♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
super love this video of darius. can see his cheeky face in it. hahaha. damn cute. supposed to meet the girls from ite for kbox yesterdae. kinda nua and shag. plus it's from 7pm-10pm and i cant get to see darius. so decide not to go. wanna bring darius there to say hello. then qi ask to watch movie at 935pm. meet qi 830pm at yew tee. walk around then went to lot1. went over to kbox and chit chat wif them for abt 10mins and went to look for paul who is at mac eating. qi join us later and off to cinema. watch wallstreet: money never sleep. ehhh. im not veri interested in the show. somewhere in between i feel like sleeping and yet have the urge to go toilet! i bear with it for more then an hr till the show end >.< yawning away and go to lala land almost immediately! darius been rather sticky lately. i love it when he saw mi then he wil stop wadever he's doing and run towards mi to gimmi a hug. super sweet! and yesterdea as i was abt to leave house to meet qi, i told him byebye. of cuz he thought im gonna bring him out so he happily wave and say bye bye to my maid. HE SAID BYEBYE! OMG. im damn happy lor. and he will keep calling mama mama nw. im gonna miss the current him when he grow older. he's my lil' sweetie, lil' cutie. love him to bits!
     supposed to go to phelove's birthday yesterday but didn't as I'm coughing and having block nose. don't know isit cuz I haven fully recovered or cuz I smoke too much. anyway decide to go to zhu's place. ask Paul along. slack and nua. left at 8 plus. went to hub for dinner while Darius is asleep in the sarong carrier. woke up when I'm done with dinner. went to ntuc to buy his biscuit. walk a bit then home. Darius is giving Paul training by letting him carry him. in order to let Paul carry him, must bribe with food or money. LOL. no food got money also can. both also don't have I cry! hehehe. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
  I did an interview for 妈妈宝贝 April/May issue in January. didn't mange to post the article cuz in rather lazy. since I've nothing to do now shall just post up. they contacted me last year thru forum to do an interview. however as a single mum, I'm not their target. so I told them should they need any for single mum they can look for me. anyway, don't know why the article was cut halfway. the next page was on zhu. I referred zhu as well. haha! shouldn't post her article up cuz I didn't ask her permission.
     Darius developed flu and fever on Monday. until Wednesday it still remain even thou we self medicate him. brought him to yew tee to see doctor and got him a lantern to distract him. he don't look sick thou. he keep disturbing others with his lantern. on Thursday to look after him at home the whole day. woke up on Friday with a bad sore throat and flu. finally after a long day went to see doctor. that night Darius fm ran out and I didn't know! was too drowsy from the medicine and sickness. ended up looking for money and went to buy fm at 1am+. next day woke up with high fever. after battling for a day finally the fever is gone this evening. tml will b the start of the long week again. Darius have been pretty cheeky. don't know where he learn that cheeky smile from. but super cute. and every night he'll irritate me by making me sing twinkle twinkle lil star over and over again. he knocked into my lips again on Friday. and now my lips is swollen and have developed onto ulcers. drinking and eating is a pain now. Darius steal a piece of my mooncake just now and help himself to it happily. he tried the 2nd time and was caught red handed. haha! he really more and more tiam jiat already! love him to bits! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location:Choa Chu Kang Crescent,,Singapore
blog reopen. bcos i dun think that i will b able to get a single cent from johnny. why? he's nw being lock up and nobody know what happen. not even his family members. so dun ask me what happen. what i knew is that he MIA and then ppl start to call me asking if i was with him wadever wadever. i called his dad asking if they have found him, if not can take the missing person report and check with the bank when is his last withdrawal and where. but his dad said that while doing the missing person report, it reflected that he was being lock up. period. i duno aniting much more. bought darius a car lantern. $3 but i hate the music. it's damn irritating. need to revamp my blog as well. im too lazy. can anione help me by making me less lazy? i think darius is hafing his seperation anxiety. i cant b out of his sight for even a second or he will start to scream. its been going on for sometime. sigh. i hope he will grow out of it soon. i hate to see him this way and yet, i cant do aniting. i love it that he will come and kiss me on the lips. but the ting is, once he kiss u he wun let go. so he will keep sticking to ur mouth. damn funni. i hope darius grow more fats. oh shit. i jus realised tat i didnt cook his dinner. gotta rush home to night. tata.
my new maid came on last wed night. she's gd. well mannered and know how to do her chores without us asking her, unlike the previous maid. she can handle darius veri well as well. on the 1st day i asked her to change darius diaper and she manage to do it right. asked her to bath darius and she can do it as well. so after just 4 days of training her, im back to work. darius is also ok with the maid. have not tried letting the maid cook porridge for darius. so currently im freezing and she just need to thaw it and feed it to darius. so far so good. but im feeling tired to do it. every night i will fall asleep. yesterday i fall asleep while cooking. luckily my brother off the gas for me. and i woke up at 3+ to feed darius milk and then off to cook. new job so far so gd. nothing much to do done yet as haven learn much stuff since qi is also kinda busy wif her own work. she's now on leave and 80% of the office is out station and boss & the only engineer that's not outstation is out of office now. im bored to tears seriously. drag stuff which i can finish in 30mins to half a dae. and now im out of tings to do. i do have tings to do but im not willing to do bcos i still have another 2 more days to pass!
  Darius is 14 months old!
- drinking 150ml of milk 3-4 times a day
- still waking up once every night for milk
- loves to eat fries
- very tam jiak, everytime just keep saeing mum mum
- can say car car and duck duck to every other thing
- will give u the cutey pout face whenever u sae kiss kiss (only to his mummy!)
- will sayang you by messing up your hair
- loves to go gai gai
- starting to eat more and more 'outside' food
- understand bird, train, ball, give
- know how to open and close the door
- understand that need to open the lock with a key before the door can be open
- will open and close his plam and ask u to sing twinkle twinkle lil star
- always offering food to others and never take no for an answer
- love to play with balls and balloons
guess most of u are wondering why I'm privating my blog. reason is that I'm gonna ask maintenance fee from Johnny and do not wan him to use anything from my blog as excuse why he shouldn't pay at all. actually I don't know what isit that he can use from my blog but just in case. once the case is over I'll reopen up the blog again. meanwhile pls help me click on any ads that you see! thank you! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
jus to make some notes on darius progress. was thinking of darius progress and realised that he havent been talking much. it's not realli bothering me as i know that every child progress at their own speed. some kid only talk at the age of 5 or even later. thinking of wad zhu said, that jovier can say cat cat, ball ball, shoes shoes made me realised tat ive not been realli talking and exposing to darius much. i mean, he cant speak nevermind. but he need to know wad are the names of the tings he see everidae right? i guess he only know bird and mrt. LOL. so decide to expose him by telling him the names of almost everything that we come across while walking. have been talking to him abt car car for awhile. and yesterday while on the way to mrt station from aunt's place, was telling him car car. where is car car? he point at the car and suddenly said, kaka! so damn happy! after that i tell him, u haven call mama for a long time. call mama. and he said, mama. before i can b happy, he do the mouth actions of mum mum >.< while train-ing home at cck station, i saw that the door is closing so i decide to move nearer to the door so i can alight at yew tee later on. once i move near to the door, and the door close, darius suddenly point at the door and cry out loud! i think the whole train is laughin at him, including me. i had a gd laugh while he cry and later on wondering why am i laughin at him. i keep playing wif his cheeks and laugh at him saeing cry for wad, we are not alighting here, it's the next stop. then he pout his lips, gimmie the ke lian face and starting to 'sweep' wherever i have touched him previously on the cheeks and cry again. damn cute! this morning while in the bus, he pointed out of the window and sae mum mum. turn and saw MAC. LOL. love him to bits!
brought him to the rooftop play ground at lot1 (:       - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
brought him to the rooftop play ground at lot1 (:       - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
i badmouth but i don't backstab others. this everyone should know. if u cant think of the difference, think. bcos im not going to go into details on the difference. LOL. my lappy died after i reformat it. apparently i need to reinstall my OS, which i have no disc and now im wondering should i travel to expo to get kinwai to help me to install XP or should i borrow the disc from yolly for windows 7. darius is not showing sign of talking. he does mumbles and make more sound then usual. but i guess it's going a bit slow. doesnt bother me since each child progress at their own pace. but he's irritating me with his mumblings. he dun mumble to me. he mumble to himself. cute at times but irritating when it's sleeping time. clearly he's a big bully to his mother. he kicks me in the face all the time. however naughty he is to me, i cant help loving him so much that i wanna kiss him 24hrs a day. sometimes he drive me mad. like yesterday he keep pouring water from his magmag cup. i told him to stop millions of times, but he continued doing it and then i snapped and smack his hand. he didnt cry but stop whatever he is doing and look at me. then i told him mummy say cannot, no. you shouldnt do it. and then he stop. i guess the sweetest part was when he saw tears in my eyes, he walk over and hug me. not once, but few times. till i smile at him then he let go. thats my dearest baobei (: now he's at a stage where he learn tings fast. especially when he's at my aunt's place where there's this korkor whom he can learn from. even thou he cries every morning when i leave the place, but i know he love the people there as well. sad to say, just as he is getting use to it, we have to stop going there. i hate changes. last friday was my last day at SHS. ive got lots of stuff during the 5 months im there due to duno wad reason. so anyway, requested from my sister to drive to work. but my car have to break down right after i enter the carpark. there's problem with the gear box and the duno-wad chain. it cant move at all. ended up i have to push the car to a less-blocking position, but blocking 2 parked cars. there's no lot. left a note and went back to office. brought down abt 8 bags of items and load them in. wait for tow and it came 2hrs later. after the car went to workshop asked my dad wad is the damage. was told $3k! got a shock. when i asked again yesterday was told it's $2k+. still, expensive! and those stuff i load is now in the workshop and i gotta pick them up bcos the car is gonna b in another workshop for 2 weeks. after a series of event, i seriously feel that my life sucks. nothing is going right nor good. bad things have to happen everyday. pictures of darius will be upload soon! (: anyway, why i mentioned the badmouth-ing issue is because i am going to badmouth someone. in the first place im already very irk off by wad he done. then later on he got a gf within 1 month of you-know-wad when previously he's telling me how much he love me. follow by him always claiming to be too busy to visit his son but yet go clubbing and all. and now was told that even thou he have a gf, appear to be faithful with his words in fb, he was xian-ing all the girls he can and try to eat as much toufu as he can. LOL. it's damn disgusting seriously. firstly was that he was telling me hw much he love me then suddenly got gf. and now got gf, showing that he's so damn faithful and have changed but yet fooling around outside. im glad im not the one facing it now. and, he claim he have no money for his son. see wad he does? club, dance, got gf, fcuk around and have 200x more money then me, telling me he have no money. LOL. grow up will u?
from babycenter.com.sg "Your toddler has no way of knowing that the thing she did or that just happened - milk down your clean shirt, a briefcase emptied out - was the one more minor disaster that was your "last straw". Even if she had sensed your previous tension, she would not have understood what caused it: the failed alarm call that left you late in getting up, late in getting her up, late getting off to daycare and work. She doesn't understand much about your feelings or your affairs, nor should she.
They are not yet her concern. If you scold, she may enrage you further by laughing; if you shout, she will jump and cry. If you lose your cool to a point where you actually punish her physically, shaking her, smacking her or dumping her in her cot, she will be as amazed and horrified as you would be if the family dog suddenly turned on you and took a chunk out of your leg. Until the reasons for adult anger become comprehensible, your toddler cannot learn anything useful from punishment. When the reasons do become comprehensible, she will be able to learn without punishment.
Suppose your child pulls a glass off the coffee table and breaks it. You may justify your angry scolding on the grounds that she should not have touched it because you have told her not to many times - and anyway she should have been more careful. But think a minute. She touched the glass because it was there: her vital curiosity told her to examine it and her memory and understanding are not yet good enough to tell her which things are forbidden. She broke it because her manual dexterity is not yet adequate for handling delicate things gently. So was the accident really her fault?
If the glass was really valuable, what was it doing left within her reach? She is being punished for being what she is. A baby.
Now suppose that she tips all the food out of her dish on to the freshly-washed floor. In fury you say that "she ought to know better". But ought she? A few minutes earlier you helped her to tip all the bricks out of their bag onto the floor. Is she supposed to share your ideas about the difference between food and toys? As to the clean floor, she probably watched you sloshing bubbly water over it. Is she supposed to understand that soapy water cleans things, but gravy dirties them? Once again you are being cross with her for being the age she is and for behaving as people in her age bracket are meant to behave."before i came across this i told zhu that for now, since they dun understand we should use actions to tell them they cant do it, when they are older then we will explain to them why they cannt do it. now i have a better understanding of for which then we can use actions to show them that they are not supposed to do that and which are issues which we cannot avoid and should be more patient with them. parenting. dear all, pls help click on the ads!