♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
the past few days have been great. thou im veri seriously sick but then i spend alot of times wif darius and takin care of him. whenever im out of sight he will scream out for me or crawl around looking for me. sweet! brought him to jurong point on fri. supposed to go to vivo but then darius been napping quite alot plus i didnt know whether i should go before his lunch as im afraid tat if go before his lunch, i wun b able to bring his dinner as i onli haf 1 thermo. so decide to go afer lunch which is after his nap. by then alreadi 5+ i think. went jp roam around bought his shorts for his birthday celebration. dinner then home. saturdae went to vivo, but went there rather late bcos as usual, he nap alot. onli left house at 6pm and reach at 7pm. he was a gd boy bcos he didnt fuss when i fed him his dinner. im all alone so nobodi to help me entertain him at all. there's this guy there who sell the nailcare product and keep pulling me to talk abt his product. im able to siam 2 times but the 3rd time i cant siam and then he asked if im married so jus told him no, nothing to b embarrased ma! then he start to get touchy like touch my hands in circle, touch my back, waist. so told him i will consider his product and i need to go feed darius. he even ask for my no. and then kiss me on the cheeks when i sae bye! fcuk sia. but too sick to argue or wadever. serious flu till i bring my 1 box of tissue out and nearer finish it >.< todae brought darius to swim. but i didnt go into the pool as im too sick la. i took panadol and seems slightly better. but dun wan bcos im not well then dun let him swm. afterall, my maid always go into the pool tog, so i watch while my maid and him plae in the pool. while changing him into his swim diaper he suddenly pee! he was standing while im sitting and holding him, so kanna both of ours and he's super happy abt that. cheeky. after abt 25mins of swim he was veri quiet so ask my maid wad happen and she said he's tired. shower and change him out of it and left. walk all the way home bcos ive a pram and i know he's gonna fall asleep. dun wan to carry him in and out of the pram and disturb his sleep. he woke up upon reaching the doorstep after abt 45mins. still super sick and wondering whether i should go to work tml bcos i took mc on thurs and it's no pay. if mondae i take again, still no pae. then i will b left wif abt 1k after cpf only. sigh. wondering wondering. i believe i wun ever fall in love again. bcos i know, if i fall in love, i will once again sacrifice alot of stuff, do alot of stuff, put in lots of effort. im afraid to b hurt once again. once bitten twice shy. i never thought i could like someone that much. it's been months. we've been dragging on. u came into my life, then mia for a few months then reappear again. i know tats u. but it's affecting me alot. ive not told u. ive onli 1 more month more. 1 more month. and i will try to make this 1 month a memorable one. for myself.
my sore throat is recovering but im down wif dry cough and flu. very bad flu. and i cant sneeze whenever i like it bcos darius is napping awae. sigh. i had some weird dreams yesterday and i still can remb clearly. 1st was that i dream my sister text me and sae that she is preg (she's overseas) and then later on my dad came and sae that my sister gaf birth! the ting is, my sister doesn show ani sign of pregnancy and flat tummy but suddenly haf tummy ache then delivered her baby >.< okie, veri stupid dream right. i duno why. and then the baby was not small as well. abt 2.9kg and HC abt 34cm then i go on to explain to my dad that why the tummy didnt show is mayb bcos of certain factors blah blah. my 2nd dream was that i had a bf. veri weirdly started. hahaha. then after tat got some car painting stuff and said that it was a sect. damn weird la everithing. and in that dream i kept opening my letter box in my office and the best thing was, it wasnt my current not previous co. have totally no idea which co isit. jus came in to blog abt my dreams. LOL
      previous 2 weeks alot of people fall sick and i keep crossing my fingers hoping it wun happen to me and darius. and finally nw i see not many people are sick, in fact when i go into fb, i no longer see people saeing they or their child are sick except for many 1 or 2. compare to previously, it's like 6 or more people! so i was very happy but i started to have sore throat. i try to drink as much water as possible but doesn help and soon it's full blown. so bad that i refuse to talk and lunch in so that i dun haf to talk to colleagues. went to see doc on wed evening after work. rejected the MC bcos i got a report to submit to the institution else they cant get the funding from MOH as it's gonna close on the 31 May. but the next morning when i woke up it's even worst. i dun even feel like swallowing! when i talk it sounds weird. called up clinic get MC, then went to ntuc get darius stuff and grocerry. after that went home and went back to office. yes! u did not read wrongly. i went back to the office! bcos i need to rush that report. and when i called the clinic in the morning, i was actualli on the way to work but feel i should rest. so even thou im on MC, i went in to complete my report and i stayed there for extra 30mins jus bcos my manager went for lunch and i need her to check on my draft before sending out -.- darius birthday celebration have been change and confirm on the 10 july at windermere, yew tee. wun b inviting lots of frens bcos as usual, my family is taking up 30-40 pax and the function room is not as big as nsrcc. unless i spilt into 2 session but weird to ask them to come jus for the buffet and no cake cutting bcos im not gonna do 2 cake cutting session. i have also choosen darius a nice outfit for his 1st yr party! let u have a preview of it :D  nice isnt it? i had a hard time choosing. haha. and defintely the pants cant fit bcos it's super long. i hate to get a set bcos it's always like that. so i need to go and look for pants. something plain and simple (: and lastly, my sister graduation picture with my grandma, dad and brother. we dun look like siblings. LOL  1`
