one weekend i brought darius to the sci centre because we have no where else to go
singapore so boring.
the moment we reach, he just run and run like nobody business

he's very interested in this because he can pick the marble and place it there
let it roll down
he did this for a good 10 mins until the older kids come snatching to play

we walk and came to an outdoor area and decide it's time for tea break
had gotten the maid to cook some hot dog for him
i told him to wait for me there while i get drinks
he drop his snack box and then came crying looking for me. HAIYO

i asked him to take pix with me and he gimmi this face

after nuaing at the area, we saw that one area is being cornered off
must be some show going on liao! fast chiong there and camp.
it's actually a fire tornodo show
waiting very patiently for it to start while all the kids and adults start to go in front of darius

started small and then becoming full blown!

he got so fantasied & engrossed by it!

after the show ended i brought him to the water world
it will be our last stop of the day
initially he very skeptical
keep asking me to go with him >.<

but ended with, not willing to go home

after cleaning up, we went to mcdonalds and had snacks again before heading home
this lil boy trying to be cheeky

and lastly a pix with the dinosaur before leaving! :D