super long since I last blog. have started my new job at tampines and it's wearing me out. the job is okie. more on the journey I guess. I leave house at the same timing as I used to. but instead of alighting with dear at bouna vista I'm gonna take all the way to tampines. it would b good if I could nap awhile. but usually no feel to nap. I'll reach home only around 8pm everyday. sitting on the train from tampines to jurong before switching train to yew tee. butt also pain liaos.
the lady I'm supposed to take over have not left. she should b staying for another 2 months or so. she got a scholarship and am going to Australia to study. I do not have a pc there and we share one lappy, which majority of the time she's using it cuz she's still working. and me, will b there doing some basic admin works or nothing till she's available to teach me more. sigh.
today is the 21st. I still have 13 more days to my Taiwan trip! earthquake in Taiwan yesterday. hope that everything will cleared up by the time we leave for Taiwan. then we will have an enjoyable trip without needing to worry about anything, nor let our family members worry about us.
brief summary of the happenings.
1. applied our first bto at bt panjang. waiting for the result and crossing our fingers. don't wanna move too far. don't wanna it b at an inconvenient location. this bt panjang bto is gd! located just next to the lrt station. result will b out soon!
2. went to velle's 2nd birthday party at saf seaview resort. was very late due to some incident which made me upset. only manage to reach jus in time for cake cutting. left soon after cuz need to go settle the stuff. once done had dinner and went home.
3. had an awesome night with the ladies on last Friday. was supposed to b just a chilling night with dear. then jio jio jio. also as a celebration for sophia's birthday. went to club 62 at kampong bahru. swop to grand Hollywood after 1 tower. I still prefer nana. gonna b missed! hoke after 2 tower at Hollywood. hope all enjoyed!
4. brought Darius to fidgets yesterday! compare to the one at dempsy, this is more fun. but the play is like 2 only. ball pool also not much. pros and cons! he super love the long slide! when he slide down he's laughing so happily lor! smiles where money can't buy.
thats all for now! update again!
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i know ive been very lacking of updates. just cant find the motivation to blog anymore. especially when i no longer uses my laptop at home, much. usually i will only blog at work.
monday will be my last day at work with current co. reason being, they only able to extend my contract till duno when. cannot listen to empty promise already bcos i still got one darius to yang. so decide to look for a job in jan after they extend my contract. wanted to look when im back from tw, or just before going to tw as afraid that leave cant b approved. end feb was looking for job and slyvia recommended me an adminstrative position. called up and went down for interview. super nice boss. can crap with u one.
but location is far, at tampines. however working hrs is between 9.30-10am to 6.30-7pm. so i feel is okie thou the location is far as i do not need to wake up so much earlier. just that i will b home rather late. maybe can catch darius abt 1hr before he sleep onli. but comparing, it's of a better prospect as well. so i shall stay on and do a gd job.
i will b starting my new job immediately on tuesday. and i will be leaving for tw on the 3rd! 2 weeks 2 weeks. my new boss doesn mind me going for a week holiday. afterall is no pay ma. haha! im a happy girl (:
please help to vite for darius in the hugs and kisses contest. click on pic above! thank you very much!

the jiejie actualli is standing one, just when i take the pix she squat down

ppl squat i also squat
im not gonna post darius's monthly progress anymore bcos i cant catch up alreadi. thats the reason why my past few months of his monthly progress is getting shorter and shorter. LOL. i haven been teaching him ABC, 123. okie, maybe im a lazy mum to many of you. but i do teach him other stuff okie! i will bring him for a stroll everyday around 8pm while my maid is bathing and eating her dinner. i will bring darius go down for a walk or buy some stuff. and on the way will teach him stuff, like tree, van, car, bus, train, aunty, uncle, ball etc etc. and im proud that finally he know what is van and what is car. he even know what is taxi. LOL. i think my maid or father teach him. but he doesn know how to say taxi, only know van and car.
he started calling me soon after he turn 1yr. and then know hw to call dear, dada. and lately become mummy, daddy. and he know how to call my brother 舅舅, know how to call my father 外公 and every morning my dad will take his bag and go to darius and say, 外公拿 bag bag 去做工。 and nw he will also copy cat, take bag and say 做工. his fav phrase is 外公做工. my maid la. always sae that to him. hahaha. super cute!
but all the while he never call my sister ah yi. even if we everyday repeat in front of him, he just never say. teach him short cut, yiyi, also cannot. and yesterday also never call! but this morning when my sister walk pass the room, he say out, ah yi~ so cute so cute! love die him!