♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
    should be more active in blogging! brought Darius to the flyer last Friday. nothing fantastic. if the ride is really 30 mins (didn't time) den time passed by rather fast. now he's at a stage where he learn things pretty fast. plus I guess the boy my aunt look after let Darius have an example, he's learning at lightening speed. now he'll do the 'hor' sign if he drop something. that's pretty cute cuz we should 'hor' him but he did that first to us. he can also close and open his palm to twinkle twinkle lil star. can also show his index finger and shake. meaning no no. cute cute cute. getting used to taking care of him as well hence no longer feeling that tired. last week with singhealth. have taught the new girl almost everything. she've taken over my role currently and I'm clearing stuff on my end. after this week I'll have more time with Darius. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
    haven been blogging! meiyan complain saeing that my blog dusty liaos. think it's going to rust soon instead. haha! the new girl who is supposed to take over me came. so now im busy handing over, teaching her and also cleaning up everithing. busy busy dae pass by just like tat. brought darius to NUH for his jab on mondae. thought supposed to b pneumococcal and can use medisave (johnny's) so ask him along. who knows it's not pneumococcal but MMRV. never prepare the amt. but luckily i have some spare which is actually my allowance till pay day. total cost me $270+. let darius try mr bean's ice cream but darius dun like it >.< no ice cream for him liaos. been bringing him to westmall lately to feed darius dinner after leaving my aunt's place. he's adapting well to my aunt's place. but sad to sae, soon he will not b going again. i hate all this kind of temp arrangement. i mean, it's the onli wae out. but then it's like trying to adjusting to something new den suddenly need to adjust to another ting again. sigh. the MMRV was supposed to give him fever around 5 days later. friday night already feel that he's burning. asked him and he sae no la. just that he's active so body abit warmer. middle of the night took his temp and it's 38.2. but he's asleep so didnt wake him up for medicine. saturday morning woke up took his temp, 37.9. feel sick as well and took mine and it's 38.2 >.< fed him medicine then eat panadol. the feeling realli sucks to be sick and still having to look after him. im alright if it's cough and flu. but fever always never fail to make my whole body ache. brought him to post office to collect his shoes! all 3 pairs came tog. damn happy! but they are all of very big size. think he can wait till 2yrs old. haha! but 1 of the pair can b worn very soon. it's slightly bigger but okie to walk in. walk abit before going back home and stayed home all dae long. todae stayed home as well. wanna go for iphone exchange bcos my iphone have too many problems alreadi. but then sis not around and not sure which co does the iphone belongs to. brought him to the ntuc for a short walk and the big space near my place in the evening. cant wait to bring him for swimming again! been a long time!
     weekends are here again! now i love weekends bcos i can finally rest abit even thou not totally as i need to care for darius 100%. morning went for my dental appt at woodlands. referred to khoo teck puat for my wisdom tooth extraction. dentist sae both tooth are well erupted but definitely need to remove as 1 is way too big and is keeping food in there while the other is erupted halfway and doesn seems to have anymore space to grow. went there alone with darius and the moment i entered i ask the dentist, 'so how?' pointing to darius and smile cheekily. haha! the dentist said, 'u can put him with u but make sure he don't move around too much' all went well. darius cried a lil whenever the dentist started to do her job. so damn cute! i think they are short of assistance as well bcos my dentist did everithing on her own. well, dentist is earning huge money now, so who would realli wan to work in a polyclinic unless they cant get a job as a private dentist or cant afford to have their own dental. but wadever the case, hope that they will b able to overcome the shortage of manpower soon. tomorrow will be bringing darius for his pneumococcal jab at nuh. supposed to go to kkh in the morning for my yearly check up but then not possible now since im not in the right stage i should be. will postpone to next month then. last day with the current company will be on the 3rd sept. and it's pretty a fast period for me bcos tomorrow im on leave, so im onli left with 4 days in that week. then the next im supposed to have a jmc appt on the next thurs noon but then as my referrel was to khoo teck phuat, now have to call and check when is the earliest appt at khoo teck phuat. the week after that would be my last week with singhealth. truthfully, it was a hard decision. i asked alot of people on their opinion. i think for weeks before the confirmation. when it was confirmed, i still ponder whether i should tender. they are real nice people. they gave me chance to perform. they gave me a role where ive no relevant experience nor relevant certificate especially when im just a nitec cert holder. the people are nice and caring. they care for you truly. but ive to go. i will definitely miss them all. darius have been a very cheeky boy. i hardly carry and pat him to sleep now. he will fall