♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
baby darius is down with flu. 可怜的宝贝蛋 and bcos of his flu, ive been up almost everi hr to make sure that he's breathing well. stacking his head higher with nappies and blankets. bcos he know hw to kick and move around in his bed, so his head always went down to the bed and no longer on the stacked nappies and blankets. so everi hr i haf to go and move him bcos he's breathing so hard that sometimes he choke. i love to call him my 宝贝蛋 and i kept thinking that it sounds so smiliar. and finally i realise, thats how his dad always call me (: found an old health booklet and i realised im a big baby myself too! weighing 3.55kg at birth, 51cm in length and head circumference 35cm. im so much bigger then baby darius! hahahs! but i was born at week 39 (: my mum definitely haf a hard time carrying me and working still. all mums are 伟大 :D
29 july 2009
   he aint an angel when he cries! 28 july 2009 see his long eye lash (:  my view of him whenever i carry him  his long hair!  27 july 2009  his ugly sleeping posture =x  26 july 2009 his muscles :D baby darius have been rather cranky lately. give me a big headache! usually he would only make noise for milk. after that he will either fall asleep or we can just put him back in the cot and he will self entertain himself and fall asleep later. however lately he just won't want to self entertain! at most u give him 1hr, and he will make noise. want people to play with him or carry him. but u can see he kept yawning and realli wanna sleep. to me, it's a torture bcos another 2hrs or less is his next feed and yet nw he wan ppl to plae wif him? >.< at night ive to worriew that he's gonna disturb my sis and dad. in the dae i gotta worriew he will disturb my bro. so difficult lar! but usually i will let him cry and make noise for sometime before going to attend to him. else he will thought he's the king in the future how?! okie lar, for now he's not the king, but my lil' prince. hahas!
yesterday i found out baby darius will gek sai! he have this bad habit of latching halfway and stop to poo. and yesterday when he did that i put him down and i watch him. he actually show the very difficult face and suddenly he make a 'argghhh' sound. the next sound u will hear is 'pooooed' LOL! so cute right? and this continue for abt 2-3times. and tis morning also! he realli gek sai sia. so young alreadi gek sai. super cute.
i'm nw weighing 61kg. another 4kg more to lose before i go back to my pre-pregnancy weight. still didnt dare to try out my pre-pregnancy clothing. hahas! my tummy is still 33inch! flabby flabby tummy. and it's super duper black. i dun wan lar! faster slim down and back to pre-pregnancy shape and weight.
bloghopper: so cute ur baby, must upload more when blogger is ok. bb BC, did u put in the father name or just the surname? father not present can still insert in BC? have to depends wor. if sae the case like me and my bf like that, he's serving his sentence, den u can let them know u wan to insert the fathers' name but he's serving sentence and gif them details. they will arrange a dae to visit him at his 'place' and ask him to make the oath. however if u dun wish to put in the name, jus wanna use his surname, it's not possible. jaCq: lOl~ so qiao, ur last day confinement is national day.. btw, hoe come darius need to visit dental? yeah lor. after national day is my happy day :D he need to go visit dentist bcos he haf a teeth bud on the lower gum. so dey need to observe the condition (: missJAC: i gg etrini house first den after tat to ur hse . will text u on tat day b4 i go up . see ya ! no problem~ waiting for ur arrival :D but i might b hafing massage. hahas! luan: OMG, i've been looking at darius's pic everyday haha but still can't see him in real. all the schoolwork's killing me argh u soooo busy with sch work! shall see him soon okie? heard from ur mum u going HK in a while! i wanna go also lehs. meiyan: yah. alot of ppl has pop except me. i hope he comes out soon but etrini says after i'd given birth, i would wish to squeeze him back into my womb. haha. but i always tell myself 3more weeks. very soon yeha, before i gif birth i also hear alot of people like that tell me. that we wanna squeeze them back into the womb. but so far i didnt feel it this wae lehs. im happi to see him everidae :D juann: haha, i think i look more yr bb. den my bb will smile more when his out. muahhaa. so cute lorhss omg even my husband say so. hahaha hey hey, u and ur hubby dun an lian my boy huh. next time i must charge money for u all to see my boys' picture liaos! LOL Tingting: very sian leh confinement, yours going over soon! I eat ginger til wanna die alrd. Haha. get well soon ah! hope darius gets better soon! he soooo cute.. wahs, u jus started jiu sae sian. i still got 1weeks+ more to go! dun eat too much ginger if u breastfeed okies? ayden looks super cute also lor! wanna see him soon! wait till ayden full month (: jessica: Ling... so happy to see ya today! =) Btw how u upload the photos?Blogger got problem right? sometimes heng heng blogger no problem i jiu upload lor. hahas! mus see luck one.
baby darius have been cranky yesterday. not sure why but just cranky and wanna suck. but im so afraid that he will b overfed and hence i try not to. carry him to coax him. i dun usually carry him when he cry bcos i dun wanna it bcome a habit for him. but this time i realli haf no other choice but to carry him bcos he's crying his lung out. duno isit that he got scared and hence kept gettin cranky. and finally the whole ordeal end at 1130pm. nw he's peacefully sleep at my bed (: i feel like im gonna haf a sore throat soon. hw not to b sick when all u eat and drink is heaty right? sigh. and i can onli drink more logan water, which is heaty. duh. later will be bringing baby darius to polyclinic. hopefully that after this abt 40hrs of time under the PEP bed, baby darius's jaundice will go down. but they sae that as im total breastfeeding, it will not really be that effective even under the PEP bed. sigh. but at least go down to a less danger point? at least i will not be so worried. shall go and sun baby darius nw
25 july 2009 baby darius on the PEP bed
Yanwen ♥♥: so cute one! poop finish got O shape mouth! cute cute cute man! His face like v round! more pics!i wish to upload more pictures also but blogger cant. angry wif blogger liaos! passerby: sp private suite is much more ex than those normal ?from my experience, if u did scan also, it is more expensive at the normal clinic then at private suite. i went to clinic a for consult + scan total cost me $80+ while private suite total cost $74 ja"miie: i like e "O" mouth expression. CUTE* hope baby darius continue to b happy & healthy! =) thnk the CL/agant are too much. *shakehead. they're taking u lightly.yeah. they mus b see i young and gd t bully lar. but aniwae im glad it's over :D yeah, he better b cute and handsome yeah. make all the girls fall in love wif him. muahahhas! meiyan: your CL sucks totally. knn. i'll pour the HOT tub of water over her head if i'm there. the agency is even suckier. nabei. no experience still hire and ask her to lie to you??? RUBBISH! fight for your refund then you can keep that money for other use. dun consider. just write in to CASE & MOM.yeah lar. but aniwae, the CL wan sabo the agent. the agent wan to point at another agency. their problem. their name stink liaos! i cant b bothered to write all that. forget it lar. take it as learn a lesson lor! i nw onli wan my baby darius to grow up well and strong! ur turn soon lar. everibodi seems to haf pop liaos. jessica: He's so adorable! Cant wait to see him n u...hahas! alreadi 2 weeks since i gif birth. u all arrange and come see us lar. den can liaos. i doubt i will b bringing him out after my cofinement ends also. bcos of the H1N1. got ppl die liaos! scary PL: babe!! the peek-a-poo pic so cute!! when can bring him out?? hahah.. anyway relink me! I dont know press till what, then my whole blog mess up and lost of the link... seeya soon!!LOL. okies. will relink u. alwaes forget lar. i dun tink i will bring him out even after my confinement bcos of the H1N1. mayb wait till H1N1 is better first lor. jaCq: of course i know u working in polyclinic lar, u think i forget le mehx? LOL~ btw regarding jaundice, can try Yvonne's way. u buy the herb, the some and thread thru like a bracelet, put inside a pillow, then place e pillow beside Darius. Then the rest u boil till water turns yellow, then bathe darius in it. i ate ginger during my confinement to get rid of e wind, budden i took mod amt... not sure if u dont eat will have or not wor... i only know chicken pox vaccine in my gp clinic is abt $80, i think polyclinic better if wan 2 save $$, cause since private gp chickkypox vac already 80, poly should be cheaper...i went to read up on the jaundice. they sae there's a few kind right. jaundice usually will decrease very slowly if breastfeeding. however some baby wil develop breastmilk jaundice. mayb mine is breastmilk jaundice? doc say that baby is gaining weight well and everything. jus the jaundice. nw i onli bath baby wif the herb and also put him in the PEP bed liaos. hopefully by the 3rd day it will clear. yeah, i tink i go polyclinic better also. den i can go down pei him when he take the injection also mar =p meiyan: i realise darius's front view and side view look very different. i will think its different person.will mar? i never realised lehs. mayb bcos i alwaes see him. hahas! juann: waa, yr bb realli so cute lei. hahasee more of my boy den ur baby will also b as cute! =p mus b i see too mani cute boy when im pregnant. hahas! Angeline: Wah! Your last CL is a complete terror! How could she give baby soap?! My goodness! Gllad that your CL issue is solved. =) Hehe. And oh, too bad for Darius, one lesser gf/wife for him to choose. But.. he got a male friends to make with. Hopefully they become good buddy in future eh? Teehees.that's why say the CL no common sense and got mental problem. LOL. hopefully dey will bcome gd buddy and not alwaes fighting! when boys all come together, it's a terror! Tingting: Walau! His phots very cute lehhhhhhh. I also want, anytime now!ayden have made ur wish come true! jus 1 dae after u post this tag baby ayden decide to come into the world. hahas! love to see ayden's picture soon (: yeye: darlin...darius gek poo so cute..haha...hehes. thank you. hardly will find anione even poo also so cute right =p Yanwen ♥♥: OMG! i like his O mouth man! and he sleep until v peaceful. cute cute!yeah lar, he alwaes sleep so peacefully. no matter wad u do he also wun wake up! he wanna haf 'ying tao xiao zui' hahas! missJAC: darling lynn , i will be going over to visit u on the 30th of july ard afternoon . u will be at home on tat day rite ?yuppies. i should b at home since that day ive no event yet. jus text me before coming since u going to etrini side first right (:
congrats to tingting on her arrival of baby ayden! suddenly realised that alot of july babies! july one all gif birth in july. august one also gif birth in july. tsk tsk. so mani july babies! it seems to b like that everi yr lor. i go out and see, alot of july babies also! july is baby month :D blogger once again is down, cant upload pictures again >.< aniwae, the confinement agency came yesterday and say give baby an angbao. inside got $50. aiyo, what is $50 to them right? but better then nothing. hahas! today is pay day. and my bank only left $300+. why? because i pay all the bills and also save up $1k into baby's account. waiting for BC to b ready then i wil open 1 ocbc mighty saver acc for baby darius. and im still waitin for a cheque of $800+ to come in. full month celebration is jus 1 week awae.. 2 more weeks till confinement ends!
today is a super busy day for me. had appt in the earli morning at polyclinic for baby darius follow up. after seeing the doctor went down to TMC immediately. bcos baby darius jaundice didnt went down but went up to quite high, it's 273. the danger point is 300. and polyclinic tell me to go back again on mondae to check the level again. but if over the weekends i find aniting wrong, den bring baby darius to hospital. of cuz i didnt wan to take the risk and am rather concern why it didnt dip instead rise to such a high level. so called my aunt and seek her advise and cab down to TMC to see her PD. after waitin finally is our turn to see the dr. dr saes that ive 2 choice. either to admit or to rent the PEP bed home. the PEP bed cost $390 while the admission will come up tot abt $1k before cpf deduction. she mentioned that cpf deduction will be abt 2/3. however as im on total breastfeeding nw, it means that ive to go back everi nw and then to supply them wif the BM unless i dun mind they feed FM. so $390 doesn seems too exp also thus tell them that i will get the rental of the PEP bed. also bcos it's home and i can see baby darius. else i will miss him like siao. bcos i onli haf $400 wif me and the rental + consult total up to $500 hence have to wait for my dad to come and pass me the money. im hungry and tired. bcos i woke up abt 2 times at night to feed and pump milk. and didnt haf aniting in the morning except a glass of milo bcos baby darius wanna b fed jus before coming out hence is in a rush. after everiting end it's alreadi 11+ and when reached home alreadi 12+. so my maid faster cook and i bath and eat. winnie came around 2pm to fetch me to ICA with manny and her brother-in-law's brother. but i tink the brother doesn realli know the wae and hence go round and round and im super sleepy liaos. finall reach ICA around 3pm to make baby darius's BC. have to fill in so mani tings, sign so mani tings and write so mani tings. and later haf to even read out all the tings that ive written. the oath. super long sia! and machiam like read a loud >.< some words i duno hw to read the person will read and i follow. like kids. LOL. baby darius name calculated, tian en is not a gd name. so we changed it to jie en. so his name is confirmed to be darius lee jie en. once done den went off to lot1 bcos i wanna go kiddy palace. got milk bags, nappy rash cream, wipes & bottles. 1 of my avent bottle suddenly got hole! and i didnt know until i finish feeding baby darius and itnkin why isit tat half of his top is wet. OMG. stupid avent. but i still buy back avent. LOL. and once again when we're on the wae to lot1, brother lost his wae again. and so we took a long long wae back. and meanwhile im so worried abt baby darius. kept tinkin abt him. wished that i can fly home immediately but i cant. so i can onli dream abt him. my brother called me to tell me that he PEP bed have came and such. reach home around 6pm+ and my bro and dad said that baby darius kept crying. he doesn wan to b in the PEP cub. took a long long time to hong him, settle him and everiting. and finally he fall asleep after struggling for more den 2hrs. after he fall asleep i carry him into the cub and on the light. baby darius b strong and u will b well soon ok? received my KKH bill also. my total bill came up to $2586.61 and my antenatal claim is $936.47. cpf deduction will be $2112.84 so i just need to pay cash $473.77 for baby darius, his total bill came up to $514.26. cpf deducton will be $500.88 so i just need to pay cash $13.38 my deposit is $875. so after deducting, i still got a balance of $387.85.
today is a super busy day for me. had appt in the earli morning at polyclinic for baby darius follow up. after seeing the doctor went down to TMC immediately. bcos baby darius jaundice didnt went down but went up to quite high, it's 273. the danger point is 300. and polyclinic tell me to go back again on mondae to check the level again. but if over the weekends i find aniting wrong, den bring baby darius to hospital. of cuz i didnt wan to take the risk and am rather concern why it didnt dip instead rise to such a high level. so called my aunt and seek her advise and cab down to TMC to see her PD. after waitin finally is our turn to see the dr. dr saes that ive 2 choice. either to admit or to rent the PEP bed home. the PEP bed cost $390 while the admission will come up tot abt $1k before cpf deduction. she mentioned that cpf deduction will be abt 2/3. however as im on total breastfeeding nw, it means that ive to go back everi nw and then to supply them wif the BM unless i dun mind they feed FM. so $390 doesn seems too exp also thus tell them that i will get the rental of the PEP bed. also bcos it's home and i can see baby darius. else i will miss him like siao. bcos i onli haf $400 wif me and the rental + consult total up to $500 hence have to wait for my dad to come and pass me the money. im hungry and tired. bcos i woke up abt 2 times at night to feed and pump milk. and didnt haf aniting in the morning except a glass of milo bcos baby darius wanna b fed jus before coming out hence is in a rush. after everiting end it's alreadi 11+ and when reached home alreadi 12+. so my maid faster cook and i bath and eat. winnie came around 2pm to fetch me to ICA with manny and her brother-in-law's brother. but i tink the brother doesn realli know the wae and hence go round and round and im super sleepy liaos. finall reach ICA around 3pm to make baby darius's BC. have to fill in so mani tings, sign so mani tings and write so mani tings. and later haf to even read out all the tings that ive written. the oath. super long sia! and machiam like read a loud >.< some words i duno hw to read the person will read and i follow. like kids. LOL. baby darius name calculated, tian en is not a gd name. so we changed it to jie en. so his name is confirmed to be darius lee jie en. once done den went off to lot1 bcos i wanna go kiddy palace. got milk bags, nappy rash cream, wipes & bottles. 1 of my avent bottle suddenly got hole! and i didnt know until i finish feeding baby darius and itnkin why isit tat half of his top is wet. OMG. stupid avent. but i still buy back avent. LOL. and once again when we're on the wae to lot1, brother lost his wae again. and so we took a long long wae back. and meanwhile im so worried abt baby darius. kept tinkin abt him. wished that i can fly home immediately but i cant. so i can onli dream abt him. my brother called me to tell me that he PEP bed have came and such. reach home around 6pm+ and my bro and dad said that baby darius kept crying. he doesn wan to b in the PEP cub. took a long long time to hong him, settle him and everiting. and finally he fall asleep after struggling for more den 2hrs. after he fall asleep i carry him into the cub and on the light. baby darius b strong and u will b well soon ok? received my KKH bill also. my total bill came up to $2586.61 and my antenatal claim is $936.47. cpf deduction will be $2112.84 so i just need to pay cash $473.77 for baby darius, his total bill came up to $514.26. cpf deducton will be $500.88 so i just need to pay cash $13.38 my deposit is $875. so after deducting, i still got a balance of $387.85.
1stly, congrats to etrini on the arrival of chubchub! finally after a long time. i tink her labour hrs almost the same as me lor. but hers is kinda bad because doctor even told her to go for c-sect. but mine never. but luckily she made it via nautral birth. clap clap! pictures finally uploaded (: CL have been settled. they will not ask us to pay anything for the previous CL also and we have terminated there service. now i can finally sleep in peace. realise that my maid love baby alot. too much that everything she also wanna fight wif me to do. like feeding EBM, she will fight to feed. burping, she will also fight to burp. i don't mind abt burping. but i realise she doesn't realli know hw to burp also. onli the posture is right. the patting is wrong again. but i'm still too tired to tell her the problem. i still need more sleep. updates updates. baby darius is getting well now. waking up every 2-3hrs for a feed. im a happy mum. and his cord have dropped off on the 8th day (: my baby darius really cute lar! my dad asked, his full month what he should buy? anklet? i tell him better ask my grandma. scarly 2 person buy anklet. he say nevermind. i tell him what nevermind. waste money and he won't be wearing 2 anklet right >.<
mus gek poo first after pooing.. so relief! 22 july 2009