♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
   went to search for Darius birthday cake and designs and saw these. I love the first and last cake. most prob will try to do a combination of both. will be getting a 2 tier cake for Darius as estimate will invite abt 50 pax. of cuz turn up rate may b slightly lesser. feel disgusted by my tummy. cuz it's very wrinkled till to the expansion when I'm pregnant with Darius. feel very low self esteem in fact. sigh. gonna start with sit up and no rice for dinner frm today onwards! need to lose that flab! hope it'll helps! colleagues commented that I've slightly lose weight compare to when I first join. but I eat lots! I eat non stop in fact and during lunch when they bought extra food etc they will ask me to eat cuz they know 'Lynn 可以的啦' -.- sometimes 桃花 isn't too good. especially when it come at the wrong time. I've decided to gif Johnny the chance when he is release. so shall see whether things work. of cuz I'll haf to put in the effort as well to communicate with him. BUT I hope he'll gif me the free time to meet up with the girls during weekend cuz that's also the only chance I've! some pictures of cheeky Darius     - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
wanted to bring darius to swim but as we walk it started to rain. BOOO. darius can never get his weekly swim. he can only get to swim every 2 weeks. and so, we went home and let him have his bath. let him play with the water. i have started to shower him using the shower head while he's still inside the tub. so there will be water in the tub for him to splash around. today, he actualli lowered the head put his mouth into the water and drink it! pull him out of it and he do the 'buuu buuu buu' LOL. very cute he fell down the bed earlier on. his back was 'facing' the floor. he's on the maid's bed which is on the floor but still there's a 'step' up from the floor to the bed. i was packing my stuff and looking at him every few secs while he sit there and plae wif my bottle of water. even told him not to fall down ah and the next moment he fell down the bed. in fact he tumbled down. he fall backwards then sidewards and hit his forehead. i didnt react immediately bcos im afraid that i will scare him wif my action so i slowly pick him up then he started to wail. later on saw that on the left of his forehead, there's a ba-lu-ku and my sister even made fun of him and press on it and ask him pain or not. his reaction is, as if nothin happen, no pain nothing wahahhaa. my cheeky lil boy. darius birthday confirm at NSRCC and it's time for me to do up the guest list and think on the designs for his birthday cake + invitation card. i will do up a formal invitation card so that people will remb. or, is more for me to file it up and show him next time (:
   Darius is a very active boy. he cannot sit still for a moment. once seated, he'll go forward and start crawling away. I always put him at one end n let him cry before carrying back to the same point. it'll keep repeating for sometime. haha. work been even more busy with the PGTF and PTMS reporting. the 2 are linked one is the programme one is the system. imagine 3 big institution with all their departments. it's like 50 over departments. and I keep kamna scold cuz the reporting is for the period of nov to apr yet my manager ask me to do nov to mar first as we need to close by end may. but department are scolding mi cuz dey feel is double work as they need to check twice. WAD ABOUT ME? I also do double work for 400 registrar and 50 over department leh! but no choice else how to finish and let moh gif u all money leh? sigh. luckily this is the last time. wahaha. going to violin's place for a short meet up. I love to meet at home cuz u gotta slack around. after which m going to Sylvia place and pick up the melts plus cereal n off to nhgp cc chalet! bringing my high chair along. LOL. Darius been napping frm 1030 till now. hope he behave well later (: oh ya, he's trying to crawl on hands n knees now instead of leopard crawl. but I think he still don't really get it so he only manage a few steps. love my darling lil boy. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
