Web Mistress

Lynn ♥ Mrs Teo
13th FEB 1988
Blissfully married
♥ mylil'family ♥ Darius ♥ Paul ♥

Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural
Birthday: 11 July 2009
Gestation: 37weeks 1day
Weight at Birth: 3.438kg
Length: 50cm
Head Circumference: 36cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital
♥ Darius's growth thru the years

Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural
Birthday: 23 March 2013
Gestation: 40 Weeks
Weight at Birth: 3.84kg
Length: 51cm
Head Circumference: 35cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital
♥ Kerine's growth
♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story
The proposal..... When ppl came to know that I'm getting married, their response would be how he proposed. Sadly he didn't, previously. We just talk about it and decide that we should get married and our plannings etc. But I demanded that he proposed to me even thou we had plans and agreed. Cuz every woman deserve a proposal, even if it's a shot gun ok!(but there's no shot gun here la) Anyway previously I was quite upset that after so long after we talk about our marriage, he still haven propose. But I also know my dearest is always slowly doing his thing. So I try to tell myself to give him time. But having ppl asking me on the proposal everytime and I've to answer 'dont have' made me ever more upset. I told him I don't wan a proposal ring(dont tell me I'm stupid to not wan to have one) cuz the only ring I'll wear for life will b the wedding band, which we will vow for our love for each other on. And I don't wan the ring to b wasted and kept in the drawer some where cuz I'm not wearing. Damn wasteful ok. But he feel, he should get me something to propose. Else propose with empty hand like ZZz. Okie. We have diff mentally on this issue. Cuz I feel as long as u have the heart to propose. Even if u propose empty handed I'll still say yes. So on the day I went jb, he told me that he's gonna go meet his friends for kopi and he'll return after that as his friend am catching Harry potter. Mp problem with me as I'm out enjoying so he should too. But got upset cuz he ended up watching movie with his friend and not telling me till I asked. He can go out. But courtesy to at least inform me? So that I won't go home find him missing and worry. Anyway I went home brought darius out and when I came home he's home already. Keep trying to pacify me then say got surprise. Anyway u already guess dao Liao. So he proposed, ask me cover my eyes Cannot peak & put on the necklace for me (; No fancy proposal. No big surprise. But it's the thoughts that counts! Love (:  - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
yesterday i did blog a post but it went missing. stupid iphone blogpress always like that. must post & go view then it will be ok. if you dont view, 90% of the time it will not be up. don't know why la! frustrating. last saturday had our ladies outing to JB! met winnie & joanne at kranji to bus in to JB. winnie & joanne wanted to go for fortune telling while i wanted to calculate the new name for darius. appt made at 245 but at 220pm we are still at kranji bcos all the buses are full. finally reach at around 240pm. name calculating was fast. can see that they are rather familiar with it. no need to think of name of the same prouncation. they can write it out & the no. of stroke it have just like that. experience is all i can say. winnie & joanne need to wait for their turn as there's a client before them. we went in tog to see the master for their fortune telling. mainly is something that ive heard during poker card reading. fortune telling is like that. if they tell u what u should avoid, do more do less, b more careful on when and what, just do it. the rest, jus general advice. the reading for the both of them took more then an hr. plus the 2 of them didnt have lunch. by the time we are all done, it's already going to 5pm. went to city sq's season and have our lunch/dinner. chit chat & then walk around for awhile before leaving as joanne need to be back by 730pm. nevertheless, we are still late. LOL. a great trip! no pix for this post. pls help me to click on the ads. thank you! next up... the proposal ^^
trying to be actively blogging again but seems rather hard.. thou i travel around 3hrs everyday, but my time is mainly spend on games & show. LOL. i think i should really buck up! 1 sunday before the previous sunday, we went to qian hu fish farm! been researching on places to interact and know about animals & i saw there's a goat form that isn't too far away from us. but base on the last experience in zoo, i definitely cannot stand the smell. so i guess will sheleve that away for now till he's bigger then will bring him to such farm. so our next alternative is to go to the fish farm! mainly because there's longkang fishing. went in the late noon after darius had his nap. short drive, about 15mins away. walk around the gallery & show him the different kind of fishes, different colors, shapes, size etc. he jus parrot after us. to their breeding around & then to the longkang fishing. think he would be interested but end up he ran away to play with the kiddies ride and dear was happily playing instead. LOL. after time's up, put back the fish into the pond and off we went. around 6pm and not sure whether farmart is still open. drove down and it's closed. but we still manage to see some animals. parrots, cats, dogs. thereafter home sweet home (: please help to click on the ads. will try to update every 2-3 days. do check back!
took leave from 11 july to 13 july to accompany darius & also to bring him for his last pneumococcal jab. appt made with NUH ont he 13 july at 12.15pm. set off at 11am as with darius, it will always slow down everything. just walk abt 7mins and he wanted me to carry him. luckily i brought along the sarong sling with me. sling him all the way to mrt & also on the train to dover mrt for the shuttle bus. bought him sweets at dover as i promise to give it to him as long as he guai guai on the train,. went to the bus waiting area & just nice the bus came. too many bags to take & gotta sling him. bus came soon. reach NUH and the doctor was available. our turn came & brought him in. easily bribe by the doctor and everything went well. concerns answered and shall observed him and decide whether to bring him for further checks. intern doctor played with him to check on his development and said that everything is good & he's speaking a lot and well toilet trained, which is very early as usually it starts at 3yrs old. went in for the jab and he had a bad cry. cry all the way >.< nothing can pacify him, not even sweets and toy. cab down to turf city as i want to bring him to fidgets and play. reached and he still cry on and off. had chicken rice for late lunch, his fav. as usual, he took a long time to finish that small portion. walk over to the lift up to fidgets, sign up as member and went in. at first thought he will be like before, only know how to go to the ballpool, which is seriously waste of money. wanted him to learn to be more 'brave' and climb up and play etc. ended up, he roam around on his own, climb here and there playing with other kids. and me, don't have so much energy so went to the cafe area & ordered drinks and fries for him. went to look for him and saw him already up at another level. proud of him! a great improvement for him. but he refuse to leave the play area >.< wait for him to leave till i ownself also very tired. finally coax him out and left nearly 2hrs later. took the shuttle bus back. while walking to the shuttle bus waiting area, he already fell asleep. sarong him and took bus to clementi, walk from interchange to clementi & then train to yew tee. when we reach yew tee he was awake & alert. walk a bit at yew tee & home sweet home. tiring day but fruitful trip!
we went to the zoo on darius's actual birthday. stay up the night before to plan an itinerary for the zoo trip. been years since both dear and i went to the zoo! morning woke up at around 8am. bath & then set off to kfc to buy breakfast for us. at kfc and remembered that ive not done the red eggs for him. went home and start to boil 2 eggs. dearest baobei haven wake up yet. decide to disturb him and went to sayang him & said, baobei, let's go gai gai. magic word - gai gai. he woke up immediately. after lazing around on the bed for awhile he woke up & had the AM porridge from KFC, bath while we had breakfast and did some last minute packing. supposed to start the trip at 8.45am so that we will be able to reach the zoo by 9.15am to catch the elephant bath. but bcos the prince slept in late hence we only reach at 9.30am. took cab down as it was pretty near. cab fare $7+. can only say, most of the zoo are different kind of monkeys-breed. see them see till sian >.< went to watch the splash show follow by the elephant show. after the elephant show they allow you to feed the elephants. so i asked darius if he wan to feed the elephants as he keep saying baobao during the show. wanna hug the elephants. he said yes & so we bought a basket. end up he's afraid of the elephant and just dump the fruits before the elephant could get and i ended up being the one feeding them. follow thru the trail and took the boat ride to rainforest kidsworld. had our lunch follow by darius playing in the water playground. he have lotsa fun with the kids around. struggling to pull him off the water, changed and got into the horse carriage ride. back to kidsworld nursing room, darius had his milk and napped. we napped too. LOL. 1.5hrs in the nursing room, leg and arms numb. wash up after he woke up & continue walking from rainforest back to the entrance. by then it's already 5.50pm. thought that we won't be able to complete the whole zoo in a day but we did it! of cuz we miss a few attractions here & there. a bit disappointed bcos there's nothing much to see & that a lot of changes, like not as many pigeons as before etc. hope that after the reno is done in yr 2012, it will be much better. think i wont be going back again till next yr!
Balloons    'cheese' pose  Happy lil' family (:   Together with the maid  Group photos (:  Manny with Darius. So sweet!  Birthday wishes ^^  - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Last Saturday we celebrated Darius 2nd birthday at home. Dad have to work and Sis got a gathering so she can't join while grandma is paiseh to join us without dad or sis. Supposed to be a steamboat but after confirming the attendance 3 days before realize some are leaving early while some are not coming. So decide to get my maid to cook instead. Pay was delayed. So no money can't do anything. Cake was ordered 2 weeks ago. Left with food and balloons. Went to ntuc on friday night to get the food while ordered and paid for the balloons on Friday as well. Saturday woke up and went to Mac for our breakfast cum lunch. Home and nap awhile. Nua. Went to ntuc for last minute buy, collected cake and went home. Initially thought of buying a 1-1.5kg cake. But couldn't find any design that we like. Came across a design that's in alphabet, example D and it's a train track. Love it and went to the cake shop and ask. Min 2nd and they will cut out the D. Find it super wasteful. So took no. 2 instead. Headed home. Iron Darius's new shirt and found a hole due to the thread that came off. Upset cuz I waited for few days before getting the shirt. And definitely can't return as I've lost the receipt and didn't saw it on the spot. Not sure if it's the cause of after washing or wad. Sigh. Weilun reach first follow by alex & huimei and slowly everyday reached. MJ and jess did a last min decision to come too. After food is the cake cutting as Weilun, huimei & alex, qi & Jimmy gotta leave early. Winnie, Joanne, MJ and Jess left the last. A small and cosy celebration (: Thanks all for coming and the angbao! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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