
Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural
Birthday: 11 July 2009
Gestation: 37weeks 1day
Weight at Birth: 3.438kg
Length: 50cm
Head Circumference: 36cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital
♥ Darius's growth thru the years

Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural
Birthday: 23 March 2013
Gestation: 40 Weeks
Weight at Birth: 3.84kg
Length: 51cm
Head Circumference: 35cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital
♥ Kerine's growth
♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
 my colleagues thought I'm married and I didn't deny. I didn't say I'm married, I just didn't deny it. LOL - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
surprise when i see tags at my blog bcos i thought it's so dead due to my outdated blog. LOL.
work have been super busy. bcos patsy have not been at her desk to work on all those for a long time alreadi hence work is becoming a moutain and now im trying to clear them on top of sudden ad-hoc duties and stuff that ive to clear urgently. lots of filling esp! and worst, we have no place to put our archives file so nw all 2010 applications are with me. stacking like nobody business. i wonder will i really need to get 2 chairs and stack those stuff around me. LOL.
darius's been learning new stuff pretty fast. just last week my maid told me that he can clap when u sing to him. and my brother also said that when he play music he will clap along. smart lil' boy! and last sat i brought him to swim. after swimming for no reason he jus started to wave and wave and wave, wave bye bye (: and we took a cab home. while waiting for cab he jus wave and wave. finally got a cab, the uncle sae, ur boy so clever know hw to help u flag for taxi ah. then i told him, he's saying byebye. LOL.
yesterdae brought my maid for a haircut. i need a haircut too bcos of my stupid fridge. so suddenly darius start to sae 'pa' then i thought i heard wrongly and he sae 'papa' so i told him, no papa. mama. papa not here. call mama. LOL. but he keep 'pa papa pa pa papa' BOOO he bully me sia. and he woke up in the middle of the night then keep say 'papa'.
his 2 top teeth alreadi cut thru the gums. but 1 is bigger then the other. cant wait to see them fully sprout out bcos it will definitely be damn cute. 2 top and 2 bottom. hehehhe. and i love to hear him talk. it doesn matter wad he sae. even if he jus do baba bobo, it's supper cute to me. irrestible (: love my lil prince.
replies to tag then off to do my stuff and sleep!
meiyan: If I were you, I may consider giving him a chance to enjoy his fatherhood bonding with Darius. I will set a time frame of let's say 3 months? And if worse comes to worse and he is not mending his ways, then maybe give up the broken relationshhip and move on. Why I ask you to give him a chance is because you had already stayed single for so long. Might as well give yourself and ghim another chnace to see how things go? (: either way, We are all behind you. Jiayou.
actualli last time my plan was he come out gif 3 months, ok then ROM. but realli too much disagreement between us esp when it comes to his family. sigh. and also i realised that 3 months realli not enuff, and our thinkin so diff. i so worried that bcos i so keen on gifing him a chance that i push all other better guys away. of cuz it have yet to happen. but hw long then enuff? 1yr, 2yr? he will still need to serve his 1.5yrs of NS. practically he can provide me with nothing except his presence. but all the more im afraid that he will be a burden. bcos got someone there means someone to interfer with ur plans, voice opinions etc.
Jessica: After so long and there is darius I guess johnny will get better?! Some how I agree with meiyan that maybe u give johnny some time?! =) If not then move on?!
i very confused lor. aniwae hor, after he come out, he sae he will read thru my blog lar. he sae one ah. LOL. but will he do that i duno. but still, this is my blog so im definitely free to write and sae wadever i wan lar. if i so scare he read and dun blog out my real feelings den dun need to blog liaos. hahhaha. seriously i duno wad to do. i so scare that the days are coming so soon! can u imagine that just 3 more visits to him and he will be out the next time?!