     the pics above veri cute right. whenever i see big sun, i will try to shade darius using the shed, but he refuse to b in the shed and insist to sit upright and i always see his head popping out. sibei cute. scroll thru my blog last night and found out that darius HC is actualli 36cm at birth. cant help but feel shock bcos all along i thought it's 35cm. 1cm doesn seems to haf a diff but it actualli is. usually average HC is abt 32cm? and when i thought it's 35cm, i alreadi thinking wad if i cannt push darius out. at 36cm im wondering hw i push him out?! pls go and take a ruler an measure 36cm, divide by 2 to get the diameter and imagine hw u push out this big head. OMG. i haf been trying to gif darius more food in order for him to gain more weight. nw he's abit heavy for me to carry alreadi. especially when he struggle, it is hell. and he loves to step on people's tummy and stand straight, he think it's fun bcos he's taller then everibodi? hahhaa. it's supr funni lar. todae darius did not struggle for his naps and sleep time. i hope it will b so smooth everidae and then 1 dae he jus can fall asleep on his own alreadi! i love to use the sarong sling. when darius was born, i use it for craddle, bcos newborn doesn realli struggle and they are small enuff to b there. after awhile he's too big and also hates to b in there so i stop using the sling. later part when his neck stable and i can carry him wif support of my hip, i tried using the sling, but he hates it and struggle everitime and he will look as if he's slipping off from the sling so i gaf up. the other dae after the mummies' gathering, after seeing hw meiyan uses her sling, i tried on darius again and it's wonderful! nw i go to places where i can onli get via bus using the sling. i go to lot1 using the sling. i go downstairs to buy breakfast using the sling. see hw wonderful it is! no more bulky pram! i receive the letter from johnny few daes ago and he said that he feel that im slipping awae, that he no longer know wad i wan and that we're drifting apart, can no longer communicate. veri true. bcos i realised i no longer communicate wif him. i jus plainly tell him wad i wan thats all. everi single time when i write to him and if the topic is abt us, i will get very carried awae and usually end up bring veri harsh. i haf no idea why but everi single time i jus cant claim down and write nicely and sort things out. so 1 dae i wrote a 4 page long letter (type lar actualli) and told him everithing clamly. but at the point when he write the letter to me, i guess he have yet to receive that letter. i feel guilty when he sae abt that. but later on he sae something like, he wun blame me should his family dun wan him bcos he choose us and it's bcos darius is more impt. and that he should blame himself for not listening to his mother. im like WTF?! so nw he's telling mi that he should listen to his mum? im also a mother myself leh. if next time darius get a wife or gf that i dun like, i can onli tell him why i dun like and try to advise him. but if he choose to b wif her still, i cannt do aniting bcos even thou i gif birth to him, it's his life. he is responsible for his own choice, i can onli guide him. aniwae, his mum haf no valid reason to dislike/hate me as well. she jus simply dun like me, full stop. i was thinkin of not visiting him, not writing to him animore in the future. but on 2nd thoughts, im jus being too harsh. mayb he doesn realli mean it that way, it's a miscommunicate. write to him and see hw it goes. sigh. i will send out the invitation to relatives and fren abt 1.5months to 2 months before darius birthdae and a reminder 2 weeks before his birthdae. i kiasu abit bcos i dun like last min arrangement. hahahhaa. as a reward for breastfeeding darius SOOOO long, i decide that i will go for a night outing once i stop breastfeeding. 1 crazy night on the first weekend i stop breastfeeding and i haf no idea when it will come. LOL.
