
Web Mistress

Lynn ♥ Mrs Teo
13th FEB 1988
Blissfully married
♥ mylil'family ♥ Darius ♥ Paul ♥



Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural

Birthday: 11 July 2009
Gestation: 37weeks 1day
Weight at Birth: 3.438kg
Length: 50cm
Head Circumference: 36cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital

♥ Darius's growth thru the years


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Natural Vagina Birth with Epidural

Birthday: 23 March 2013
Gestation: 40 Weeks
Weight at Birth: 3.84kg
Length: 51cm
Head Circumference: 35cm
KKH Women's & Children Hospital

♥ Kerine's growth

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♥ 2nd Pregnancy
Scans & Check up
Tummy growth thru the pregnancy!
Birth Story

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Meimei have arrived on 23 March 2013 (Finally!) at 9.30pm+

Birth Story

Woke up with cramps at 4am. Sat in the living room & went back to sleep at 5am. Didn't think much about it as have been having very little sleep and cramps on and off for the past weeks.

23rd March 2013 is her due date. Last visit with Prof Tee was told that if she's not delivered by 23rd, then I will have to admit on the 24th to induce.

Woke up at 8am in the morning and realised I have contractions. Just to be sure that it was braxton hicks and also not to give hubby fasle alarm again, I decide to monitor on my own. Monitored till about 9am+ and decide to ask hubby up to go for breakfast. After breakfast, continued to monitor for another 45mins and decide that it's time to go hospital. Contractions have been regular, a minute every 5-7 minutes interval.

Had my last bathe & off we went to the hospital. Lost our way to hospital. Hubby must be very kanchiong cuz he said he suddenly forget the way >.< Finally reached and went to MacDonalds to have my last McFlurry and at the same time hubby is a bit hungry. Shared a meal and went to delivery suite.

Strap onto CTG for observation. That day must be super busy day. Because 45mins-1hr observation became 2hrs. Finally after 2hrs, the dr came to check and said I am already 3cm dilate. However my contractions is only every 5 mins and still quite far apart, they may want to burst my water bag and put me on drip to induce.

Checked into Delivery Suite 17 at approx 4.15pm. Prof Tee was informed of my checked-in to the delivery suite and was told to start drip to fasten the contractions and then to burst water bag at 6pm.
4.40pm, dripped was on. Every 30-45mins the nurse would come in to increase the dosage. Initially I kept telling myself, the contractions will come only every few minute and will last only a minute each, soon it will be over.
However when the contractions starts to come every 1-2 minutes I loose it. Laughing guess doesn't help. It made me felt even more useless and helpless when the contractions came. Hubby have been very encouraging, but I just felt worst with the contractions so close. The contractions is barely over & yet the next contraction is here.

Finally asked for epidural at 6.30pm after VE. VE done and was told it's 5cm, water bag also burst on it's on just before the Dr came to do VE. Dr came to give me the epidural. But it took forever. Drip was off so that I wouldn't experience that much of a contraction while they gave me epidural. But who knows, I was actually contracting every 1-2 minutes on my own. Epidural took forever because according to the Dr, my spine isn't straight and it's hard to find the space in my spine.

Epidural done at 7.20pm and finaly relief came. I am glad that I had requested for that because in a blink of eyes, I am having contraction on my own at every 30secs to 1 min. I couldn't feel anything at all, but I can still wriggle my toes.

8.20pm, starting to feel the pressure and informed the nurse. VE done and was told already 9cm dilate. Prof Tee informed and they start to get ready. 9am, started to do some pushing exercise with the nurse while waiting for Prof Tee. Hubby said can see meimei's head already and the 1st qns I asked is, got hair? LOL.

Prof Tee came at about 9.25pm and immediately start to cut and push. by 3rd push meimei is out! Cannot see her because my view is blocked by my own leg but heard Prof Tee said that she's a big baby and approx 3.5kg-3.6kg.

Look at that tigh! I wonder how I kept her inside me for 40 weeks. No wonder I have so much issue with this pregnancy. They kept on trying to suck out mucus from her mouth and nose and did not have time to weigh her at all. Even used this oxygen mask thingy on her. Start to be concern and asked. The nurse said that baby seems to have difficulty breathing and they had called the baby Dr in.

Finally the Dr came and checked. Said they would be transferring her to Special Care just in case. It may be just a delay in transition from the womb to the outside world.

And finally, they weigh her. She is 3.84kg. Even until now, there are still people asking me if I did Csec. I myself couldn't believe that I delivered her thru normal vaginal birth, non-assisted. Both hubby and I wonder why she's so big size when both of us are small size. LOL. Lucky I manage to squeeze her out. Else imagine what would have been if I couldn't do it.

Meimei was being transferred to the Special Care while I stay in the delivery suite for another 2.5hrs due to my uterus not contracting well. What a long long day. Only reach my ward at 1am. Asked about meimei at 6am+ and was told that she's doing well after a night of observation and they would be transferring back to normal nursery that day. That took them almost half the day, she only reach my ward nursery at 5pm lor.

Thank you for those who had came to visit me & meimei in the hospital during our stay. As well as all the gifts, hamper, essence (:

Shall update again, soon I hope!