♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
      we went for JG trial sometime in feb and during the class they have this outdoor play. so they have playground or their weekly theme play. when we started with the outdoor play, darius saw the little tikes car and was super excited. dear pushed him around for awhile and i decide should let him play some water, which is their theme play for that week. however, i unbuckle him and tried to carry him out but he refused and try to buckle himself back so that he can continue the car ride. super funny! all the while have been thinking whether i should get him a kitchen set or a car. wanted to get both. but my pocket definitely cannot afford to have 2. i wanted to get a kitchen set very badly. bcos like so cute lor! but then i wanted to get him a car too. bcos it's his fav. soooo.. i went around searching for both. looking at both! duh. but the car that i saw are nothing that i like. bcos it's not little tikes ma. onli little tikes have the one that i like. but, singapore have very lil choice of little tikes and they are super expensive. and kitchen set is big, afraid that my sister will scold me for buying such big toy for him! haha! so, after searching everywhere for kitchen sets (which are not pink in color) and also for little tikes car (2nd hand), i finally found the same little tikes car as the one JG is using! and it's cheap! only at $65 lor! faster PM the person and ask to buy it. never even say wan to see condition! lucky the condition okie la. usual wear and tear im okie. not fussy. so went to collect on wednesday around 8pm. went for dinner with dear and then went home. not sure whether darius sleep alreaedi bcos it's 9pm+ alreadi. usually he sleep around that time. but few days before that day, he refused to sleep earli lor! went home and open the room door, not asleep! carry him out to the living room where the car is. but dear is still finding the correct switch for the correct light. so he keep on and off on and off and the light keep flashing. thats when darius catch a glimpse of the car! he damn happy and smile! cannt forget that look. dear say he is immediate change from sleepy face to happy face. wahhaha. it's a veri veri veri precious moment. to see him so happy. but also start of my nightmare la. refused to sleep and keep want to stay in the car. u unbuckle, he buckle. faint. and that night i was veri irritated by him bcos he refused to sleep and keep talking and talking. and insist that the car stay in the room with him. sleep for 1hr, wake up and never sleep till 2hrs later! 2nd night, this also happen. nw is okie liao. and orbi him, when he buckle himself, he kiap his hand! think thats the reason why he never buckle animore. haha! but im happy he's happy. seeing the look on his face. everiting is worth it! :D
        the moment we both wake up, went to take my present for him and give it to him. truffles given 2 days ago bcos totally no time to go and buy it except 2 days earlier + i was fetching him from RT and the item is just right on the sit. so he's gonna see it what, so just give it to him. took leave for valentine's day with dear. spent most of our day at home. in the evenin finally left home, supposed to go for flyers. but something happened and delayed our plans. but then it's already 7pm+ and super hungry. went to raffles city and settle down for Patisserie Chocolaterie cuz it doesn have a Q at all. settled down and place our order. cannot remb what we ordered. dear had ice chocolate mocha and i had some berry tea, which taste super nice and smell wonderful. but slightly bitter. i had many packs of sugar. had crab pasta and some bake rice. food wise okok. but their speciality is their dessert, however due to valentine's day, the dessert is more or less already sold out! anyway, i think we are too full to try their dessert too. they closes kinda early. around 9pm already asked us for last order. after paying we left and walk from raffles city to MBS. the walk there was wonderful. nice light and then to help in digestion as well. chit chat. once we reach MBS, start to feel tired and feet feels like it's breaking. walk the whole MBS shopping centre and feeling super thirsty but there's not a single place for us to just get a simple drink. finally finally we walk finish and decide it's time to go home bcos it's alreadi like 11pm? and the way out is walk to MRT station, super far la. leg wanna break liao. tell dear we cab i pay. walk all the way to that MBS taxi stand and suppppppeeerrrrr long Q. curse and swear. walk to bus stop and took don't know what no. alight at suntec hoping that can find some drink, walk abit and give up, decide to go taxi stand and see if there's a long Q. surprisingly, it's empty! we are 4th in Q. waited and waited. finally cab came. uncle also veri hardworking. chiong bt timah all the way. and tired me jus wanna dooze off but the uncle chiong and bt timah is doing the downtown mrt construction so road super bumpy and curvy. so my head just keep popping up and down till dulan. ended up try to open my eyes wide and not sleep. zzzz. reach home wait to bath and faster chiong to sleep! to me, valentine's day is just another day where those flowers is sold at a super super duper high price. and a lot of commerical stuff for those businessman to earn money. to me, valentine's day or not, as long as dear is with me and we are both happy. to me, even if it's black friday(choy) everyday, but having my dear by my side with me is considered valentine's day :D love u dear!
   this is my dear, paul teo. always wanna qi si wo de beloved dear. the act cute de dear. the one who love me very much de dear. pics steal from his fb. LOL he's impatient and love to niam. always niam niam non stop. and of cuz after being wif him for a period of time, i also kanna the virus of being niam. he can make me laugh like mad wif his veri funny and cute actions. but to him im laughing at his stupidity. being wif him have make me a very happy person. of cuz we started out tough. now is veri much better. but still always qi si. duno why we always in the wrong frequency. and duno why he always dun understand but still hmm me! as if he realli understand. then i will keep repeating repeating and repeating. he just hmm hmm hmm. but actualli duno aniting! finally decide to stop wasting my saliva and breathe, 15-20mins later he will suddenly realised what im talking abt, and USE THE EXACT SAME WORDS, DESCRIPTION THAT I USED JUST NW! hw to not qi si huh!! example, one day we wanted to go bbatok eat and i tell him 'u know after we exit the expressway there along bbatok road, usually we will go straight after turning out? this time turn right. after u exit the expressway just in front got 1 petrol station one, then u see the petrol station turn right is the place liao. if we go home is go straight. that will bring us to bgombak then go brickland go home.' all the while, the ans is hmm hmm. but the look on his face tell me is duno. so i tell him, 'nevermind la. u jus go. later i guide u.' end up go from a direction i not veri familiar so we lost our way and finally he said, 'orh! the one at the petrol station there turn one isit. after we come out from the expressway one?' TELL ME HOW TO NOT QI SI? but of cuz of all the above. he also endured all my nonesense and tried his very best to understand me, giving in to me and loving me all that he can. i can b unreasonable sometimes(or many times). make ugly faces at him. do disgusting ting, bully him. but he still love me all the same! loving not only my gd points but also my flaws. this post is dedicted to my beloved dear. who never fail to qi si wo and make me laugh at the same time. duno wan to laugh or wan to cry. the one who always is there for me. thou we have veri big differences and cannot accept what each other wants sometime, both always trying veri hard to do it. valentines' day is over. but i wanna tell u, i love u. and and, if u realli wanna gimmie a present, pls go and tie urself up using ribbon and give urself to me. oops. i forgot u alreadi given urself to me =p
         he so cheeky! know hw to play with the tongue  the moment he saw himself, is to try to kiss himself. zi lian  qi- MC for winnie's & jonathan's solmensation   13 february 2011
13feb is my birthday and also my dearest winnie's solmensation! she invited us to seletar country club to witness her solmensation. finally, after yrs and going thru all the ups and downs with jonathan, they finally married on this special day. in the following yrs to go, whenever they celebrate their anniversary, they will remb it's my birthday. LOL. just kidding nah. woke up in the morning and prepared to go for the solmensation. left around 10am to seletar! super ulu place. veri veri inside. and bcos my gps is not updated, we ended up on a dead end. food was normal, service normal. place not too bad. started off with the march in. winnie alreadi look like she's gonna cry the moment she stepped in. then with the i do and before ring exchange, their vows. cant realli hear bcos they speak quite softly. qi said that jonathan is veri kanchiong and was shaking when putting the rings on. and yes, they cried. i never feel aniting bcos.. i seriously cannt hear and cant realli see much bcos of my sitting position. and also gotta keep an eye on darius who is on my left while the stage is on my right. but i know they all cried. and alot of ppl do cried. bcos finally! winnie is marrying the love of her life after going thru so much. and darius clap whenever ppl clap. so funni. after solmensation, buffet lunch started. and darius refused to sit in his baby chair animore. keep walking here and there disturb ppl and making us so busy looking after him. thereafter is their tea ceremony and we left after that. went to changi airport and darius fell asleep while on the way. wake up while we are leaving airport. super naughty him make me super angry that day. the terrible 2 is showing more and more and is driving me crazy. espeically in a confine area like car. realli make me feel like screaming! next went to tampiness courts to look for oven bcos dear wanted to get me an oven for my birthday. nothing i like, so next to best denki at ngee ann. finally saw 1, but no stock. so decide to give up and went to bugis for dinner. dear brought me to ma-masion for our dinner. we are 3rd in q. but waited kinda long. staff very friendly and nice. service wise not too bad. food okie, but quite small portion. BUT when u have so many drinks and got desert, is still very filling lor. their desert is nice! but, super nto to my liking bcos it's chocolate. sweet stuff gives me sore throat. after dinner went to bhg and look for oven again. and again, the one that i aim tio no stock. 2 somemore! so LL just decide to go back. went to change darius's diaper first then home sweet home. as darius onli nap for 1hr in the noon, thought he will b super tired and knock out in the car. but he didnt. instead climb here and there. and poo-ed. and nevermind. still try to go dig his butt! realli qi si wo till i scold and beat his hand. after him throwing tantrum and crying, he fall asleep after i try to pacify him. with his dirty and smelly butt. dear wind down the window abit all the way home lor. LOL. reach home pass to maid, tell her that he poo-ed. she go make many balls of wet tissues and proceed to clean his butt. and he still sleep till veri shuang. never move at all. then my dad came back and disturb him. take his hand bua his face, keep sae wai gong come back alreadi. jie en wake up. wai gong play with you. then his head was leaning against 1 side, so he keep pushing to another side and then it will drop back to the same side. and he keep repeating it. super funni. and best ting of all is, darius snore while my father play with him! laugh die. super tired him.
darius's 18-19 months' progress: - new words: yati (maid), aunty, fish, bus, jiu jiu (my brother), sit sit, tang tang, pain pain, cup, hello, bye bye
- know where is head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hand, leg and butt
- will put the phone to his ears and say hello when phone rings
- can keep the toy himself after play
- knows hw to open and close screw cap container
- can take off the shoes on his own
thats all for nw. update again, bye~
lil bag for him  cutie pie  fake cry  cut his mouth just few days before cny, and mini eyes with flash
last week was a super short week. eve of cny on wed and then long weekend. nua till cannt nua. just wanna nua all the way. but back to work on mondae. during this few days at home, darius have been veri close to me and dear. so nw he's always sticking to us when we are around. super love it. especially when he will come and stand in front of us, then open his arms and say baobao. he have progress alot, learn a lot of new words, said alot of new words just within this week. now he have a handful of words that he can say and express himself. of cuz still with some baby language that never fail to make us laugh like mad. now he can call my brother jiujiu (uncle), byebye, hello, yati (my maid), can point to eyes, nose, mouth, ear, head, hands, legs and backside when asked, but some confusion when comes to eyes and mouth. will tell us chouchou when he poo-ed. the day before me and dear went home and once we open the room door he stood up and greated us with both his hand up and say hello! it's super cute and all of us laugh. and it's the first time he said hello too. and he love to play with the word mummy. he will go mummy, mami, mummy, mami with all the different pitch. cutie pie. wish i dun need to work and can just play with him whole day. he's so sweet now. loves to climb onto my back and make me piggy back him, loves to come and ask for baobao from me and dear. loves to lie on us, tummy, leg. want to sit together with us. sweeeettt. missing him liaos. wish time can faster past and i will b home to see my dearest soon! this month is a short month with onli 28 days, and not forgetting with cny, it's even faster. im turning 1yr older in like days, boohooo. old liao. and on my birthday, it's also winnie's and jon's big day :D still complaining why they choose my birthday huh. LOL. and the next day will be valentine's day. and i super hate it. bcos the day before is my birthday! so make me feel like giving myself excuses not to do aniting for valentine's day. no idea what i should do for valentines. shall go faster think of some idea before time run out. bcos today is alreadi wed! after this month will be march and after march is april! and april i will b going to taiwan with dear, jen & harrison! it's gonna b a fun trip! confirm + chop. bcos it's a dream trip! wanting to go back to taiwan ever since i tour lead like yrs ago. so from yrs ago ive been hoping and planning to go taiwan but never did. till nw! im excited excited excited! like another 1.5months plus a bit more to go? and i pray everiting will go smoothly. and yes, bringing darius! so cross finger that he will guai guai on the plane. else i think ppl sure gif dirty look when he get cranky and whiny bcos it's gonna b a super earli flight and a super late flight back. and after the taiwan trip, it will b dear's old old birthday. LOL. so feb will b a veri chor month for him with winnie's & jon's solmensation + my birthday + vday while april will be a veri chor month for me with taiwan trip + dear's birthday. so sama sama la ok? dun complain too much. u can niao on hmmmmmmm. vday lor =p last month, taiwan trip have been confirm, air tickets book, hotel confirmed and reserved and itinerary drawn up plus also have decide and plan on dear's birthday, where to go. and nw im gonna start planning on darius birthday. yes, i know i super fast. but what to do. i veri kanchiong and i dun like hiccups. so faster plan and can plan the budget also! since im not rich. i need to know hw much i need so i can save in advance ma, right? and im alreadi looking at cakes........ hehehehehe..
presenting to all of you, my lil ah beng with the gold necklace! and he super love money. $$ face and love to act cool
 know hw to enjoy himself
and always so happy and always so cheeky! love him! chinese new yr this yr was great. spent lots of quality time with darius. nw darius kinda sticky to me and im back to work. sad. i did a lot during this cny. 1) i tried out making pineapple tarts with qi 2) i visited dear's parents, FINALLY. after sitting at the void deck for duno hw long 3) i bought dear home to bainian and relatives + grandma around 4) bought dear with us to the 'family movie outing' to watch great great world and darius have also been progressing alot! 1-2 months ago i started to teach him do gong xi gong xi and he mastered it. but then worried that so far to cny, he maybe will forget liaos. but aniwae, no need gong xi gong xi angbao also come. LOL. cny 1st day went to pray my mum. bought darius along with no extra clothing or pampers. just an hr trip ma. who knows, when we reaching he tell me chouchou (smelly) and he pooed. try to dong. but then diaper never wear properly, leaked. stained his pants. after a long time finally decide to wash him and throw away his diaper and just wear the pants. wash and dry with dryper let him wear back the pants. while waiting for sis and bro to b done, he pee-ed on his pants. nw, he have to air his butt till we reach home. on the way home he fell asleep. well done! and i gotta carry him with empty butt butt. cny 2nd day, nua at home and dear came over. cny 3rd day went to dear's fren's hse and bainian. 3 places. kill me. but was fun. cny 4th day, brought darius to JG at evans for trial. was alright, but not sure should we put him in. thinking thinking. i will try to update soon!