 presenting darius & tiara! tiara alreadi kanna sot dao by darius alreadi. haha! was on MC yesterdae bcos too tired and giddy. the night before i tried to wean darius off breast and ended up unsuccessful. he cried for 30mins, from 330 to 4am but he still refuse to take bottle and cry and cry. gif up and latch him on my veri lil milk breast and he actualli fall asleep within mins. yesterdae tried to wean him off again and i gif up within 15mins bcos i jus feel so weak and tired. so latch him once again. i decided to gif up on weaning him off for now. i shall go take domperidone to boost my milk supply. i went to get 1 month of supply of domperidone and i read online it says to show the effect mus take at least 3 weeks to 8 weeks and some mummies haf to b on it always in order to keep up the supply. can u imagine i onli pump once todea at 1.45pm till now no latch no pump and it's not even engorge? jus abit lumpy. suddenly my milk supply drop so much and yet darius not able to accept bottles at night. it's killing me. todae i got my maid to cook brown rice with the veggie stocks that sophia taught me to cook the other dae and with carrot plus tomato. jus wanna try out how it taste like wif tomato. and darius love it to bites. it taste sour! but he love it and finish it up fast. i bet he love the mango puree i made for his lunch as well bcos it's sour too. LOL. realised that darius can wave byebye and hello only with his left hand. his right hand can onli do the zhao cai mao wave >.< sibei funni. his food schedule as follow: morning - 200ml milk + 3 spoon cereal lunch (4hrs later) - 4 spoon pasta + 6 spoon cereal + 2 cubes puree tea break (3hrs later) - 150ml milk dinner (3-4hrs later) - handful of rice + 2 types of veggie + egg after dinner abt 2-3hrs then is sleeping time. so he wakes up 2-3 times at night for milk. and hopefully soon he'll b sleeping thru night and i can wean him off breastfeeding. 9 months alreadi. and i think i can realli hit 1yr. LOL. may change the venue of darius' birthdae bcos NSRCC is abit too ulu. but still considering bcos if no venue then i still haf to get back to NSRCC mar. i love it there but it;s jus that no transport then cant go in. need to do up my list as well. lastly, wish jayven (stacey's baby) and travis (celest's baby) recover fast. especially for travis. celest dun need to worriew. travis will b fine. there's so mani premature baby out der. u go read up this mummy, phyllis, her 2nd child was born at i think 28 weeks, and her darling is also well! so dun worriew. he will be well again soon. chase away all the bugs and he will be his active boy again!
       3 more months to darius 1st birthday! back to total breastfeed after he turn 8 months old but gonna start partial again as not enuff supply can wave byebye when you wave and say byebye to him, but veri slow in reacting can sit up on his own can clap clap, but depends on his mood still loves to plae wif water when showering start to say some 'human' language like mama, mam mam, dada realised that he can scream and haf been screaming veri frequently can crawl very well loves to use his middle finger and point at others mouth, but actualli is he wanna share his finger as he always bite his index finger top 2 teeth out, total 4 teeth having 2 main meal now instead of 1.5meal
food taken till date sweet potato carrot avocado pear spinach pumpkin pork chicken broccoli banana papaya blueberries sweet corn potato apple celery plain rice wholemeal bread gerber banana puff gerber sweet potato puff gerber apple and strawberry puff happy baby banna puff happy baby vegetables puff happy baby apple puff pigeon pumpkin snack pigeon spinach snack pigeon small fish rice cracker healthy times brown rice cereal healthy times oatmeal cereal healthy times barely cereal organix oatmeal cereal heinz banana cereal heinz vanilla custard cereal bellamys brown rice pasta
darius's 1st birthdae party venus confirm at NSRCC all thanks to jeslyn who is gonna share 1 dae of the chalet wif mi FOC! so nice of her! wanna pae for it but she sae dun need bcos if i dun use, they also jus gonna 'waste' the time there bcos dey take a stretch of abt 4 days. jeslyn's son also same birthdae as darius and they celebrating 1 dae earlier due to the relatives can onli make it on that dae. so happi~ so now, cake deposit made, venue confirm. now i shall think of the guest list and buffet. since it's at NCRSS i shall jus invite more people and make use of the big space! excited to think that the big day is coming. and yes! need to save up for the dae!
i hate my iphone, or mayb it's my lappie problem bcos it cant detect my iphone as a camera anymore and hence unable to transfer ani pictures to my lappie. and my company dey do not allow connection of camera and so i cannt transfer from there as well. brother sae his lappie also cannt coordinate wif iphone :( aniwae, todae supposed to meet up wif winnie and qi for lunch but last min cancel as winnie need to attend jonathan's sis ROM and she forgot. forgive her bcos she is a mum of 1 and coming soon, 2. hehehhe. thought that without the lunch date mayb i can meet the other mummies earlier but who knows, i still reach around the timing. LOL. morning woke up around 7 bcos darius woke up. he crawl around in his cot and then sit beside me smile at me. then he lean backwards wif his head on my tummy, body on my bed and his bed. i pat him awhile and he fall asleep in that position! worst thing is, he's pressing on my bladder and i control it for 30mins before i move awae and he woke up. LOL. super cute lor! so woke up wif him and went to prepare his porridge. went back to nap at 10 after feeding him bcos super tired. woke up at 1130 and rush to prepare the ingredient of his porridge, feed him and then pack and left. meet violin at yishun bcos she didnt manage to get on the train im at sembawang. went to square 2 to look for meiyan and etrini. yuko also came back from HK for a short period of time and she was wif them as well. then went to united sq bcos jenny is alreadi there. sophia join us later. went to vitakids and bought 2 box of organix cereal, 2 happy baby puffs. sit down chit chat and then to changing room. darius is the naughtiest baby todae. he kept screaming and crying when i put him down. so i haf to feed his porridge while holding him in another arm. took super long time and he still wan more after a full bowl of porridge so went to latch him on. sophia left later as irving came to fetch her. so the rest of us jus slack and walk around. wanted to go get baby yogurt but forgot to check out the cold storage at united sq so went to novena and check but they do not have it. went back to yew tee and dey also do not have it! i hate to travel to jus get something lor. sickening. darius cranky bcos wanna sleep. i guess he's super tired todae bcos he didnt get to nap much. sleep while on the wae home and wakes up abt 45mins later. finally he's asleep. another 1hr and darius will be 9 month old! blog again tml on his progress (:
forget to mention abt this: i cannt remb whether i sae before that if it's my son, i will have slap him bcos he's making alot of noise when the food comes near. aniwae, i didnt comment earlier on bcos i dun remb. jus saeing out jus in case ppl sae im jus saeing things that seems like im right. but i realli dun remb and i MIGHT have sae stuff like that. like wad someone sae, dun wanna name names, either i never sae such thing and she misunderstood or i did sae and i forget. wadever case, i wun deny or admit bcos i dun remb. hw u wan me to admit or deny something that i dun remb? if i ever sae that, im sorriew, im being too insensitive, if i never sae that, well, then gd story teller again. but wadever the case, i REALLI DUN REMB. so it doesn matter whichever case it is.
 super busy the whole week. didn't even manage to drink 2 bottles of water even thou I'm no longer talking on the phone the whole day. the last time i'm gonna read the blog. why I read cuz some one msn mi n ask mi wad happen to her. my ans is, I don't know. not my problem. and whenever ppl know we quarrel dey will say u 2 always quarrel. this is the truth, if u wanna think I wanna win over u den so b it. I don't want this friend anymore. the moment she BARK (using her word) at mi that day I went to complain to Regina n told her I don't wan ger as a fren anymore. I wanted to say out in my blog, bur I went to edit almost immediately after posting cuz I don't wish to say nasty stuff. but I change my mind. FYI, LOL is the reply to the MSG u forward frm Regina cuz she sounded so not like her in the SMS. so ya, I'm a mum u are a mum too huh. den why do u think I definitely b do free to check out for u immediately wad is the cause? FCUK U! Darius is alreadi making noise when I check the clinic for u. after that he cry. so your son is precious mine is dirt? FCUK U. whenever u ask mi for something I try to get it for u ASAP. ONCE. only ONCE I didn't do it u go n say like I never bother. CLAP CLAP. gd story teller. and i'm trying to tell u if u wan ppl to help u find thing don't ppl say u a bit n yet u wan BARK at ppl. I don't like those ppl yet still go meet them? how about your mag huh? oh ya, u have your reason. u can't stop it. cuz it's not your choice right? yes I hate u. see all the fcuk? it's all for you. for your selfishness. whenever I share something or advise u nicely all I get is "u think I bother to read meh?" "my mother also like that raise me" I hope the last time YOUR SON got allergy teach u a lesson n not anyhow feed. u may feel he will b happy to get wad he wan. but that is for NOW. he get wad he wan he's happy. but when got allergy he's happy? I should know better den mi. even in a bgr relationship, u should never ever compare wif other people or couple. it works the same for friendship. truly disappointed and I HATE YOUmeeting the girls tml (: - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
need to remb todae bcos darius call me 'mama' for the first time! 2 times and he never call animore. BOOO. he very naughty de lor. bcos he wan me to carry and i dun wan. he cry and cry. so i told him, call mama. then he realli call mama. after i pick him up, he never ever call me agian! after chattin wif others regard to her, then i realised she have ALWAYS been accusing me. the time when we were pregnant - she accused that i say she is ke lian/ke bei. when we're both single mums, and most saddest thing is my mum jus pass away 2 weeks earlier and johnny jus went to court for his sentence.