     i won't be uploading much pictures of darius into blogger anymore as it's super duper slow. can go to my Facebook for more pictues of darius! every single picture of his is updated in there. hehehhe. visit for his March 2010 album visit for his 3 March 2010 part 1 photoshot visit for his 3 March 2010 part 2 photoshot off to rest! good night! (:
darius progress for this week is superb! now he can do commando crawl, stand and walk with support, sit up from tummy and his 3rd tooth have cut thru his gums (: as ive opt to work the earliest 'shift' at 8am in the morning, i gotta wake up very earli. but its all worth it as i get to spend extra 1hr with darius everidae then if i choose to work at 9am. darius have been crawling around so much that i decide to get a play yard for him. ive been wanting to get him one. but bcos of my financial status, unable to get him 1 previously. now that he's crawling around, ive no choice but to buy for him and tighten my belts. he's been a rather gd boy and still a mummy's boy. hehehhe. always sticking to mi. and he will never let me off on a weekend. he will play with the maid quietly till abt 9am and he wil start to make noise till i wake up and plae wif him. my cheeky lil boy. went to mattel sales todae while on the way to pick up he play yard at boonlay. nothing much left at the mattel sales since it's realli super cheap and it lasted for 1 month yet im onli there on the 2nd last dae. LOL. ended up bought the FP slam and dunk toy only. cost me 35bucks and another farm book where's it consist of 3 blocks only, 1 block with an animal each and there's a hole at the tummy where it's made of diff fabric. it's gd and cost me only 3bucks. veri gd deal. shall watch out for the next mattel sales. hehehhe. time passes by so fast. another 3.5 months time, darius is gonna turn 1yr old. and ive alreadi made deposit for his cake. left with buffet and venue. waitin for jes to get back to mi on the balloting result for the chalet. our son both came out on the same day. hehehhe. so she is gettin a chalet and we're both thinkin why not share. since we wun need 2 daes for 1 party (: and as his birthdae approach, it also meant that johnny's is gettin release pretty soon. in fact, it's gonna b in another 102daes. hw should i feel? worried? scared? happy? lookin forward? seriously im not sure. ive very mix feelings. half of me wish to reconcile with him, get married have a family of our own. half of mi is telling mi that i should move on and get a better guy bcos he will never change. sigh.
 today is the first day at my new job. I'm supposed to take over patsy and she haf alreadi being transferred to elsewhere. so she came back today to train mi and she will not b back till next fri. basically have covered quite alot. but the manual entry yet to touch on. I can't get use to this environment where u dun need to bother if u haf been in the toilet for too long. or haf u gone to the toilets too many times etc. nobody will come tracking how many mins u are not working, how many calls u answered today. home late cuz I start late. gonna start missing Darius more den before :( - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
today is my last day at CC! somewhat happen bcos im finally leaving that place. the place which do not give me any motivation to to go work everyday. the place where i feel super sian when i step in bcos it would mean endless of calls till 430pm. the place where i go in at 8am, wish that time past quickly till 1130am and after lunch pray that end of the day comes soon and wish for it to be friday the next day. LOL. i used to love my job. i love customer service. but i duno since when, i no longer love my job. but that doesn mean i dun love customer service animore. it's jus that people are more and more demanding and i just hate it. can u imagine i receive an email complaining abt us just because she called us for 3 times and all 3 times, she waited for 5mins and we have yet to ans the call? just in case all of you do not know how a CC works, we will login and thereafter, the line will comes in automatically whenever u are available. u do not require to pick up the handset and hello hello. it will just beep and u know u are on the line alreadi. it will also show on the handset. and if we are on the line, it will be idle in the system till one of us is available then it will route to us. and, if you think that 5mins is long, PLS CALL SINGTEL/STARHUB! i always waited for more then 15mins. an hour on days. and yet 5mins u are complaining? feel like slapping many of them. u are paying cheap stuff, yet u are asking for the skies. why not go to private, den u can ask for wad they can do. u come here and expect it to be the way the private is, and we tell u no, u tell us 'private can why u cannt'. many times i feel like telling u, if u wanna compare, then why not jus go to private if you can afford. i mean, we're not gifing u shitty service right. we're also gifing u the best we can, yet u all hiam this hiam that. ask for more and more and more! mayb they are the reasons why i hate my job. tomorrow gonna bring darius for his jab. and then mondae starting my new job. not realli excited or worried blah blah. more kanchiong whether i will b able to wake up in time? maggie mee for too long and haf lots of cravings >.< i need food now! super hungry.
Darius can walk a few steps with support! weeeee~ guess he might really just skip the crawling part! please elp me to click on the ads if you see any! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
 darius 8th month old! another 4months to his 1st birthday! :D
can sit without support very well always roti-prata left right when he's sleeping breastfeed with 1 or 2 feed of formula scare of strangers - if go too near him face to face will cry out loud will try to pull himself up to stand loves to stand can pull himself up bath while standing up, showering using cup
food taken till date:
sweet potato carrot avacodo pear spinach pumpkim pork gerber banana puff gerber strawberry & apple puff gerber sweet potato puff healthy times brown rice cereal healthy times oatmeal cereal healthy times barley cereal organix oatmeal cereal heinz vanilla cereal heinz banana custard cereal