asleep on his own while lying down beside me on the bed and me patting him sometimes. it's a very big improvement! since 2 months onwards, he needed to be carried to sleep or else he will cry his lungs out. sometimes ive to carry him for hours, not able to do anything. now he's a big boy who can sleep on his own and sometmes pushing my hand away when i tried to pat him. he can also walk quite steadily and hence always running around the place. sometimes when we're outside, he will just ignore us walk to where he want to go. especially when it's at kiddy palace. yesterday noon while im preparing his food, he went to took my cooking oil and pour all over the floor and over him. i spent a good time clearing up. he still think it's fun and refuse to let go and even cried when i carry him to clean up. he tried to kiss me earlier on on my lips which is very sweet! thou darius is sticky to me, he hardly show his affections. sometimes when i tell him kiss kiss, and when i tried to kiss him he will turn away. BOO. my shy lil' boy. i hope time will stop at this stage. but i know he will have to go grow. im happy that he's able to understand simple stuff that we say like, putting on the shoes first. or take your shoes to me etc. he's a big boy now. wondering how much he weigh now, we shall know tomorrow (:
   life without maid is kinda tough. my daily routine: wake up at 6+ shower then carry darius while he sleeps and my sis will drive us to my aunt's place at batok. after dropping darius off at aunt's place i will take the bus to mrt station and train to work. during work i will use the slow cooker i bought to cook porridge for darius's dinner. after work fetch him from aunt's place and usually will meet up with him. after outing then home sweet home. darius slept and i will go wash all my bottles, darius clothes, any other stuff that need to be wash. pack darius's bag then sleep! cant believe this is my life now. a very huge change.
previously my routine was: wake up late for work, after work go home and play with darius. when nearing his sleeping time or after his sleep, usually, then i will go to his place and look for him. we will watch movie and sometimes i will fall asleep. morning wake up drive home shower then work again. i think i need to get use to this sudden big change of routine. but nevertheless im loving it everyday.
darius's 1st year photoshot pictures received! onli left the album. will upload into facebook when ive the time to on my lappy and upload =p
nicnic's party on last sunday. woke up and prepare all his food, lunch and dinner. left home about 1pm and went to westmall for a walk. fed him and then he had his nap while i window shopped. train to kembangan den cab to meiyan's place. there's a small pool over there and darius insist of playing with the water. it started with his hands, then legs and the nxet ting i know his romper is half wet. so decide to change his romper. after removing his romper he walk quickly to the pool again. thinkin since he's naked, jus let him plae awhile. hold him by the armpit while im still on land and him alreadi in the water >.<>
  Darius turns 13 months old today (: - on full formula milk, enfagrow
- can walk independantly without support
- very gd copy cat to people he's fond of
- will say mak mak when he wants milk
- wakes up once at night for small feed
- whenever naked will give the shy shy face and then keep touching the tummy
- can climb up the chair and sit
- if in gd mood, and u kiss him on the lips he will do the 'muacks' sound back
- will pat pat u when he wan u to pat him back
- can sleep on his own at home when he's turn, just flip and flip till fall asleep. refuse patting
- likes to put his finger in other people's mouth
- spoilt boy who wan everything to go his way
- another 2 teeth on the bottom sprouted, total of 8 teeth
new food taken - unsalted fries from MOS burger and Mac
- strawberries
- grapes (causes eczema)
- nuggets
- fishball
- salmon
let me say what i want to say here and more when stuff have been finalised. those who are not close enough to me wont know, i hated him very much. maybe bcos i used to love him so much, he disappointed me again and again, thus it became hurt. i tried my best to treat him like a normal friend but i cant help feeling disgusted every single time he tries touch me. especially in front of our friends, touching my hair and all, making others feel that we have patch up. and after that people will asked, hey u 2 patch up huh. it's irritating bcos im giving him face by telling myself not to push his hand away in front of others that may embarrased him. when he first released, tings seems gd. he seems to b doing a gd job to be darius dad. trying to spend time and bond. and then it get lesser and lesser. last week he visited NIL the week before once. and that was bcos we had to go to a party and so he came. whatever the reason is, i dun fcuking care. wad bothered me was, he dun even have the courtesy to text and inform he's not coming, that he's busy or to even ask how is darius. the things that pissed me off the most: 1) he msn me asking whether i will be home during weekends. told him no. he said he miss darius. so i told him ive party in the noon, he can come over in the morning if he wan. he said okie and even sae he feel bad that he's not spending much time with darius. ended up? he didnt even bother to turn up, didnt bother to text. and on sundae when i saw him active in fb playing game, i cant help posting a nasty comment that goes like this "some ppl claim to miss his son yet didn't even bother to visit him. why should his son call him papa? he contributed nothing except sperm." thereafter i believe after seeing this on my fb, he text me saeing that he's sorriew that he's busy this whole week hence didnt come and visit darius. and wad's my repli? i dun even bother to repli. next he still ask me whether i will be free the next day (national day) and i didnt even repli at all. why should i? he wan me to b free and i should b free? he thought wad? zoo? wan come jiu come? fcuk off. it's not that im being unreasonable that if he's realli busy i still expect him to spend time wif darius and all. it's that he dun even have the basic courtesy to inform. to me, even a SMS like asking how is he. even if i may reply the same old ting everi single time. at least i know u care. but u, not bothering to even text and only come tell me u are busy after knowing im pissed is of wad use? oh yea, forget to mentioned he did text me on friday night. for? to ask me to return him money. LOL. noting abt darius ok :D 2) i owed him $200+ due to the photoshot for darius's 1st year. and so 6 august he text me asking me whether i can return him some money. im not able to return any money for the time being as darius is going to my aunt's place for the time being and i need to buy extra stuff over there, so i told him no. and todae when i go into fb, i saw his fren tagging him on some clubbing pictures. no money give his son buy milk powder, ask the son's mother to return money. yet go clubbing? 3) and in case anyone don't know yet, he is on PROBATION and he's to be home by 8PM and he's clubbing. so wad does it means? that he's irresponsible. thats all i wanna say.
  sent my maid off friday noon. it's been a yr since im without a maid. every since the day darius was born, the maid was there. even when there's a short period of time im without maid, it wasnt as bad as now. bcos nw darius can walk, he will go walking behind me everywhere i go. i cant do my chores and stuff when he's awake. i cant eat, cant pee, cant cook. check in then went to have our lunch at burger king. darius had his first fries and i share the meat of my fish burger with him. he's a veri cheeky boy by keep stuffing all the food we offer in his mouth. made us laugh like mad. sent the maid to gantry and then off we go. took train to office and tendered and home sweet home. yesterdae was trisha's birthdae. the function room is big. and the facilities is gd. alot of people are making gd use of the facilities. darius love the pools and insist in going, but stop by me since it's not a baby pool. baby pool is right at the front near the guard house and no where near the function room. sop's maid cook a share of darius porridge and i save the hassle of preparing food :D stay for some time then train to amk. wanna buy his game, but then dun haf. saw that the starhub shop have iphone 4 32GB, called and went to pay bill but when i came down alreadi OOS! freak la. supposed to meet go cuppage but it's also OOS and so went to TPY instead. after TPY still went hougang mall, compass point. all don't have. went to tiong bahru for late dinner then home. sometimes my fren will put darius on his lap and then drive (don't lecture me on being dangerous etc bcos we know wad we're doing) and funniest ting is that he said whenever his leg move, darius will step him as well, as if knowing need to change gear or wad. and he also know how to turn the steering wheel. LOL. once darius wanna turn right and he turn left darius cried. LOL. so cute! going to nicnic's party later!
my maid been giving me problems and we're sending her back by this week. at first she claim that she wants to go home to look for her missing child (17 yr old) as she know where she can look for him. we're wondering why she don't let her husband know so that he can look for him instead? nevermind that. we told her okie, but then let us arrange for the new maid to arrive before sending her off. she agreed. then last week she said that her 17 yr old son was caught for taking drugs and will be going to court on wednesday and she would like to be home by wednesday to see him. we lied that there's no air tix and that even if he's going to be behind bar or wadever, at least she should be relief that he's safe and sound. she should stay longer to earn more money to give her children a better life. she agreed. monday, i came home and she kept telling me that she wanna call home. told her to go ahead and i went out. when i reach home, she tell me that her eldest son (17 yr old) had pass on due to heart attack. so wad can i say? my new maid is arriving only end august and early september. wil be placing darius in the care of my 5th aunt for the time being till the new maid arrives. so every moring i will fetch him there and fetch him back at night. gotta cook porridge in the office so that i can feed it to him as dinner. no more going out at night to look for him. misses. i feel my lfie is in a crisis.
   random thoughts. I've told to about 3-4 guys that I'll love them forever in my younger days. do I still love them? nope. is forever here? nope. so can anyone love anyone forever? nope. cuz there's no forever. cuz forever means eternity. limitless of time. that means even after we die it should still exist. so now I no longer say forever. maybe till death do us apart is better. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone