♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
as darius bcome older, there's alot of tings he will do and catch us by surprise. sometimes it's the way he react that makes us laugh. gonna blog of a few things that he did that im veri surprise and impressed or things that make me laugh like mad. 1) love to play this game of sitting on the edge of the bed and move forward and lean back and land on his back on the bed. He feel very thrill and fun. then bcos he always lie back on veri hard, he will move abit away from his original position. that day he keep doing it and move till directly in front of my drawer and when he lean forward kanna the head. super funni and cute. and he still laugh at himself. 2) he'll go round and round and round on the same spot and like to b giddy and try to walk. if he fall down, he will laugh at himself. 3) love to look into the mirror and do some stupid face. once i push him on the pram and walk to bhg. we walk pass the mirror, where he cannt see himself in the mirror animore, but can see me. but bcos im behind, i can still see him in the mirror. he look into the mirror and stick out his tongue at me. make funny faces back at him and he learn. cutee! 4) brought him to mac and the ah pek there give him one balloon. on the way home he keep hitting the balloon on the ground while walking. suddenly we hear one whistling sound, turn back and saw him stop in his track, his balloon shrinking. his face super funni. at there stare. laugh till squat on the floor. once the balloon shrink finish he faster throw the stick on the floor and run towards us. few steps then turn back look and then decide to pick up the stick again. laugh die. super funni this one. 5) was eating and then darius playing balloon with maid. suddenly he come towards me and then put the ball behind him and say 'ball ball where?' veri li hai! realli impress me. hw come he will know hw to play this kind of hide ball ball wif mi! 6) one day i put him on the pram and didnt put on his safety belt. then suddenly he keep lifting his up duno like looking for what. afterwards realised he looking for the safety belt and wan to buckel them himself! smart lil boy! he manage to onli do it on 1 side, bcos is double side. but veri smart! thats all for nw. if i think of aniting will blog again. LOL. bye~ pls click on my ads and visit me back soon!
as darius bcome older, there's alot of tings he will do and catch us by surprise. sometimes it's the way he react that makes us laugh. gonna blog of a few things that he did that im veri surprise and impressed or things that make me laugh like mad. 1) love to play this game of sitting on the edge of the bed and move forward and lean back and land on his back on the bed. He feel very thrill and fun. then bcos he always lie back on veri hard, he will move abit away from his original position. that day he keep doing it and move till directly in front of my drawer and when he lean forward kanna the head. super funni and cute. and he still laugh at himself. 2) he'll go round and round and round on the same spot and like to b giddy and try to walk. if he fall down, he will laugh at himself. 3) love to look into the mirror and do some stupid face. once i push him on the pram and walk to bhg. we walk pass the mirror, where he cannt see himself in the mirror animore, but can see me. but bcos im behind, i can still see him in the mirror. he look into the mirror and stick out his tongue at me. make funny faces back at him and he learn. cutee! 4) brought him to mac and the ah pek there give him one balloon. on the way home he keep hitting the balloon on the ground while walking. suddenly we hear one whistling sound, turn back and saw him stop in his track, his balloon shrinking. his face super funni. at there stare. laugh till squat on the floor. once the balloon shrink finish he faster throw the stick on the floor and run towards us. few steps then turn back look and then decide to pick up the stick again. laugh die. super funni this one. 5) was eating and then darius playing balloon with maid. suddenly he come towards me and then put the ball behind him and say 'ball ball where?' veri li hai! realli impress me. hw come he will know hw to play this kind of hide ball ball wif mi! 6) one day i put him on the pram and didnt put on his safety belt. then suddenly he keep lifting his up duno like looking for what. afterwards realised he looking for the safety belt and wan to buckel them himself! smart lil boy! he manage to onli do it on 1 side, bcos is double side. but veri smart! thats all for nw. if i think of aniting will blog again. LOL. bye~ pls click on my ads and visit me back soon!
i have entered Darius into the Fresh and Clean Photo Contest!!
Kindly vote for him please!
pls vote for Darius!! your vote is very much appreciated. thank you~ *Not able to vote via Iphone. PC only! :(
                 last sunday went to gogobambini. wanted to bring darius for some fun. it's located at this ulu demesy. lucky for car for that day. had a lot of fun that day lor! althou darius always veri cheeky and naughty. running about everywhere. but then he was quite quiet when we were there. not sure isit bcos got more rowdy and noisy kids there. he always like that when he meet ppl who are friendly towards him. in order to get him to move, we have to move. so i keep moving around the places to play with him, make him chase us. and is realli veri tiring lor. to climb here and there. gogobambini is small but i feel fun. i feel more fun compared to fidgets. not sure isit bcos when i brought darius to fidgets the other time, he's just 1yr old, and doesn know hw to walk yet, so not that fun? shall bring him go there again. bigger space! but then more expensive leh. at $8/entrance.
after almost 45mins of play, decide that should go elsewhere. bcos it's alreadi 530pm and that darius should be hungry. went to the car and let him self fed honey star. drive over to botanic garden, which dear said is just opp. went there and let darius walk on his own. super slow. he keep telling us dog, dog, dog. dear said he very silly. bcos when he see dog, he will turn to us, point and tell us dog dog then turn back wanting to see the dog. but by the time he turn back, the dog alreadi duno go where and he will b scanning around. super cute leh okie?
walk like duno hw long then finally reach the pond to see swan. veri dangerous bcos no barrier. if no me, tink darius alreadi fall into the water liaos. somewhere in between, he refuse to move and stand there and his honey star drop. i was a distance away watching him and when he pick up, i start to say to him no, no no! and then he put it in his mouth and munch away happily. and im alreadi running towards him - short of a few steps! dirty boy.
went back and drove to holland v for dinner. let darius self feed again. stupid me go and order kangkong, forgetting darius cannt eat hot one. end up, he never eat veggie. after dinner home sweet home. fruitful day! more days like this pls :D
i have entered Darius into the Fresh and Clean Photo Contest!! Kindly vote for him please! pls vote for Darius!! your vote is very much appreciated. thank you~
       this is my son, darius. LOL! just in case u all miss him too much. haven been blogging solely on him much. mainly is on the outings, events etc. this post shall b solely on him!
darius is 18 months old nw. 6 more months to his 2nd birthday. time passes by so fast. in a flash, hes a big boy nw. from flipping, crawling, walking & running. nw he can also talk. he's veri talkative, in his own language and loves to copy what we do and say. he love us to encourage him and always repeat his actions. he love to smile and love to pretend to cry as well. he's not as guai as he seems to others. he's veri cheeky. always do cheeky cheeky ting. active and always hurting himself.
lately he have start to learn some veri funni ting. for examples he will do the 'poot' sound then make the chouchou actions. he also know hw to sae chouchou, da bian. and he will grab the front of his diaper when he say dabian. its damn unsightly and cute at the same time. u asked him to kiss mama he will forever shake his head. ask him to kiss dada also shake his head. yesterday i asked him, mama mei mei ma? he shake his head. and whatever qns that i ask next, as long as mama is in it, he will shake his head. LOL. my cheeky boy. he wun tell u pls and will onli ask u to open. he will tell u mei you mei you, no more. u ask him where's mama he will shake head. u ask him where's wai gong, he also shake head, u ask him where is ah yi, he will point to the family potrait. ask him where is dada, he will ask me, dada where.
he always ask me dada leh? dada where? make me super jealous of dear! but i know la, jealous is 1 tink, but when i see them tog, i always feel veri warmmy. and fun always go to dada right. mama is to sayang one. and dear always complain that even thou he like always call out for him, looking for him. but refused to let him pat to sleep. wahhaha. this is someting u dun have, and should b jealous of me =p have already decide to celebrate his 2nd birthday at my place. last yr at this time, im alreadi sourcing around for his cakes, decor, buffet etc. but this yr, im not gonna b so ganchiong alreadi. having 1 experience, i will know hw to handle the next. i will design the invitation cards 2 months before, i will confirm the cake 2 months before. i will confirm the decor 1 month before. everiting will b set! and just look forward to july, when he turn 2!
the more i talk abt him, the more i miss him nw. miss him super many many leh!
             do u see me or me hugging dear? LOL last saturday bought darius to swim. supposed to go in the late morning. but then bcos we woke up late. so end up onli reach there earli noon. also jus nw sis ask contractor to come hse and do some wiring and asked me to bring darius out. reach there around 1210pm and went to change darius while dear went to change. dear bought darius to the wave pool where he keep crying for me. LOL. so proceed to the children pool and i walk to the baby pool to put our staff. jus nw zhu called bcos she supposed to come and collect lens from me. and she asked me not raining meh, why i at pool. turn and saw dear and darius walking towards me, RAINING! sian max. just come in and the entrance cost $5 leh. thought zhu wif jovier so tell her dun come. but then dear wan to wait for the rain and see if it will stop bcos he realli wanted to swim. so at there duno wan to go or dun wan to go. duno wan to call her come and pick the lens or not. end up she sae late liao to pick jovier then i realised jovier not there. if know then jiu ask her come over earlier. bcos got baby then not gd to go under the rain wad. and darius keep fidgeting. point here and there. climb everiwhere. bcos he wan to go into the pool and plae water.
lucky rain stop and then i play with darius in the baby pool while dear went to swim. after like 45mins finally he decide that he swim enuff! my back is alreadi breaking wif all the bending down wif darius bcos i didnt change and i dun have extra clothes so i cant get wet. went seperately to wash up. went to yew tee for our lunch but then no baby chair, so decide to go lot1. and darius fell asleep while on the way when still biting on his biscuit! LOL. super cute. so decide to turn back and put him home. after so mani hrs, should b done right! but then no! not done lor. so put him in pram and into my brother room then we went off for lunch.
went to yew tee and eat our lunch. then home and rest for awhile. wake up around 445pm and get ready to go find aric to touch up dear's tattoo. told him we will b there between 4-5pm. but we onli reach at 7pm. LOL. didnt bring darius a long as hmm. not approriate? done then went to bugis and walk, then to iluma. love & the other drug full house AGAIN. super sian. so jus eat and then went off.
reach home and dear keep searchin for love & the other drug. bcos friday supposed to watch midnight. but never check the seats end up reach there no seats so we watch tourist. i love the twist of the story. then went to bugis also dun have. and then dear saw the cathay have! happy happy go and book online. reach go in and then realised, book wrong show -.- it's bloody violence centurion lor. i think i only watched 1/4 of the show and most of the time i just hear what they are talking. LOL. i cannt stand all this bloody show la. imagine 1 stab then the blood gush out la. or stab ur neck till the head drop off kind. wah lan.
but manage to catch the show on monday. and i think it's kinda meaningful, yet funny at the same time. not as funny as hello stranger la!