the time when im concern and tryin to gif her some advise to tell her to love herself more, out of no more she accuse me of being stupid - saying that i saying that she is stupid to help her mum pay off the debts and now land herself in shits etc when all im trying to sae is love herself more. everyone have diff thinkin, diff ways of handling stuff, esp when it's her mum. if she feel she owe her, then she owe her, if she feel she can let her die, then let her die. im not gonna interfer bcos it's none of my business, yet she accuse me of saying her. ending? i tried to explain and send her a veri veri long msg.
this time? i jus jokingly said that see she still dare to anihow feed HER SON not. she rebuke sae so so everithing also cannt feed lar. darius crying, i still repli saeing, im jus saeing u dun bother to check ma. simple. and she wanna shoot me off even using my PD message. seriously, my PD msg is her meant for her. why? bcos she never realli bother wad. my PD say, i shouldnt deprieve darius of certain food jus bcos im afraid that it might trigger his allergy. she took that to tell me that she does have the right to let HER SON eat everything. fine lor.
everitime wan accuse ppl so much sia. im super sick and tired of her stupid immature nonesense. no more childish plae for me. dun wan later darius like me so childish, or worst, sae mama why u so childish. LOL. jus kidding lar. im sick of trying to explain nicely to ppl when IT'S NEVER MY FAULT and that IS PEOPLE ACCUSE ME yet i have to di shen xia qi de EXPLAIN to that person, and usually, i will never hear any SORRY. okie, enuff said. aniwae, i know she will still feel, she have no wrong. even if she does, HER PRIDE WILL STILL BE HER PRIORITY LIKE BEFORE.
      meet up with Sophia, violin and celest today. short gathering but feels really gd. just sitting and chatting away. Darius is a big eater! today for dinner I made half papaya with 6 spoon of cereal(healthy tines cereal is very thin so have to put alot) and 3 spoon of pasta. it comes up to 1 full bowl of food. within 5 mins he finish everything up which is a big surprise cuz he always take ages. Sophia will know cuz she try feeding Darius for me today. LOL 4 yrs of friendship may seem nothing to her. I really had enuff this time. a simple sentence and she rebuke mi like i said something wrong. if she wanna b so sensitive so b it. why should I bother to explain when she don't bother to look back at the way I phrase things and her fcukin attitude? a leopard never changes it's spots. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
    having problem transferring photos from iphone to computer. will try to transfer and upload a few pictures. the other dae i bought 4 piece play yard for darius. today the other 2 piece came and now his play yard is very big for him to be active in! darius been very hao lian that he can sit up on his own. he will crawl 1 step then sit up, crawl 1 step then sit up. and nw changing him is so hard! he will flip crawl then sit up and smile at us. my sister saw him crawling around naked today and sae, 'see what ur son doing' then i went to look and saw him crawling around on the bed with only his diaper and smiling at us. then i tell her, 'very gd alreadi. at least he's wearing a pampers. sometimes he jus totally naked and crawl around!' last night i wake up in the middle of the night bcos i heard my maid 'jumping' up from her bed. i was facing darius so when i open my eyes i saw him standing up with support on the cot rail! so dangerous! imagine if she didnt happen to wake up and saw that then nobody would know even if he fall from the cot. i wanted to lower then the cot but then it meant that he would be constrain to his cot again. sigh. i duno wad to do now. my father just don't feel that i should get a bigger bed to sleep with darius. and my sis refuse to let us sleep on the floor. then how?! big big problem. need to go back and think abt it alreadi.