Darius had his Christmas party in school in the 23rd. Both dear & I took leave to join in the fun.
They had this best dress award & also asked the kids to be dressed in either Santa, reindeer or elf! Santa too common. Darius hate things on the head so reindeer is out & elf is so not common!
However looking for a costume is hard. He is at a very young age & not many place have his size. Called a few & found no. 1 costume costume!
Hubby went to look & confirm the costume like days before.
Here is a pix of my lil elf. The hat is tight fit -.-

Still got green shoes to go with the costume. My sister say look like Indian and... I forgot what. Lol

In the school having their party!

And lastly their gift exchange. It's $10 budget per gift!
Darius receiving the gift frm the teacher cuz that friend didn't came.

Darius giving his gift to his lil friend. She got the best dress award.

Darius & his gift. Red one from the teachers (:

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Back to work after a long long long weekend. Feeling super sleepy now. Can I don't go back to work forever?
Update on a long overdue post for Darius excursion.
Both hubby & I took leave to accompany Darius for his excursion. The other time both of us didn't make it & the maid went with him instead.

It's a long journey to the kids kampong at pasir ris! Once we arrive we are being direct to the 'show' area to wait for the students from other branches.

They introduce all the different animals & they get to touch them as well! First up is the gerbil.

Followed by the hamster

The cute bunny

And lastly the mouse! Darius love holding it. Lol

Next up is the catching of long kang fish. Hubby manage to catch quite a bit but we release it back afterwards.

An lastly will be the feeding animals time!

That's all! Update again soon (:
Have really been slacking & playing my game thru out the whole journey to work and from work. So much that I haven been blogging for a long long time!
Recent activities is that I've move into my in-law's place. They ain't hard to live with. They are nice ppl. But just the house sounds 'hollow' and every single nose can b heard thru the whole house.
Other then that, one good thing is we all sleep in early! Cuz there's no table so we don't usually use laptop and watch YouTube anymore. Grrrzz. Been so long since hubby & I watch ghost hunter. Lol.
When I just move in my MIL kept telling me the toilet is slippery. And yesterday I really fell. Happened in a spilt second. Just merely step 1 foot in and I fell. Buttok not pain. Arms and legs pain. Sigh~
Update on Darius's school excursion next week. Some pix of my cutie boy! Planning for his 3rd birthday already. Who ask me orbi quak go book out AD just day before his birthday.
And we are going to b very busy with the bridal photo taking and preparation with the customers etc.
2011 is gonna end in another week! Looking forward to a much better year!

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realised I haven't been blogging for a long time! Time flies and I'm getting so busy with work with family with everything!
Just to share one pix that i really like that was taken during the Solemnisation - Darius with my dad.

Darius have also officially transferred from 3 times weekly to daily school. Hopefully it'll make him happier and not so lonely copping up at home.
He can now count from 1 to 10, 一到十, A to Z and January to December! So proud of my boy (: