♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
 FINALLY it's been a month. today mark the first month of me and dear. time passes by damn slowly. everyone including myself feel like we've been together for more then a month. but when u look back at the calendar it's only 1 month. I'm thankful to have know this 好男人。 thou he's not romantic, mor sweet enuff, not caring enuff. when I cut myself and he was told of, his only reaction is, huh. 是么? super heartless! sadly till now we have yet to take a single pic. I promise will take soon! Love
gonna be a post without pictures. been too lazy to take pictures. been wanting to catch paranormal activity for few times but, no fate lor. till nw still haven got chance to watch. was not working on thursday as wanted to go down to comcentre to 1-1 exchange my iphone. giving me lots of problem. best was the reception and the receiver problem. dear too leave as well bcos aunty zhu la. go kpo sms sae must got our own pak tor day without darius. and then after tat we also got talk talk abit on that. then he took leave so we can have some time to ourselves. ok la, still grateful to aunty zhu. cannt keep complain abt her. have organise steamboat over at my place on thursday as well. since that day im not working, then wun b in a rush to go home and prepare the stuff. went to buy the food on wednesday night. thought that wont b too late as once my sister come back we can drive to jurong point ntuc and buy. who knows my dad came back with her and drive out. was kinda pissed bcos feeling tired. text and ask him wad time is he coming back bcos if it's not too late then will wait since not working the next dae. he called later saeing that he'll park the car at clementi and ask me to pick up from there. train from yew tee to jurong then no more train in service. cab down to clementi then went to jurong point NTUC. after shopping went to bt timah to meet's dear's colleague for supper. jus nice hungry liaos. had a pcs of prata then send one of his colleague home and home sweet home. thursday woke up and saw some unpleasent sms. immediately spoil my mood for that morning. woke up early at 7 and play with darius till 8 plus and went to ntuc for some last min shopping. brought darius along with us and he actually fell asleep while on the way back. so funni. went back home nap till abt 12. shower and change then went back to dear's place while he shower and change then bus to town. went to comcentre to change my iphone while dear look around. no stock for iphone4, yet again. walk around and then decide that we should go home earlier bcos i still need to prepare the food for steamboat. so bus back to dear's place for him to change then off to my place. qi and jimmy came first. the rest came around 8pm. short gathering but very happy to see all of them! qi and jimmy went off first then the rest went off at around 10.30pm. cleared up and nua. bloated as there's too much food and we kept trying to clear all of them off. lookin forward to the next gathering! (:
     im getting lazier. lazy to blog. and my readers are all running away. pls dont! i will try to blog more often. so pls help me to click on my ads ok? :D Friday
for months i have this funny noise coming from my shoes whenever i walk, as if there's someting inside. but i checked a few times but couldn't find aniting wrong and just leave it. on friday, while on the way to the canteen to tabao lunch, i feel like ive stepped on someting big. i look down and lift my leg, i saw a blade coming out from underneath of my shoes. it's a the big penknife's blade. dun ask me hw it got into the sole of my shoes, but it jus did and stayed there for months before cutting thru and out of it. then, my shoes got a huge hole alreadi lor. i know my shoes alreadi veri old liaos, but no need to like that treat it ma. cut 1 whole. went to clementi around 4pm to walk around and also to see whether any nice shoes to buy. but onli have bata. dun like. so took train to bouna vista then bus to sci park 1 and meet dear. was there super earli but then jus sit down there and play game till abt 15mins before he finish work then text him. bus to bt timah to meet his frens for dinner. was there earli and so wait for all of them to arrive. dinner then home sweet home. had some misunderstandings. cleared and sleep dreams. Saturday
nua at home the whole day due to the stupid haze. so bad that don't feel like bringing darius out. later in the day, it started to rain heavily and lasted for abt 1hr odd? decide to watch paranomal activity 2 at 9.30pm and so dear went home to shower etc before we meet for dinner at 8pm. at 7.45pm dear called and say that there is a change of plan. going to zouk with his frens. meet around 9pm at cck mrt then train down to tiong bahru. meeting his frens near zouk for dinner. by then no more feel to eat liaos. watch them eat then walk to the bus stop near zouk to meet another fren of theirs and to zouk. the place was full so decide to go elsewhere. finally decide to go dragonfly. left first around 3am as need to go kusu the next morning. home, faster chiong bath cook maggie and eat before sleeping.
Sunday woke up earli in the morning at 7am and set off to kusu. sister drove me to the pier and then ferry over. a snack manage to sneak in to the centre of the crowd of the 'food court' and there are people screaming here and there. as im not so kypo, i jus put my legs up on the chair im sitting while watching ppl crowding around and taking video. saw the worker crashing it with a chair. and duno wad happen, the snake manage to free itself and then my dad appear and crash it again. after tat disperse. LOL. ferry back to SG around 4pm. sister came to fetch me. got into the chair without realising that darius was actually at the backseat till we went out of the carpark then suddenly heard some noise behind, turn then saw him. nearly had a heart attack. sis drove to marina barrage since it's just few mins drive away. many people flying kite and darius was so fansticated that he keep go 'wah'. super cute when he point and then 'wah'. he loves to do that. walk around for awhile then home sweet home. on the way home qi say meet 7pm at lot1 with weiling. thinking that i need to buy shoes also, might as well bring darius out since the haze is better after 2 days of rain. so home to shower and freshen up then drive to pick dear with darius. lot1 and meet qi. they had dinner then walk abit to buy some stuff + my shoes then send qi home to take weiling's stuff then drop her off at weiling's. while waiting for qi at her carpark, darius fall asleep. so after dropping qi off went to drop darius off at home bcos decide to go to giant and check out the stroller that pearl and meiyan had bought from giant. decide to go to tampines giant instead of IMM bcos not sure wad time IMM giant close since it's alreadi 10.10pm. just drove up and qi called. she and weiling join us for the giant trip. saw the stroller is not as comfy as we thought so decide to drop the idea of getting it. walk around and bought snacks, drinks + cup noddles den home sweet home. off to lala land immediately bcos too tired.
beautiful sunset view at SSC. but by the time i capture this pic, the sun had gone down lower   super love this pic. look so loving and sweet.  self feeding  trying to kiss the maid  trying to kiss dear  very happy with the outcome. LOL  Saturday
supposed to meet zhu + jojo and her shuai shuai 3pm at yishun. super late bcos darius is having his beauty nap. seeing that it's so late alreadi so go wake him up. he actualli alreadi awake. just tat lazing around and wanted to sleep back. i just call 'baobei' softly then he open eyes to look at me. tell him gai gai, his eyes open big big >.< brought maid along. meet dear at yew tee mrt then train to yishun. wanted to go to the water play ground, but when we went up the whole area was under renovation. damn sian. north point also nothing much to do. slack around nua. meanwhile zhu's shuai shuai abit sian bcos he didnt have enuff sleep and the plan all cock up. decide to go either SSC or to Vivo. decide on SSC bcos it's much nearer. spilt into 2 cabs and cab down to SSC. the playground realli nice! saw from Jasmine's blog that she brought Trav the other time ma. so decide to go down see see. quite fun. after abt 45mins, change and let them plae the dry play ground while i jus nua and do nothing =p zhu keep disturb dear and then she asked darius where is daddy and darius actualli pointed to him! he sae he feel is by chance/by luck. but wadever the case is, im jealous lor. bcos darius never ever by chance/by luck point to mi before :( seperated with zhu and took shuttle bus to yishun then train to yew tee. had mac for dinner. that darius damn funni. he did alot of cute stuff that make us cant stop laughing. after eating, i asked the maid to pick him up to bring him to wash his hands and who knows he actualli pooed and it stained his pants. change him and saw that there's 1 big patch of red on his buttok. feel veri sad and sian why like that bcos earlier on at the playground, there's nothing at all. once home change his diaper again and put destitin on him. whine and cranky. refused to sleep. then suddenly he poo again. this time it's sticky green stuff but veri lil. after he poo he's not so cranky alreadi. applied ru yi oil on him. but he refuse to sleep and whine and cry. headache. decide to drive him around and see if he will sleep in the car. pick dear on the way. he finally fall asleep after an hr of ride. Sunday wake up early in the morning and sis sent me to marina south pier to go kusu island. alone. by abt 12pm+ there isnt much ppl coming to the island liaos. sian till duno wad. left around 4pm and train back home. once home asked the maid abt darius condition and she said that he poo twice but very lil and it's all sticky green stuff. and that each time he poo he will cry + his buttok still very red. decide to brought him to see doctor bcos if it's constipation then it wun b sticky ma. but it's sticky and he cry when he poo. weird. meet dear at limbang. waited for nearly 2hrs i think! doctor said should b a stomach flu and that his tummy alot of wind. gave some medicine and lotion + cream to apply and left. send darius home before going for our dinner. my dear lil boy pls get well soon!
   Darius turns 15 months old today! :D im not going into very details monthly progress anymore. reason being ive serious STM and cannot remember whether darius learn this new stuff during this 1 month period or before. so will just do a more basic one base on what i didn't record in the previous month (:
new stuff that darius have learn:
- know how to say ball ball, car, mei mei (pretty)
- open and close his palms to indicate shan shan (blinking lights)
- will know that the train is coming just by listening to the noise
- take his own shoes and pass it to u and ask u to wear it for him to go gai gai
- always making fun of ppl by pretending to want to kiss u by then turn away when u come close
- know his ears, eyes and mouth
- know how to throw the ball to let it bounce
- loves to 'drive' car
- loves bubble tea
- can do partial self feeding but not very well done
PLEASE CLICK ON THE ADS THANK YOU!         saturdaymeet up with qi and winnie + the kids and dear at lot1 for lunch. manny's bday was the day before and wanted to get a bicycle for him but didnt as he doesnt wan one. sent qi home after tat and after picking extra clothes, proceed to IMM. manny had fun with the water play ground while darius just being whiney and refuse to play much. clean them up, change then went to walk around. before leaving for home at 5pm+. winnie drop dear off follow by me. manny & darius is either very loving or they are kicking and fooling around. damn cute. went home and slack and nap. meeting jen, sop & jasmine + hub at mindscafe. was told the meeting up is at 10pm but im lazy so said will b late. ended up mi & dear is the first to reach at 10.49pm. duh. game started around 1130pm and we had fun la except that it's a lil too noisy for my liking. we stick to the stacko game most of the time and out of 6 rounds, i lost 3. and the forfeit was chips + chilli. last round was tomato. i seriously like it better with chilli. tomato sauce sucks. ended around 130am and jasmine + hub supposed to join us at boat quay but then last min decide not to. so dear's fren + us went to boat quay. didnt drink bcos i gotta drive. home sweet home around 4am in the morning. sunday a very lazy day. nua at home till noon then dear came over to look for us. supposed to leave home abt 3pm+ bcos the worker is coming to do painting and im supposed to bring darius out as they paint but my sister have a very gd control of time, she came back only after 5pm. meanwhile we rot and rot at home and me getting more and more pissed. finally she came and we left. dear drive us to vivo. wanted to bring darius to play. ended up only went to the pet safari and soon after darius just fall asleep. he napped for around 1.5hrs after we had our dinner. walk around and went to giant to buy his diapers, float & the sand kit for the sentosa outing next month! cant wait for the outing next month! left vivo and home sweet home. it's a tiring weekend. i need my sleep. have decided i need to lose another 5kg. i gained 3 kg in like 2 months?! pls gimmie motivation instead of tempting mi with food ok. my tummy is getting bigger and bigger. and it sucks.
