♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
25 september 2009  26 september 209  27 september 2009  27 september 2009  baby darius & his new fren!  at first i tot he suck his hand to sleep but upon closer look, he's jus smelling his hand to sleep >.< 29 september 2009  he loves to gif this face super cute!   sleeping peacefully  i onli left him der for a few mins and when i come back he's in this position i didnt tilt my camera ok! and i ask him “你为什么会变这样子leh?!" his look at me and smile wif his hand in the mouth =x 30 september2009  enjoying his bath time
my aim for next phone... shall see hw much bonus i will get end of the yr and decide should i get it wif renew-ing my starhub contract. i love it bcos it's 8.1 megapixel and it's pink!
surprise surprise. my cup size went up by 2 cup. i thought onli 1 cup. and.. bra is expensive! ok, u can get cheap one. but when u have given birth and breastfeed, u would definitely wan to go and get a gd support one. else.. who will take care of ur breast for u? it's saggin!! 21yrs old and my breast is sagging! *shake head* baby darius is gettin more and more kpo. nw he like to b upright so that he can see everithing. todae i brought him to lot1 alone bcos collecting zhu's clothes. she so kanchiong abt the clothes lar. went out earlier to post items then walk around. at first when he's in the pram it's ok. as long as it is moving. if it's not moving, he will gif u sometime. after some timing, still not moving he will make noise. so i was lookin at somethin and he make noise so i haf to carry him lor. so i carry him upright. and he dun wan to sit back in again! and he poo-ed lar. so need to go nursing room to change his diaper. no choice haf to carry him upright, let him sit on one hand, then another hand support his head and back while the hand that he's sitting on push the pram. and the pram is low, so i haf to lean forward. super li hai right >.< and when i fnally reach the nursing room, the door is close, paiseh to go in if realli got ppl, which i duno isit realli ppl nursing inside or jus the cleaner aunty resting inside. so went outside to the handicap toilet but it's lock also! sian lor. then wan to go another floor but haf to take lift bcos cant b push the pram and support while im still carrying baby darius and need to support him too. waited veri long for the lift bcos the 1st time, the lift is full. so i waited for 2nd one. still full! decide by then the handicap toilet should b free. so went back and change diaper for him. after tat then he allow me to put him back to pram. collect clothes and den went ntuc bought vege and fish then went home. okies. my maid is driving me crazy. whenever she cannt settle baby darius, she will tell me 'mdm, hungry' i just nw 7pm feed. she 740pm come tell me hungry. but i see he like wanna sleep but wan latch to sleep so i latch awhile. and jus nw baby darius wake up and make noise. she tell me again 'mdm, hungry.' and u know wad time isit? 8.55pm! fcuking hell. hw can i go to work sia. scarly everitime jus feed and feed and feed.
Qi: Gonna meet u this week by hook or by crook =pever since i gif birth till nw onli saw u all once! so sad lor. sometimes i see u all jus meet up chat chat never ask me :( YuanMei: dairus is a smily happy baby! hahahahe is smart baby, know hw to make people love him. onli terror in front of his own mummy bcos he know mummy forever love him =x cindy: hahaha..he jealous gd mah...lol...u also have a gd hubby....he where gd. *pui* minmin: stacey went to private her blog delibrately one ah? i think she only make use of her current bf lo.duno. but i saw her plurk saeiing tat duno should change blog url or private. end up she private. i think is bcos alot of people go tag her so she didnt like it. whether she make use of her bf or not i no comment. hope she will cherish lar (: _______________________________________ seriously need to save up to get a new stroller for baby darius. i saw meiyan's one and i love it lor. veri veri big! but is super expensive. cost around $500 for BN one. i didnt intend to get a BN one actualli. but her pram is kinda new and can last for a long time since it's big. so nobodi selling. i wan to get a 2nd hand pram lar!
baby darius is out-growing his pram soon. his leg is on the edge of the cushion alreadi. and when he grow taller somemore, his leg will be danggling out of the pram. my sis sae nevermind lar jus let the leg dangle lar. but the ting is, if ur leg dangling and sleep, wun u feel xinku? i seriously feel it thats why i rather spend money go and buy. but.. no money. LOL. i duno which stroller is big other then meiyan's one. i saw 1 at kiddy palace very big and cheap. $160 only! but the thing is, it's very heavy and i don't think can 1 hand fold. it's 10.6kg if i never remb wrongly.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ come to me ok?
meiyan: girl, i think almost 90% ppl know who she is. If she is still conscious of her image, she'll return you the 90 bucks. Rmb our conversation at TCC? You are actually doing a good deed by lending her $ cuz you mentioned that you pity her bb. If let's say she doesn't return you, just take it that you'd your milk flow how? haha. I ever advised her to look for a job after bb is out when she was saying how por thing her bb is. her whole family dun sayang her bb. but she is like 'ai mai ai mai' de pattern. So, I also never bother about her anymore. Learn from your mistake. don't be silly again can le when is the next mummies meeting?
bth this darius. his crying so cute. cry pause cry pause. sibeh cute lor. my son damn kaysiao. hehear bb crying sound and i was laughing at the video he also cry. after i carry him, he snuggle and bury his head into my chest. like will feel jealous. haha.
i think 100% of the people alreadi know who she is liaos lor. so ming xian alreadi. hahhas! i learn my lesson liaos! but i hope she also grow up and learn her mistake and not carry on! heard that she borrow from alot of people no return also! and darius where cute! mini terror lor! but onli in front of mummy >.<>missJAC: no money , she can have her lunch at taiwan cafe ???? if i no money , i at home eat maggie mee liao where still can go taiwan cafe have lunch sia !!! talk craps lorrs her . tats why i super angry lar! sae no money return me but do so mani tings that need $$ Etrini-: stupid lahs she , borrow liao dun wan return , the bf gave her money and all also mai return ushe tot nobodi will know so she dun wan return me lor. she avoid me thought that will solve the problem. but no lor. i will take back wad is mine! girl u get well soon! Daphne: oops! u forget to link me again (: heee.... darius so cute lor... u bought the swimming tingy?LOL! okies. still at preggy brain keep forgettin. i link u up! yuppies, i bought the tub. but like small lor! he can touch the bottom liao lehs! ___________________________________________ her bf contacted me and sae tat will return on behalf. aniwae, i seriously never meant to badmouth her so much lor. it's her action that piss me off to write so much bad stuff abt her. she is not veri young but not as old as me either. but at her age, and after gifing birth, she should start to learn alot of tings. after i blog abt this, mani ppl come and tell me abt her. either saeing tat she owe who who who money also or that she blah blah blah. seriously when will it stop? if u haf no money. den jolly well dun spend! why borrow and spend den no money return? wad's the difference of saeing u are a cheater who cheat people's money? after all this episode, i still wish that she will change. her bf is seriously gd. and i hope she will cherish and change. get a job and raise up ur boy. never ever relay on anibodi.
i think alot of my frens know. ive alot of money. when my mum pass awae, she left some money for us. i jus turn 21 and i haf insurance money also. but why am i still so poor? bcos all the money is manage by my sis. she doesn allow me to take. and i tell my dad, seriously i never bother to see the money. i duno whether i have 30K, 50K or even 100K. bcos if u keep thinkin of the money, it will not get u aniwhere. jus KAO ZI JI!
aniwae frens, it's case close alreadi. so dun comment animore ok (: wadever she does in the future, whether we will still b frens or not, or wadever. i jus wish her all the best still. AND i hope that she will cherish wad she haf now and change for the better. esp her bf. wish i haf such great bf also huh. LOL. okies, i think hubby will kill me if he see this. he will b JEALOUS! muahahhaha!
stacey or stacey not? this is the qns that all of u haf been asking. well, 1 week is not up yet. so i wun disclose who is that person. and all i can sae is, she doesn seems to show that she regret for wad she do. but seems like alot of people alreadi can roughly guess who she is. and im realli shock. people who know her for yrs are asking themselves, why didnt S borrow from her? gd qns and i gif u the ans on behalf. bcos new frens doesn realli know her character well, hence easier to borrow. do u think that if u know her character liaos u still will lend her knowing that u might never get it back? if stacey haf borrow from u all, mayb u all wanna go and chase for it, instead of asking me isit her. LOL. all i can sae is, we lend people money out of gdwill, people wan to cheat us, wad can we do? report police? i wish i can. but at most we can onli combine and go small claim department at court right?
tim, i duno hw are u related to her. and ive added u in MSN. but never see u online.
duno why suddenly the one who owe people money machiam big shot and can find people help her sae tings wor! tell her dun keep call and call. 1stly, got money go shopping eat gd food, no money to top up prepaid card? 2ndly, even thou ive a maid to help me look after baby darius, i still don't let the maid do everything and everything i want to supervise not like her. can dump the baby to other people. so you think im so free like her to talk on the phone for hrs? and if she realli haf the heart to return money. TELL ME WHY ONLY WHEN I SMS HER THEN SHE START TO CALL ME HUH. and fcuking hell WHY SHOULD I answer her call? seriously i dun wan to answer her call and listen to her excuses, and listen to her acting skill. telling me don't angry, telling me why like that, telling me why she can onli return me $10 every 2 weeks! and ive told her im angry bcos she got money she dun wan return me & go spend it then come tell me stupid excuses that she dont haf money. let me tell u the first time when i meet her what she do. after she finish feeding her boy, she burp him. and he vomited and kanna the booties. wad she tell me? 'my boyboy so kelian. no booties to wear bcos mummy never bring extra one. then feet haf to cold cold. mummy cannt buy bcos mummy no money to buy for u.' and do u all know that jus before that happen wad she did? she go sasa buy fake eye lash. she go bluez to buy nose stud. yeah yeah, got money to buy all those stuff and no money buy tings for her boy! at that moment i realli feel like buying for her son. but i stop myself. i tell myself, she as the MUM OF HER BOY can dun bother, then why should i. and ONCE i got no money. and i wanna bring baby darius go to see PD bcos he keep merlion white liquid out. my fren advise me to bring bcos mayb is gastro juice. i text her and ask her got money return me. i wan bring baby go see doc. she sae no money. she just repli NO MONEY. then i ask her can borrow from other people to return not. she say SHE TRY. and then? no more repli until i text her then she tell me NOBODI CAN LEND HER MONEY. end up i didnt even bring baby darius to see PD bcos i fcukingly lend some fcuker money and she doesn even bother to return even when i sae i wanna bring baby darius go see doc. and bcos i never bring him see doc, i haf to keep observe and hope it's not gastro jucice and finally he got better after days! if it's me, i will feel veri paiseh and guilty if i borrow money from someone and the person tell me that she needed it back urgently. i will try my best to find money to return. bcos it's my fault to borrow money and ended up she have no money. but she? fcuk care lor. she doesn even bother. i wonder whether she haf a heart at all not. tell me abt a more responsible mum yeah? it's jus my bad for being so stupid. so nw im complaining and ppl should jus ignore me and sae im stupid!
she say.. she will return me $10 every 2 weeks. if got more she will return me more. do u guys believe her words? she still owe me $90. so every 2 weeks $10 = 18weeks. i can get pregnant again and 18 weeks = almost half of my pregnancy term liaos. LOL. so i text her: 2weeks $10 = 18 weeks for $90. i dont see why u can go shopping, eat gd food buy onli return me $10 everi 2 weeks. if u got money will return me u would haf done so earlier and not make me chase after u and gif stupid excuses. why not u return me all money and survive on $10 everi 2 weeks? harsh? i dun hw am i harsh. when i dun even bear to spend money to eat fast food even when i crave for it and she can go those cafe and eat. but indeed i haf to praise her for somethin. her acting skill! why? she can call me and cry saying hw bad her family treated her etc. but the fact is, dey love her boy to nuts and is supporting her boy for her. tell me, hw to sae her acting skill not gd! even if nw she come in front of me and cry, i would think whether she's acting. sorriew ahs, but ive enuff of all the nonesense. i truly believe her and end up, i realised everithing is a lie. in case u all wonderin why i lend it to her. she sae she wanna find job. but haf no clothing that fits, she need to get new clothing to fit her after pregnancy shape and go for job interview. think also quite reasonable wad. interview cannt anihw wear right. so i lend her. and i bet she spend on eye lash, nose stud, hair treatment, dye, shopping. BUT NOTHING for job interview & on her boy. somehow, i pity her boy bcos the mother finds that since got her family to support her son, then she doesn need to do aniting. since got free thing, why bother to work and support her own son right. people, if u are not mature enuff and is irresponsible, den dun gif birth and burden ur family. if u wanna gif birth, then get ur ass out there to look for a job rather then asking money from ur family to pae for ur babies stuff or get a bf and then spend bf money ok? dun tell me single mum veri xinku blah. i went thru it all, so come and tell me abt it! and yes, im insensitive. has! money people owe me: banana $400 S $90 andrew $600 wahs, got $1k sia! but all fcukin hell dun wan return me! tat banana MIA after i tell him im pregnant. nw reappear, tat time return me $100(out of $500 that i lend him) and then MIA again nw tell me he jobless and jus started new job. andrew, owe got 2yrs liao lor! $2k+ owe till nw haven finish paying! and when i text him recently, bo repli. see lar, stupid for so mani times liaos. i wun b stupid animore.
this charbor borrow money from me and i try to ask back my money when i find out that she might not b that poor afterall. the 1st time i haf to chase few daes finally i get back 10bucks. in total i lend her 100bucks. blame it on my stupidness okie. then todae i found out im much poorer then her lor! no money to go out and borrowing from my dad money. and she, when borrowing sae till so nice go find job. but till nw abt 2 months liaos never even went to look for job! so i found out she went out todae and hence i text her to ask her return me money. see the sms and see her fcuking attitude. let's call her S. _____________________________________ me: girl when u got money can auto return me? i now realli no pay leave till next month end only half month pay. i now alreadi borrowing from my dad lor S: i no money de... i always go bf's hse also never go out aniwhere.me: where got. i see your blog go out. i see u aso alwaes go out wif ** just come back right. piss me off and i realli feel like blogging. see i can tahan till when S: i got go out todae onli lei. cos i wanna get my contact lens.me: ya ya. i didnt know poor girl can afford to buy contact lens, fake eye lash but no money buy ting for her boy and return me money. S: my jie pay de! not me...me: den ask your jie return me money lor. or u wan me ask her? S: she single mum herself. i'll try to return next month k?me: like tat veri funni lor. got money to gif u spend on unnecessary tings but no money to return me this single mum who is being so stupid to lend money and yet when ownself no money still need to beg ppl return money de. S: im sorriew. but i realli dun haf cash le :( dont be angry wif me please...me: i think im alreadi veri kind to lend u tat money. if sae u realli no money till like me everidae at home or go out spend one two dollar im fine. but gifing me all the stupid excuses and reason. say wad wan find job immediately. eh, your son going 3 months old liao. where's ur job? u dun even make the effort to look for job. got time jiu spend talking on phone wif guys get new bf. den my money? can dun return right. ______________________________________ after the last SMS to her she dun repli me animore! fcuking attitude. eh S, im being veri nice to u by not postin out ur name yet. but i tink hor, some people will guess and know alreadi. those who know, dun sae who is she yet. gif her face until next week better come and contact me and return me money. else i see hw u going to face other people lor. borrow and run and dun wanna return right. ive a veri naive & innocent and guai face. but doesn mean that im stupid and easi to bully. ive gifen u chance and treated u well all the while bcos i treat u as a fren. but u treat me as a fool! do u tink u deserve me to continue treatin u gd? im alreadi stupid enuff to lend u that 100bucks! i gif u one week. till 5th october. IN CASE U TELL ME YOUR PHONE SPOIL AND FORGET MY NO. YOU CAN SMS ME AT 84262500
9 september 2009  pointing middle finger when drinking milk!  10 september 2009  love to see him naked. LOL!  11 september 2009  see his frowning face and round round de. so cute!    pretend wan to cry liaos 22 september 2009 look at mummy!  aiming veri bad. cut myself off  i know i look veri ugly. look at the cute cute darius!  he realli know hw to look at the camera. has!  mummy kiss u ok?  mummy bcome fish fish. muahhahas!  i love this bcos baby darius is smiling! 23 september 2009  everitime when i put him in rocker in a upright position after 1 min, this is his position veri happily sucking his hand  he suddenly look veri round to me!   curious abt the lucky baby laser fan 24 september 2009  see where is his leg at! kicking at my breast lor!  he like dropping hair at that part of the head leh