up in the earli morning to go kkh wif dad as wanna sign up for the delivery package. confirm thru email that the admission office start at 830. reach there at 830 and dey tell us dey onli start at 9am. so went to mac. dad had his mac breakfast while i eat my curry puff. LOL. after eatin den went back to admission office to sign up for the package. the girl jus keep quiet dun explain aniting and jus do her own ting. finally buay tahan so i asked her isit got 2 package. she sae yeah. den i tell her i wanna take the classic. den she tell me if i take classic i cannt b in the private suit animore. den i tell her i came for counselling twice, but never told of this before. she also dun bother to explain. jus sae no, cannt, i will b transferred to the normal specialist clinic if i choose classic. den my dad was saeing if like tat, den forget it take the premier package. but premier package is 500bucks more classic and for fcuk i take the premier when the difference is (1)ive no priority booking over the bed (2) i will b attended by doc on duty till im dilate enuff and dr irene chua will den come in to jus deliver the baby and sew me up. and for both, no MO, no trainee. all are specialist. bcos i check wif the lady and she confirm, no trainee, no MO. all are specialist. so, for wad i pae extra 500bucks jus so that my own gynae will b the one to 'poke' (checking of dilation) me instead of getting dr on duty to poke me? moreover, my edd is so near to hers. wad if by the time i need to deliver, she is not able to make it or haf alreadi deliver for her bb? den i pae that 500bucks to get another doc which i duno to 'poke', delivery and sew for me? im not stupid okies. and dey like forcing ppl to pae extra 500bucks so tat we can stae in TPS to continue seeing doc. fcuking pissed off. told my dad i die also wun take premier. i find it no point and this 500bucks can b used on other areas and not this. if dey realli transfer me to the normal clinic, den so b it. jus troublesome and ive to go during office hrs. shall talk to jackson on this liaos bcos she onli haf 1 clinic per week and it's onli in the AM session. fcuker lor. like purposely. i nw change gynae also too late. else i confirm change. it's jus like a bomb. anitime can explode bcos she also preg and edd so near to me >.< im actualli quite unhappy wif her truthfulness. bcos she onli tell me that she is preg and her edd is veri near to me when i went for my 28weeks check up. which means, she is alreadi 6 months + pregnant by den. dun tell me that onli at 6 months den u realise u preg hor? if u like 3 months truthfuly tell me, i can consider whether i should stay wif u or change gynae. but she veri hard up for money huh. bcos dun wan to tell until it's too late, until her tummy is getting obvious. fcuk up clinic, fcuk up doc, fcuk up hospital. everiting i also not happi liaos! aniwae, alreadi sign for classic. dun care. talk to jackson again tomorrow see hw dey gonna arrange for my check up. whether dey can gimmie time off or ive to take leave. planning for my next pae: -eat fish & co. -eat golden pillow -buy baby bath items -buy nipple cream
 given by phityen. the angbao inside is a pin an fu. sweet her (:  gifen by phit yen also. she smart. gimmie this present instead of the NB package.  hubby's ugly drawing of me, him and baby darius. LOL! look at his handwriting. ugly also =p
笨的可爱的珠阿姨 is complaining that i didnt update my blog everi since i cant use net at work. okies lar, im lazy. bcos after office hrs is time to slack and sleep liaos mar. my routine everidae after work is, lot1, tabao, bus, home, online, sleep, wake up, online, sleep. sometimes i dun even online before the 1st sleep! my life is super boring and realise that ive not been walking much! walk walk walk! i should walk more often nw. except for walkng to the mrt station everi morning, i realli hardly walk lehs. it's not that im lazy lar. it's jus that the weather sucks lor. when is the weather turning cool?! i realli wan it veri much. imagine i can sleep and wake up bcos im so hot and prespiring! i miss those times when i can sleep after my work thru the next morning. nw i cant. i either wake up bcos of my bad reflux, which is burning my throat or bcos im too hot to continue sleeping! can somebodi help me?! appetite gettin smaller and smaller also liaos. wad matters is, baby darius is gaining enuff weight. and im happi enuff. h1n1 is gettin out of hand, which is making me worries. if let's sae im workng elsewhere, i wun realli bother that much wif this h1n1 bcos im not in the high risk category of gettin it. but since im workin in the clinic, it's making me feel guilty. bcos im riskin myself. there's alreadi a few confirm locally transmitted h1n1 case. fcuk those 2 guy, no. 48th and 49th, who still went shopping despite hafing the symptoms. dun come and send letter to the press saeing that u didnt do that lor. bcos u thought MOH so free to maligin u ahs? not happi, den get out of SG lar, who ask u come to SG? come to SG and pass that virus around. fcuk u. better die man. todae clinic also haf 1 confirm case of h1n1 locally transmitted de. sian. make me even more scared. if let's sae it is confirm at other clinic, i wun b so afraid yet. but nw it's super near. and somemore near the staff entrance is gonna set up a tent for those high risk group of patient! i better put on my mask everi single time i get out of the office liaos. no choice, i cant go on earli leave. else i wun haf animore money. pls pls, let all this pass quickly without affecting me and baby darius. next thurs visitation to hubby is making me super excited! leave alreadi being approved. dun even need to talk to jackson. hees. bcos i asked chris first whether able to allow 3 people to go on leave on the same dae and he sae no prob, ask me to fill up my name will do. so i got my leave on the thurs liaos! happi happi. pae dae also. den i tink after the visitation i will go and do my last min shopping of my stuff. bcos baby stuff all haf liaos. but my 1 haven. i haven got my nipple cream, haven got bathing products for bb also! talk talk to zhu and sylvia. sae i dun wan to meet them tog go, go back tog wif them also. it's a torture lehs! so decide to meet them there directly, whether i drive or i take public transport, i dun care lar. if dad dun allow me to drive, den i take public transport lor. den go back, gif them an excuse sae i meetin fren, need to get somethin, den im free! hees :D pictures to be uploaded later...
jus helping joyce, the photographer, who did the maternity photoshots for me, to adverts :D The MKJ Photographyshe specialise in children and babies photography. but she does do maternity photoshots on request. she have a home studio at her flat in telok blangah. so dun expect it to be those super big and nice studio. it's jus a small room in her flat. she's veri friendly and willing to try. if u are going for maternity photoshots, u can also let know if u haf ani idea of pose and such as she may run out of ideas and also doesn wish to do the same ting over and over again on different people. i took up the basic package and below is the details: Photography style: Contemporary (Mixture of colors and duotone effects) or Black and White Photography Fee: S$88Registered postage: S$4Fees include a photo session for no more than FIVE people, with maximum THREE kids in a family. (Not applicable to extended family members). Duration: One and a half hoursSession fee includes: 1a) All captured low resolution images in a private website for selection only. 1b) Selection of up to 100 photo image files for simple Photo Retouch.1c) Optional: Top up S$50 to purchase ALL captured images in an original high resolutions soft copy (Without touch up). 1d) All selected photos for retouching will be returned back to you in CD/DVD. 1e) If the top-up option is chosen, the photos will also be included together with the selected photos in the same CD/DVD. *For all urgent work orders request (only for the images photo retouch) to be done within 2 days, there will be a fee of $30 imposed.Note: Unedited/rejected/blurry/duplicated shots are not included for selection.
 i received my maternity photoshots pictures liaos! super happi lor! she didnt edit all of the pictures thou. onli part of it. have uploaded in my FB, those not naked ones. naked ones i decide to keep it for viewing for myself onli :D and u see the cover! she printed the cover also! it's super super nice! to view my album just copy and paste the link below: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=84490&id=703308399&l=09faeb250baniwae, todae is my off dae. and i woke up at 730am bcos i receive a call from hubby's dad, again. this time at my line. he onli haf my prepaid card no. while the bro onli haf my line. so i confirm is the bro gif the father my no. put on silent and went back to sleep. had a dream. i dreamt that his dad called me bcos he wan to tell e that he allow me to visit hubby liaos blah blah all tat lar. zhu sms-ed me at 9am and i woke up bcos of the sound, deni call her and told her that hubby's dad called and i didnt ans. she call me an ostrich >.< stupid stupid. also not sure whether next thurs will b able to get leave. bcos it's alreadi full. so mayb talk to jackson and see hw bahs. tomorrow go back office den sae.
i receive 2 missed call from a familar, but unsaved no. on my prepaid phone in the evening around 7pm+. didnt tink abt it since i cant recall whose no. isit and i didnt haf it in my phonebook either. so ignored it. jus nw received a miss call from my main line. miss call from jimmy, hubby's brother. i was still wonderin who is this jimmy bcos thou ive save the no. i cant recall immediately when i saw the name flashin. so i jus put it on silent while tinkin who is jimmy. by the time i remb, it's alreadi a miss call. i feel trouble coming. i hate talkin to them, and i dun wish to talk to them. u can sae im escaping, but i jus dun wanna talk to them. i find them doing all this on purpose. u know im preg since im 4 weeks preg. but u choose not to talk to me. and nw 8 months plus down the road, suddenly all of u sae wanna talk to me? fcuk off lor. im not ur dog. and im not gonna do ur bidding. sms-ed his brother and told him that i do not wish to talk on the phone. aniting sms me. no repli. guess it's the wae hw their family handle it. u thought i ur dog ahs. call me i haf to ans? ask u sms me u dun like den dun sms? it's none of my business. u're not my who, and why should i do ur biddin? it's best that we doesn haf aniting to do wif each other. the thought of them jus irks me.
13june09 slack the whole dae home and den went out to meet zhu at evening time. dun realli remb the time bcos im not realli lookin at the time. wanted to go amk bcos i wanna go get my psp game. im super bored! so i told her i will meet her at amk and also check wad's the prob wif the lappie bcos she kept saeing that she cant connect it when she reach home. went to check the letter box and saw 2 of hubby's letter. im alwaes happi and smiley face when i receive his letter. called zhu and told her i receive 2 of hubby's letter and she laugh at me. aniwae told her that might not b meetin alfred later as he's still working, later den call him again see hw. so while walkin to mrt i read the letters. the 2nd letter made me super angry! i jus read the 1st paragraph and i alreadi feel like crying. crying bcos of anger. bcos im super angry. he said that his auntie came to visit him and told him that i wan to visit him can, i need to accept THEIR terms. it's WTF ok?! and 2 of the terms are, no smoking for me and no contact between me and zhu. im pissed bcos all the while im the one puttin up wif their nonesense and yet nw he still wan me to accept their terms. who are they? even my dad also didnt bother so much abt my life bcos im an adult alreadi. dey will talk to me, but never threaten me wif terms. im not gonna agree aniting wif them nor let them see my baby. i wun let them haf it. u wan, u come fight wif me in court, im not gonna gif u. aniwae, jus nw meetin zhu at amk den we saw banana. he still owe me 500bucks hor. never chase from him, bcos i hate it whenever open mouth he sae he veri jialiat >.< then if i chase like veri bad. but he still remb tat he owe me money huh. and nw, he's irriating!! he keep calling calling calling. OMG. gimmie some peace man.
been feeling rather tired lately hence also didnt online much after i reach home. usually after home will jus online watch drama den sleep. ive receive the link to select my maternity photoshots for touching up. i can choose 100pics of it! but den, i cannt make up my mine. it seems too much choice for me. i onli manage to choose abt 50-60pics. guess i realli haf to slowly take my time and choose. hahas! aniwae, next yr 1st day of CNY falls on a valentines' day. when i know abt it i was laughin, lucky ive no valentines day. and also mocking at couples, ok lar, i know im bad, im jealous can? >.< aniwae i was happily telling zhu tat aiyo, valentines' day next yr on CNY 1st day, gd luck man. which shop will open for them? advance valentines liaos. happily laughing and her repli came "tat means ur birthdae will be reunion day" and im like WTF, i forgot my birthdae is jus 1 day before CNY, which means no birthdae for me lor! then i tell her okies, 1st day of CNY will fall on sundae, so is PH all the way till wed then go back work. i will take the week before CNY, thurs and fri off, so i can go celebrate my birthdae. talk so much then at the end i tell her, jus kiddin lar. not so bo liaos. i guess most ppl will go celebrate valentines' day on those 2 days lor. why i spend my leave seeing couples. also planning when im going to bring baby darius to make passport. bcos i tink next yr we're still going to malaysia during CNY to visit my mothers' side relatives. so will b bringing baby darius along. counted, by den baby darius is abt 7 months old. when should i bring him go do lehs? 3rd month? wondering wondering. some previews of my photoshot (before touch up). look at my stretch marks! so obvious in the photoshots. but i love it :D     
yesterade i got a 2nd warning and not able to use the net animore, dey didnt block internet access, but i felt someone mus b sabo me. so i wun b able to online during office hrs. however i can use skype. so all of u may add me at skype if u all wan (: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/ add me @ pprincesslynn
update abit on my recent life. sat went for work in the morning. thereafter meet winnie at redhill. went to tampines to meet her sis, wendy. had my lunch at long john. im the onli one eatin while the 2 of dem dun wanna eat -.- after eating slack abit and walk around. supposed to meet angeline at expo straight awae but she offered to fetch us from tampines to expo (: so we met her at tampines and her hubby drove us all to expo and lost his way there. LOL. while we girls are chattin, he call his fren or whoever to ask for help. i did hear tat lor. hahas! aniwae, finally reached and her hubby just drop us off while he go back home to study. heard he got exams like 1 week plus later. went to motherhood fair! super lots of ppl. realli make me feel like duno wad. dey haf such a big hall, but dey onli use half of it. and all squeezy! everibodi is squeezing around lor. duno why dey wanna make it that way. fun mehs? aniwae, nothin much. jus walk abt and see look, bcos ive bought almost everiting. the onli stall that attract me is the sweestest moments. fill up a form wif them and will get a free booklet of voucher. and if u buy the tableware set wif them at $9.90, will get a $10 off if you purchase aniting from them. great deal i feel. thou ppl may be saeing im jus forking out cash to buy that voucher. but i feel that i did get somethin useful. i mean, 6months-8months down the road, that tableware will be use by baby darius ma! after tat we went to the john little fair next door. it's super empty. nothing much to see and so we went out and wendy feeling abit hungry, went to BK. faster finish our drink/food and den went off to MRT station bcos me and winnie is supposed to meet chio and qi at 6pm. but aniwae, all of us are late. chio is the earliest. hahas! when he reached, we're still at expo. ke lian de him. angeline went along wif us and qi is the latest! met taka but ended up dey sae wanna go PS, tink dey got motive lehs go there. hahas! had manhattan fish market. eaten there once and dun realli like it bcos i like grill fish. aniwae, share a king salmon grilled fish with angeline. and was quite full thou i see that he serving is kinda small. james came to join us later after he finish his work. and he used his captialand mall card to redeem the rebates he haf. after rebates balance of 20bucks is shared between me, winnie, angeline and qi. bcos we're celebrating chio's birthdae. belated thou. but he's super paiseh when we sing the birthdae song. bcos the restaurant suddenly jus quieten down and some ppl clap their hands and sang along :D chit chat awhile and dey going to demsey hill but im not going bcos im super tired, waking up at 720 in the morning, work go out and till 10pm! next dae still got photoshot so told them im going off and took cab home. todae's work is horrible wif 3 person on MC. i wanna go MC one. but being a gd girl, i decide against it and so went to work. LOL! so work todae is talking non stop. i onli manage to go to toilet duriny my lunch. 2nd time is onli around 2pm+ and finally i can relax abit and drink more water and go toilet total 3 or 4 times. after work immediately chiong to KKH bcos i wanna pae deposit. reach there wait 30mins then now that i dun need to put deposit if i wanna choose classic plan lor! idiot. make me kanchiong and find myself so poor. end up is, i bluff myself >.< went for appt. baby is alreadi 2kg. dr irene chua mentioned that she's afraid that bb will b big. scare the hell out of me. bcos i wonder, 2kg onli mar. im 32 weeks, normal wad. sylvia 1 even bigger lehs. but her doc never sae aniting. so i doubt mine is big lar hor. but i gain 3.1kg! stupid stupid. fat fat darius. LOL. aniwae, he's alreadi head down. and his butt is jus below my breast while the leg is at my side bcos he's curl up. so he's alwaes using his butt to disturb me. and the round round stuff that i feel near the belly button is actualli his butt butt. hees. super cute. the first ting dr irene chua comment is my tummy >.< she sae my tummy super big! why gets bigger so fast huh. den i tell her yeah lor, my tummy can fight wif my fren(zhu) who is 4 weeks earlier then me. bcos yesterday zhu come my hse, we use measuring tape measure, measure hers then measure mine. both same! faint lar! and she sae my tummy look like those ppl's tummy who is going to gif birth soon. aniwae, ask medicine for the piles from her. acutalli nw no pain nothin, jus ask in case within this 3 weeks i need it. hahas! but the medicine super exp. 20+bucks ): ask her abt my finger pain also. she sae water retention. she sae it's normal. but hor, so mani preggy woman i know, or alreadi gif birth liaos, none of them water retention till hand pain like mine. stupid stupid. next appt on the 29th and by then zhu confirm deliver liaos. hees. jiayou ahs.
photoshot todae. got naked pictures. muahhahas. see the pictures liaos den see wad can post, wad cannt post =p woke up super earli todae. 730am wanted to sleep back but leg cramp so i woke up and slack around watch show. start doing my make up at 10am bcos it's been super long since i did my eye make up! finally finish the eye lash in 20mins. wahahhas. i realli should make up more often. abit rush also bcos im not supposed to take my shot todae. is supposed to b next sundae. but bcos sylvia got somethin, cant attend and so i swop wif her. after doing my eye, i take pictures and send to zhu to view. see balance or not. hees. and camwhore! =p at 11am den i start to finish doing all my make up (blusher & lip gloss) and leave the house at 1130am. reach yew tee around 12pm and went to saloon to set my hair. done liaos jiu go off to find her place. went wrong place! took cab and finally reach. hope to see my pictures soon! :D my cam whore pictures   my eyes :D     
  i know my tummy looks super fake in this picture. bcos looks too big for my size. but yes, this is hw big my tummy is nw! 42inch!!  items i bought from cotton on body. they have my size!  given by lina and i super love all the clothes!  items given by yan yan  items given by andrea. she's so sweet! coming down to my office jus to pass me those stuff lor!  previously unknown stretchmarks/scratch marks nw bcome the real stretch marks. but look diff from wad others haf >.<  finally my tummy @ 31weeks, 4 days
i was browsing thru blogs and got pissed off by some stuff. i hate people who 'steal' my LINES and take it as if it's theirs and go around saeing the LINES that i said to them in private. and i keep seeing it repeating and repeating and repeating on diff blogs, and on 1 of the blog, it says that it is being SAID by that SOMEONE. so that person CLAIM to haf that such good observation/'INTELLIGIENT' remarks on certain things when it actualli comes from me! but i dun wan make the person paiseh by going out and sae that 'im the one who sae hor' so i feel that im alreadi gd enuff to b jus ranting on my blog. so if u know who u are, better shut up and let me cool down. dun ask me who is this person. if u duno who u are, den too bad lor. i wun repli anibodi who ask who is this person. lastly, im being forced to blog the following sentence =x i hates it when my zhuzhu is not wif me
cpf deductable amt have increased by 300bucks! which means my deposit go down by 300bucks (: super happi lor nw. hees. so im gonna put my deposit on mondae. since after puttin the deposit of 902bucks, i will still haf money left and not broke. should i or should i not pae back my starhub bills lehs? dey cut off my line bcos i owe them 2 months. LOL. idiot them. but if i onli pae back 1 month, i doubt dey will open the line for me? duno lehs. duno wad i should do nw. baby darius haf been veri active in my tummy & makes me start tinkin tat he's fat! bcos he seems to b moving so much and making me painful jus by moving, like he does not haf enuff space. hw can he not haf enuff space nw?! tat means he's fat fat. wahahhas. i alwaes tell him last time, come out b baibai pangpang. then later when i go for scanning at 28weeks and dr irene chua tell me est him to be 1.6kg, i tell him okies, come out baibai, dun too pang. i remb that time elf was saeing, why dun wan him come out fat? fat then healthy mar! i tell him, ehs i need to push darius one lehs, u knw if he so big, ive to use more force to push him out. if he can crawl out himself, i dun mind lar =x and everione roll eyes! LOL. being veri crap everi since i got pregnant. alwaes tinkin of and asking stupid qns. todae is fridae! happi happi. tomorrow half dae, go home nua, meet angeline. sundae nua, evening meet zhu. mondae work, after tat pae deposit and see baby darius! okies lar, actualli is see dr irene chua before can see baby darius =x
i alwaes got tings to blog but when im able to login to blog i forget. my pregnant mind! haiyo! aniwae, played mahjong on sat wif winnie, abby & lun at winnie house. found that ive been plaeing mahjong for 3 saturdaes alreadi. hahas! other then the first time i win 7bucks, i lose the rest of the 2 times ): 1st time win 7bucks, 2nd time lose 4 bucks, 3rd time lose 18bucks! money fly away liaos~ i actualli lost even more one lar. thanks to lun for donating :D bcos got 1 round i bao wan. then he throw wan for me to pong! so he's in the danger of helping everi1 pae if i win liaos. and abby throw the tile that i can hu! yeah. so total 12bucks+ he help them pay all to me. hees. but i hardly hu lor. super bad luck. mus b baby darius wanna sleep. then sae i disturbing him dun let him sleep and he bad mood. so he angry!
after mahjong winner pay for supper. went to timah for our prata. abby's treat bcos she win the most lor! then lun send me home and then send them home. by the time i reach home alreadi 4am in the morning liaos. and i straight awae go to sleep. but i still wake up at 9am the next dae! cannt imagine why i keep like tat. super shag -.- lucky manage to go back sleep again at 2pm like tat and wake up at 4pm. else i cannt imagine hw shag i will b when i come back to work. yesterdae went to amk to meet zhu as we need to exchange stuff. why i sae exchange is bcos, she wan gimmie tings i wanna gif her tings also mar. LOL. then i told her i wanna buy angel and demons book for hubby. so we walk from amk hub to jubilee then walk back to amk. our leg is breaking! nua and talk and eat. after tat jiu cab home bcos too tired. super broke this month bcos need to pae for the hospital deposit! sigh. tinkin when i going down to pae the deposit. mayb next week before my appt faster go down and make deposit bcos their office close at 6pm -.- todae my big boss (yenyen) bought 2 bags of stuff for me. and i onli manage to bring home 1 as ive another bag which i pack from office as i need to clear my drawer also. another bag which i left at office is mainly bb clothings. ive got so much stuff that it's making me go crazy! ive took pictures of all the stuff ive got.  my super messy room wif all the stuff  steriliser, warmer, breast pump & bottles which i bought previously  items given by xiaoxiao  items given by yenyen  items pass to me by zhu  all my items that i 'hide' then under my table  after clearing up the mess! i use onli 10 mins ok  see, realli clean right =p