my sis bought me a 2nd hand omnia lite today! even thou it's 2nd hand, im still very happy bcos it's been a long time since i receive a phone from my family member bcos im already an working adult so what do i need to get them to buy a phone for me right? althou the phone is quite hard to use and im not adapting to it fast, but still im happy to have a new phone who allows me to surf the net etc! nw i can fb while on the go again. wahahhaa work been pretty busy. we're going to under go internal restructured and im going to change boss! BOO. it's no gd bcos i love my current boss. thou she's always veri last min and causes me to stay back a few times. but overall she is a nice person. and nw we're going to change boss and god knows how the boss will b like. i pray hard that it's not someone that bad bcos we have a few no gd ones around. like cannt claim OT even if they OT. must read the email immediately and reply within 30mins etc! bad right? cross finger. have not been spending that much time wif darius ever since i lost my iphone. mayb bcos of the lack of using the net via iphone made me quite hook on to the lappie when im home again. it's bad bcos it's coming in between me and darius. and i didnt realised that darius 'rejected' me by refusing to let me carry. so i told myself i cant let it happen and try to spend as much time as i can and nw everithing is back to normal again. i love darius and i cant let it happen. i feel so guilty. overlook at my side. decided to enroll darius into mygym, which ive been very interested ever since he's abt 6 or 7 months old. im going to bring him for the trial next sunday. but thing is that they only have 2 branches and it's all in the east south area. marine parade and tampines. after looking thru the mrt map, i decided on tampines bcos i can take train till bishan then change to circular line and reach tampines in i guess, an hr or so. if without circular line it would take me at least 1.5hrs! i love circular line! the charge for mygym trial is abt $30 and then their classes is $300 for a 8 week programme + 1 time registration charge of $55. shall go for the trial and see whether darius likes it or not bcos he's such an active child and i dun like lessons to b boring. i love hands on and stuff. i see darius's have almost the same character as me and so would like to try out things that i like first (: darius is making a lot of tsk tsk sound. and u can see from his mouth that he's playing wif his tongue. he realised tat by flicking his tongue that way he will b able to get the tsk tsk sound and he love it. cheeky boy.
once darius hit his 10months, he's progressing very fast. he can now stand for 10 secs without support. when u sae 'hello hello' he will put his hand to his ear as if he's on the phone. he will open and close his mouth in a veri cute wae when u sae 'mam mam' or when he wan to eat. he will also sae 'mam mam' then open and close his mouth when he wan to eat. he dislike stuff that is too sweet and love sour stuff. super like me! hehehe. so on the appearance he look super like johnny. but within him, he's 100% like me. also a cry baby like me lor. and like me he not scare of falling down etc. but if pain will cry like mad. LOL. he is reflecting how his mummy is like and hw my mum haf a hard time taking care of me in the past. actualli he's not hard to take care of :D but he have a bad habit thou. realised this 2 daes (weekends) during lunch he definitely will poo! veri veri bad habit. and he take super long to eat 1 meal. 30-45mins unless he is super hungry or super love his meal. his birthday in another 2 months time and it's time to start planning. will send out sms invitation and fb invitation end of next week. was at first thinkin whether should i hold it at sop's place or nsrcc. still cannt decide. shall list the pros and cons: at sop's place 1) convenient - wif the circular line, kovan is not veri far awae for many. 2) a min fee charagable 3) smaller place & not everybody will get a place to sit 4) timing from 4pm-10pm only at nsrcc 1) further away at somewhere near to tanah merah 2) inconvenient - it's few hundred metres from tanah merah mrt (which is the nearest station) and no bus service 3) spacious and beautiful 4) whole day available 5) FOC so which one should i choose?! okie la. after stating down i feel i should choose nsrcc. LOL. so look out for my invitation via FB. FB reason being i lost my phone and i dun haf the contact no. animore! :( going to get back my line on coming wed :D
pls help me to click on the nuffnang ads! i need a few more bucks in order to cash the cheque~ thank you~
  Darius is 10 months old! 2 more months to go! total breastfeed learn how to wave hello will place the phone on his ear when u say hello crawling on all fours whenever he 'hear' water, he will b very happy and excited showering using showerhead 1 more teeth on his top left out, 5 teeth in total can climb up steps can stand without support for 5 seconds taking 2.5meals a day - can hold his own magmag cup