      had wanted to enroll darius into playgroup after he turn 18months. partly is to allow him to learn new stuff, and also to mingle around with other kids. he's quite a bully actually. maybe because everyone treated him as precious and so he's quite pampered. always getting his way with screams and cries. anyway, called up the admin office of the play group opp my place and enquired on the fee etc. was told that they have done the registration and all i need to do is just to go down and make payment. i went down yesterday morning for the payment. but was told not possible to give me a position because it's way too far away. damn funny. but i didnt say anything because i overheard them saying, the admin staff always like that and they call their boss. their boss spoke to me over the phone saying that if i want to enroll darius in for the march batch, they can only put me on waiting list and when it's near they will gimmie a call to let me know whether there's a space. no choice gotta agree. darius will be turning 18 months old on 11 January 2011. but thinking that 3 February 2011 is CNY and then long weekend, no point for me to enroll him in on 1st and 2nd then long weekend and he have to get use to it again right. so thought of starting in March. was told that March's 2nd week will be a week long school holiday. duh. so i will only start him after the school holiday in March. brought darius to meet the HT girls at AMK kbox yesterday. super funny. the moment we reach, i place darius on the couch and he just sit there. stone and look at avril. the funniest part is when avril tried to go closer to darius he will siam siam siam. look at the pics and u will know what i mean. stayed for abt 1.5hrs then we left. home sweet home. on the way home darius keep climbing around. but 5 mins before reaching home he just lie on me and fall asleep. wadever i do he just refused to wake up. dump him on the bed and he didnt even wake up at all. middle of the night he wake up crying. thought he wanted milk bcos it's 4am+, past his usual milk time at 2-3am. i place him on my lap while making milk. ended up he fell asleep that way and the milk was left wasted. he slept thru the night. sweet. but the sweet part was he fell asleep back while lying on my tigh and we ended up sleeping that way. L shape. hehehehe. he's realli a cutie that i cannt stop missing him! he may be veri naughty but very cute. BTH him. i so wanna kiss him nw!
    darius have been speaking more words now. few weeks ago i mentioned that he know hw to sae car car. but seems like it failed. he never mention that word anymore after a few days. during the latern festival, my dad brought him to see the lights and teaches him to open and close his palms to indicate that it's blinking (the lights). so every now and then when i bring him for a walk in the evening and the lights of the malay's are on, he will open and close his palms excitedly. he also learn the word mei mei (beautiful) thou the pronouncation seems more like sister. i always tease him asking him to say 'mama mei mei' but he always ignore me! few days ago in front of dear, he finally said, mama mei mei. yeah. im mei mei! hehehehe. super happy. on saturday or friday, i cant remember, he suddenly say ball. and on saturday we brought him to united sq bcos i need to get his cereal from vitakids. he's in a super ultra bad mood. throwing things, screaming and beating ppl. irritate me damn lots. refuse to walk on his own as well! on the way home we went by the basket ball court, he just go 'ball ball. ball ball ball.' then walk towards the court. sitted there while he watch those ppl playing ball. and suddenly this cat appear out of nowhere, giving me a scare. anyway, darius came and squat in front of it and pointed it saying, mei mei (sister pronouncation) then i laugh. i told him is mei mei (beautiful) or mei mei (sister)? the cat is mei mei (beautiful) but it is not mei mei (sister) ok? LOL. i think i must have confused him =p i wish darius will remain in this stage forever. so cute and loving. 6 more months or so down the road, maybe dun wan mi liao. BOO. dear have been ultra sweet. i haven had this feeling for a long long long time. years. the feeling of really being in love. the feeling of being love. the thought of him bring smile to my face. the feeling is really too gd to b true. but i know he's being true. okie. im missing him damn lots. the smell of him, the sight of him, the thought of him. pls let 7pm come soon! dear + darius in my life. wad else can i ask for? (: Location:Science Park Rd,,Singapore
     Darius love to go to my fridge and take an apple and start biting on it. best part is, his teeth are not strong enuff. so he always only manage to bite off the skin. so damn cute. I pretended to cry the other day and he actually stop his shouting and screaming and see there looking at me with a frown. cute cute! and when I tried to hug him he push me away >.< why I pretend to cry is cuz I was lying face down and he wanted me to play with him. so he crawl over me and used his fingers to dig into my mouth and nose and tried to turn my face into facing him. don't know should laugh or cry. officially attached to Paul (: he's really a very good guy. I promise I'll cherish him. he was there to walk me thru the raining days. was there whenever I needed someone. we are quite crappy. but I love the times when he try to b sweet to me instead of bullying me. love (: - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone