2nd bundle of joy
Check up & scan
6 August 2012
Estimate 6 weeks day 7
Length at 0.83mm
28 August 2012
Estimate 10 weeks day 1
Total Weight gain till date: -0.6kg
13 August 2012 (Oscar scan)
Estimate 12 weeks day 6
Length at 63.3mm
Total Weight gain till date: -.05kg
25 September 2012
Baby at estimate 14 weeks day 4
Baby length: 8.1cm
Total weight gain till date: -1.2kg
30 October 2012
Baby at estimate 19 weeks day 4
Tummy Circumference: 14.1cm
Head circumference: 16.7cm
Total weight gain till date: 1.3kg
27 November 2012
Baby at estimate 23weeks, day 5
Estimate baby weight: 500grams
Total weight gain till dated: 2.5kg
26 December 2012
Baby at estimate 27 weeks, day 5
Estimate baby weight: 1.1kg
Total weight gain till date: 4.5kg
23 January 2013
Baby at estimate 31 weeks, day 5
Estimate baby weight: 1.7kg
Total weight gained till date: 7.3kg
13 February 2013
Baby at estimate 34 weeks day 5
Estimate baby weight: 2.45kg
Total weight gain till date: 8kg
27 February 2013
Baby at estimate 36 weeks day 5
estimate weight of baby: 2.9kg
total weight gain till date: 10.6kg
Went for my Oscar scan yesterday.
Baby is now 63.3mm and edd push forward by 3 days and now it's 23 march 2013!
The last visit to prof han on 28 August, we didn't manage to have any pix of baby cuz the position is not good and can't see v well. So briefly checkin the heartbeat and then off the screen.
Shall do up the check up and scan page for baby now (:

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Everytime when we go out as a family with the maid in tow, the maid will always rush to be right beside Darius even when walking. Me and hubby will always stroll behind them and watching Darius walking and all his funny actions.
Sometimes I see other people looking at Darius & the maid then to me & hubby. It never fail to make me feel guilty. Like I am pushing my responsibility away, like I didn't care.
Darius is always my baby. Cuddle him in my arms. Everything had changed. I no longer work near home. I no longer finish work early. I can't spend as much time with him. I no longer cook for him. I no longer care about what he eats.
I want everything to be the same as before... I just want to be the one who put him to bed every night. Sleep next to him and answer to all his request in the middle of the night. I want to cook for him. Plan his meals. I want him to never grow up and stay with me forever. I want to spend all my time with him. Watch him grow up every seconds.
I'm not good enough...
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