food taken till date sweet potato carrot avocado pear spinach pumpkin pork chicken fish broccoli banana papaya blueberries sweet corn potato apple celery toufu egg yolk plain rice wholemeal bread gerber banana puff gerber sweet potato puff gerber apple and strawberry puff happy baby banna puff happy baby vegetables puff happy baby apple puff pigeon pumpkin snack pigeon spinach snack pigeon small fish rice cracker healthy times brown rice cereal healthy times oatmeal cereal healthy times barely cereal organix oatmeal cereal organix 7 grains organix cereal heinz banana cereal heinz vanilla custard cereal bellamys brown rice pasta bellamys macaroni bellamys baby porridge yobaby yogurt blueberry yobaby yogurt strawberry yobaby yogurt apple yobaby yogurt mix berries
 TV addict       darius 5th teeth out! came as a surprise bcos we didnt realised he was teething and this morning when the maid was brushing his teeth den saw that his 5th teeth alreadi erupted! he's becoming even more cheeky. he will crawl away himself then suddenly turn and look at us and cry! super funni. my dad sae he wan yang ou. the other dae my dad send the maid to the market. afterwards he went to check on darius who's still sleeping in his cot. after seeing that he's still asleep, my dad went into his room to put on a shirt and the maid came back as well. she went to check on darius and surprise to find that he's not in his cot. she went to my dad thinking that my dad have taken darius. but my dad told her no and they went into the room tog and realli didnt see darius aniwae, they turn and saw that darius is actualli behind the room door! wondering hw he get down from his cot which is join to my bed that is knee length high. hahaha. went to support violin on saturday and she's super good! only manage to see her dance 2 songs and gotta leave bcos am realli veri tired and hafing a bad headache. think night life is no longer for me. i wanna watch movie! damn. so many gd movies nw. tuesday, darius is turning 10 months old. tuesday, johnny is turning 21st. 2 months more to go and darius is turning 1 and less den 2 months time, johnny will be out. hw will thing b after he's out?
lost my iphone on monday hence very lack of update as usually is work home sleep. cant b bothered to blog during my free time at home bcos i rather use it to surf the net and watch my drama. aniwae, im no longer using my line for the time being as i need to clear my 3 months of bill before i can get a replacement sim + i haf no time to go and get it. hence im using a temp prepaid card for the time being. pls email me or MSN me your contact no.! work been very busy. my routine everyday is come in do paper work then after lunch email all the way till i finish work. PGTF submission is drawing nearer and nearer yet i have not receive alot of replied despite sending 2 reminders and dateline is 7 may, which is tomorrow. told patsy and she say that they will last min get back and say that they on MC, leave, training. i tell patsy i wun fall into their trick bcos i send out more then a week ago, unless u on MC for more the a week. plus ive not receive any auto mail to inform me that they are out of office as well. when a relationship (be it friendship, kinship etc) fail, isnt it supposed to be the cause of both or all parties? why now the things turn out that nobody find that it is their fault and it bcomes our fault? i wun sae that we have no fault, but the ones who have the least fault. after going thru so many, ive learn to not take tings to heart. unless u are my super duper close fren and this happen, i will be very heartbroken. but if not, i will just take it in my stride. call it bo chap or wadever, i realli dun care. bcos ive no excess time, tears and emotion to waste. going to club nana on fri~ my 1st night out ever since duno when. gonna b a short one bcos im so worried abt darius. but hope to enjoy my dae out wif my loves (:
         on the way to tpy to collect diapers for myself and Sylvia. left Darius home cuz if not I've so many things to take care of! brought a super big trolley with me and look like a aunty. duh yesterday enjoyed myself truly! when I put on that dress that I've not worn since how many yrs ago I wonder why I would wear it in the past! it's damn short! Darius wasn't very well behave thou cuz he kept wanting to b carried and refuse to nap. After much patting and rocking he wakes up about 10-15 mins later! nevertheless love the day out with gfs! went to paragon and finally got bb yogurt for Darius but it's not baby yoplait but yobaby. damn exp at $16.50 for pack of 6 tub! expiry is like just 2 weeks later. there's 1 whose expiry is 1 week and thus on half price. but they charge us full and I only realized after reaching home cuz it's a treat frm J to Darius. I told gf that tell J thanks and I'll ask Darius to treat him back next time. LOL dinner at aunts place for mothers day. by the time we reach everyone started to leave. Darius refuse to latch on now as he only wan to play. but when it's night he'll only wan to latch. fussy. I told everyone that Darius like me, born with a innocent face but actually naughty. I won't say he's very naughty cuz he really isn't . weigh myself last night and I lost 3kgs! weigh again this morning it's 4! I guess when it's the end of the day u will usually weigh a bit more due to the wind n food n wadever in the body. u need to loose another 4kg pls. and all frm the tummy! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone