♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
   For those who are curious, I'm not attached. I'm still single. All of you are gonna ask wads going to happen to me and Johnny. He'll come across this post when he's released. It's only few more days to the day he's released. He definitely am looking forward to that day. But truthfuly, I'm dreading it. I don't know wad to expect. Whenever I visit him I feel very awkward. We were once so close. Love each other so much. But now, everything is different. Giving birth to Darius was my choice, never his. He have no say anyway. And I give birth to Darius because he's my child. Not because Johnny's blood run in him. Even if we have a child it doesn't mean that we have to get married or be together. I told him I'll give him a chance. A chance to start afresh as fren. Whether or not we'll be able to proceed further it would depends on whether he's able to touch my heart with his actions, not words. I'd been so crazy in love with him. He used to be my life. But everything change when I've Darius. I gotta think about him. He's the centre of my life. I used to harbour hope about us. But everything changed few months ago. It's not cuz of this special guy in my heart. It's cuz of him. All along I treated him as my boyfriend, planning sbout our future. But later I realized we've got so much to overcome, to compromise, not forgetting the broken heart, the heart full of scar, I came to accept that we need to take time off and look at the the relationship once again. But still I kept thinking we'll b back together. Until the day I receive that letter. In that letter he wrote, he's starting to think wad does the word 'father' mean. Wad is the responsibility of a father mean. How heavy is the responsibility of a 'father' means. Then it dawn on me that he've never really think about it before. That all along wad he promised are bull shit. Darius is about 8-9 months old then. And yet he then started to think just cuz he's going to release? I'm truly disappointed in him. No more hope. I give up. Johnny, I hope that post gif u an idea why. But i've said I'll give u a chance and so I'll. But I hope no matter wad, don't come accussing me that I've had a change of heart if it doesn't work out. 18 months. And I hope u have learn your lesson - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
 Definitely not Darius and not my 2nd child okie. Though I suddenly have the urge to get married and have a second child but it's not gonna happen in the next few years. Proudly present Ezekiel! He's a very good boy who gaf the best present to his daddy on fathers day by coming out on the day itself. Have been asking Winnie for weeks this question: 'ezekiel haven't come out?' guess she kinda irritated by me as well. Lol Anyway visit Winnie yesterday. Ezekiel is so small!! Darius have never been small. Love love love! Feel so nice to see a newborn. Not sure whether I mentioned, my current colleagues didn't know I'm single. And I was telling this male colleague that I'm feeling very sleepy all day of late. Suddenly he asked, do u eat more then usual? Expecting 2nd one? Wanna faint >.< but funny and only I will know. Hahaha. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
    - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
before darius was born, im the one who did the marketing. go to ntuc and stock up our home necesserity. and then after darius was born, after confinement, i was still the one who does the marketing bcos i didnt have to work and the rest was working. and when i went back to work, i still continue to do marketing. everi few days during lunch i would rush to the market and buy fish, chicken, pork and vege. then my dad finish his stuff wif kusu island and he took over the role. but recently, i bcame the one to do marketing again! and this is bad bcos im alreadi money deprieve and i still have to go marketing. it isnt cheap. every weekend i would spend about 60-80 at ntuc. then i would go to the market go get fish and that would be ablt 20bucks. ive been doing it for 3 or 4 weeks now. but good part of it is that i can bring darius along, then bring him go gai gai. hahaha. forgotten to bring my milk home on fridae, hence yesterdae went back to the office to get it. after office went to fetch meiyan at kembangan mrt station and off to tampines. wanna go to kiddy palace and take a look at wad present to buy for travis birthday. we have actually decided long ago, just need to see the design and function etc. all of us haven eaten yet. it was 3pm by then. drop meiyan off first while i Q for the car parking. had ding tai feng. funni thing is that we ordered 10 xiao long bao and after awhile, they gif us another 2 more, saying that it was a 'make up'. counted the xiao long bao, we indeed have 10, so why another 2? meiyan sae so that it's fair that each of us get 4 (plus maid). after lunch walk from tampines mall to tampines one, then tampineone to century sq. by the time we're done it's like 615pm. and i was telling meiyan, we go there just in time to cut cake. but, downtown east have no parking as well! so when it's 7pm, we're still lookin for parking lots >.< thats why i hate driving. stayed for awhile and then send meiyan home and home sweet home. chit chatted alot during the way and i love it! tis made me realised that many times in our life we thought that this person will be your best friend. but then years later, due to some stuff, we will all drift apart and leave. i used to thought that she was my best fren, but now when i think back, it's rather silly. best friend dun behave that way. when i was in primary sch, i thought this person is gonna b my best fren for life, but she wasnt. then in secondary school i thought the same, in ite the same. and now, when im in the working society, i never feel this way to anione animore. there're onli friends whom u can get along veri well. whom u can confide in, whom in you trust. i dun haf secrets. so i can tell everione. hahahhaha. but of cuz when i haf a secret to tell, i know who i can talk to (: i love my girls! sop, vio, meiyan and celest (:
 No recent pictures as have been home rather late recently. Posting old picture till I've more new picture (: Have been slacking at work cuz there's nothing much to do. Gonna change manager next Monday and thus current manager is trying to clear her stuff. Still doing Darius invitation card. Actually it's already done and all I need is to print it. However, qi test print for me and it's kinda unsuccessful(picture resize problem). Shall go and redo but kinda lazy to do it at home. Another 3 weeks away! I should really buck up. Thinking should I get balloons to decorate or just leave it plain and just get 3 or so balloons. I seriously should stop sitting here and not doing anything! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
 Whenever I see this picture it just give me the courage to continue to walk on. He's a gift. Thou the path ahead may be tough but with him around, I know everything gonna b alright. He's my strength. I'm thankful to be given this lil cutie - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
 Happy 11 month Darius!One more month to Darius's 1st birthday! looking forward to it! - total breastfeed
- top right teeth sprouting, will make a total of 6 teeth!
- can stand without support quite well
- able to squat and sit down on his own after standing
- know how to do high 5
- always pointing around on tings he wanna show us
- love to see birds flying and will be damn excited to see birds
- walk with support of railings or hands
- knows how to open and close the mouth or say mum mum when he wanna eat
- will call out ma ma when he really desperate to find me
- wakes up about 2 times a night for night feed
food taken till date:- sweet potato
- carrot
- avocado
- pear
- spinach
- pumpkin
- pork
- chicken
- fish
- beef
- broccoli
- banana
- papaya
- kiwi
- peach
- plums
- blueberries
- sweet corn
- potato
- apple
- celery
- cabbage
- toufu
- egg yolk
- cheese
- cooked full-cream milk
- plain rice
- wholemeal bread
- gerber banana puff
- gerber sweet potato puff
- gerber apple and strawberry puff
- happy baby banana puff
- happy baby vegetable puff
- happy baby apple puff
- pigeon pumpkin snack
- pigeon spinach snack
- pigeon small fish cracker
- healthy times brown rice cereal
- healthy times oatmeal cereal
- healthy times barley cereal
- organix oatmeal cereal
- organix 7 grains
- organix plain porridge cereal
- heinz banana cereal
- heinz vanilla custard cereal
- bellamys brown rice pasta
- bellamys macaroni
- bellamys spelt pasta
- bellamys baby porridge
- yobaby yogurt blueberry
- yobaby yogurt strawberry
- yobaby yogurt apple
- yobaby yogurt mix berries
- yoplait yogurt vanilla
- yoplait yogurt pear
- yoplait yogurt banana
- yoplait yogurt peach
     All along I know I can b a gd fren but never a good lover - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
my sis got me an iphoe (: ok, i know she's damn nice. first she got a 2nd hand samsung lite for me then when i complain there's some problem, she got me an iphone. i gotta admit she is realli nice, but then she can b veri nasty if she's not in the right mood as well. so, u will see me niam abit sometimes =p cant b helped. either i cry or niam to vent my frustration. darius finally got well on sunday. hate viral bcos it came without warning and left silently as well1 of course it leave some 'marks'. now darius have lots of red patches on his face(especially) and body due to the rashes after the viral. it looks kinda like eczema to me thou. so not sure whether i should apply some eczema cream on him. but im glad. finally after 6 days, the virus is gone! in total, visit A&E 3 times, 2 GPs. damn broke. luckily can claim insurance for the A&E visit. im glad, i bought all this insurance policy, else imagine the shit i will be in. in another months' time johnny will be out. but i didnt promise anyone anything did i? okie, sounds like a bitch. ive been keeping alot of my own emotions inside me and not blogging out for fear of whoever will see and how they think. mainly focusing darius on my blog. no matter how, darius still will be my first priority. he's my lil baobei. my precious. my lil prince. and i should start to do his invitation card!
     my lil baobei have been sick since tuesday evening. received call around 4.45pm while at work from my maid telling me that darius is running a fever. that morning alreadi find him restless and abit warm but no fever. so i called my brother who's at home and ask him to help me check out whether the maid is taking the temperature correctly and let me know the temperature. he text me 5 mins later telling me tat it's 38degree. finished work and then cab home. halfway my dad called and asked me to drop off at clementi that he will go and fetch me home and there should b no rush bcos he's still hafing his nap. reached home abt 6.45pm. once home, then fetch him to the clinic at yew tee and his temp was 38.9. gifen brufen and parcetemol and told to gif alt every 3hrs. took leave on wednesday so that i can take care of him as maid cannot handle the medication and stuff. wanted to go back to work on thursday but then his fever didnt went down and was already rather worried since moring as his temp went up instead. highest was 39.2. after discussing with my sister, decide to bring him down to kkh that night. so last night we went to kkh at about 10.30pm. went to children emergency and they stick a urine bag on him as they wanted to know what is the cause of the fever. he have no cough, flu and still very active and alert. no sigh of pain during urinating as well. but just to double confirm. we got called very soon, maybe because he have quite high fever at 38.4 degree even thou he just took medication about 2hrs ago. they gaf him another dose of parcetemol during triage. doctor said his throat was very red and most prob the cause of it. urine test came out okie. so jus took the medication for his throat and fever then went hom. 4.20am took his temp and it was 40.2 degree. scare the hell out of me and i wake my dad up immediately. he told me to feed him medication and observe. didnt went to work because too shag to take care of him and also worry that he will have high fever. so took his temp at 9am again and it was still 40.2 degree. fed him his parcetemol and rush down to kkh. caught in the jam! reached there around 11am and registration then off to see doctor. they insert the bullet onto his buttok. it was said that that is very effective. they also did a blood test on him. temp reading was 38.9 degree. waited 1hr for the blood test reading and it shows that he's having viral infection. the bullet doesn really help much as well. after more then an hr, it's still 38.4 degree. doctor said tat he will have fever for at least 3-5days and nothing to worry about. unless he is not active or not alert or if temp hit 41 degree. then gotta go back and admit him. thought that need to burn my pocket again for the a&e charges but was waive off because i went back within 24hrs. went back via train as he seems much better and alreadi not much money left. wanted to buy a thermoscan thermometer bcos the ear thermometer i haf is driving me crazy as i always get diff reading. plus with a thermoscan thermometer, it is easier for us to do the reading when he's asleep. but the cheapest cost about $158. still pondering because am only left with the last $200. then i went to yew tee and saw this brand, beuer, selling very cheaply at $89. quite easy to use. now i got a thermoscan thermometer it will be much easier. hope darius get well soon! super headache to see him like tat. and i gotta go back to office tml bcos ive not been going in for days. no pay leave is killing me.