
Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural
Birthday: 11 July 2009
Gestation: 37weeks 1day
Weight at Birth: 3.438kg
Length: 50cm
Head Circumference: 36cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital
♥ Darius's growth thru the years

Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural
Birthday: 23 March 2013
Gestation: 40 Weeks
Weight at Birth: 3.84kg
Length: 51cm
Head Circumference: 35cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital
♥ Kerine's growth
♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
  some pictures for his 1 yr photoshot. more to come when I receive the pictures (: Darius can walk independently for quite a distance now. another milestone (: soon he'll he running around and me running behind him in case he get into danger zone. this month will be a busy month with many party coming up. tiara's will be first follow by Trisha and uniquetius. I also signed up for a cooking class on the 15. hope to learn good stuff there. heard from sop that the class is quite gd. have stop breastfeeding for a week now. and before i stop totally, had intro partial fm. and within this period of time he already consumed a 400g and 900g of fm. I opened the 1.8kg of fm today. guess can last me a max of 2 weeks. thinking back, breast-feeding not only help in bonding between the mother and baby. but also saved a lot of money! already decide on the new maid and estimate arrival end august to early September. not sure whether my sister had sign and return the form or everything else would be delay again. due to their new year there ain't navy Indonesia maid available. even if they are, their take up rate are pretty fast. cross finger and hope everything went well. else have to go maid hunting again. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
 first time trying to pan-fry salmon. not very well done i must say. but considered gd enuff since it's a first try! darius had the first piece and he's very happy with it. seeing him eating it happily and wanting more really makes me happy :D jus mirinate it with salt, herbs and olive oil then use butter to pan-fry. got the recipe online!
not able to update often as iphone blogpress been giving me problem by saying my network is not ready for connection or something? anibody know wad is the reason? im going to insert back my tagboard, but not able to do it in the office as they ban cbox as well >.< ever since i came back to work after my long holiday, work have been busy. trying to clear stuff and setting my own deadline, but it nver work. i never hit my dateline. except to clear off wadever ive on hand before i left for work. that usually happen althou the schedule for the dae never go as plan.
darius been more awake then usual. and he sleeps only 11+ to 12 nowadays and taking a toll on all of us. bcos he refused to sleep and only want to play. he's very spoilt too. always screaming and crying if he cant get wad he wan. guess there's alot to teach when he's older. i wish ive the ability to stay at home and look at him. to teach him all that i know. all the morals and values. but sadly, ive to work and gotta entrust others to look at him. part of it also meant putting him in danger in the hands of strangers. and i cant control a large part of how i wan him to behave bcos if u wan others to help u look after, u cant demand too much from them on the teaching values. to them, it may b easier for them to handle darius this wae. to me, i dun see on eye to wad they does. but wad can i do?
duno since when he feel that when he stick out his tongue, its super cute. there was once, he was staring at me with his innocent face with no expression and suddenlyhe stick out his tongue! and he kept doing it recently. my dad commented that his tongue is long - almost touching the end of his chin. he's a been a very cheerful boy. and now i wonder, when i change maid, how will he react. will he be able to adapt well to the new maid? thats my biggest worriew.
been lookin around for a playgroup for him as well. playgroup usually last 1-2 hours depending on the center. i would like to enroll him into playgroup earlier so that he can interact with other kids, know more fren and wun b that selfish animore. at home, he's the king. and he's selfish. if he like that ting, he wun let u haf it. if u snatch it away from him he'll scream and cry with all his might. horrible monster.
went to ezekiel's full month bash yesterday! more of a catching up session. hope his jaundice go away soon so that winnie doesn have to worriew that much and can continue breastfeeding. and i miss mahjong! when was the last time i play? i think that's like more then a yr ago when im still having my small tummy. LOL. darius seems to be more of the centre of attention since he's at the age where it's damn cute. walk also cute, eat also cute, looking at people also cute. everithing also cute. hahaha. but he's been rather sticky, which is gd and bad. bad bcos i cant leave even for a seconds. and that explains why usually if i bring him out alone i will not go to the toilet at all. and it happen alot of times without me realising it. no gd no gd. ezekiel, grow up strong and well. listen to your mum and dad. they love u so much!
     have started to wean darius off breastfeeding. reason is that after the long leave that i took, my supply took a big down fall due to no pumping of milk for the 6 days. usually when im at work, i will pump after lunch and after i reach home. but during that period, i don't pump but just latch whenever he require to drink, which is morning, evening and at night only. therefore my supply suffered. decided since he's alreadi 1yr old, i shouldnt realli put that much effort to keep up the supply. im tired as well. intro fm to him and he's taking well so far. have yet to try bottle feeding at night when im around. that will be a big challange as previously he refused to take bottle as long as im around. mayb shall try one of this days. if he can take it off successfully, then i shall start full fm. he have started 2 feed of fm a day now. so far he have been able to say mama very well. he wont point at me and call. but if i asked him to call mama, he will. and that is making me very happy as well. yesterday he walked about 5 steps without support before falling down. my clever boy! haven been spending much time with him as have been going out of late. so brought him to the playground the other day with his walker. he refuse to walk wif his walker and wan me to hold his hand while he walk. so sweet. but later on he zoom around in his walker. he's cute! shall upload some videos and post. have been trying to upload to youtube, but failed. waiting for darius 1st yr photoshot pictures to be ready! the party was a success. but there's about half the food left behind. i have like 60pax at least and i only ordered 42pax of food. not sure why still so much left over. the cake as well. sorry that am not able to chat much with all of you as there's too many people! shall catch up soon for all okie? (:
    blogpress on iphone have been giving me problem thats why my blog is very outdated. darius have started to walk a few steps unsupported abt a week ago, but he always only walk 1-2 steps and he will go on all four to crawl again. reason? he no guts. haha! plus he can never stand still. he love to dance (by jumping) thats why he will fall down lor. my cutie lil baobao. last few weeks ive been bring darius down to the play ground and let him walk with the walker. never use at home bcos it's too slippery to be play at home and im afraid that if he cant control well he will fall. and after 2 times of like 5-10mins at the play ground, nw he can move about at home with the walker. but he will just zoom and then bang. bcos he duno how to turn. haha! so damn cute. so he will go zoom, bang, then turn and look whoever is lookin at him to help adjust the walker to the right direction. think he can walk pretty soon without support once he got the confident to let go of his hand. he's been a veri sweet darling except that he's pissing me off by standing by while his pram is moving (he can get out of his seat belt without unbuckling) or on his baby chair while having his meals. it's pissing me off! and when i tried to put seat belt for him on his pram, he will scream all the way bcos he cant get out! he need to be taught a lesson and not get his way. so, i will try to teach him. when i beat him, he thought im jus playing with him the usual way. then hw hard to beat! will heart pain lor :( darius party in another 2 day! my board is not done yet, in fact nothing is done. LOL. ive been harpng on it for a week and yet still nothing done. gotta buck up! im gonna do about 10% tonight can? im doing coloring now and i never thught that coloring can be that hectic as well! tink soon my hand will haf muscle ache due to coloring.
yesterday was darius lunar birthday (: but it's abit play cheat kind bcos last year there's double 5 months for the lunar calendar and darius was born on the 2nd 5th month of the lunar calendar. LOL. darius have been making quite abit of process. about a week ago he started to start saying the word 'gei' which means give in chinese. and previously we were telling him 'gei' then stretch our hands out for him to pass to us. partly is to teach him the meaning of the word, and also to teach him not to be selfish and to share with others. and the usual papa, mama, mam mam. he's also starting to point at things for about 1-2 months now. point and eh eh. then i will always explain to him on the tings he have pointed. like he point up to the trees, i will say, the trees have leaves on them. the leaves are green. where is the bird? the bird have gone home. their home is on the trees. i hope by describing, he will slowly absorb and learn. all parents have to learn thru trial and error before they know what is right, wad's wrong. but it's only for that particular child. bcos all child are different. im enjoying this process. can't imagine another few more months darius is gonna walk on his own. darius birthday party will be held in another 9 days. other then the buffet, which they didnt reply despite sending 2 emails, the rest are all confirm. i will go and pick up the cakes and balloons in the morning, then proceed to the clubhouse to decorate then bring darius for swim (: invites are ready and should b on the way there except for sop's one bcos she can't remb her add >.< pls go and remb ur add girl! LOL today on MC and ive been sleeping all the way till 4. drag myself up see a doc. flu flu. flu thats causing the migraine that started in the middle of the night plus bloated tummy. no wonder i feel full when im just 1/3 in my meal and gotta force myself to finish all of them bcos i hate to waste food! gonna start darius on formula feed before sleep at night and hope that this will help him with sleeping thru the night. my supply is dipping and dipping and i reali wanna wean off. darius baobao, pls b a gd boy and stop torturing mama okie?